10 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2022
    1. In part in order to heighten his praise of Aldus as the ideal printer, Erasmus noted by contrast that most printers, given the absence of regulations, “fill the world with pamphlets and books [that are] . . . foolish, ignorant, malig-nant, libellous, mad, impious and subversive; and such is the flood that even

      things that might have done some good lose all their goodness.”198 The overabundance of bad books drowned out even any good bits that might be present among them.

      And we now say these same sorts of things about the internet and social media.

    1. So worried have I become about my numbers and long-term job security that I have lately begun to overhear myself talking to students with the same deferential manner as a RadioShack manager.
    1. As John Dickerson recently put it on Slate, describing his attempt to annotate books on an iPad: “It’s like eating candy through a wrapper.”


  2. Sep 2020
    1. rustling like palmetto fronds.

      Compares the rusting curtains to palmetto fronds or palm tree leaves.

    2. with a tiny body which was red and shriveled like an old man's.

      He's comparing Doodle to a old man

    3. collapse back onto the bed like an old worn-out doll.

      Comparing how Doodle would fall onto the bed how a dall would fall over.

    4. heir roots and tearing them out of the earth like a hawk at the entrails

      Comparing the Hurricane to a Hawk

  3. Feb 2017
    1. Authorship of the Ciris R. B. Steele The American Journal of Philology 1930 DOI: 10.2307/289863 The last four lines of the Ciris (538-41) are also in the Georgics (1, 406-9), just as four lines in Georg. 4, 162 ff. are carried over to the bee-simile in Aeneid 1, 430 ff., and just as many a shorter piece of the narrative is given more than once, in the same or in changed form.

      another article noting the Aen./Gerog. similarity.

    2. Apollonius Called the Rhodian Moses Hadas The Classical Weekly 1932 DOI: 10.2307/4339137 left Pagasae and the throngs of feminine admirers. On that occasion he is likened to Apollo striding toward Delos (1.307-311). Vergil copies the simile in his description of Aeneas (Aeneid 4.143-I45): Qualis ubi hibernam Lyciam Xanthique fluenta deserit ac Delum maternam invisit Apollo instauratque choros.... pon that passage Henry remarks29: "Not only is the hero of the Aeneid modelled after the hero of the Argonautics (see Rem. on Aen. 3.1O), but he is made the subject of the selfsame comparisons. .."

      Aeneas compared to Apollo for his beauty

      In an article on Apolloius Rhodius (10.2307/4339137) we read that Vergil took this comparison from the Argonautica (1.307-311), where Jason is compared to the same deity

    3. "SEDES APIBUS": FROM THE "GEORGICS" TO THE "AENEID" Eleanor Winsor Leach Vergilius (1959-) 1977 DOI: 10.2307/41591766

      see also the DCC commentary ad locum, which doesn't mention the same similes in the Georg.