8 Matching Annotations
- Feb 2024
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Several of the books he wrotewere read for the Dictionary resulting in him being quoted eighteen times forlinguistic prosody terms such as acatalectic, not short of a syllable in the lastfoot; disyllabize, to make disyllabic; hypercatalectic, having an extra syllableafter the last complete dipody; and pyrrhic, a metrical foot consisting of twoshort syllables.
wrote a scholarly article on the derivation of the word akimbo
where is this article?
And, of course, he was a vegetarian, a cause he embraced in middleage. Or we might say he thought he was a vegetarian; the college chef was soworried that Mayor was abstemious and getting too thin that he added meatstock to the soups that Mayor preferred to eat. Mayor was also a teetotaller.Although he didn’t foist his diet or abstention onto others, he did spread theword in his books: Modicus Cibi Medicus Sibi, or, Nature her Own Physicianin 1880, What is Vegetarianism? in 1886, and Plain Living and High Thinkingin 1897. He contributed articles to Dietetic Reformer and VegetarianMessenger, publications of the Vegetarian Society. He became President ofthe Society in 1884, a position he held until his death in 1910 when he waseighty-five – and he attributed his healthiness in later life to his diet andascetic mode of living. Over this period, Mayor had witnessed new words fortypes of vegetarians: veg (1884), fruitarian (1893), and nutarian (1909). (Theword vegan would not appear until later, in 1944.)
He was avoracious collector of books and when he ran out of space for them in hiscollege rooms (where he lived) he acquired a little house nearby for theoverflow. He was generous, often giving books away, and yet he still left18,000 volumes when he died, bequeathed to the library he had overseen
- Feb 2022
a new alliance
I've lost track of the number of times Mayor Andrew Ginther has spun up "a new alliance" of "faith leaders, city leaders, and medica professionals" and called upon "everyone" to fight the crime problem he's done nothing to address - as did his predecessors.
- Nov 2016
www.fomento.gob.es www.fomento.gob.es
www.moverribera.consorcioeder.es www.moverribera.consorcioeder.es
Todos nosotros somos responsables de emisiones de CO2
- Feb 2016
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
A massive pyramid temple, the Templo Mayor, was located at the city center (its ruins can still be found in the center of Mexico City).
The top image is the Templo Mayor ruins in Mexico City. The bottom image is a drawing of what Templo Mayor looked like. I thought these were interesting.