420 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2023
    1. Ivan Illich, in his brilliant study of medieval reading and the evolution of the book, In the Vineyard of the Text, noted how emerging textual technologies reconfigured how readers related to what they read. It is a complex, multifaceted argument and I won’t do justice to it here, but the heart of it is summed up in the title of Illich’s closing chapter, “From Book to Text.” After explaining what Illich meant by the that formulation, I’m going to suggest that we consider an analogous development: from photograph to image. Like the photography, writing is, as Plato understood, a mnemonic technology. The book or codex is only one form the technology has taken, but it is arguably the most important form owing to its storage capacity and portability. Contrast the book to, for instance, a carved stone tablet or a scroll and you’ll immediately recognize the brilliance of the design. But the matter of sorting and searching remained a significant problem until the twelfth century. It is then that new features appeared to improve the book’s accessibility and user-friendliness, among them chapter titles, pagination, and the alphabetized index. Now one cloud access particular passages without having to either read the whole work or, more to the point, either memorize the passages or their location in the book (illuminated manuscripts were designed to aide with the latter).

      Ivan Illich在他对中世纪阅读和书的演变的杰出研究中,在《In the Vineyard of the Text》中指出,新兴的文本技术是如何重新配置读者与他们所读的东西的关系的。这是一个复杂的、多方面的论点,它的核心被总结在Illich最后一章的标题中,"从书到文本"(From Book to Text)。在解释了Illich的这一表述的含义之后,建议我们考虑一个类似的发展:从照片到图像。


  2. Sep 2022
  3. Nov 2021
  4. Oct 2021
    1. When transmitting personal speech, whether in the form of emails, text messages, video chats, or social media posts, Internet companies in general and social media companies in particular would be expected to act as common carriers. They would transmit our messages without prejudice, and they would be prohibited from exploiting the contents of those messages, or any related personal information, for commercial purposes. When an app needs to draw on personal data to perform a function requested by the user, it would operate as a closed-loop system, using the data only to provide the specified function. The privacy restrictions would also cover our conversations with chatbots like Alexa and Siri and our interactions with other automated systems such as Google’s search engine. Like the professional telegraph operators of old, the machines that “read” our correspondence would be expected to respect our privacy and dignity.


    1. “Content is a word that was invented by people who want to create boxes that they can sell ads around, and they had to come up with a name for what goes in the box, and that word was “content.” In other words, if you’re using the word “content” that means you really don’t have a vision for what you’re making. Because creating good content requires specificity: It requires a point of view and strong writing and the right package to frame it, to catch someone’s attention, and to inspire trust.This is no easy task.”

      "内容 "这个词是由那些想创造盒子的人发明的,他们可以围绕盒子卖广告,他们必须为盒子里的东西想出一个名字,这个词就是 "内容"。

      换句话说,如果你使用 "内容 "这个词,这意味着你真的没有对你所做的东西有一个愿景。因为创造好的内容需要具体性。它需要一个观点和强有力的写作,以及正确的包装来框住它,吸引别人的注意力,并激发信任。这不是一件容易的事"。

    2. “Our task is not to find the maximum amount of content in a work of art… Our task is to cut back content so that we can see the thing at all.”

      苏珊·桑塔格 (Susan Sontag) 说:“我们的任务不是在艺术作品中找到最大量的内容……我们的任务是减少内容,以便我们能够看到事物。”

    1. Personal: Your data is yours. You can move it in, move it out, take it with you. The tool is also yours. You can use it as you like, and combine it with other tools.Multiplayer: Personal doesn’t have to mean solitary. One of the most interesting ways of thinking is thinking together. “Knowledge production is a group activity, not an individual one.” (Engelbart).Distributed: It’s a bummer that SaaS companies own most of our infrastructure for thought. I think it would be valuable if some of our infrastructure for thought was not-owned, or rather, owned by you, owned by everyone, interdependently, through some mix of federation, or p2p, maybe.Evolvable: Everyone thinks differently. I would like a tool with building blocks you can remix and evolve for new ways of thinking, new use-cases. An open-ended tool you can repurpose to your creative needs.
      • 个人的:你的数据是你的。你可以把它搬进去,搬出来,带着它。这个工具也是你的。你可以随心所欲地使用它,并将它与其他工具相结合。
      • 多人的。个人并不一定意味着孤独。最有趣的思考方式之一是共同思考。"知识生产是一种团体活动,而不是个人活动"。(Knowledge production is a group activity, not an individual one. Engelbart)。
      • 分布式的。SaaS公司拥有我们大部分的思想基础设施,这是一个无奈之举。如果我们的一些思想基础设施不是由你拥有的,而是由每个人拥有的,相互依赖的,通过某种混合的联盟,或者P2P,也许,可能会很有价值。
      • 可进化的。每个人的思考方式不同。希望有一个带有构建模块的工具,可以重新组合和发展新的思维方式。这是一个开放式的工具,你可以根据自己的创造性需求进行调整。
    2. In Tools for Conviviality, Ivan Illich describes a kind of tool that is shared in common, and which expands personal creative freedom and communal interdependence. He calls these convivial tools. Bicycles, libraries, and sewing machines can all be convivial tools.

      Ivan Illich在《Tools for Conviviality》中描述了一种共享的工具,它扩展了个人的创作自由和群体的相互依赖。他称这些为欢乐工具(convivial tools)。自行车、图书馆和缝纫机都可以成为欢乐工具(convivial tools)。

    1. Ideas are fragile. If they were resolved, they would not be ideas, they would be products. It takes determined effort not to be consumed by the problems of a new idea. Problems are easy to articulate and understand, and they take the oxygen. Steve focused on the actual ideas, however partial and unlikely.


    1. Of what could art speak, indeed? If it adapts itself to what the majority of our society wants, art will be a meaningless recreation. If it blindly rejects that society, if the artist makes up his mind to take refuge in his dream, art will express nothing but a negation.


  5. Sep 2021
    1. Fyodorov’s most famous follower was Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, whose astronautic theory shaped the Russian (and later the Soviet) space program. A drawing in his 1883 manuscript Free Space might be the first depiction of humans in orbital weightlessness. Four figures float in a spherical spaceship, each pointed in a different direction, disoriented. Tsiolkovsky’s ship seems better equipped than its passengers to operate in a fully three-dimensional environment. It has engines at both ends of a primary spine and gyroscopes on the other two axes, so that it can spin round and fire rocket thrust in any direction. This basic design — primary thruster, secondary retro rockets, axial gyros for orientation — has been used by all crewed Russian and American spacecraft to date, including the International Space Station.

      康斯坦丁·齐奥尔科夫斯基 1883 年手稿《自由空间》(Free Space)中的一幅画可能是人类首次描绘人类在太空轨道的失重状态。四个人漂浮在球形宇宙飞船中,每个人都指向不同的方向。飞船的主轴两端都有发动机,另外两个轴上有陀螺仪,因此它可以旋转并向任何方向推动。迄今为止,所有载人的航天器都使用了这种基本设计——主推进器、二级火箭、用于定向的轴向陀螺仪。

    1. In 1931, the German cultural critic Walter Benjamin wrote an essay called “Unpacking My Library,” describing these relationships with cultural objects. In the essay, Benjamin narrates removing his book collection from dusty crates, untouched for years. The volumes are splayed loose on the floor, “not yet touched by the mild boredom of order,” all set to be rearranged on shelves once more. For Benjamin, the very possession of these books formed his identity as a reader, writer, and human being — even if he hadn’t read all of them. They sat proudly on his shelves as symbols, representing the knowledge that he still aspired to gain or the cities he had traveled, where he encountered a book in a previously unknown shop. Collecting books was his way of interacting with the world, of building a worldview.

      1931 年,瓦尔特·本雅明 (Walter Benjamin) 撰写了一篇名为“开箱整理我的藏书 ”的文章。在这篇文章中,本雅明叙述了从多年未动过的书箱中取出他的藏书。这些书在地板上散开,“还没有被无聊的秩序所触动”,所有这些都将再次重新排列在书架上。对于本雅明来说,拥有这些书就构成了他作为读者、作家和人类的身份——即使他没有阅读所有这些书。它们作为符号自豪地摆在他的书架上,代表着他仍然渴望获得的知识,或他旅行过的城市——在那里他在一家不为人知的书店遇到了一本书。收藏书籍是他与世界互动、建立世界观的方式。

    1. While we’re still in the early stages, AI tools have the potential to democratize content creation and empower human creators to focus on higher-level design and story-telling. Both the quantity and quality of UGC will improve as these tools are adopted. And over time, as AI models improve, the quality of emergent, AI-created content may one day even surpass the caliber of human-created content, paving the way for a shift in how we socialize and spend time in virtual worlds.


    1. “Just as the mail, the telegraph, the telephone, text and video are utilities for collaborative work, we believe Roblox and the metaverse will join these as essential tools for business communication,” Mr. Baszucki said. “Ultimately, someday we may even shop within Roblox.”

      “正如邮件、电报、电话、文本和视频是协作工作的实用工具,我们相信 Roblox 和元宇宙将加入这些作为商业交流的基本工具,”Baszucki 先生说。“最终,有一天我们甚至可以在 Roblox 内购物。”

    1. the last decade of social has been about simply putting videos, photos, and text up. And making this easy for anyone to publish. This has unlocked hundreds of billions of dollars of business value. I think it may not be enough to simply do more photos, text, and video. Instead, new platforms will emerge that let people author 3D content more easily — and maybe put it into a game. Or interactive content. Or NFTs. And of course audio. All of these new forms of media will probably look like toys at first, but they may catch on in a big way.

      “过去十年的社交只是简单地将视频、照片和文本放在一起。并使任何人都可以轻松发布。这已经释放了数千亿美元的商业价值。我认为仅仅发布更多的照片、文字和视频可能还不够。取而代之的是,新平台将会出现,让人们可以更轻松地创作 3D 内容——并可能将其放入游戏中。或互动内容。或 NFT。当然还有音频。所有这些新形式的媒体一开始可能看起来像玩具,但它们可能会大受欢迎。”

    1. If you're paying close attention, you might have noticed this phenomenon has an important corollary for platforms and publishers: no matter where you draw the line, your content moderation decisions will put you in a double-bind where you can't win. Double-bind content theory is that the edgiest content will be the one that garners the most attention, however by virtue of it being edgy it will have negative social outcomes and thus negatively impact business outcomes.


    2. “One of the biggest issues social networks face is that, when left unchecked, people will engage disproportionately with more sensationalist and provocative content. This is not a new phenomenon. It is widespread on cable news today and has been a staple of tabloids for more than a century. At scale it can undermine the quality of public discourse and lead to polarization. In our case, it can also degrade the quality of our services.


  6. www.lootproject.com www.lootproject.com
    1. Loot is randomized adventurer gear generated and stored on chain. Stats, images, and other functionality are intentionally omitted for others to interpret. Feel free to use Loot in any way you want.


      随意以任何您想要的方式使用 Loot。

    1. the metaverse as Zuckerberg describes it—a shared 3D space where we live and work and view advertising in an embodied internet—would be an actual nightmare if it were to be designed, built, or administered by Facebook, perhaps the most notoriously drab, misinformation-littered, and aesthetically unappealing environment on the web. 

      扎克伯格所描述的元宇宙——一个共享的 3D 空间,我们在其中生活和工作,并在其中查看广告——如果它由 Facebook 设计、建造或管理,这将是一场噩梦,也许网络上单调乏味、充斥着错误信息和审美上没有什么吸引力的环境。

    2. there is something inherently dystopian in a future where humans abandon the real world in favor of an escapist and consumerist-oriented fully immersive digital one. To want to spend any serious amount of time in a metaverse, it must be made more appealing than reality, a feat which can be accomplished in one of two ways—either the world outside is already shitty enough to drive you into a glitch-prone, murder-filled alternative, or the fantasy of becoming someone else is compelling enough to consume you totally. 

      在未来,人类会放弃现实世界,转而支持逃避现实和消费主义的完全身临其境的数字世界,这是一种天生的反乌托邦。想要在 Metaverse 中花费大量时间,它必须比现实更有吸引力,可以通过以下两种方式来实现:要么外面的世界已经糟糕到足以让你陷入困境的境地,或者成为另一个人的幻想足以令人信服地完全吞噬你。

    1. Tim Berners- Lee, founder of the World Wide Web, said: “The dream behind the Web is of a common information space in which we communicate by sharing information. Its universality is essential: the fact that a hypertext link can point to anything, be it personal, local or global, be it draft or highly polished.”

      万维网创始人Tim Berners-Lee (蒂姆·伯纳斯-李)说:“万维网背后的梦想是一个共同的信息空间,我们可以在其中通过共享信息进行交流。它的普遍性是必不可少的:超文本链接可以指向任何东西,无论是个人的、本地的还是全球的,无论是草稿的还是成品。”

  7. Aug 2021
    1. “In our vision, metaverse platforms will connect people from different life experiences with new and interesting ideas,” Roblox CEO David Baszucki wrote in the prospectus. “We believe these connections will help build empathy by safely immersing people in different perspectives, where they will hear diverse viewpoints. And someday, as the metaverse supports a broader range of positive educational and social experiences, we hope this can expand opportunities for all people around the world.”

      Roblox 首席执行官 David Baszucki 在招股说明书中写道:“在我们的愿景中,Metaverse 平台将把来自不同生活经历的人们与新的有趣想法联系起来。” “我们相信,这些联系将有助于建立同理心,让人们安全地沉浸在不同的观点中,在那里他们将听到不同的观点。有一天,随着 Metaverse 支持更广泛的积极教育和社交体验,我们希望这可以为世界各地的所有人扩大机会。”

    1. Epic has stated that its goal is to allow all IP owners and companies to build on top of its platform to the fullest.

      Epic 表示,其目标是让所有知识产权所有者和公司充分利用其平台进行构建。

    1. mountain biking is the physical embodiment of the concept of mindfulness: it requires you to be in the moment, because if your attention wanders, the consequences can be severe. For that short hour or two on the trail, I am how people are meant to be—free. Biking helps me momentarily forget that I’ve spent years wrestling with anxiety and depression.


    1. Facebook isn’t the first company to come up with the idea of VR-powered office meetings. Spatial, which Recode’s Adam Clark Estes wrote about last year, offers a lot of the same features as Workrooms, raising familiar questions about whether Facebook is copying some of its smaller competitors.

      不过Facebook并不是第一个提出VR驱动办公会议想法的公司,Recode的亚当·克拉克·埃斯特斯去年撰文的《空间》提供了许多与Horizon Workrooms相同的功能,这引发了人们对于Facebook是否在复制一些规模较小的竞争对手的猜测。

    1. In 1963, the computer science luminary J.C.R. Licklider wrote a memo to his colleagues in which he envisioned a proto-internet that he called the “Intergalactic Computing Network.” The name was facetious, but it also linked Licklider’s computing vision to the overwhelming excitement around Cold War era space exploration and the sense of human possibility that came with it.

      1963 年,计算机科学界的杰出人物 JCR Licklider 写了一份备忘录给他的同事,他设想了一个原型互联网,他称之为“星际计算网络”。这个名字很滑稽,但它也将 Licklider 的计算愿景与围绕冷战时代太空探索的压倒性兴奋以及随之而来的人类可能性联系起来。

    1. If you're trying to write an 80,000 word novel and you only write 80,000 words, it might be acceptable. But if you wrote 300,000 or 400,000 words and cut that back to 80,000, it’s almost certain that it would be a better novel.

      如果你想写一部8万字的小说,而你只写了 8 万字,这可能是可以接受的。但如果你写了 30 万或 40 万字,并将其削减到 8 万字,几乎可以肯定,这将是一部更好的小说。

    2. For me, a walk is a tool or platform upon which I can build, sort of like an operating system. When I become fully immersed in ‘walk mode’ the operating system begins to hum along, becoming almost autonomous, and I find the experience of this incredibly empowering. It just feels like the world and my place within it vibrates at a higher, more finely tuned level. I realize this sounds somewhat insane, and I suppose that’s true—but a long walk contains within it the act of losing your mind: the long hours, the endless kilometers. On a properly executed long walk, it feels like the world pops from HD to 4K in terms of detail and texture, if that makes any sense.



  8. Jul 2021
    1. The Metaverse is often mis-described as virtual reality. This is like saying the mobile internet is the iPhone. The iPhone isn’t the mobile internet; it’s the consumer hardware and app platform most frequently used to access the mobile internet.Sometimes the Metaverse is described as a virtual user-generated content (UGC) platform. This is like saying the internet is Yahoo!, Facebook, or World of Warcraft. Yahoo! is an internet portal/index, Facebook is a UGC-focused social network, World of Warcraft is an MMO. Other times we receive a more sophisticated explanation, such as ‘the Metaverse is a persistent virtual space enabling continuity of identity and assets’. This is much closer to the truth, but it too is insufficient. It’s a bit like saying the internet is Verizon, or Safari, or HTML. Those are a broadband provider that connects you to the entire web, a web browser that can access/render all of the internet’s webpages from a single screen and IP identifier, and a markup language that enables the creation and display of the web. And certainly, the Metaverse doesn’t mean a game or virtual space where you can hang out (similarly, the Metaverse isn’t now ‘here’ just because more of us now are hanging out virtually and/or more often).Instead, we need to think of the Metaverse as a sort of successor state to the mobile internet. And while consumers will have core devices and platforms through which they interact with the Metaverse, the Metaverse depends on so much more. There’s a reason we don’t say Facebook or Google is an internet. They are destinations and ecosystems on or in the internet, each accessible via a browser or smartphone that can also access the vast rest of the internet. Similarly, Fortnite and Roblox feel like the Metaverse because they embody so many technologies and trends into a single experience that, like the iPhone, is tangible and feels different from everything that came before. But they do not constitute the Metaverse.

      Metaverse 经常被错误地描述为虚拟现实。这就像说移动互联网就是 iPhone。iPhone 不是移动互联网;它是最常用于访问移动互联网的消费硬件和应用程序平台。

      有时,Metaverse 被描述为虚拟用户生成内容 (UGC) 平台。这就像说互联网是雅虎、Facebook 或魔兽世界。其他时候,我们会收到更复杂的解释,例如“Metaverse是一个持久的虚拟空间,可实现身份和资产的连续性”。这更接近事实,但也不够。这有点像说互联网是 Verizon、Safari 或 HTML。它们是将您连接到整个网络的宽带提供商、可以从单个屏幕和 IP 标识符访问/呈现所有互联网网页的网络浏览器,以及能够创建和显示网络的标记语言。当然,Metaverse 并不意味着您可以闲逛的游戏或虚拟空间(同样,Metaverse 现在不“在这里”只是因为我们现在有更多人在虚拟和/或更频繁地闲逛)。

      相反,我们需要将 Metaverse 视为移动互联网的一种继承状态。虽然消费者将拥有与Metaverse互动的核心设备和平台,但Metaverse所依赖的远不止这些。我们不说 Facebook 或 Google 是互联网是有原因的。他们的目的地和生态系统上或在互联网上,通过浏览器或智能手机也可以访问广大每个可访问的互联网。同样,Fortnite和Roblox感觉像 Metaverse,因为它们将如此多的技术和趋势体现在一个单一的体验中,就像 iPhone 一样,是有形的,感觉与之前的一切都不同。但它们并不构成Metaverse。

    1. What are DAOs and why are they important?On a fundamental level, you can think of DAOs as internet-native constitutions. Like regular constitutions, DAOs embed a fundamental set of rules and principles that establish an organization and determine its governance structure. But unlike regular constitutions, DAOs can execute some activities fully autonomously. For example, a DAO with its own internal capital can automatically buy and sell cryptocurrencies based on specific programmatic conditions.The autonomy of DAOs is enabled by smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with terms written as code and then deployed on blockchain networks like Ethereum. The use of smart contracts means that a DAO may function without necessarily relying on the human decision-makers in the organization. A smart contract will execute its terms regardless of what specific individuals think or want, which means that DAOs enable more decentralized decision-making for their users.In practice, this decentralization makes DAOs particularly well-suited to funding and managing projects on the internet. So far, people have created DAOs that fund and manage projects like stablecoins, venture capital funds, decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges, and meme-buying cartels. These projects manage hundreds of millions of dollars and allow strangers on the internet to come together and work towards common goals.

      什么是 DAO,为什么它们很重要?

      从根本上讲,您可以将 DAO 视为互联网原生宪法。与常规宪法一样,DAO 嵌入了一套基本的规则和原则,用于建立组织并确定其治理结构。但与常规宪法不同,DAO 可以完全自主地执行某些活动。例如,拥有自己内部资本的 DAO 可以根据特定的程序化条件自动买卖加密货币。

      DAO 的自治是通过智能合约实现的,智能合约是将条款编写为代码的自动执行合约,然后部署在像以太坊这样的区块链网络上。智能合约的使用意味着 DAO 可以运行,而不必依赖组织中的人类决策者。无论特定个人的想法或想要什么,智能合约都会执行其条款,这意味着 DAO 可以为其用户提供更加分散的决策。

      在实践中,这种去中心化使得 DAO 特别适合资助和管理互联网上的项目。到目前为止,人们已经创建了 DAO,用于资助和管理稳定币、风险投资基金、去中心化加密货币交易所等项目。这些项目管理着数亿美元,让互联网上的陌生人聚集在一起,朝着共同的目标努力。

    1. In spring 1966, on the roof of his San Francisco apartment, Stewart Brand dropped 100 micrograms of LSD and took in the majesty of the horizon. He perceived the curvature of the Earth and apprehended its finite nature, suddenly and dramatically realising that the resources on which we all depend were fragile, limited, and would run out much sooner that he’d previously imagined. In the wake of this trip, he petitioned NASA to release their photographs of the Earth taken from space — a global happening he hoped would shake humanity out of its destructive patterns of behaviour. NASA agreed, Brand printed the photo on the cover of his new manual of sustainable living, and the Whole Earth Movement was born.Some 30 years later, Brand founded the Long Now Foundation to foster long-term thinking (an obvious antidote to humanity’s chronic short-termism) and create a sustainable framework for the next 10,000 years of human civilisation. These are worthwhile and vital ideas, but they don’t necessarily translate into swift and practical action, something so desperately needed in the present day. Short of a worldwide rooftop trip (not a bad idea if a growing number of researchers are to be believed), how do we teach the world to think long term?

      1966 年春天,斯图尔特·布兰德在他旧金山公寓的屋顶上滴下了 100 微克的 LSD,看到了地平线的威严。他感知到地球的曲率并理解其有限的本质,突然而戏剧性地意识到我们所依赖的资源是脆弱的、有限的,并且会比他之前想象的更快耗尽。在这次旅行之后,他请求美国宇航局发布他们从太空拍摄的地球照片——他希望这种全球性事件能够让人类摆脱其破坏性的行为模式。美国宇航局同意,布兰德将这张照片印在他的可持续生活新手册的封面上,全球运动由此诞生。

      大约 30 年后,布兰德创立了 Long Now 基金会,以培养长期思考(人类长期的短期主义的明显解毒剂)并为未来 10,000 年的人类文明创造一个可持续的框架。这些都是有价值且重要的想法,但它们并不一定会转化为迅速而实际的行动,而这正是当今迫切需要的。除了全球屋顶旅行(如果相信越来越多的研究人员,这不是一个坏主意),我们如何教世界进行长期思考?

    1. Some decisions are consequential and irreversible or nearly irreversible -- one-way doors -- and these decisions must be made methodically, carefully, slowly, with great deliberation and consultation. If you walk through and don't like what you see on the other side, you can't get back to where you were before. But most decisions aren't like that -- they are changeable, reversible -- they're two-way doors. If you've made a suboptimal Type 2 decision, you don't have to live with the consequences for that long. You can reopen the door and go back through. 


      但大多数决定并非如此——它们是可变的、可逆的——它们是双向门。如果您做出了次优的 2 类决定,您就不必忍受那么久的后果。您可以重新打开门并返回。

    1. Drop City 是一个实验性的测地圆顶建筑项目,于 1965 年在科罗拉多州的一个牧场建立,它旨在切断与现有社会结构的所有联系。一半是扩展的艺术项目,一半是对 Buckminster Fuller(测地线穹顶的普及者)的想法的奇异解释。

      它的建筑计划是由一本名为Dome Cookbook的杂志提供的,由一位名叫史蒂夫·贝尔的前数学家撰写,他是一个古怪的人物,他写了大量关于创新几何的论文。通过使用回收材料,贝尔 和公司认为“世界上每个人都可以以不到 1,000 美元的价格拥有一个漂亮、舒适的住宅单元。”

    1. In January 2020, an influential essay by the venture capitalist Matthew Ball set out to identify key characteristics of a metaverse. Among them: it has to span the physical and virtual worlds; contain a fully fledged economy; and offer “unprecedented interoperability” — users have to be able to take their avatars and goods from one place in the metaverse to another, no matter who runs that particular part of it. Critically, no one company will run the metaverse — it will be an “embodied internet,” Zuckerberg said, operated by many different players in a decentralized way.

      2020年1月,风险投资家马修·鲍尔(Matthew Ball)发表了一篇颇具影响力的文章,阐述了元宇宙的关键特征。其中包括:1)它必须跨越物理世界和虚拟世界;2)包含完全成熟的经济;3)提供“前所未有的互操作性”,即用户必须能够将他们的化身和商品从VR中的某个地方带到其他地方,不管是谁在运营这个特定的部分。扎克伯格说,关键在于,没有任何独立公司运营元宇宙,它将是个“具体化的互联网”,由许多不同的参与者以分散的方式运营。

    2. 扎克伯格专访实录:要将FB打造为“元宇宙公司”

      Mark Zuckerberg 接受了 The Verge 的专访,描述了 Facebook 未来的战略方向:Facebook 将会成为未来 Metaverse 生态的一部分,他认为 Metaverse 等同于互联网,没有任何一家公司可以独立完成这件事,而对于 Facebook 来说机会来自更加像眼镜的 VR 设备,可以让大家像用手机一样使用 VR 设备。

    1. 亲爱的妈妈,





      您一直是个浪漫的人。您和爸爸向琼和我展示了如何建立一个充满幽默和爱心的家庭,开放的谦卑,诚实和幸福。您向我们展示了善良的价值,笑声的魔力,音乐的美,还有家庭的欢乐。您一直是我在维珍银河的指路明灯。您跟我说,我们把母舰命名为VMS Eve的那一天是您最开心的一天之一。





      爸爸总是说,“生活不是很美好吗?” 你们俩都向我们证明了这一点。


    1. A product is transformed from non-software to (entirely or mainly) software. Music compact discs become MP3’s and then streams. An alarm clock goes from a physical device on your bedside table to an app on your phone. A car goes from bent metal and glass, to software wrapped in bent metal and glass.The producers of these products are transformed from manufacturing or media or financial services companies to (entirely or mainly) software companies. Their core capability becomes creating and running software. This is, of course, a very different discipline and culture from what they used to do.As software redefines the product, and assuming a competitive market not protected by a monopoly position or regulatory capture, the nature of competition in the industry changes until the best software wins, which means the best software company wins. The best software company may be an incumbent or a startup, whoever makes the best software.
      1. 产品从非软件(彻底或击败)转变成软件。音乐光盘变成了 MP3,然后是流媒体。闹钟从摆在床头柜的实体装置变成了手机上的app。汽车从弯曲的金属件和玻璃变成了包裹在弯曲金属件和玻璃里面的软件。
      2. 这些产品的制造商从制造或媒体或金融服务公司(彻底或基本)变成了软件公司。它们的核心能力变成了开发和运行软件。当然,这是一种跟他们过去所做截然不同的学科和文化。
      3. 随着软件重新定义了产品,并假设竞争市场不受垄断地位或规制俘获的保护,行业竞争的性质会发生变化,直到最好的软件胜出,而这意味着最好的软件公司将获胜。最好的软件公司有可能是既有企业,也可能是初创公司,谁开发出最好的软件就是谁。
    2. I suspect “Artificial Intelligence” is the wrong framing for the technology; Doug Engelbart was probably more correct with what he called “Augmentation”, so think “Augmented Intelligence”. Augmented Intelligence makes machines better thought partners for people. This concept is clearer for considering both the technological and economic consequences. What we should see in a world of rapidly proliferating Augmented Intelligence is the opposite of a jobless dystopia -- productivity growth, economic growth, new job growth, and wage growth.

      我怀疑「人工智能」是该技术的错误框架;Doug Engelbart 用他所谓的“增强”可能更正确,所以想想“增强智能”。增强智能使机器成为人们更好的思想伙伴。考虑到技术和经济后果,这个概念更加清晰。在一个快速增长的增强智能世界中,我们应该看到与失业的反乌托邦相反——生产力增长、经济增长、新就业增长和工资增长。

    1. “The [responsive] environments described suggest a new art medium based on a commitment to real-time interaction between men and machines. The medium is comprised of sensing, display and control systems. It accepts inputs from or about the participant and then outputs in a way he can recognize as corresponding to his behavior. The relationship between inputs and outputs is arbitrary and variable, allowing the artist to intervene between the participant’s action and the results perceived.”


    2. “When I say that any system is in control, I mean that it is ultra-stable: capable of adapting smoothly to unpredicted changes. It has within its structure a proper deployment of requisite variety.”


    1. For some people, second-hand bookshops are the very definition of that dismissive label, ‘non-essential businesses’. Who needs them in the age of online warehouses that can get you any book you want within a day? But it’s because they’re ‘non-essential’ that they’re so enjoyable. The pleasure of visiting a good second-hand bookshop depends entirely on randomness and chance: you have no idea what you’re going to find. You might find a treasure; you might find a dud; you might find nothing at all. Finding out is the fun.


    1. We no longer have commons. Today we have private and public spaces. As far as I know, “private” and “public” are concepts which are simply not applicable to a traditional city. The difference between the opposition of private and public is as a sharp line. That line is like we today imagine our body covering, our skin, a line dividing inside and outside. Hair, inhabited hair, belonging at the same time to inside and outside, makes the division more “fuzzy,” makes our life and animal life more alike; and when there is a commons, our life and the lives of others are experienced in common; life in the city, a gathering around a commons. …


    2. A commons is not a public space. A commons is a space which is established by custom. It cannot be regulated by law. The law would never be able to give sufficient details to regulate a commons.


    1. “The quest of the Inner Ring will break your hearts unless you break it,” he explained. “But if you break it, a surprising result will follow. If in your working hours you make the work your end, you will presently find yourself all unawares inside the only circle in your profession that really matters. You will be one of the sound craftsmen, and other sound craftsmen will know it.”


    2. Building in public means thinking in public, and thinking in public means exposing all of your quirks and questions to the smoothing waves of likes and clicks.


    3. In any group, there is an ever-shifting circle of “insiders.” Who is on top? Who is well liked? Who has the smartest ideas? Who holds sway?


    1. by separating design and manufacturing, we’ve loosened the feedback loops between the two. It’s no longer so easy for inventors and creators to quickly exchange ideas and try new things. Ready access to manufacturing capabilities would allow knowledge to circulate, traveling up and down the stack to improve both design and production.


    2. Technology should be broken down into three components: tools (like pots, pans, and the stove); explicit instructions (like recipes); and most importantly: process knowledge. That’s the earned experience of everything that can’t be written down. Everyone knows that it’s impossible to write a memo detailed enough on all aspects of one’s job. It should be obvious that a person with no cooking experience would struggle to do something as simple as frying an egg, even given a marvelously equipped kitchen and exquisitely detailed recipes. As I’ve written previously, that know-how is everything. 

      技术应该被分解成三个部分:工具(如锅碗瓢盆和炉子);明确的指示(如食谱);以及最重要的:过程知识。那是一切难以言传的经验积累。每个人都知道,不可能就一个人工作的所有方面写一份足够详细的备忘录。很明显,一个没有烹饪经验的人,即使有一个装备精良的厨房和非常详细的食谱,也很难做像煎鸡蛋这样简单的事情。正如我以前写过的那样,know-how 就是一切。

    1. VR and AR are the enabling technologies for more immersive digital experiences.Gaming is key to widespread behavior change—what starts in gaming spreads to broader social adoption.And crypto is central to the ethos of virtual worlds and economies: decentralized and user-owned.
      • VR and AR are the enabling technologies for more immersive digital experiences. VR 和 AR 是实现更多沉浸式数字体验的技术。
      • Gaming is key to widespread behavior change—what starts in gaming spreads to broader social adoption. 游戏是广泛的行为改变的关键——在游戏中开始的东西会被更广泛的传播,并被社会采纳。
      • And crypto is central to the ethos of virtual worlds and economies: decentralized and user-owned. 加密货币是虚拟世界和经济精神的核心:去中心化和用户产权。
    2. A small percent of people live in a real-world environment that is rich, even overflowing, with glorious substance, beautiful settings, plentiful stimulation, and many fascinating people to talk to, and to work with, and to date. These are also *all* of the people who get to ask probing questions like yours. Everyone else, the vast majority of humanity, lacks Reality Privilege—their online world is, or will be, immeasurably richer and more fulfilling than most of the physical and social environment around them in the quote-unquote real world.


    1. Without storytelling, companies struggle at Horizon 2 and leave themselves vulnerable to the worst kind of disruption: disruption that’s obvious. Whether it’s Microsoft with the web, or Comcast with streaming, or maybe Facebook one day with ephemeral messaging or short form video or interactive audio, the most frustrating part of these Horizon 2 disruptions — disruptions only a few years in the making — is that they were all known. The incumbents saw the disruption coming but didn’t find the opportunity meaningful enough. There were stories told about those opportunities, but the storytelling wasn’t compelling enough.

      如果没有叙事,公司就会在第 2 条地平线上挣扎,使自己容易受到最糟糕的那一种颠覆:显而易见的颠覆机会。无论是互联网之于微软,还是流媒体之于 Comcast,或者是阅后即焚、短视频或互动音频之于 Facebook ,这些发生在第二条地平线上的颠覆仅在几年内就可以形成,其最令人沮丧的部分是,其发生都是已知的。掌权者看到了颠覆的到来,但没有发现足够有意义的机会。有关于这些机会的叙事,但这些叙事不够吸引人。

    2. Horizon 1 is when a company focuses on its current business model and core capabilities. Think of this as maximizing profits over the next quarter or half.Horizon 2 is when a company expands its existing business into new markets or to new customers through innovation. Think of this as founding a new project that will eventually lead to profits, but only after hard work over several years.Horizon 3 is when a company creates entirely different businesses or capabilities that are based on radical disruption. Think of this as researching new technologies or seeding new markets that in a decade may (or may not) become the future of the company.
      1. 第 1 条地平线是指公司专注于其当前的商业模式和核心能力。可以认为这是在下一个季度或半年内实现利润最大化。
      2. 第 2 条地平线是指公司通过创新将其现有业务扩展到新市场或新客户。把这看作是创立一个最终会带来利润的新项目,但必须经过几年的艰苦努力。
      3. 第 3 条地平线是指一个公司创造完全不同的业务或能力,这些业务或能力是基于彻底的破坏。可以认为这是在研究新技术或播种新市场,在十年内可能(或可能不)成为公司的未来。
    1. I believe the Chinese purge of Bitcoin mining is short term bearish but long term bullish for Bitcoin and crypto more broadly. It shows that a powerful government can take its best shot at a cryptonetwork and the only thing that will happen is capacity will move elsewhere.


    1. Common ground
    2. But there’s another way to think about the urban commons – not in terms of rights, but in terms of trust. In her book The Human Condition (1958 ), the philosopher Hannah Arendt suggested that contestation should not be avoided, but carefully embraced as a tool for generating consensus. ‘To be political, to live in a polis, meant that everything was decided through words and persuasion, and not through force and violence,’ she writes of the Ancient Greek city-state. Each political situation, she claims, has multiple possible resolutions. But the most just is the one that takes account of the widest range of views. To make this happen, people must be willing to make themselves known to each other, in public – they must be willing to expose their lives and fears and values, and engage in the difficult business of trying to understand the other’s perspective. ‘Being seen and being heard by others derive their significance from the fact that everybody sees and hears from a different position,’ Arendt claimed. As a result, we come to understand the plurality of the world, and we can attune our thinking to this plurality.

      但是,我们还能从另一个角度看待城市公共空间——不是从权利的角度,而是从信任的角度。在 1958 年出版的《人类处境》(The Human Condition)一书里,哲学家汉娜·阿伦特(Hannah Arendt)提出人们的矛盾无法避免。但是我们却可以小心的利用这种矛盾,进而将其当作各方达成一致的工具。她在描写古希腊城邦时说:“要做参与政治的城邦公民,那就要通过言语辩论和有理有据的演讲来进行决策。人们绝不会用暴力解决问题。”她觉得任何一种政治问题都有很多种可能的解决方案。不过,最公平的解决之道需要照顾到最广泛群体的利益和感受。为了做到这一点,人们必须在公共场合中与其他人接触:他们要将自己的生活、恐惧和价值观暴露给别人,更多参与到不同的事情之中。只有这样,他们才能从别人的角度看待问题。阿伦特表示:“让别人倾听到自己的声音具有重大意义,这意味着每个人都能从不同角度理解周围人的感受。”如此一来,我们便能理解世界的多样性,也能根据这种多样性来调整自己的观点和认知。

    3. Urbanists have deployed this thinking to call for what’s known as the ‘right to the city’. The French philosopher Henri Lefebvre first coined the term in 1968, and it’s since been championed by activists, thinkers and organisations from UNSECO to the Occupy movement. The Marxist theorist David Harvey summarises it like this, in his book Rebel Cities (2012): [T]he question of what kind of city we want cannot be divorced from the question of what kind of people we want to be, what kinds of social relations we seek, what relations to nature we cherish, what style of daily life we desire, what kinds of technologies we deem appropriate, what aesthetic values we hold. The right to the city is, therefore, far more than a right of individual or group access to the resources that the city embodies: it is a right to change and reinvent the city more after our heart’s desire.

      城市规划专家将这一理论适用到实践当中,呼吁人们尊重“城市的权利”(right to the city)。这个名词最早由法国哲学家亨利·列斐伏尔(Henri Lefebvre)在1968年提出。自那以后,“城市的权利”这个理念便受到活动人士、思想家、联合国家科文组织以及“占领运动”(Occupy movement,国际性社会政治运动,主要针对社会不公、贫富差距和缺乏真正民主等问题提出抗议——译者注)的拥护。马克思主义理论家大卫·哈维(David Harvey)在2012年出版的《反叛的城市》(Rebel Cities)一书中对这个理念进行了总结:


  9. Jun 2021
    1. Always demand a deadline. A deadline weeds out the extraneous and the ordinary. It prevents you from trying to make it perfect, so you have to make it different. Different is better.


    2. 68 Bits of Unsolicited Advice
    1. Taken seriously, the essay seemed to be suggesting an entirely new version of Silicon Valley: a movement away from making software to support existing institutions, and toward creating the institutions themselves. If Andreessen’s exhortation to build was a call for “aggressive investment in new products, in new industries, in new factories, in new science, in big leaps forward,” it was also a call to power. The era of the builder may also be the era of the Silicon Valley political actor.

      认真地看,这篇文章似乎在暗示一个全新的硅谷版本:从研发软件来支持现有机制到创造机制本身的转移。如果 Andreessen 对建设的劝诫是对「积极投资于新产品、新产业、新工厂、新科学、大跃进」的呼吁,那么它也是对权力的呼吁。建设的时代也可能是硅谷政治行为的时代。

    1. Type 1 civilizations could use and store all available energy on their planet, Type 2 civilizations could do the same across their solar system, and Type 3 could manage across their galaxy.


    2. The most striking example I know of schlep blindness is Stripe, or rather Stripe's idea. For over a decade, every hacker who'd ever had to process payments online knew how painful the experience was. Thousands of people must have known about this problem. And yet when they started startups, they decided to build recipe sites, or aggregators for local events. Why? Why work on problems few care much about and no one will pay for, when you could fix one of the most important components of the world's infrastructure? Because schlep blindness prevented people from even considering the idea of fixing payments.

      我所知道的最引人注目的「畏难盲区」例子是 Stripe,或者说是 Stripe 的想法。十多年来,每一个曾经不得不在网上处理付款的黑客都知道这种经历有多么痛苦。成千上万的人肯定知道这个问题。然而,当他们开始创业时,他们决定建立菜谱网站,或本地活动的聚合平台。为什么?当你可以修复世界上最重要的基础设施之一时,为什么还要去解决很少有人关心的问题,也没有人愿意付钱?因为「畏难盲区」使人们甚至无法考虑解决支付问题的想法。