- Nov 2022
dhc-barnard.github.io dhc-barnard.github.io
We can also cultivate alternative narratives of what technological progress or improvement feels like. We can investigate, for instance, how much inconvenience users will accept in return for getting their digital objects in less carbon intensive ways, which users they are, and how that matters. We can explore how we got here in the first place: we can critique concepts like ‘user’ and ‘convenience’ from an ecocentric standpoint. We can investigate alternative futures of work, in the tech and tools that we develop and study, and in the ways we ourselves work. And we might – and probably should – do other things, and ask other questions, we haven’t yet thought of. Our ambitions cannot be just about how we conduct our research, or practices adjacent to it: our research can play its part. And to do that will require us to shift our points of inquiry.
También es importante buscar en las narrativas alternativas qué implica el avance tecnológica de forma crítica. Investigar si los usuarios, ciudadanos están dispuestos a contar con objetos digitales bajos en uso de carbono. Conocer las expectativas y las motivaciones de esos usuarios de artefactos, archivos u objetos digitales. Investigar formas de trabajo futuro, tanto en el uso de las herramientas, las tecnologías y las metodologías que como humanistas digitales usamos.
Y deberíamos seguramente hacernos otras preguntas, hacer otras cosas. Nuestras ambiciones o intereses no pueden ser solo sobre cómo llevamos a cabo nuestra investigación, o las prácticas afines: nuestra investigación puede desempeñar su rol en este contexto de crisis climática. Y hacer eso requerirá que cambiemos nuestros puntos de vista como comunidad HD.
As a community we have responded. DH practitioners are advancing knowledge of historic and ongoing environmental oppression (e.g. Schuyler Esprit and Oonya Kempadoo’s Carisealand and Minimal Computing). At the same time, our communities can address the environmental emergency, and do so in ways that are feminist, anti-colonial, and aligned with diverse flourishings of the human and more-than-human world. We can resist the perceived ethereality of the digital, when the reality is stuff, power, and pollution. We can highlight the power consumption of some forms of play (e.g. a GPU attached Colab notebook) and to advocate for mitigations (e.g. energy-efficient programming practices). We might even ask whether our power consumption – set against all power consumption – even matters at all, is even worth worrying about, irrespective of the optics of us declaring that it doesn’t matter (Whitmarsh et al., 2021).
Como comunidades hemos respondido. Los/as humanistas digitales están avanzando en los saberes sobre la histórica y actual opresión/colonización ambiental (Ejemplo Schuyler Esprit and Oonya Kempadoo’s Carisealand and Minimal Computing)
Al mismo tiempo, nuestras comunidades están aproximándose a la emergencia ambiental desde una mirada feminista, anti colonial y alineada a un mundo más humano. Se resiste lo digital como meramente efímero o etéreo para concebirlo como material, poder y contaminación. Tenemos que señalar tanto las formas de consumo ( por ejemplo de la de una unidad de procesamiento de imágenes en una Colab notebook) hasta estrategias de mitigación ( ejemplo prácticas de programación no intensivas en uso de energía). Esas prácticas nos llevan incluso a preguntarnos si nuestro consumo energético importa en el marco del consumo general, a pesar de las lógicas que plantean lo contrario ( Whitmarsh et al , 2021)
The Research We Do Like all academic disciplines, DH research has a particular environmental impact. Not the kind of impact typical of energy-intensive, high performance computing research elsewhere on campus, but intensive nevertheless: we buy new machines, we build infrastructures that host large digital objects, we run queries over large datasets. DH also works adjacent to fields whose research relates to environmental crises: to science and technology studies scholars concerned with their relations to L/land (Liboiron, 2021); to archivists describing how their approaches to digital preservation are environmentally unsustainable (Pendergrass et al., 2019); to artificial intelligence ethics scholars investigating the intersectional harms of large language models, some of whom have been fired by big tech for speaking out, others of whom only feel able to speak anonymously (Bender et al., 2021); to historians quantitatively analysing the disinformation tactics of big oil (Supran and Oreskes, 2021). Like much of this work, DH is increasingly – or has ambitions to be, or presents itself as – anti-colonial and feminist. At the very least it should be, given that it has been seven years since Bethany Nowviskie asked us, in an anti-colonial and feminist spirit, ‘What is the place of digital humanities (DH) practice in the new social and geological era of the Anthropocene?’ (Nowviskie, 2014).
¿Qué investigación hacemos desde las HD?
Como toda disciplina académica, las HD tienen un impacto ambiental particular. Tal vez no uno energéticamente intensivo o de alto rendimiento como el informático, pero si intensivo: compramos nuevas máquinas, diseñamos infraestructuras digitales para el manejo de gran cantidad de datos y objetos. En paralelo, las HD trabajan cerca de campos de investigación relacionadas a la crisis ambiental: estudios de ciencia y tecnología preocupados por la tierra y el colonialismo de la contaminación (Liboiron, 2021) ,archivistas preocupados por el impacto ambiental de las prácticas de conservación digital (Pendergrass et al., 2019); a investigadores que analizan la intersección entre IA y los daños de los modelos de datos, algunos inclusive han sido expulsados de sus trabajos por evidenciar estos riesgos (Bender et al., 2021); a historiadores que investigan las prácticas de desinformación de las grandes petroleras, (Supran and Oreskes, 2021). En ese contexto, las HD ambicionan o se presentan a sí mismas, como decoloniales y feministas. Y mínimamente deberían ya serlo , ya que han pasado más de siete años desde la interpelación realizada por Bethany Nowviskie '¿Cuál es el rol de las humanidades digitales (HD) en un nueva era social y geológica llamada Antropoceno? ' (Nowviskie, 2014).
As humanities researchers, it is also our role to probe the values, the power structures, and the future imaginaries that underpin sustainable solutions. Given, especially, the immense and monopolistic power wielded by the global tech sector, and the critiques of this power that are part of DH, our use of their resources should be informed by the ways corporate economic, cultural, and scientific power perpetuates and exacerbates the crisis. Choosing a hardware or hosting provider, for example, should mean considering direct environmental impacts, broader environmental policies and record of the provider, and more broadly still, the kinds of collective future that such a collaborative encounter presupposes. We should be able to candidly explore the complex and sometimes contradictory nature of our ecological impact: we should be able to measure and model where possible, while also creating context around our measurements, flagging uncertainties, and advocating for transforming wider conditions. This would require taking a step back from detailing the environmental impact of a resource, to ask whether the activities supported by that resource really serve ecological and social justice.
Como investigadores de las Ciencias Humanas , nuestro rol es también evidenciar los valores, las estructuras de poder y los imaginarios futuros que fomentan otras soluciones más sostenibles. Teniendo en cuenta el inmenso y monopólico poder del sector tecnológico global, y las críticas que desde las HD a ellos se les confiere, no podemos obviar reconocer el impacto de nuestro uso de los recursos tecnológicos. Sin ello estaríamos exacerbando la crisis ambiental al reproducir las lógicas económicas y corporativas, culturales y científicas . Al elegir uno u otro hardware o hosting web, debemos hacer el ejercicio de considerar el impacto ambiental, las más amplias políticas ambientales y la "reputación" del proveedor o fabricante. Así también como la futura incidencia colectiva que éstas elecciones traen consigo.Debemos poder explorar la compleja y contradictoria naturaleza de los impactos ambientales derivados de nuestras decisiones, al mismo tiempo que creamos el escenario propicio para para nuevas medidas en un contexto de incertidumbre para la transformación. Lo anterior debería ser útil para reflexionar más allá del impacto ambiental del uso de un recurso, más bien interrogarnos acerca de si las prácticas detrás del recursos son ellas mismas socialmente justas y ecológicas.
Some Context The digital is material. As digital humanists, every project we create, every software application we use, every piece of hardware we purchase impacts our environment. In this document we aim to surface the ecological impacts of our work while learning with and from our DH community about ways to reduce harm to the environment and to the people most impacted by environmental injustices.
Contexto Lo digital es material. Como humanistas, debemos pensar que cada proyecto que creamos, cada software que usamos, cada elemento de hardware comprado impacta en el ambiente. El objetivo de este documento es poner en discusión los impactos ecológicos de nuestro trabajo mientras aprendemos con y desde nuestra comunidad HD sobre posibles reducciones del daño causado al ambiente y de las injusticias ambientales en las comunidades más afectadas.
Preamble This manifesto emerged from a collective desire to foreground the climate crisis within digital humanities work. We are a group of digital humanists, in varying positions and career stages, from the Caribbean, Europe, and the United States, working within well-resourced academic institutions. We know that as individuals and as a community we contribute to the climate crisis. We believe that with our world in the midst of vast and borderless catastrophe, digital humanists have a responsibility to act.
Preámbulo Este manifiesto nace de un interés colectivo en visibilizar la crisis climática en el marco de las Humanidades Digitales. Somos un grupo de humanistas digitales, provenientes de diversos espacios, trayectos académicos, desde el Caribe, Europa y Estados Unidos, trabajando en instituciones donde los recursos no son escasos. Sabemos que como individuos y como comunidad estamos contribuyendo en ésta crisis climática. Nosotros/as creemos que en un mundo devastado como humanistas digitales tenemos responsabilidades en accionar.
- Jan 2022
stackoverflow.blog stackoverflow.blog
Good lessons learned
- Nov 2020
macwright.com macwright.com
web, development ways, spa, ssa
- Mar 2020
paramaggarwal.substack.com paramaggarwal.substack.com
Javascript, APIs and Markup — this stack is all about finding middleground from the chaos of SSR+SPA. It is about stepping back and asking yourself, what parts of my page change and what parts don’t change?
JavaScript, APIs and Markup (JAM Stack) - middleground between SSR + SPA.
- The parts that don’t change often are pre-rendered on the server and saved to static HTML files. Anything else is implemented in JS and run on the client using API calls.
- Avoids too much data transfer (like the hydration data for SSR), therefore finds a good tradeoff to ship web content
- Allows to leverage the power and cost of Content delivery networks (CDNs) to effectively serve your content
- With serverless apps your APIs will never need a server to SSH into and manage
Somewhere on this path to render pages on the fly (SSR) and render pages on the client (SPA) we forgot about the performance of our webpages. We were trying to build apps. But the web is about presenting content first and foremost!
Website performance break with Client-side Rendering (SSR) and Single-page App (SPA)
- Jan 2019
single-spa.js.org single-spa.js.org
the best performance is achieved by calling registerApplication immediately, but calling start after the AJAX request is completed.
important note (and including paragraph) regarding how to achieve best performance when loading multiple apps (which is what single spa does...). Basically, registerApplication() first, but start() only after doing some other work, maybe like painting initial stuff on the web page.
single-spa.js.org single-spa.js.org
When called, this function should look at the URL to determine the active route and then create DOM elements, DOM event listeners, etc. to render content to the user
this is the purpose of the mount function
except that it doesn't have an HTML page
I think they mean that it doesn't have its own html page with head and body section. Instead, it has only its own section of the DOM, without those 'upstream' parts.
A reference to the singleSpa instance, itself. This is intended to allow applications and helper libraries to call singleSpa APIs without having to import it.
important. can it be useful to share information between different apps called by single-spa? I know there are other recommended mechanisms for this in single-spa world but just a thought - could be useful for that.
pass a reference to a common event bus so each app may talk to each other
this seems like a recommended way to share events and data between multiple apps in one single-spa instance. i wonder how technically this should be implemented
- May 2015
jonudell.net jonudell.net
Medium's SPA navigation seems to foil Hypothes.is. I got back to your original Medium post by hitting the back button from a couple levels deep in Medium responses. Notice there are no Hypothes.is comment indicators:
screen shot of Medium article Missing Hypothes.is comment indicator