14 Matching Annotations
- Aug 2022
github.com github.com
Reuses OmniAuth strategy implementation, such as facebook or google
hal.archives-ouvertes.fr hal.archives-ouvertes.fr
perhaps the mostfrequent motivation for adding dependencies in layer-3 soft-ware is the desire to write less code oneself
- Aug 2021
www.microsoft.com www.microsoft.com
Copy and pastethe module’s code into your system and make whatever changes you find nec-essary.This is usually the right thing to do for a small component
- Jun 2021
www.mutuallyhuman.com www.mutuallyhuman.com
Rather than write new tooling we decided to take advantage of tooling we had in place for our unit tests. Our unit tests already used FactoryBot, a test data generation library, for building up test datasets for a variety of test scenarios. Plus, we had already built up a nice suite of helpers that we coud re-use. By using tools and libraries already a part of the backend technology’s ecosystem we were able to spend less time building additional tooling. We had less code to maintain because of this and more time to work on solving our customer’s pain points.
- May 2021
documentation.mjml.io documentation.mjml.io
MJML comes out of the box with a set of standard components to help you build easily your first templates without having to reinvent the wheel.
- Dec 2020
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
For example, an event handler callback that can be used to handle both fullscreenchange and fullscreenerror might look like this:
- Oct 2020
medium.com medium.com
Yes, you cannot fully express a modern app through templates without sacrificing flexibility and code reusability.
- Sep 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
setContext / getContext can only be used once at component init, so how do you share your API result through context? Related: how would you share those API results if the call was made outside of a Svelte component, where setContext would be even more out of the question (and the API call would arguably be better located, for separation of concerns matters)? Well, put a store in your context.
adamloving.com adamloving.com
There’s a bunch of fiddly syntax here, not to mention 2 separate build stacks and 3 sets of dependencies, but the end result is awesome. Simply renaming a field on a shared model will reveal all the React components using that value on the front-end, and back-end code using it.
The “shared” schema is effectively the API schema. These are the fields exchanged in the API, common to client and server.
github.com github.com
One of the arguments that's frequently deployed in favour of JSX-based frameworks over template-based ones is that JSX allows you to use existing language constructs:
- Jul 2020
www.jonathan-harrell.com www.jonathan-harrell.com
The key to successfully creating reusable components using both render props and scoped slots is being able to correctly separate behavior from presentation. Each time you create a new UI component, think “What is the core behavior of this component? Can I use this anywhere else?”
- May 2020
docs.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com
There are no plans to deprecate the REST API. To reduce the technical burden of supporting two APIs in parallel, they should share implementations as much as possible.
- Mar 2020
bernardic.ca bernardic.ca
it comes down to opportunities for code reuse. Will your system re-use more code if you use WordPress and its very usable admin area, myriad of available plugins and themes? Or can you re-use more code by harnessing the object-oriented design, DSLs and good software development practices mecca that is Ruby, Rails and the available libraries and tools?