5 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
  2. Nov 2023
    1. we don't have anybody in Canada 00:51:56 who's serious about how would you help a whole society that doesn't even understand the depth to which it is modern come to terms of the fact it has no future as a modern culture 00:52:10 and how would you help them understand that in a way that doesn't terrify them and see that as an adventure so we could replace the Alberta Advantage which is about low taxes and money in your pocket 00:52:22 to the Alberta Adventure week Alberta could be earn a reputation at least it could I mean we do have enough Mavericks and things we have the possibility of 00:52:34 earning a global reputation of becoming the most extraordinary place in the world that is taking this work seriously
      • for: perspective shift - modernity to "neo-indigenous"

      • question

        • how do you transform fear of the perceived great loss of modernity to the gains of neo-indigenous civilization?
        • we would have to feature the many potential benefits of doing this
        • it can't be just a big loss, but the pros must outweigh the cons
  3. Sep 2023
    1. in the Middle Ages, and still in the usual meanings of words in English, transcendent and transcendental are almost synonymous. It means beyond, beyond what? Beyond appearances. Beyond experience. Something that explains experience, but it's not directly experienced. But Kant distinguished between the two meanings. 00:08:30 He said, as soon as we posit with the unconditioned, outside of all possible experience, the ideas become transcendent. So this is the usual meaning of transcendent. Kant uses transcendental in a completely different sense. It's not what is beyond appearances. But what is below appearances. And becomes the condition of possibility 00:08:58 of these appearances. It's from where appearances appear. That is the new sense of transcendental by Kant.
      • for: transcendent, transcendental, definition - transcendental, Kant - transcendental, phenomenology
      • definition: transcendental

        • not what is BEYOND appearances (the usual colloquial meaning of transcend) but what is BELOW appearances
        • in other words, it is the condition of possibilities of these appearances, it is from where appearances appear
      • perspective shift: transcendental

        • Until encountering this explanation, I battled with and puzzled over the explanation of the transcendental given by all other authors. I found them overly complex and unintelligible without understanding many other major hidden assumptions
        • In my view, this proves Bilbot's mastery as a an educator on the most profound ideas in philosophy
          • Above all, he has a deep understanding of the salience landscape of his audience, something which almost all other author's and educators miss
  4. Oct 2020
  5. Jun 2020