51 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. Reply signature blocks Once the recipient has received your information, you can shorten it to a more abbreviated form.
  2. Jul 2024
    1. While Universal Design is about creating a common design that works for everyone, we have the freedom to create a design system that can adapt, morph, or stretch to address each design need presented by each individual.

      In the digital context of Inclusive Design, the focus does not have to be on a common design as with Universal Design but a system that can adapt to an individual.

  3. Nov 2022
    1. Information technology — Individualized adaptability and accessibility in e-learning, education and training — Part 2: "Access for all" personal needs and preferences for digital delivery
    2. Information technology — Individualized adaptability and accessibility in e-learning, education and training — Part 3: "Access for all" digital resource description
  4. Oct 2022
    1. “Reality Check”

      slightly accessible

    2. “Bad News” 

      accessible using a screen reader

    3. Fake it to make it” 

      Inaccessible on computers (some elements are unclickable)

    4. responsible partying

      Available on google slides

    5. Sleep-deprived mom game

      Accessible on google forms

    6. Voter Suppression Trial

      This game seems to be unable to support the browsers. it says "doesn't support the HTML5"

    7. Bury me,

      Accessible only through a smart phone

    8. October 1st, 2020

      1Also accessible (the same as the previous)

    9. September 7th,

      The game is designed in accessible page, working compatibly with phone and desktop softwares

    10. Skills Practice: A Home Visit

      Accessible on Desktop using JAWS screenreader

    11. Depression Quest

      Unlabeled buttons hinder the functionality of the full access

    12. Virtue Reality

      Accessible if you are willing to play on phone; otherwise, you would not be comfortable

    13. Liyla

      Inaccessible (nothing to click on)

    14. Darfur is Dying

      Inaccessible for unlabeled button next to the game name

  5. Sep 2022
    1. Prochains thèmes :    - 1 Fidèle au programme    - 2 Pédagogie non-genrée    - 3 Nouvelles pratiques commerciales    - 4 Habiter l'école - Milieu de vie
  6. Aug 2022
    1. The 10th edition of Organic Chemistry will include an increased focus on diversity and representation, an enhanced visualization program, new practice problems, and relevant real-world applications.
  7. Apr 2021
    1. Email Accessibility

      • Subject lines: Simple, No-nonsense
      • Preheaders (i.e., the snippet that shows up in the inbox view) need to clearly state the purpose of the email
      • Use alt text for images (even for logos, "unimportant" information. Blind and low-vision folks don't want to "miss out" on information. If you've decided it's important enough to include in your email, it's important enough for alt text)
        • Buttons should be large, bold color, obvious, and should have ARIA labels
      • Software like Salesforce, Constant Contact, and Mailchimp allow you to paste HTML code, which allows you to add ARIA roles, alt text, etc
  8. Mar 2021
    1. So, my disability was therefore a site of pedagogical tension

      Beautifully put and true for many disabled academics I've met.

    1. After the Audit: Integrating Accessibility into the Testing Process

      Link to session

      Crystal Preston-Watson, Salesforce

      Phases of audit:

      • Start with one feature or set of features
      • Testing (automated and manual)
      • Result report
      • Remediation of issues
      • Re-testing and validation
      • Accessibility conformance report


      • Establish a baseline of knowledge
      • Play to people's strengths - if someone is already proficient in keyboard-only navigation, they might be a good candidate to own screenreader testing
      • Upskill whole org instead of making 1 or 2 people responsible
      • Budget time for learning. Screenreaders are time consuming to learn
      • Checklists are helpful but will need to be adapted for each feature / part of application.
      • 20-40% issues are found with automated testing, which is why manual testing is needed
      • bulk of automation should be unit tests. integration and UI tests should be less automated
      • dedicate most of your resources to UI tests because that is the "human" portion - your users' experience is paramount
    1. Improving PDF Accessibility with AI and Liquid Mode

      Link to session

      Robert Haverty, Adobe, Senior Product Manager, Document Cloud Accessibility

      Rick Treitman, Adobe, Entrepreneur in Residence

      Matthew Hardy, Adobe, Senior Engineering Manager, Document Cloud

      Jamila Keba, Adobe, Frontend Developer for Acrobat’s Liquid Mode


      • Reflows content to fit on small screens
      • Takes headings to create an outline. Click on heading to go to that section of document
      • Sections are collapsible
      • font size, character spacing, and line height can be changed
      • developed to be compatible with screenreader
      • future areas of improvement: tables and images (using machine learning to create alt text when images don't have one)
      • Currently available for mobile devices and Chromebooks where Android app can be loaded

      Impact on readability

      • allows users to increase text spacing, font size, etc
      • student with 3rd grade school children with varying levels of fluency: one kid increased his speed by 27 words per minute, was able to read with inflection + meaning. even the fastest student jumped 27 words per minute.
      • helps people who struggle to read, but also increases efficiency for proficient readers
      • font, size, character spacing, line height, and character stretch seem to be the key factors in increasing efficiency.

      Built in highlighter

      • Used as a "ruler" to guide reader through document, not necessarily to make highlights/annotations to refer to later
      • 4 ways of highlighting: mouse, underline, lightbox, and grey line
      • No 1 solution worked better for the group as a whole - it was individual to the reader
    1. Don’t Believe The Type!

      Link to session

      Gareth Ford Williams, BBC

      David Bailey, BBC

      Bruno Maag, Typeface designer

      "Emotional accessibility"

      • Is it appealing? Technical and functional aspects are meaningless if no one wants to use your product/tool
      • Typeface = "visual tone of voice" and has a large bearing on emotional a11y

      Readability group survey

      • looking at series of fonts to see which they find most readable (also had people remove reading glasses if they use them)
      • cognitive bias: we might find fonts used in system UIs and commonly used fonts easier to read just because we're used to seeing them
      • 2022 user sessions, every font viewed 16,800 times
      • Segments for participants: confident readers, glasses for reading, pinch-to-zoom user, larger font, colored text, farsightedness, dyslexia & similar characteristics

      Font selection rate: all participants

      • Open dyslexic, Comic Sans, Times new Roman selected least frequently
      • Helvetica, Ubuntu, Roboto slab, etc did moderately well
      • SF Pr, Segoe UI, BBC Reith Sans, Verdana selected most often
      • But none of the fonts scored more than 70%
      • How do we know people are choosing for readability and not aesthetics? We'd probably see no difference b/t those with dyslexia and those who don't have it

      Font selection rate: Dyslexic traits

      • Open Dyslexic, Dyslexie, Comic Sans MS performed better among dyslexic folks but they were still selected least frequently
      • Helvetica, Roboto, Segoe UI, and SF Pro selected less often (5-10%) among dyslexic people

      Poor near vision group

      • Times New Roman and Helvetica see largest drop

      Letter combos used to find issues

      • "rn"in words like kernel, furnished, surname

      Why some typefaces work better than other

      • Top 4 performers: San Francisco Pro, Segoe UI, Verdana, BBC Reith Sans
      • All sans serif, either grotesque or humanist
      • Grotesque: closed character shapes - stroke terminal loops back into character
      • Humanist: open character shapes - more akin to movement of handwriting (more distinction b/t shapes like c, e, and o)
      • Why does Helvetica not perform well? Probably because of tight letter spacing
      • Why does Ubuntu fall short even though it has hallmarks of humanist design? Font weight is stronger than other similar fonts, maybe just outside acceptable parameters. Or maybe it looks too modern.
      • Why do dyslexic-specific fonts perform poorly? The irregularity claims to be beneficial to dyslexic people but maybe is too much, affecting smoothness of reading and emotional appeal
      • Why does Comic Sans perform poorly, even though it's most used font and thought to be helpful to learning readers? No data to back up this claim, but it's possible the childish appearance is more appealing to young readers. But on the other hand, it could have performed poorly because it's trendy to hate Comic Sans.
      • Is there an unconscious bias toward serif designs? Reading on a computer is more commonplace, and perhaps we associate sans serif with screens and serif with print.
      • Times New Roman has some characteristics of fonts that perform well, but letter spacing is tight.
      • Lower-case g: modern g is not necessarily more accessible, or we'd expect Roboto to perform better
      • x-height impacts perceived size, even at same font-size. Smaller x-height is perceived as "less readable"
    1. Yes, Virginia, PMs Are Responsible for Accessibility

      Link to Session

      Angela Hooker, Microsoft

      Why build in a11y from the start?

      • Much easier / less "expensive" than adding it after the fact.
      • PMs are expected to set expectations and manage scope. Set the expectation from the beginning that team delivers accessible product.
      • Consider budget, timeline, people, & other resources. The design phase is "too late."

      Getting support from leadership

      • Talk about ROI & $8+ trillion in disposable income that people with disabilities have worldwide
      • Helps the org be more competitive
      • Show them how inaccessible content hurts. Demo use of product with a screenreader with no visuals, ask them to navigate with keyboard only. If possible, have a person with access needs do that demo.

      Include multiple accessibility reviews in your timeline

      • Team should check their work as they go along

      Choose the standards and level of compliance you'll achieve

      • Compliance and accessibility are not the same. You can conform to WCAG 100% but be unusable for people with certain disabilities
      • If project is used globally, consider laws worldwide. Some countries require specific documentation & standards will vary

      Put accessibility requirements in contracts with outside vendors

      • Be specific about the standards they need to meet
      • Ask for proof they can produce accessible work

      Carefully choose the tech you'll use to build your project

      • If you don't have a choice in what tech you'll use, see if team can fix those a11y issues. If it would expand scope or timeline to do so, flag as risk for leaderships

      Document all your team's work

      • Good to have on hand for showing "good faith effort" to be accessible
      • Prepare a general statement about project's a11y status.
      • Document known a11y issues and create a roadmap for resolving

      Get training for your team

      • Pointing toward info on the web is risky, as there is lots of misinformation. Start with info from W3C a11y curriculum.

      How do you coach your team and oversee their work?

      • Don't make it about any one person. Discourage things like "if we can't make you happy, we can't move forward." It's not about you being happy, it's about putting out the most usable and successful product you can!
      • Publicly praise team members as a way to motivate them to prioritize a11y in the long run

      Written content comes first

      • This is the easiest to remediate, so get this out of the way.
      • Ask people with cognitive impairments to read through with you to find out where things might not be clear

      Working with designers

      • Annotate design docs to indicate to engineering where they'll need to consider a11y
      • Review mockups & wireframes for missing a11y considerations so eng can raise concerns or questions
      • Start with user personas based on people with disabilities
      • Invest in usability testing at several points during project build

      What if you're updating a legacy project?

      • Start small
      • Have an auditor review for a11y and create a plan to give team "quick wins." Create roadmap for remaining items.
      • Talk to team responsible for product to find out what questions/concerns they have
      • Get training & other needed resources for team
    1. From Nothing to Something: How A Team of 2 Kickstarted an Accessibility Program

      Link to presentation

      Alexis Lucio, Splunk, Accessibility and Inclusive Design Lead

      Simarjeet (Sim) Kaur Splunk, Software Accessibility Engineer

      Splunk: a tool to help devs monitor, secure, and troubleshoot dev environments.

      • First step is to learn the product and map out current state of a11y. Review available VPATs, evaluate test cases for a11y and improve where necessary, gather existing bug reports for a11y issues.
      • Find mentors in the a11y space
      • Pass info to rest of company in a digestible format. Alexis started a program called "A11y Hour" where colleagues were invited to come learn about disability and accessibility topics
      • Prioritize customer-generated issues
      • Work with developers to test for a11y during development, not after
      • Evaluate how you're doing: how many a11y issues are opened vs closed? And set goals for improvement from there.
      • Form a network within the company, and pool together your external networks
      • Advocate for a11y-specific headcount
      • Tailor the business case for a11y based on who you're talking to. When speaking to designers, "the right thing to do, ethically" is effective. But for other stakeholders, consider angles like financial, legal, tech debt, sales/competition, industry regulation, SEO...
      • Provide specific examples of a11y done well for inspiration (where possible, use NVDA/JAWS and take away visuals so sighted folks get same experience as Blind folks)
      • Put together a detailed proposal, so all leadership has to do is "Say yes"
      • Open a communication channel for the company to use: Slack channel worked well at Splunk. Helps to "democratize knowledge" - if a Q is asked more than once, pin it as part of an FAQ.
      • Create resources to share with rest of org: for example, learning session that can be part of new employee bootcamp
      • Advocate for company-wide OKR for a11y
    1. The Landscape of Digital Accessibility in Higher Education

      Link to presentation

      Charles Collick Jr, Rutgers

      Pat Kogos, University of Chicago

      Nate Evans, Michigan State University

      Handling legacy applications

      • Involve students! Paid or volunteer. They can edit captions, add alt text, etc, and have first-hand perspective on student needs & experience
      • Use a priority-based approach to determine how you can make the biggest impact on faculty and students
      • If anything can be sunset, retire it rather than allocating resources toward overhauling
      • Anything that has high usage and directly impacts learning & research activities should be hi-pri

      Securing budget for a11y & promoting culture

      • Focus on storytelling and "sell" the need for a11y as much as possible. Start with the "why" before trying to secure cash
      • Focus on the benefits rather than threatening with negative consequences
      • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion gaining traction in the higher ed world right now. Those are likely the ideal folks to partner with.
      • Student experience also a more popular topic these days - tie to a11y.
      • "Get in trouble" - call attention to things that aren't accessible, taking to Twitter/public forums when appropriate


      • While the speakers on this panel don't participate in buying consortiums, lots of info sharing (if one school reviews a tool for a11y they might share the results of those audits across the consortium)
      • To watch: Big 10 Alliance: Library E-Resource Accessibility

      Tools used to evaluate a11y and share results back to content owners

      • Enterprise tools allow for more robust reporting than free tools
      • Using built-in a11y tools in Canvas, Blackboard Ally
      • Axe & Deque are popular tools

      Getting Faculty buy-in

      • Teaching & Learning with Tech groups help with outreach
      • Make a11y part of conversation about course design & pedagogy

      What initiatives are you excited about for 2021? And If you could recommend ONE change to improve web a11y in higher ed, what would that be?

      • Rutgers: Initiatives: New procurement process, Ally rollout, and mandatory training for IT. The one recommended change: awareness.
      • U Chicago: Initiatives: Scaling up use of enterprise tool, training for IT staff & faculty. 1 Recommended change: integrating a11y into processes from beginning.
      • U Mich: launching a11y audit team, including hiring students. 1 recommended change: don't think you have to be perfect to get started or make progress.
    1. Building Accessibility Success within Smaller Enterprise Companies

      Ted Drake, Intuit

      Link to Session

      Getting Started

      • Assess company's needs: regulatory environment? resource-strapped startup? are you about to go public & concerned with PR?
      • Build goodwill with leadership and keep communication lines open (CEO, CTO, product leaders, etc)

      1, 3, and 5 year goals

      • 1 year: get to know all products/aspect of product intimately
      • 2 year: documentation
      • 3 year: "low-hanging fruit" and basic compliance
      • 4 year: work with customers and contributors to get real user feedback from disabled customers
      • 5 year: Set goals for metrics that will be used in perpetuity with regular testing

      Tips for Success

      • Build support within the org - idea: "Accessibility Champions" program. Have devs set up their computers for keyboard only testing, install certain browser plugins, etc.
      • Develop empathy: record and share customer interviews, create personas, empathy exercises (put on a mask & use your product with a screenreader)
      • Include developers and designers in customer research
      • Transparency: blog posts, internal comms
    1. ROI of Accessibility

      Greg Williams, Deque Systems

      Link to Session

      4 main business cases (eCommerce case study):

      • Increasing market share
      • Controlling operational costs
      • Managing risk profile
      • Aligning digital presence with company core values

      Increasing market share

      • after-tax income for working-age people with disabilities in the US: $490 billion
      • 20 million (35% of all people with disabilities) are US working age adults, age 16-64
      • If you're not accessible and your competitor is, you lose that market share
      • Vision, Hearing, Ambulatory, and Cognitive are most common disabilities
      • Inaccessible e-commerce retailers losing out on $6.9B annually

      Controlling operational costs

      • "Click-in" payment costs much lower than call-in, mail-in, and walk-in (brick & mortar). Pushing to digital channel cuts costs - up to $14m. Can't push disabled customers to digital if experience is inaccessible.
      • Blind users call company's customer service department 1x/week on average because of website inaccessibility. They call multiple times even when they have abandoned the transaction. Save time & $ on customer service calls.

      Risk management

      • approx 10k ADA lawsuits per year. CA, NY, and FL are where lawsuits are most prevalent
      • potential cost of complaints: blended rate of $120/hr when you consider support personnel, compliance/regulatory personnel, product management, devs, QA, testing, etc
      • calculating proactive vs reactive fix loss, assuming 100 complaints annually, upwards of $1m per year cost for "reactive" fixes
      • lawsuits: blended rate of $225/hr assuming company leadership, legal council, external SMEs, etc are involved
      • DOJ could levy fine of $96,834 for first action while still requiring website to become accessible

      Alignment with core values

      • If mission or motto is to be inclusive, customer-centric, etc, are you really meeting that mission if you don't include a11y in priorities?
      • Customers increasingly want to purchase from companies that share their view
      • Consumers who have a negative or positive experience re: a11y tend to share with family and friends
    1. Open source code library for building innovative e-learning that is accessible, usable, interoperable, mobile-friendly and multilingual. Based on the Web Experience Toolkit (WET) and bootstrap. This collaborative open source project is led by the Canada School of Public Service, Government of Canada.
  9. Feb 2021
  10. Feb 2020
  11. Jan 2020
    1. As per the WHO, at least about 29% (2.2 billion) of the world population (7.7 billion) has some form of visual impairment, which is at least 3 people in the above-mentioned list.

      Essential to build with a focus on a11y

  12. Jul 2019
    1. Web Accessibility Focus pursues this purpose through four main activities:

      This describes four main activities.

  13. Feb 2019
  14. Nov 2018
  15. Apr 2018
    1. Robust It is this flirty declarative nature makes HTML so incredibly robust. Just look at this video. It shows me pulling chunks out of the Amazon homepage as I browse it, while the page continues to run. Let’s just stop and think about that, because we take it for granted. I’m pulling chunks of code out of a running computer application, AND IT IS STILL WORKING. Jut how… INCREDIBLE is that? Can you imagine pulling random chunks of code out of the memory of your iPhone or Windows laptop, and still expecting it to work? Of course not! But with HTML, it’s a given.
  16. Jan 2018
  17. inclusive-components.design inclusive-components.design
    1. For a consistent experience between users, we need to be deliberate and focus() an appropriate element

      Deliberate decisions about the next action with focus, provide a nicer UX

    2. <use xlink:href="#bin-icon">

      Ah… so THAT's what the hidden SVG at the beginning of the piece was fore

    3. Many kinds of users often feel the need to scale/zoom interfaces, including the short-sighted and those with motor impairments who are looking to create larger touch or click targets.

      Nice argument for leveling up in SVG

    4. In this example, &times; is used to represent a cross symbol. Were it not for the aria-label overriding it, the label would be announced as “times” or “multiplication” depending on the screen reader in question.

      So aria labels overrule clever submit typography. Userful to know

    5. In my version, I just add a minor enhancement: a line-through style for checked items. This is applied to the <label> via the :checked state using an adjacent sibling combinator.

      Clever CSS tricks abound in this piece

    6. It’s quite valid in HTML to provide an <input> control outside of a <form> element. The <input> will not succeed in providing data to the server without the help of JavaScript, but that’s not a problem in an application using XHR.

      Did not know this.

    7. all the state information we need is actually already in the DOM, meaning all we need in order to switch between showing the list and showing the empty-state is CSS.

      Wow. - never thought of this. It's not as obvious as the approach above though if you were working on the code base - how expensive is a check for todos.length?

    8. If you do use a <section> element, you still need to provide a heading to it, otherwise it is an unlabeled section.

      unexpected accessibility gotcha!

  18. Aug 2017
    1. The Ethereum Foundation also notes another issue – the impediment to legitimate use; the benefits to media owners pale in comparison to the detrimental effect the DRM would have on users. According to the Foundation, the DRM will hinder commenting and modification of videos, whether for artistic purposes or to make them accessible to disabled individuals. "All of these uses, normally held in high regard in the W3C Recommendation process, are blocked by DRM.

      Anything that would get in the way of #a11y access is a problem to me.

  19. Dec 2015
    1. The EDUPUB Initiative VitalSource regularly collaborates with independent consultants and industry experts including the National Federation of the Blind (NFB), American Foundation for the Blind (AFB), Tech For All, JISC, Alternative Media Access Center (AMAC), and others. With the help of these experts, VitalSource strives to ensure its platform conforms to applicable accessibility standards including Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Accessibility Guidelines established by the Worldwide Web Consortium known as WCAG 2.0. The state of the platform's conformance with Section 508 at any point in time is made available through publication of Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates (VPATs).  VitalSource continues to support industry standards for accessibility by conducting conformance testing on all Bookshelf platforms – offline on Windows and Macs; online on Windows and Macs using standard browsers (e.g., Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari); and on mobile devices for iOS and Android. All Bookshelf platforms are evaluated using industry-leading screen reading programs available for the platform including JAWS and NVDA for Windows, VoiceOver for Mac and iOS, and TalkBack for Android. To ensure a comprehensive reading experience, all Bookshelf platforms have been evaluated using EPUB® and enhanced PDF books.

      Could see a lot of potential for Open Standards, including annotations. What’s not so clear is how they can manage to produce such ePub while maintaining their DRM-focused practice. Heard about LCP (Lightweight Content Protection). But have yet to get a fully-accessible ePub which is also DRMed in such a way.

  20. Feb 2014
    1. Host W3C gratefully acknowledges Hypothes.is for hosting this workshop.

      There is an image of the Hypothes.is logo included with this text.