- Mar 2022
every.to every.to
A manifesto about what the Every platform is all about. They're trying to create a new(?) economic model for writers working together.
I'm not really sure how this is dramatically different from prior efforts or if the economic incentives are actually properly aligned here. Many writers without critically looking at the whole may be led here as much by marketing hype as anything else. It almost sounds like they're recreating The Huffington Post, but giving away some of the value up front instead of leaving all the value in one person's hand for a future sale.
Who owns the copyright of the created works? Are editors and proofreaders just work for hire here? What about their interests?
- Jul 2019
guides.lib.utexas.edu guides.lib.utexas.edu
Except when work-for-hire rules apply. The author's employer owns work(s
What is the work-for-hire rule? (https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/17/201)