- Feb 2022
penpub.ink penpub.ink
Gerben and Brendan Howell created PenPub which connects with a Moleskine/Neo smartpen via bluetooth, turns the lines into an SVG file, uploads that to a static web server, and thereby creates a ‘paper website’ that is a live reflection of your notebook (with a few seconds delay)
- Example page: http://penpub.ink/page38.html
- PenPub code is available at: https://gitlab.com/bhowell/penpub
- Nov 2021
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
The form of this is a lot like a commonplace book or zettelkasten, but focused on one particular end-goal. Also a little bit like a journal of things read, listened to, watched, etc.
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
Doing some research for my Paper Website / Blog.
Similar to some of the pre-printed commonplace books of old particularly with respect to the tag and tag index sections.
I sort of like that it is done in a way that makes it useful for general life even if one isn't going to use it as a "blog".
How can I design mine to be easily photographed and transferred to an actual blog, particularly with Micropub in mind?
Don't forget space for the blog title and tagline. What else might one put on the front page(s) for identity? Name, photo, address, lost/found info, website URL (naturally)...
Anything else I might want to put in the back besides an category index or a tag index? (Should it have both?)