- Oct 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Nicht nur #BP investiert in mehr fossile Infrastruktur und verzichtet auf Dekarbonisierungsziele. Große Firmen und Investmentgesellschaften geben die Orientierung an „Environmental, social and governace“- (ESG-)Standards zunehmend auf. Für #BlackRock, #Vanguard, #JPMorgan und #StateStreet spielen sie keine oder nur noch eine geringe Rolle, die EU hat sie verwässert. Der Guardian berichtet darüber in einem gut recherchierten Überblicksartikel. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/oct/13/very-concerning-bp-dilutes-net-zero-targets-as-global-retreat-from-green-standards-gathers-pace
- Lewis Johnston
- Climate Action 100+
- by: Julia Kollewe
- fossil expansion
- BlackRock
- by: Kalyeena Makortoff
- State Street
- ShareAction
- Shell
- plastic
- Gemma Woodward
- lowering of climate ambition
- European Sustainability Reporting Standards
- Unilever
- ESG standards
- Vanguard
- Greenpeace
- JP Morgan
- Quilter Cheviot
- by: Jillian Ambrose
- BP
- Jun 2024
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Dem Global Energy Monitor zufolge sollen in den kommenden Jahren 1,5 Billionen Dollar in LNG Terminals und Pipelines investiert werden. 20% dieser Summe sind für Europa geplant und hier wiederum ein großer Teil für Anlagen in Griechenland. Die USA lobbyieren in Mittel- und Südosteuropa intensiv, um ihr LNG dort zu verkaufen. Der subventionierte Aufbau von Gasinfrastruktur übersteigt den europäischen Bedarf bei weitem. Reportage in der New York Times zum Gasboom in Griechenland. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/31/climate/greece-europe-natural-gas-lng.html
- Global LNG Outlook 2024-2028
- Energiewende
- event: Fifth New York - Eastern Mediterranean Business Summit
- ReCommon
- by: Max Bearak
- fossil expansion
- Nord Mazedonien
- Theodota Nantsou
- Albanien
- project: Alexandropoulis
- region: Balkan
- project: Revithoussa
- Global Energy Monitor
- Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis
- ACER European LNG Market Monitoring Report (MMR)
- US-Moratorium für neue LNG-Terminals
- Bulgarien
- Serbien
- Antonio Tricarico
- Greece
- May 2024
ecopolitic.com.ua ecopolitic.com.ua
Die steigende europäische Nachfrage nach Erdgas wird einer Studie von Global witness zufolge bis 2033 Investitionen von 223 Milliarden Dollar hervorrufen. Die von Europa ausgelösten Gesamtinvestitionen in Erdgas werden bis dahin eine Billion Dollar ausmachen. https://ecopolitic.com.ua/en/news/popit-na-gaz-v-ies-sprichinit-novi-investicii-u-vikopne-palivo-na-223-milyardiv-doslidzhennya-2/
- Jan 2016
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
What roles do sugar and slavery play in the expansion of European empires?
Sugar was becoming very popular in Asia and was quickly discovered by the Europeans. The Portuguese had to find new land to grow the sugar cane because it was required to have the right conditions to grow. This is when the Portuguese found the Guanches, an African tribe in order to take care of the sugar cane. This helped the Portuguese become very wealthy.
Sugar, a wildly profitable commodity originally grown in Asia, had become a popular luxury among the nobility and wealthy of Europe. The Portuguese began growing sugar cane along the Mediterranean, but sugar was a difficult crop.
The Portuguese found that sugar was a high profitable crop that they can get wealthy off of and decided to take action in the market with it. They enslaved Africans during the time they grew crops so they could make a higher profit in the business.
Columbus described them as innocents. “They are very gentle and without knowledge of what is evil; nor the sins of murder or theft,” he reported to the Spanish crown. “Your highness may believe that in all the world there can be no better people … They love their neighbors as themselves, and their speech is the sweetest and gentlest in the world, and always with a smile.”
Knowing the outcome, this quote looks much less like Columbus is holding the Arawaks in high regard, but more so confirming what Columbus later reports that "they can all be subjugated and made to do what is required of them".
Spain, too, stood on the cutting edge of maritime technology. Spanish sailors had become masters of the caravels.
Portugal advanced in maritime technology through use of caravels and astrolabes. What advancements in technology, aside from mastering the caravel, did Spain accomplish?