29 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2019
    1. In this volatile political moment, information, it would seem, has never been more crucial. The

      An idle thought as I make my way through this article, I wonder if there is a relation between how crucial information is and this information exhaustion. The more important particular information is I would think the more valuable creating disinformation would be for some gain.

  2. Sep 2019
    1. he didn't understand the difference, because she didn't conceive it as such.

      I think this alludes to a larger societal issue because we might be ignorant of stuff simply because we haven't experienced something; that doesn't give us an excuse however, to not try and understand another's experience or position.

    2. , we will need to be willing to be learners, along with our students.

      Yes, I think a great way to grow in your practice is to recognize that you might make faults sometimes, and that's ok -- as long as you continue to learn and grow from each encounter.

    3. Students cannot succeed unless they know how to navigate our many and varied classifications, with all their limitations and political difficulties.

      This is why teaching digital and traditional information literacy skills are so important!! How can you expect to find information and analyze it, if you don't know where first to go and search for it?

    4. a critical library instruction program might instead teach students to engage critically with the classifications as text, encouraging critical thought in relation to the tools.

      This is important. I think not only teaching students how to look for texts but how to critically analyze them is key to understanding the LCSHs -- understanding that just because certain terms were used decades ago (or even now) aren't good terms to use as they might carry implicit biases.

    5. Surely people can continue to change regardless of LC subject headings; however, the headings do fix certain identities and not others in place and time.

      Yes, good example. Since I think language is fluid and can change over time, has LCSH kept up with this change in language? Who is in charge of whether LCSH adapts with the terminology people use today to express their identity, versus what they used a few decades or centuries ago? Whose "voice" is truly represented--the cataloger's or the patron's?

    6. This is a very human and very subjective process

      This is what's negative about LCSH is that people choose what subject heading to file a book under--their implicit biases might come into play as they might think they "know better" where a book should go instead of considering all categories a book could fit into.

    7. The result is a hierarchical arrangement that gathers effectively by the first facet following the idea that we gather what is the same and separate what is differen

      This is important to consider because it can affect how we search for something using the LCSH--we might have to adjust our query or take a different "information pathway" to find what we want.

    8. First, the classifications are hierarchical, and prescribe a universalizing structure of "first terms" that masquerade as neutral when they are, in fact, culturally informed and reflective of social power.

      Yes, I agree. I think this "hierarchical" terms problem is precisely what Dabrinski mentions in the above paragraph about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; because there are higher-order terms in place that don't necessarily fit this specific topic, it can be harder for someone to find information about that topic if they don't know how to navigate the system.

    9. Library classifications in the ideal are ambitious, totalizing projects: they seek to contain not only the present sum of human knowledge, but also to encompass any new knowledge generated in the future.

      Perhaps this is the drawback to classification systems like DDC and LCSH--they try to encompass old, current, and new knowledges--things we might not have names for yet. So by trying to encompass "everything," evidently certain things get left out or phrased differently than we'd like them to be (now that we know better).

    10. controlled vocabulary

      In her "the power to name" article, I think Olson does a great job explaining what "controlled vocabulary" is.

    11. We must get it right

      Yes, totally agree that we "must get it right" now more than ever. I didn't know before reading this that "negro women" was (is?) a subject heading as I think some people find the term offensive.

    12. I argue that classification schemes are socially produced and embedded structures

      This reminds me of the Olson article when she discusses Cutter's classification terms in favor of a "singular public" -- controlled vocabulary and hierarchical structure.

  3. Apr 2019
    1. The consensus reception holds that the visual composition of the structures lack a unified voice due to the heavy handedness of the individual star-architects who were commissioned to design its various structures.Most critics write from the lens of art criticism and therefor focus on the aesthetics of structures as though they were sculptures in a museum. For decades, critics from this tradition have failed to understand or assimilate the principles of urban design that make cities vibrant and walkable.

      This struck me as very interesting, as it frames the article as a rejection of accepted criticism of many respected voices in the field. Instead, the author conducts a potential use study of the space for future users, from the perspective of walkability. It is written not for other scholars of the field but for a general audience, New Yorkers in particular.

    2. The primary benefit of this would be to make the Hudson River and Public Square park areas more easily accessible to everyone who lives and works east of Hudson Yards. Opening 10th avenue to street facing retail, turning the six lane street two-way, and adding bike lanes would also make it more forgiving.

      Concluding appeal and explanation of the author's call to action. Considering the lack of walkability and limited potential use, they suggest a new design that will maximize access. This also has the benefit of altering the public's sense of that the space is exclusive.

    3. Urbanists like Jan Gehl, Janette Sadik-Kahn, Jeff Speck, and others have composed a comprehensive and well codified body of knowledge on humane urban design and walkability, which art critics should assimilate into their practice.

      Framework for criticism

    4. The Javits Center is often used by urbanists as an example of the perils of inhumane design. The unused and un-policed periphery attracts crime and vagrancy while its one entrance opens upon an eight lane street. This combination means that most conference attendees hire a taxi to ferry them to a more hospitable neighborhood.

      This is an excellent example of creation without context, particularly use by target populations. Walkability was so poor that it negatively affected the area.

    5. The only way to reach the Public Square promenade from the street is to climb three flights of stairs onto the High Line, then cross a fairly narrow bridge connection. The street level features a large cafeteria, but like the 10th avenue perimeter, the sidewalks are so narrow and the road so heavily trafficked with vehicles that it is unlikely the street can thrive as a public space.

      Examples of why this space is not user-friendly and basically unwalkable. Those designing the space did not consider practicalities like access.

    6. It's important to note here that between the posh region of Chelsea and Hudson Yards are seven blocks of unglamorous project style developments and warehouses. The High Line provides a convenient bridge over this region, and the canyon of quirky residential developments that flank it obscures the true nature of the surrounding neighborhood, which is mostly black, latino and poor.

      Briefly discusses underserved populations that would likely not benefit from the space and go mainly unnoticed by art critics and star architects. Members of the general public.

    7. Much has been made over the symbolism of the Public Square’s corporate aesthetic, its ‘gaudy’ stairway monument, and the exclusive luxury of its mall. I believe this is overstated; New York has plenty of examples of luxury developments and amenities which also contribute to the fabric of the city, including Rockefeller Center, the World Trade Center memorial site, and Fifth Avenue. With time, these markers of status will ebb and a new development will claim the hyper-lux mantle.

      This is another example of the author rejecting popular criticism by leaders of the field. He tempers his comments towards the design of the space by mentioning other historic examples in the city.

      This may also be a connection to the general public who have embraced (as a novelty) the Hudson Yards. It gives the author a sense of reliability, compared to the highbrow disdain of art critics.

    8. But over time, they become numb to the novelty of art, and other considerations exert a far greater influence on their experience of the building: things like who uses the space, when the space is used, how the space forms community and how it integrates the the community that surrounds it.

      His argument is user-orientated, criticizing experts in the field who work separately to build components of a shared urban ecosystem. Each architect was chosen for their fame, not their ability to work as part of a team, and spare little consideration about those who will live, work, and move through the space. Most importantly, the question of fostering community is addressed.

      Similar to scholars at the top of their field, these architects place little consideration towards the mass consumption of their work and its context.

    9. Street front retail creates foot traffic in places that might otherwise be desolate and inhospitable during different parts of the day. A diversity of land uses is key in cultivating walkability. For example, New York’s financial district is generally a ghost town after office hours because it lacks residential buildings. Adjacent Battery Park City has the opposite problem; it is so domestic that its streets are empty except during commuting hours.

      Cites two examples of spaces in the city that fail to maximize walkability and reduces user satisfaction/use. Users require mixed-use spaces that promote diverse populations, keeping them from becoming too exclusive and barren during the off hours.

    10. By concentrating retail inside a mega-complex like the Shops, Hudson Yards taxes the public realm and misses out on an opportunity to cultivate the sense of place that might otherwise emerge.

      An example of intersting, even beautiful design with no thought of context. Users should have some understanding of place and build a sense of community. Leads to the 'ivory tower' image for architects that's similarly held by scholars.

  4. May 2018
    1. Well, not quite. In September, the attacks on Quinn coalesced into an organized campaign, coordinated on 4chan, Reddit, YouTube and in various IRC channels. Gamers came to a consensus that publicly harassing a woman over her sex life was a bad look. They quickly pivoted to focus on corruption in games journalism.

      Again, this relates to our discussion as it offers an example of how social media can be used as a rallying point for those with less than pleasant intentions, and causes us to question if the platform itself has some responsibility to stop these formations for taking place

    2. What Is Gamergate, and Why? An Explainer for Non-Geeks

      I was drawn to this article not only because we briefly discussed "GamerGate" in class and several class mates seemed unaware of the incident, but because it also intrigued me in relation to social media and security. Would gaming be considered a form of social media, and what does this kind of incident say about the concept of the "echochamber" in social media communities that are heavily used by "gamers."

    3. "#GamerGate" is an online movement ostensibly concerned with ethics in game journalism and with protecting the "gamer" identity.

      This was the primary concern when we discussed the "doxing" of members of the media. Female gamers and journalists were targeted and their information leaked to the public, including a group of individuals who were already angry at the women in question for fighting the standard of their community. This connects heavily with how social media platforms and even search engines protect information, as it is possible to get information such as schools, general locations, etc. through the correct google searches.

  5. Jan 2018
    1. The bad news is that the capital-d Dream of a virtual assistant that manages your digital life while you live your real one is probably a lie.

      The author refutes the idea that assistance from electronic devices could make lives easier. He uses his own experience to show that sometimes seeking information via some digital devices is not so convenient.

  6. Dec 2017
    1. Interesting that comments over likes would be associated with depression. Considering the basic argument for social media is that it increases communication.

    1. I found this to be an interesting story, but also an example of how concepts like information need and information horizon can change while in the research process. We have all gotten these spam debt calls, usually we just wish they would stop. Andrew Therrien began a casual investigation, that turned into an obsession, which ended in the arrest of loan sharks creating fake debt to the tune of $8 million. His ability to extract information on the web and through blackmailing lesser loan sharks led him to the leader of a national racket. Loan sharks thrive by hoarding information, leveraging their knowledge to prey on people. While this is an extreme case of fighting back, it shows how important knowledge is to power.