- Feb 2025
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Triumph Adler Tippa / Tippa S / Contessa De Luxe Service Manual - T.A. Vertriebs-GmbH Nürnberg<br /> by [[T.A. Vertriebs-GmbH Nürnberg]]
- Dec 2024
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If you need them for basic functionality, often you can find the manuals of the original manufacturers' models for rebrands (example: the Sears Tower machines which were really just rebrandings of the Smith-Corona 5 series).
Additionally, after the 1930s there really wasn't a lot of new functionality, so almost any manual will help you to get you where you need to go, though there are some small differences in locations of things like carriage locks which can be helpful to know about and whose placement moved around on various machines.
You might also notice that as typewriters were more ubiquitous in the 60s and 70s their manuals got thinner and thinner with less detail. If you do find a specific manual, you're unlikely to find very much in it.
The Davis Brothers have some history on the Commodore line which was related to some of the Sears Chevron line. Polt does have two Commodore manuals which may be close to your machine: https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/tw-manuals.html
- Oct 2024
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Crash course on typewriter maintenance and repair
A list of resources and references for the budding typewriter repair person. There is a lot here that I've compiled and consumed over the last six months, so don't be overwhelmed. Half the battle is figuring out where to find all these things, so if nothing else, this should shave off a month of reading and researching.
Basic Introductory Material
Get a notebook and be ready to take some notes so you'll remember where you found the random information you're bound to pick up over time and are able to occasionally review it.
Work your way through Sarah Everett's excellent Typewriter 101 videos (at least the first five): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJtHauPh529XYHI5QNj5w9PUdi89pOXsS
Read Richard Polt's book which is a great overview to the general space:<br /> Polt, Richard. The Typewriter Revolution: A Typist’s Companion for the 21st Century. 1st ed. Woodstock, VT: Countryman Press, 2015.
Next watch the documentary California Typewriter. Documentary. Gravitas Pictures, 2016. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5966990/. It has some interesting subtle material hiding within it, but it will give you a good idea of where you're headed off to.
Get a machine (or four) you can practice on. Get a flat head screwdriver and maybe a small adjustable wrench. Buy some mineral spirits and a small headed toothbrush and clean out your first machine. Buy some light sewing machine oil and try oiling it. Search YouTube for videos about how to repair anything that may be wrong with it.
Basic restoration advice: https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/tw-restoration.html
On colloquial advice for degreasing, cleaning, and oiling manual typewriters https://boffosocko.com/2024/08/09/on-colloquial-advice-for-degreasing-cleaning-and-oiling-manual-typewriters/
Repair Manuals
Create an account on typewriterdatabase.com which will give you some additional access to catalogs, manuals, and dealer catalogs.
They also have some openly accessible material like:<br /> * https://typewriterdatabase.com/manuals.php
Printed manuals: https://www.lulu.com/search?adult_audience_rating=00&contributor=Ted+Munk&page=1&pageSize=50 PDF manuals: https://sellfy.com/twdb
Ted Munk's website also has a plethora of ephemera that is often useful * https://munk.org/typecast/
Richard Polt's list of service manuals, which also includes some correspondence course typewriter repair classes: https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/tw-manuals.html#servicemanuals
In rough order of increasing complexity:
- Typewriter Tool Kit from the DOLLAR TREE by Just My Typewriter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-7E4fM6gBw
- Some simple basics and where to get them: https://boffosocko.com/2024/08/11/adding-to-my-typewriter-toolset/
- Typewriter tools of the trade: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5bKk93rtxs
- Lucas Dul's Toolset presentation: https://virtualhermans.com/lucas-dul
- Tour of an advanced hobbyist/semi-pro shop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZjf6InMlgU
Tools can be expensive, so start out small with just a few things and expand as you need them. You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish with a single thin bladed flathead screwdriver, an adjustable wrench, a rag, a bottle of Simple Green cleaning solution, and a bottle of isopropyl alcohol.
Subscribe to and become acquainted with YouTube channels like the following:
- Duane Jensen's Phoenix Typewriter https://www.youtube.com/@phoenixtypewriter2136
- Gerren Balch's HotRod Typewriter Company https://www.youtube.com/@HotRodTypewriter
- Joe Van Cleave https://www.youtube.com/@Joe_VanCleave
- Sarah Everett's Just My Typewriter https://www.youtube.com/@JustMyTypewriter
While watching a variety of videos is great, as you're doing specific repairs search YouTube and you're likely to find full demos of the repairs you're doing yourself.
I've compiled a playlist of videos for repair of an Olympia SM3 which, while specific to the SM3, is a an excellent outline/overview of how to disassemble a portable typewriter, where many of the adjustment points are as well as an outline of the order to do them in.
If you're not a good typist or don't have experience in the area, try out some of the following short films which will also provide some useful historical perspective:
- Basic Typing: Methods. Vol. MN-1512a. United States Navy Training Film, 1943. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztyzGit1dTI.
- Basic Typing: Machine Operation. Vol. MN-1512b. United States Navy Training Film, 1943. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-REJEArnjE.
- Advanced Typing: Shortcuts. Vol. MN-1512c. United States Navy Training Film, 1943. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUJfCfqgsX0.
- Advanced Typing: Duplicating and Manuscript. Vol. MN-1512d. United States Navy Training Film, 1943. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ve5JnTUzvo.
- Maintenance Of Office Machines. Vol. MN-1513. United States Navy Training Film, 1943. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocdxgkxKAKo.
Internships & Apprenticeships
If you have the time and flexibility try arranging an internship or apprenticeship with a local typewriter repair shop. Meet your local repair people even if you can't spend the time on an internship. You'll learn a lot and create relationships with businesses who will more easily swap/supply you with machines they're parting out or access to tools which may otherwise be difficult to source.
- Austin Typewriter Ink https://www.austintypewriterink.com/ati-the-podcast.html
- Charm Type Repair https://charmtypepodcast.podbean.com/
Some useful Bibliography
- Athey, Ralph S. Typewriter Repair Training Course. Tarentum, PA: Typewriter Repair Training, 1957. https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/AtheyTypewriterRepair.pdf.
- Atkinson, Annelise. Typewriter SOS: The DIY Guide to Fixing Common Problems with Typewriters, 2014. https://www.amazon.com/Typewriter-SOS-Fixing-Problems-Typewriters/dp/1520902700/.
- Hausrath, Alfred H., and Eugene L. Dahl. Typewriter Care. Edited by Walter K.M. Slavik. Federal Work Improvement Program United States Civil Service Commission and Government Division, U.S. Treasury Department, 1945. http://archive.org/details/twcare-1945.
- Jones, Clarence LeRoy. The Manual Typewriter Repair Bible. Edited by Theodore Munk. The Typewriter Repair Bible Series, 2017. https://www.lulu.com/shop/ted-munk/the-manual-typewriter-repair-bible/paperback/product-1vgk72jp.html.
- Kasten, R. M. “First Aid for Typewriters.” Popular Science Monthly, May 1941.
- Kravitz, Bryan. Hints for a Happy Typewriter. Bryan Kravitz, 1983. https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/Hints-Happy-TW.pdf.
- Hutchison, Howard. The Typewriter Repair Manual. 1st ed. Blue Ridge Summit, Pa: Tab Books, 1981. https://www.amazon.com/typewriter-repair-manual-Howard-Hutchison/dp/0830600345.
- Munk, Theodore. “The Typewriter Database,” 2012. https://typewriterdatabase.com/.
- Pearce, H. G. Complete Instructions: How to Repair, Rebuild, and Adjust Underwood Typewriters With Handy Reference for Locating Trouble Quickly. Bridgeport, CT: Typewriter Mechanics Publishing Co., 1920. https://johnesimmons.com/Typewriter/Articles/Manualpdf/Underwood_Repair_Manual.pdf.
- Polt, Richard. “The Classic Typewriter Page : All About Typewriters,” 2009. https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/index.html.
- Scadden, David T. Approved Home Study Course in Typewriter Repair and Service. Little Falls, NJ: Typewriter Repair School, 1959. https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/homestudycourse.pdf.
Good luck on your journey!
reply to u/fontinalispluma at https://old.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1gaza5x/learning_typewriter_maintenance_and_repair/
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I just got a 1950 version of this KMG this week in medium rough shape too. (My 7th Royal and my 2nd Standard)
Looks like a Royal KMG with the Henry Dreyfuss glass tombstone keys in Gray Frieze paint. https://typewriterdatabase.com/Royal.KMG.72.bmys
Mine has some minor carriage issues that I'm hoping clear up with some cleaning. Otherwise it may need some tools and internal repair work and/or parts. If yours is generally working, a good cleaning and oiling should get you going: https://boffosocko.com/2024/08/09/on-colloquial-advice-for-degreasing-cleaning-and-oiling-manual-typewriters/
Diagram of parts: https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/RoyalKMGdiagram.jpg
Manual of the prior model KMM which preceeded it, so the functionalilty should be almost exactly the same: https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/RoyalKMM.pdf (Royal Standard internals were almost exactly the same from the Ten (1909) through the FP/Empress (1966).)
Home Study Course in Typewriter Repair and Service: ca. 1959, published by the Typewriter Repair School in Little Falls, New Jersey. Focuses on the Royal KMM among others: https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/homestudycourse.pdf
See also:<br /> - https://typewriterdatabase.com/manuals.php - https://typewriterdatabase.com/1968-Ames_Standard_SVC.royal-repair.manual - https://typewriterdatabase.com/1960-Ames_Gen_Cat_10-March.royal-parts-01.manual
Searching on YouTube for cleaning and repair advice should help out a lot. Phoenix Typewriter has some solid videos on related models (search also the Royal X (ten), KH, KHM, KMM, KMG, HH, FP, and Empress which are all roughly the same internals with slightly different body styles.)
If you need some basic typewriter 101, try: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJtHauPh529XYHI5QNj5w9PUdi89pOXsS
reply to u/MajesticWear5478 https://old.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1g1i440/tips_for_cleaning_and_fixing_a_1949_royal/#lightbox
oldbobsoldtypewriters.com oldbobsoldtypewriters.com
- Aug 2024
site.xavier.edu site.xavier.edu
A wide variety of typewriter manuals are available here: https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/tw-manuals.html
Keep in mind that most typewriters are so similar in functionality that even an adjacent manual will help a lot if you have no experience.
munk.org munk.org
typewriterdatabase.com typewriterdatabase.com
Common Typewriter Problems and Fixes
A short pictorial primer for quick repairs of many common typewriter problems including:<br /> - stripping a typewriter<br /> - cleaning and oiling - carriage not moving<br /> - ribbon reverse not working<br /> - bell not working - characters out of alignment<br /> - inconsistent margin<br /> - space bar jumping/inconsistent
typewriterdatabase.com typewriterdatabase.com
typewriterdatabase.com typewriterdatabase.com
AMES OAMI Mechanical Training Manual for Standard and Portable Typewriters<br /> By: Clarence Leroy Jones<br /> In 3 Volumes plus Addendum - Published 1945<br /> Volume Three: Noiseless Typewriters<br /> By: Byron L. Wolfe, Illustrations by: R. J. Tiller & Jack Lewis<br /> https://typewriterdatabase.com/1945-AMES-OAMI-MechanicalTrainingMan.v3-noiseless.manual
- Jun 2024
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- Jun 2023
- May 2023
Local file Local file
“The Remington Noiseless Way.” Remington Rand Inc., ca 1940. From the Peter Weil Typewriter Archives. https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/RemingtonNoiseless10.pdf.