10 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2022
  2. Feb 2021
    1. Nicely explains how to make asynchronous calls to API/services. Async/Await

    2. try/catch block to be able to catch the error


      The final result of they try catch block it that the code that follows below is almost exactly like how I usually code synchronously. It's so much easier to read.

  3. Oct 2020
    1.                                         “Ajax, one of the gods dwelling on Olympus, in a prophet’s shape, tells us both to fight on by the ships. For that man was no prophet Calchas,                                                [70] who reads our omens. It was easy for me, as he went away, to see that from the back                                 80 by the markings on his feet and legs. Besides, it’s easy to recognize the gods.

      Recognition of the gods can be connected to an earlier comment that I made about what form they appear in. Here it seems the "voice" of Poseidon comes from within rather than taking on a physical form. Poseidon chooses to speak through Calchas who can see signs of the gods through birds. Birds are referenced in the paragraph before which is an interesting correlation (between Poseidon and Calchas) as well as a shout out to Calchas and all his bird wisdom.