19 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Curriculum is the questioning of authority and the searching for complexviews of human situations

      Curriculum challenges the traditional notion of it being a set list of subjects or skills to be mastered. Instead, it emphasizes critical thinking and inquiry, positioning education as a tool for questioning authority and exploring complex human experiences. This perspective aligns with critical pedagogy, where education is seen as a practice of freedom. How can schools balance this approach with the need to meet standardized educational outcomes?

  2. Oct 2017
  3. Sep 2016
    1. I often struggle to achieve the level of autonomy that seems necessary for this work because authority over, and ownership of, education has been distributed to a wide variety of stakeholders

      Such a great crystallization of what so many of us run into in critical pedagogy.

    2. We are unapologetic tinkerers who neither invent the wheel, nor are satisfied with the wheels already at our disposal.

      More and more, I come back to this as the core philosophy underpinning all I do in education.

  4. Aug 2016
    1. Is it possible to imagine spaces, experiences, and opportunities for our students to wed the praxis of coding with the philosophies of the humanities?
    1. By suggesting a script for my questions, my phone attempts to program me.
    2. rather than helping us understand the task, this kind of simplification helps us ignore the task and instead understand the device.
  5. Jul 2016
    1. A critical pedagogue risks enacting the same paternalism they are criticising.
    2. my students are the most central members of the community in which I learn critical pedagogy.
    3. Nobody is going to tell me how to be a better teacher; I have to discover it for myself. But that doesn’t mean that I’m on my own.
    4. I had presumed that my students would find inquiry-based pedagogy empowering — The textbook is not the authority, you are! — but paradoxically, this “empowerment” was something I tried to push them into by force.

      Yo u can't have the revolution on behalf of your students.

    5. I tried to do too much too quickly, and the whole thing fell apart.

      This perfectly describes some of my courses.

    6. inquiry learning is naturally a more fluid process than what students are accustomed to
    7. If learning happens in communities, why do we require students to keep their eyes on their own paper?
    8. When I first started reading about critical pedagogy I found the scholarship interesting but too abstract. I understood that it was intentionally non-prescriptive, but it also seemed impractical to me.
  6. Jun 2016
  7. May 2016
    1. produce some of the most powerful, persistent, and problematic lessons about race inAmerican culture

      Clearly, art imitating life; but one can easily see how the reverse can also be true especially in regards to perpetuating stereotypes.