8 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2024
  2. Nov 2023
    1. Improved blank slate experiences: After a user signs in using a social media account, site owners have the ability to auto-suggest or auto-populate their settings with information held in their social account. This lets organizations create a first impression of convenience and encourage further use of their apps and site.
  3. May 2022
  4. hamamoozfiles.s3.ir-thr-at1.arvanstorage.com hamamoozfiles.s3.ir-thr-at1.arvanstorage.com
    1. هدف باید مشخص باشه و ریز (برای یک قسمت کار) مثل : ساخت حساب کاربری رابطه باید یک طرفه باشه باید هر مرحله رو زیرش توضیح بدیم تیک ضربدر میشه به فلوهای مجزا تقسیم کرد

    2. Flow شبیه به الگوریتم و فلوچارت هست

      فلوی کاربری

    3. مراحل نوشتن یوزر فلو: شناسایی هدف کاربر (ریز اهداف ) نوشتن قدم های لازم برای رسیدن به هدف کشیدن فلوی کاربر

    4. مراحی که کاربر برای رسیدن به هدفش انجام میدهد باید طوری طراحی شود که کاربرد به بنبست نرسد و به مشکل نخورد.

      overflow.io flowmapp. analytics google

  5. Apr 2022
    1. We have to endlessly scroll and parse a ton of images and headlines before we can find something interesting to read.

      The randomness of interesting tidbits in a social media scroll help to put us in a state of flow. We get small hits of dopamine from finding interesting posts to fill in the gaps of the boring bits in between and suddenly find we've lost the day. As a result an endless scroll of varying quality might have the effect of making one feel productive when in fact a reasonably large proportion of your time is spent on useless and uninteresting content.

      This effect may be put even further out when it's done algorithmically and the dopamine hits become more frequent. Potentially worse than this, the depth of the insight found in most social feeds is very shallow and rarely ever deep. One is almost never invited to delve further to find new insights.

      How might a social media stream of content be leveraged to help people read more interesting and complex content? Could putting Jacques Derrida's texts into a social media-like framing create this? Then one could reply to the text by sentence or paragraph with their own notes. This is similar to the user interface of Hypothes.is, but Hypothes.is has a more traditional reading interface compared to the social media space. What if one interspersed multiple authors in short threads? What other methods might work to "trick" the human mind into having more fun and finding flow in their deeper and more engaged reading states?

      Link this to the idea of fun in Sönke Ahrens' How to Take Smart Notes.

  6. Apr 2020