- Jul 2021
www.digitaltrends.com www.digitaltrends.com
specialize in a specific kind of interaction service that involves the sharing of public images (Instagram), the private sharing of images sharing (Snapchat), augmented reality (Foursquare), and location-based matchmaking (Tinder).
"interaction service"
- Mar 2021
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
So, my disability was therefore a site of pedagogical tension
Beautifully put and true for many disabled academics I've met.
- Jan 2020
As per the WHO, at least about 29% (2.2 billion) of the world population (7.7 billion) has some form of visual impairment, which is at least 3 people in the above-mentioned list.
Essential to build with a focus on a11y
www.fastcompany.com www.fastcompany.com
socially damaging
It is not the socialites that damage, it is the companies/lobbyists that damage the social contracts/constructs.
To make matters worse, companies also rely on manipulative design tricks to wheedle people into spending more time on a service, spending more money, or providing more data than they intended. When we blame people for violations of their privacy because they didn’t read a privacy policy or because they generally rely on digital services, we are blaming them for failing to make meaningful privacy choices in an ecosystem that is designed to make these choices functionally impossible.
Worth more investigating - how much of this is intentional and how much is designed?
In an illustration of how ill-matched the idea of privacy policies are with reality, a 2008 study found it would take the average American 40 minutes a day to read every privacy policy they encountered, at a cost of up to $5,038 a year in lost productivity.
Are there any newer studies in this regard? What are the numbers now? Are they obfuscated?
- Sep 2019
pitchfork.com pitchfork.com
- Jan 2019
www.buzzfeednews.com www.buzzfeednews.com
It’s not a problem I can solve, but it’s a reality I can acknowledge, a paradigm through which I can understand my actions.
writing = therapy :)
The thing about American labor, after all, is that we’re trained to erase it.
This is how we constantly redefine what types of labour are currently "valuable" or "important".
- Oct 2018
webdesign.tutsplus.com webdesign.tutsplus.com
The reason I am mentioning this is that heading elements are commonly used because of how they look (“Ooh! I like the color and font of the h3, I’ll use that.”), and not what priority of content they describe (Brioche is a kind of Viennoiserie). It’s a widespread problem.
- Apr 2018
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
the Tinman to the Dorothy of higher education
unless we recognize the essential, productive, imaginative, pedagogical role they play in digital learning.
So few people in HE gets this, but those who do are so amazing.
all that and a bag of chips
Never heard this one before, but am going to start now :)
At the root of what they do is a maddening desire to create meaningful learning experiences in digital space.
So well said Sean - as per usual your voice and insight is so spot on and endearing.
- Mar 2018
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
hovering over our students, their learning, and our teaching
great word play here :)
Raspberry Pi, Scratch, and HTML and CSS
I'm going to push for this in a class I'm working with now - our default is WordPress :|
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
Until more faculty help their students learn to do the latter (and until faculty promotion and retention policies encourage faculty themselves to be fluent in writing for a public audience on the web), we’ll continue to raise up future generations of graduates (including the next generation of professors) who aren’t ready for their role in the fight against disinformation.
This all day - it is a constant conversation with faculty and others on campus about how to properly prepare themselves and others for the much needed fight.
- Feb 2018
hypervisible.com hypervisible.com
Jessie Daniels’ Cyber Racism
Buying this ASAP
Tech platforms, in their majestic equality, allow both rich and poor alike to marshal digital tools to drown out dissenting voices, suppress votes, and spread falsehoods.
- Dec 2017
medium.com medium.com
What will online education look like if students’ access to the internet is more compounded by their structural inequalities than they already are? How can we, in good conscience, use online technologies to increase access to higher education if the cost of using the internet rises while corporate control of the internet increases?
Uber important questions here and ones that could (but hopefully will not) have HUGE consequences for open sharing and creating.
- Aug 2017
pushpullfork.com pushpullfork.com
Gaslighting is their business model.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
“Maybe the course is too easy and I need to challenge them a bit more,” Mr. Guardia said. “Or maybe the textbooks are not as good as I thought.”
Quite a disappointing climax to the article. I would have preferred
I need to change my study habits
Forcing new mods of behaviour - thats defo what I want from my degree(s).
There is also correlation, the students are learning, between perception and success.
uhhhhh this is almost a poem or a Dandy Warhol lyric right?
students could easily game the highlighting or note-taking functions. Or a student might improve his score by leaving his textbook open and doing something else.
"some data is more equal than other data"
“It knows more than my mother.”
So many fallacies at work now. Don't know where to start. This is one of the saddest sentences here though for sure.
huh - I take back what I said about the author - I don't think there is any irony happening here.
CourseSmart said it knew of no problems with its software
And one must always side with the machines. Always with the machines.
they know the books are watching them
notes on paper
but don't trust the STs #amirite?
manager needed better data
because its made of people?
reams of data
Starting to wonder if David Streitfeld was sub-writing this whole thing. His rhetoric is quite dark and foreboding.
they decline to say what, if anything, they will do with it
help prepare new editions.
Almost sounds like soylent green right?
expressions on their faces
but did they? really?
even as critics question how well it measures learning
assuming one can actually measure learning - like for real?
Major publishers in higher education have already been collecting data from millions of students who use their digital materials
not scary or foreboding at all #amirite?
- Jul 2017
slack.com slack.com
With third party service providers and agents. We may engage third party companies or individuals, such as third party payment processors, to process information on our behalf.
Probably common practice, but tiny red flag right here?
Slack takes security seriously
Say this 10 times really fast ;)
readywriting.org readywriting.org
patience and empathy
I think people who move around a lot are kind of forced to develop these ;)
Cohort 1.5 lesson
Have had similar experiences many times - I think I'll co-opt this phrase if you don't mind ;)
The point is not to be defeatist, but to remind ourselves again and again that the process is always iterative, and that we must keep working to maintain, to improve, and thus to sustain our work.
Agreed. This sustain piece is such a hard one to onboard people to if they haven't been privy. Its fun when you see someone get it the first time though :)
How can I add value to this network – contribute, amplify, connect, share, listen, support?
Totally obvious you believe this - inspiring and awesome!
- Apr 2017
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
the need for our service is escalating
These events transpired while algorithms and echo chambers may have ensured that individuals did not read the same information as their next door neighbor
Micro-targeting is the way of the future for advertising anything - how do we push back?
One of the primary responsibilities of academics is to help create an informed, knowledgeable citizenry
We need this to be at the front of more highered institutions!
- Mar 2017
digitallearning.middcreate.net digitallearning.middcreate.net
“What is left out of this message that might be important to know?”
Agreed! VERY important way to start a convo.
habits of inquiry
This is my only good habit :)
we are all students of digital and media literacy
This reminds me of Rilke's idea that we should aspire to be perptual beginners.
- Jan 2017
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
start asking what Twitter has done to academics
This is just as relevant now, maybe even more so than before, given the frailty of our current climate.
points.datasociety.net points.datasociety.net
Institutions and legal instruments designed to stop abuse are finding themselves ill-equipped to function in light of networked dynamics.
Reading this right after the PE's first press conference - horrifying how he is gaslighting the entire country
A person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system
I love this bit and it affords a bunch of other uses of hacking to fit here.
theory.cribchronicles.com theory.cribchronicles.com
Participatory art events
SO THIS - for a #womeninmusic project I have in mind for this year!
I am a digital literacies educator
- Dec 2016
Drumpf and Tillerson possess similar dealmaking business backgrounds and similar views of the world, sources said, and there was a level of comfort that Drumpf hadn't found with anyone else.
How scary is that?
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
He knows the consequences
If he really knew the consequences, he would NOT call people out because of how much power his tweets yield. This also proves how little concern PEOTUS has for "common" people.
theory.cribchronicles.com theory.cribchronicles.com
I believe that education is a process of offering people tools – conceptual as well as technical – to understand their identities and possibilities and those of others within a structural framework that points to various paths of possible agency.
Was thinking the other day about Bonnie's keynote at DigPedCairo - during the Q&A phase she had an off hand remark, something like - "perhaps the most important digital literacy is how one signals in a network". This is a continuation, I believe, of that idea. How we signal. How we read signals. What signals we send and/or receive.
- Nov 2016
Imagine if we trained students of digital media and culture not just to criticize but to intervene in the development of emergent technologies
great question here!
rogue humanities scholars
good band name #amirite?
- Oct 2016
www.donnalanclos.com www.donnalanclos.com
That this can be another chance for us to direct more of the conversations around teaching and learning and scholarship, rather than simply react to these persistent outside forces
Many of the convos that happen at/around conferences very much do have the inside/outside dichotomies, which SUCKS.
I often wonder if that tension is exactly what makes (or SHOULD make) education such an exciting field. Especially with so many internets out there nowadays.
It is such a multi-faceted environment that reducing it to us vs them gives us targets/outcomes/objectives/metrics.
we must be in control of our own destiny, not swept along by the “solutions” being handed to us
This is paramount in many of the convos I've been a part of / eavesdropped on. It is also so intensely complicated/complex - so many moving parts and "site" specificity.
- Sep 2016
digitallearning.middcreate.net digitallearning.middcreate.net
As per usual, Sean gives us clear, effective, and evocative thoughts!
Why would we take the web, lasso it, and put it in a corral? We can learn a lot more, and see more of the world, if we let it take us where it will.
So well put. Just clear and applicable to life in general! #amirite?
The digital asks us to wreck ourselves upon possibility.
I may steal this sentence for a presentation I have coming up. Or I may just steal it for general use - thanks SEAN!
I love learning new words :)
the most valuable technology in education is people, and their willingness and capacity for invention, discovery, and reinvention.
Totally love this sentiment! No matter what tech you have, if you don't have people willing to experiment you will fail.
The emphasis on technology at most universities misses the point of bringing together learning and the digital
All too true most places :(
An instructional designer is a consultant whose background and knowledge extend beyond the technological and into the pedagogical and theoretical.
Although basic, I hope more and more people in highered start to understand this :)
- Aug 2016
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Perhaps I’m naive
Naiveté is indeed an issue here. I'm surprised this piece was even published - there appears to be no research at all into how academia is shifting c/o different social networks.
- Jul 2016
georgelakoff.com georgelakoff.com
Even if he loses the election, Trump will have changed the brains of millions of Americans, with future consequences
This is scary in itself.
And it is irrelevant
sad but true :(
It doesn’t matter if you are promoting Trump or attacking Trump, you are helping Trump
This is what I've been saying for over 2 years. It's like how "Triumph of the Will" was used on either sides of WWII to incite troops.
lawriephipps.co.uk lawriephipps.co.uk
The visualisation may look like data, but it is a snapshot of how I am connected, it is my rhizomatic digital landscape. For me it reinforces the fact that digital is people.
Really nice way to end the article.
I love Data = People :)
Everyone should acquire the skills to understand data, and analytics.
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
“useless” spaces are actually the most evolutive ones
My appeal is to the citizens of an insidiously colonised land, spaces no more completely public, but more and more subjected to market forces and imperatives. My appeal is to get involved wherever there is the possibility of critical education through playful subversion, something that, indeed, even our current, colonised learning institutions still allows and provides space for, if often unknowingly and implicitly.
Nice Call To Action here :)
In this context, the most ethical “purpose” of education can therefore be only and exactly to critique purposiveness itself, a critique which, in its praxis, comes in (at least) two flavors: To create safe spaces for the emergence of practices and systems which purposes are not known yet, and might never find one. To strip existing practices of their current purpose, letting new ones, unbound by current utilitaristic imperatives, emerge.
Further I read this article, the better it gets.
Especially the two flavours here are so poignant.
beyond the tyranny of proximity and provincialism
I am TOTALLY going to start using this phrase re: online spaces in general. Huzzah!
please do remember this essay is a “playful experiment”
Really great stuff :)
how come employers give credit to supposed “skills” like “adaptability” and “conflict resolution” and not to the likes of “political awareness” or “resistance to authority”?
engaged pedagogist and game scholar.
You sound awesome Luca :)
a conceptualisation relevant to all cultural endeavours
A friend of mine says he always tries to make art that is of no economic value at all. His goal is to make things that are poetic and truly anti-aesthetic. He also does little to market his work.
storify.com storify.com
The three day experience of the #DigPed PEI Institute was an experience that I felt stretched all in attendance.
"...stretched all in attendance" - very well put. It shows that no matter what you brought to the Institute, you grew in some way. You stretched yourself into some new spaces. Well put Mark.
- Jun 2016
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
In other words, scholars will gain a form of currency by becoming perceived as “human” (the extent to which ‘humanness’ must be honest self-expression or could be fabricated is an interesting question here) rather than cloaked by the deliberately de-humanised unemotive academic voice.
This should be shouted from the top of all the academic towers ;)
How do we engage online with the writing we find there?
most excellent question
umwdtlt.com umwdtlt.com
If empowerment is to happen with DoOO, it must happen for all.
I smell some Freire in here :)
delegitimated as “scribbling.”
This is such a prevalent idea, which is limiting. My sentiment sides with @actualham and her idea that the internet is like a workshop space :) Drafts are okay. Scribbling encouraged.
it has been critical that this writing be both public and allow students to take part of a wider digital conversation, one that is ultimately not dictated by others, including their instructors
Great point here and one that needs more exploring/endorsing!
- Apr 2016
www.wired.com www.wired.com
There are also frequent standardized tests and a custom-built software system that uses analytics to manage applications, admissions, parent satisfaction, and student outcomes.
This equally excites and frightens me.
teacher quality is the single most important factor in a student’s education
hear hear!
All Pearson-backed schools agree to test students frequently and use software and analytics to track outcomes.
Sadly standardized testing works perfectly as a gear in the analytics world :(
- Mar 2016
www.jisc.ac.uk www.jisc.ac.uk
Networked, open, transparent
These three words could be a new way of describing pedagogy, no? #NOTPED?
that's going to inform the nature of their practice
A handful of people at our small college are starting to use V&R mapping as a way to break down barriers and build relationships.
It cuts both ways and it's disenfranchising across the board
hear hear!
we cannot teach them
So often I see people throw their arms in the air and say: oh well they're millennials ... what are you going to do? This has always frustrated me.
people who engage with technology are not motivated by their age category
I was happy to have co-edited a piece recently that delves into this topic and since have constantly tried to curb people's ideas about this.
- Feb 2016
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
If I were to identify one area for further study in the academy, it would be this re-opening of the complex and nuanced world of language modalities: oral and written, static and changing
I seriously could not agree more. Have spent way too many hours on this topic and those who don't agree really need to re-evaluate their positions.
not enough attention has been paid to complications of language as mediated through technology, which blurs conventional boundaries of written and spoken in significant ways
good points here for sure
he Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution, Walter Isaacson repeatedly makes the point
I wanna read this :)
Recognizing that my student has clipped and pasted ideas or actual phrases from an academic journal, video, blog, or website without crediting them deserves to be labeled academic dishonesty of the worst sort! Reading my own words and concepts appearing as unattributed “received wisdom” identifies a brilliant follower clearly deserving high accolades, — or at least an A!
Can this piece get any more awesome?
We need more diverse books, voices, attitudes, journals, and styles.
As educators I would say this is our duty!
It is long past time for us to put an end to the miniscule and irrelevant plagiarism wars and begin a more significant reconsideration of what we mean by research, citations, and the respectful integration and communication of information old and new, original and borrowed, tweeted, blogged and podcast, online and oral, read and viewed. It’s time to bury APA, MLA, op. cit., Ibid, et al. — along with the other dead horses they came in on.
I want this printed on a t-shirt to wear to faculty meetings :)
- Jan 2016
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
bluster and strut
This would be a great album title :)
www.digitalpedagogylab.com www.digitalpedagogylab.com
Instructional design bears a special burden: to initiate but not to conclude.
Very well put and a constant negotiation in design.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Bowie looked to one of his favorite bands at the time, The Pixies, for inspiration.
Pixies were/are my favourite band and when I found out Bowie liked them, I instantly loved Bowie.
But I added a way to win — if I play Tetris every day
Great way of setting goals - do what you love every day!
But to me, it became the truest representation of life there is
This is pretty wicked. I remember reading McGonical's "Reality is Broken" and loved when she talked about Tetris and how it is an interesting symbol/metaphos for life.
learning.blogs.nytimes.com learning.blogs.nytimes.com
annotating explicitly to make connections between what they’re reading and the rest of the world can help them see why particular texts matter and are still relevant today
I think this is a great point. Readers/annotators can add modern relevance to classic texts.
We are living increasingly in a culture of response.
This is also from Henry Jenkins' ideas on Participatory culture and produsage right?
- Dec 2015
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
We seem to have gone from a non-linear mode of communication – nodes and networks and links – toward one that is linear, passive, programmed and inward-looking
Does this mean images cannot be as meaningful or reflexive as text?
predictability means control
Baudrillard wrote about this in the System of Objects I believe.
But hyperlinks aren’t just the skeleton of the web: they are its eyes, a path to its soul.
I don't know why, but this sentence almost made me cry. It is so effectual and concise. The web is a living thing and we are limiting its potential. Same as we do to people through oppression.
You open the Facebook app on your smartphone and dive in
Ironic that I came to this article in this exact way.
www.islandscholar.ca www.islandscholar.ca
Stewart, B. E. (2015). Scholarship in abundance: Influence, engagement, and attention in scholarly networks. Charlottetown, P.E.I.: University of Prince Edward Island. Retrieved from http://www.islandscholar.ca/download_ds/ir:15431/OBJ/ir_15431.pdf
Will likely be returning here often over the next while.
www.seanmichaelmorris.com www.seanmichaelmorris.com
we need to stop blaming students for the state of education
Just came from a meeting where a prof told me that students are lazier than they used to be. This idea confuses me to no end. How does one even measure "lazy"?
At the bottom of this argument is a question of technique, which in some lecturers’ hands becomes a question of tradition, of the “right” way to educate.
This is one of the biggest issues I have encountered in Higher Ed everywhere. Sage on the stage is the only "right" way for a lot of people.
rhizome.org rhizome.org
"I do not believe that knowledge is embedded in documents, just as beauty is not embedded in objects. Beauty and knowledge are created by joining and creating complex relationships between creators, viewers, contexts, histories, etc."
Very meta here, but this SO applies to public annotation, #amirite?
lareviewofbooks.org lareviewofbooks.org
Let’s map the contours of its nihilism a little more carefully.
This sounds like Renfield detailing certain chess matches.
I love this word.
www.esquire.com www.esquire.com
The kind of kid who deliberately chooses to be a thief is one that bears watching.
Every D&D character I ever played was a Halfling thief.
- Nov 2015
www.jsonline.com www.jsonline.com
How could I not read that as "Police"?
www.gov.scot www.gov.scot
In particular it focuses on how digital technologies can support and contribute to five specific educational priorities: raising attainment, tackling inequalities and promoting inclusion, improving transitions into employment, enhancing parental engagement, and improving the efficiency of the education system.
strong choices here
www.digitalwritingmonth.com www.digitalwritingmonth.com
What’s not there can at times be even more helpful than what is. Embrace the silence and let it speak for you.
Nice way to round out the feels here - and cool to have a space between this and the final quote. Nice work @chris_friend
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
technology's ability to help us more richly collaborate with our students and more effectively share the fruit of those collaborations with the wider publics that our universities serve
nice conclusion :)
By replacing a static textbook — or other stable learning material — with one that is openly licensed, faculty have the opportunity to create a new relationship between learners and the information they access in the course. Instead of thinking of knowledge as something students need to download into their brains, we start thinking of knowledge as something continuously created and revised.
Really great point - OER changes what "knowledge" is and how it is "created".
medium.com medium.com
It did take a willingness to see the institution from the student’s point of view.
This is what's lacking in most institutions.
One common observation about online education is that it will mean ‘bricks for the rich and clicks for the poor.’ Something like this has indeed happened, though ‘…clicks for the poorly served’ would be more accurate.
Concise idea on poorly served in education in general?
googleguacamole.wordpress.com googleguacamole.wordpress.com
Faves as honest representations of how we feel. Let us be honest. Smart, thoughtful, intentional people don’t love everything. They don’t even like everything. They tend to be precise in their language. Sometimes they just want to attend to something. Sometimes they want to dwell in uncomfortable places because they are almost guaranteed learning zones. When you force academics to “like” it, it cheapens what that means to them. What it means to us.
This is EXACTLY how I feel about the whole hearts thing.
jarche.com jarche.com
To be generous, hopeful, and forgiving will in the long run make for stronger networks and communities. It works in nature. Cooperation is a necessary behaviour to be open to serendipity and encourage experimentation.
I want to highlight this whole article - that's how damn good it is!
People in networks cannot be told what to do, only influenced through other nodes (people) due to their reputation. If people don’t like you, they won’t connect. In a hierarchy you only have to please your boss. In a network you have to be seen as having some value, though not the same value, by many others.
Have felt odd using collaboration in open networks for some time now.
there was little privacy in the village, as there seems to be no more privacy today
great point on common behaviours
www.digitalwritingmonth.com www.digitalwritingmonth.com
The moral moment is when the text calls on the reader–on me–just as the patient calls on those who offer care. The here-I-am of the writing is a generous offering of self as witness. The generosity calls for a response of here-I-am from the reader. … The dialogue of author and reader is the beginning of other dialogues; in the multiple sites where medicine is offered and received, where care is given, and where healing occurs.
Great Arthur Frank quote
When was the last time that you held in your hands a piece of writing that was dear to you because of the hand that touched the paper before you?
too seldom
digital writing comes to you apparently weightless, placeless and cleaned of time
beautiful framing
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Sixty percent of faculty members agree they are concerned about recent attacks on scholars for comments they made on social media. Most say this has not influenced how they communicate on social media.•Tech administrators do not view the Yik Yak app, which allows geo-targeted comments about people, as having caused controversy on their campus, and do not think colleges should regulate access to this app. Faculty members are a bit more likely to say the app has caused controversy and to say it should be regulated, but those are still the minority views among professors.
These two points give me hope :)
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
The sense of participatory collective—always fraught—has waned as more and more subcultures are crammed and collapsed into a common, traceable, searchable medium. We hang over each other’s heads, more and more heavily, self-appointed swords of Damocles waiting with baited breath to strike.
Awesome quote from @bonstewart right there!
- Oct 2015
moreorlessbunk.net moreorlessbunk.net
The compromise here is easy. Faculty accept the expertise of the educational experts and instructional designers, and welcome them into their course design process as a resource rather than competitors. At the same time, educational experts and instructional designers should accept the expertise of the faculty. Stop trying to tell them what education is.
THIS because = awesome & true
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Use the button
I am the button
www.bloomsburycollections.com www.bloomsburycollections.com
This totally makes sense to me!