- Jun 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
my editor who's from completely outside this world just Mark that and said you know I don't know what these words mean the Evangelical subculture 00:36:03 right I was like okay take it out and let me let me show don't tell and but the truth is like it's invisible to people on the outside what the Evangelical subculture is
my editor who's from completely outside this world just Mark that and said you know I don't know what these words mean the Evangelical subculture right I was like okay take it out and let me let me show don't tell and but the truth is like it's invisible to people on the outside what the Evangelical subculture is
docdrop.org docdrop.org
my editor who's from completely outside this world just Mark that and said you know I don't know what these words mean the Evangelical subculture 00:36:03 right I was like okay take it out and let me let me show don't tell and but the truth is like it's invisible to people on the outside what the Evangelical subculture is
- definition
- Evangelical Subculture
- This is a culture that Evangelical Christians are immersed in
- which constitutes a kind of bubble of repetitive indoctrination of
- aggressive, male, patriarchal value system that is antithetical to
- the traditional teachings of Christianity that once focused on values of
- collaboration
- compassion
- empathy
- tolerance
- which constitutes a kind of bubble of repetitive indoctrination of
- It is widespread deeply aculturated meme that affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide
- one of its distinguishing features is the carefully controlled and orchestrated propaganda
- definition
- Apr 2023
weibo.com weibo.com
接下来我想说的,想必大家也猜到了吧。我们之所以会指出阿 b 的缺点,其中不乏激烈的言语,但其核心还不是因为爱它丫么!遥想在 12 年,13 年那会,B 站都没有自己的服务器,那会上传视频是要「战渣浪」或者「后黑」的——目的就是为了降低平均码率以防新浪二次压制视频。那会虽然过着小米加步枪的艰苦日子,但是大家真的很其乐融融。发弹幕都是清一色“好听”、“前方高能”、“23333”,就算up主有不尽如人意的地方大家也会留“加油”,“有进步了!”这样的弹幕或者评论。所以B站那会在所有人的心中都像是一个小窝一样:虽然名气不大,但是大家都觉得米娜桑好厉害,特别友好;不是技术宅,就是唱歌好听,游戏解说幽默又仔细,或者是位勤勤恳恳的搬运工。(那会听个「威风堂堂」都觉得自己领了很大的一袋福利呢。)但是慢慢的这样的感觉不复存在了。我们发现,明星越来越多,短视频越来越多,不认识的人越来越多。甚至有一天,我们竟然可以竖屏大拇指上划直播了,每个直播看 2 秒钟就可以划掉,一划就换了一个小姐姐。我们感觉很陌生,这还是我们的 B 站吗?其实我作为 up 主,和老粉丝想的是一样的——就是感觉自己的家被别人占据了。他们大摇大摆地不换鞋就走进了我们的屋子,带着他的朋友,大声嚷嚷着。他们看不懂,也丝毫不珍惜我们喜欢的东西,把我们桌子上摆的小挂件小手办全部抹走了,放上他们的大金链条和葡萄酒。他们人多势众,慢慢地这个屋子也变成了大别墅,可是这已经不是我们过去习惯的那个家了。我想对来我们这里做客的朋友说,我们欢迎你们的加入,但是也希望你们可以稍微做到一些入乡随俗,遵守一下这里的礼仪。不要老是教大家掐架、比拼、玩排名、搞擦边、弄末席淘汰。希望你们和我们一起唱唱歌、跳跳舞、看看番、打打游戏。我也想对 B 站说,我这人一直以来都比较头铁。有什么话就会说什么,是真的憋不住,特别不懂明哲保身,所以也吃了不少的亏。但是我一方面也挺喜欢这样的自己的。最后我还是要尽我自己绵薄的力量呼吁,B 站真的应该做到专业化一点,人性化一点,要做出自己的特色,做出自己独有的东西,让创作者和粉丝都有归属感,让我们走出去都能骄傲地说我喜欢这个地方。
让我想到《大厂都在学小红书,为何小红书成不了大厂?》中所说的,「小红书的基因是社区而非平台」,这与早期 B 站的生态何其相似。在社区氛围维持和商业化中找到平衡,B 站已经失败了,小红书迟早也要面对。
- Jul 2015
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
which was their armor against their world.
A whole dissertation could be (likely has been) written on this idea of "urban" black style as a kind of "armor against the world."
It seems incredibly valuable for young people to acknowledge (and be acknowledged for) the cultural power of style.
- Feb 2014
users-cs.au.dk users-cs.au.dk
The intended readers (all twelve of them) can de- co de the formal presentation, detect the new idea hidden in lemma 4, ignore the routine and uninteresting calculations of lemmas 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and see what the author is doing and why he do es it. But for the noninitiate, this is a cipher that will never yield its secret.
To read his pro ofs, one must b e privy to a whole sub culture of motivations, standard arguments and examples, habits of thought and agreed-up on mo des of reasoning.
One of the most damning things about mathematical writing. So much "rigor" and not enough context.