2 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2024
    1. so because now the mind is not because the the the mind isn't separate from everything else your mind begins to become more and more synchronistic

      for - insight - embodied wisdom of interdependent origination - increase in synchronicity - John Churchill - metaphor - node in an interconnected graph of reality

      insight - embodied wisdom of interdependent origination - increase in synchronicity - John Churchill - This is an interesting insight - We can possibly explain it this way: - When we have a limited embodiment of who we are as the traditional ego-bound-to-body, our experiences are interpreted in a limited way, though we aren't aware of it - However, when we have a more expanded embodiment of who we are that is more nondualistic, in which - sense of self and - the environment - become blurred due to experiencing cause-and-effect between self and environment in a more nuanced way - When we don't have enough perceptual acuity to understand that one event is related to another, we infer correlation instead of causality - events that appeared random from the limited perspective become nonrandom and more noticed at the more expansive perspective - From a more expansive perspective, we could feel more strings attached to us and events pull on us through those connecting strings - When we feel separate, we don't experience the pull of those connecting strings - Indeed, we do not even perceive there to be strings that connect us

      metaphor - node in an interconnected graph of reality - One possible metaphor is that as we expand our perception and cognition, we become more aware that we are like a node with infinite connections to other nodes of reality

  2. Sep 2021