15 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2023
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Using --ours did what I was after, just discarding the incoming cherry picked file. @Juan you're totally right about those warning messages needing to say what they did't do, not just why they didn't do it. And a bit more explanation that the ambiguity from the conflict needs to be resolved (by using --ours, etc) would be super helpful to this error message.
- Sep 2022
github.com github.com
the errors that you get from JSON schema can sometimes be very confusing. I wanted to be able to generate errors that could easily be understood to speed up debugging time.
- Dec 2021
github.com github.com
We couldn't see the cause due to the horrific error message from Sapper. grr at Sapper.
- Apr 2021
samba.2283325.n4.nabble.com samba.2283325.n4.nabble.com
I`m getting "rsync warning: some files vanished before they could be transferred (code 24) at main.c(1518) [generator=3.0.9]" on one of my systems i`m backing up with rsync , but rsync doesn`t show WHICH files.
- Oct 2020
github.com github.com
`Module ${a.id} may be unable to evaluate without ${b.id}, but is included first due to a cyclical dependency. Consider swapping the import statements in ${parent} to ensure correct ordering`
- Sep 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
the error/warning output about unresolved dependencies and missing global variable names doesn't provide any more information about which dependencies are part of the problem:
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Why do I need a global variable? Is the global requirement from ES6 modules (I'd have thought modules would be in a functional scope) or rollup?
github.com github.com
DX: start sapper project; configure eslint; eslint say that svelt should be dep; update package.json; build fails with crypt error; try to figure what the hell; google it; come here (if you have luck); revert package.json; add ignore error to eslint; Maybe we should offer better solution for this.
When the message say function was called outside component initialization first will look at my code and last at my configuration.
We could at least try to offer better error message for this, before it becomes our next NullPointerException, Segmentation Fault or Kernel Panic
- reasonable expectation
- web search for something brings me here
- useless/unhelpful/generic error messages that don't reveal why/how error was caused
- errors are helpful for development (better than silently failing)
- frustrating
- memes
- expectations
- dev experience
- errors
- good point
- what a reasonable person would do
- error messages: should reveal/point to why/how error was caused and how to fix/prevent it
- can we do even better?
github.com github.com
i feel it should get a runtime warning / error, if it returns something besides function or undefined.
- Apr 2020
guides.rubyonrails.org guides.rubyonrails.org
The translated model name, translated attribute name, and value are always available for interpolation as model, attribute and value respectively.
- Mar 2020
piwik.pro piwik.pro
Some error occured while registering your request.
- Feb 2020
github.com github.com
Crows::NotAuthorizedError: not allowed to destroy? this #<Post