- Nov 2024
teachersandwritersmagazine.org teachersandwritersmagazine.org
They have experienced linguistic discrimination, and now, for the first time, writing can be easier for them with AI. It is, one could argue, making things more equitable.
Ethical concerns and arguments of AI use. This is arguing that using AI can make writing more fair to all, relieving linguistic discrimination.
AI is plagiarism
Saying AI is plagiarism, plagiarism is no good when it comes to academics.
- Sep 2023
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Die EU hat seit 1995 1500 Milliarden Euro in der Straßennetz investiert 66% mehr als in das Eisenbahnnetz. Während das Autobahnnetz um 60% ausgebaut wurde, wurde das Eisenbahnnetz um 6,5% reduziert. Die Treibhausgasemissionen des Verkehrs wuchsen zwischen 1995 und 2019 um 15%. Die Zahlen stammen aus einer umfassenden Studie zur Entwicklung der europäischen Verkehrsinfrastruktur vielleicht aber doch Infrastruktur oder, die von Greenpeace in Auftrag gegeben wurde
- expert: Federico Spadini
- country: EU
- study: Development of Transport Infrastructure in Europe
- NGO: Greenpeace
- institution: T3 Transportation Think Tank
- institution: Wuppertal Institut
- 2023-09-19
repubblica.it/green-and-blue/2023/09/19/news/greenpeace_trasporti_europa_autostrade_treni-415017423/ -
- Apr 2021
www.mansionglobal.com www.mansionglobal.com
op irrigation and drainage, multiple outdoor decks and terraces spanning more than 2,000 square feet, and a pool with a spa, according to the listing with Benjamin Illulian of Keller Williams. More: Jeff Bezos Drops $16 Million on Another Manhattan Pad to Create a ‘Vertical’ Dream Home Interior space is divided into four bedrooms, four bathrooms, formal living and dining rooms and an eat-in kitchen. The property is equipped with smart home appliances, and comes with 50 feet of curb frontage. Plus, it’s just steps away from popular shops and restaurants, the listing said. Mr. Illulian, who listed the property for $5.195 million in December 2019, didn’t respond to a request for comment. From: Penta Art Museums Given Leeway in Funding Mr. Legend, 41, a singer and music producer, and Ms. Teigen, 34, a model and TV personality, could not immediately be reached for comment. The couple recently purchased a Manhattan apartment—their second in the same building. Marshall Peck of Douglas Elliman, who represented the buyers in the deal, declined to comment. if (!window.WEBUI_NEWSLETTERCARDS) { window.WEBUI_NEWSLETTERCARDS = []; } window.WEBUI_NEWSLETTERCARDS.push({ articleId: 'MG0000214176', state: {"data":{},"id":"mg/newsletterCard","context":{"newsletterId":"801","newsletter":{"_id":"5ec24a31d782d55d025c60ae","node_type":"newsletter","edition":"mansionglobal","section":"newsletters","id":"801","label":"Week in Review","description":"Shares the stories you may have missed from the world of luxury real estate","index":2,"previewURL":"","imageURL":"","addURL":"","addLabel":"","subOnly":false,"orderAlphabetic":"","options":"","disableSignup":false},"isLoggedIn":false,"hasFullNewsletterAccess":false,"hasFreeNewsletterAccess":false,"region":"na,us","editionId":"mansionglobal","returnLink":"https://www.mansionglobal.com"},"package":{"accessedContext":[],"nodes":{"0":{"component":{"id":"275181c7-8620-4df3-a008-d0cd9937db22","acceptsTypes":{},"isConditional":false,"$context":{},"decorators":["MGTheme"]},"children":["webUINewsletterCard-0.0"],"treeOrder":1,"name":"0","hierarchy":"0"},"webUINewsletterCard-0.0":{"component":{"content":{},"options":{"productId":200,"captchaSiteKey":"6LcmI7sUAAAAAF-vTKb3JIwIzz2CXCx8hJW0Ukis","origin":"articles_app","returnLink":"https://www.mansionglobal.com","editionId":"mansionglobal","content":{"data":{}}},"decorators":["MGTheme"],"id":"c7081dd6-0394-e7b2-1124-a02c2970agdf","acceptsTypes":{"newsletter_config_data":true},"isConditional":false,"$context":{"./content/newsletter":{"key":[".","content","newsletter"],"value":["#","newsletter"]},"./options/region":{"key":[".","options","region"],"value":["#","region"]},"./options/newsletterId":{"key":[".","options","newsletterId"],"value":["#","newsletterId"]},"./options/userEmail":{"key":[".","options","userEmail"],"value":["#","userEmail"]},"./options/loggedIn":{"key":[".","options","loggedIn"],"value":["#","isLoggedIn"]},"./options/hasFullNewsletterAccess":{"key":[".","options","hasFullNewsletterAccess"],"value":["#","hasFullNewsletterAccess"]},"./options/hasFreeNewsletterAccess":{"key":[".","options","hasFreeNewsletterAccess"],"value":["#","hasFreeNewsletterAccess"]},"./options/content/data/list":{"key":[".","options","content","data","list"],"value":["#","newsletter"]}}},"name":"webUINewsletterCard-0.0","treeOrder":2,"hierarchy":"0"}},"root":"0","states":{"nodes":[],"data":[],"hierarchy":{},"dedupeGroups":{},"components":{"code___decoratedComponent___275181c7-8620-4df3-a008-d0cd9937db22___MGTheme":{"id":"275181c7-8620-4df3-a008-d0cd9937db22","decorators":["MGTheme"]},"code___decoratedComponent___c7081dd6-0394-e7b2-1124-a02c2970agdf___MGTheme":{"id":"c7081dd6-0394-e7b2-1124-a02c2970agdf","decorators":["MGTheme"]}}},"refreshInterval":null},"currentState":{"data":[],"nodes":{},"hierarchy":{},"dedupeGroups":{},"components":{"code___decoratedComponent___275181c7-8620-4df3-a008-d0cd9937db22___MGTheme":{"id":"275181c7-8620-4df3-a008-d0cd9937db22","decorators":["MGTheme"]},"code___decoratedComponent___c7081dd6-0394-e7b2-1124-a02c2970agdf___MGTheme":{"id":"c7081dd6-0394-e7b2-1124-a02c2970agdf","decorators":["MGTheme"]}}}} }); Newsletter Sign-up Week in Review Shares the stories you may have missed from the world of luxury real estate PREVIEWSUBSCRIBE window.INITIAL_PROPS_NEWSLETTER_BOTTOM_COL = {} NEW LISTINGS SINGLE FAMILY HOME LOS ANGELES
- Feb 2020
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Figure 1c. Temperature before and after T3 administration (T3 given at time 0 hours)
It appears that the liothyronine could have advanced the phase of circadian temperature. However, since the study had no controls, it is impossible to confirm this hypothesis.
Half-life22.04 hours
It appears they are calculating based on total T3 rather than added T3. Assuming that the conversion of T4 to T3 remains constant, the half life of the liothyronine dose towards baseline is less than 10 hours (I'd estimate 5-7 hours). Given that this is short compared to other studies, it is likely that the conversion was slowed by the high thyroid status.
- Jan 2020
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The present study shows that daily administration of T3 was associated with peaks and troughs in T3 concentration. However, TSH and fT4 remained steady on both a weekly and hourly basis.
I'm not sure what they mean here by 'weekly basis' Levels did change on a weekly basis. Hourly, on the other hand, they did not change.
I'm surprised that TSH didn't drop a few hours after liothyronine administration. I see two possible reasons; either TSH is a measure of average thyroid activity, or T3 has slow/delayed effects. If the latter is the case, then there doesn't seem to be any reason to spread out liothyronine doses.
(A)–(C) Changes in markers of thyroid status over the course of the study (mean ± standard error). (D) Changes in treatment preference.
Looks like preference for T3 increased as the number of hyperthyroid symptoms increased. It would be interesting to know if those are the same patients.
www.drugwiki.net www.drugwiki.netCytomel1
L-T3 has proven to be 4-5 times more biologically active and to take effect more quickly than L-thyroxine (L-T4).
Will need to check up on that. I recall T4 being less potent.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
In an observational study of 14 patients, no subjects developed any cardiac or skeletal disease after receiving doses from 25- to 150mcg over a two-year period.41
Note that the high dose was because they were increasing the dose based on symptoms. That is to say, as the thyroid gland produced less thyroid hormone, they increased liothyronine dose to compensate.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Following this observation, the same group conducted a cross-sectional analysis to assess the association among 140 patients with EE and TH replacement hypothyroid treated with LT4. In this study population, REE did not differ significantly between patients achieving low-normal (TSH ≤ 2.5 μIU/mL) vs high normal TSH (TSH >2.5 μIU/mL). Conversely, free T3 level showed a direct correlation with EE, but also with indices of adiposity including body mass index (BMI), body composition, and fat free mass [49]. This latter observation is consistent with other cross-sectional studies that have clearly defined the positive association between circulating levels of T3 and adiposity [50, 51].
This is consistent with my previous assertion that T3 may result in greater energy expenditure than T4.
The authors demonstrated an inverse correlation between TSH and REE with a change of 15% for a TSH ranging from 0.1 to 10 μIU/mL. Of interest, free T4 remained within the normal range in all of the study volunteers. Nonetheless, the changes in REE with different LT4 doses were demonstrated in every patient [46].
Thus, a 15% expected increase would be reasonable for a euthyroid subject such as myself. However, since T3 reduces weight compared to T4, it is possible the weight loss indicates greater energy expenditure.
- Dec 2019
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
RESULTS: We observed that poor sleep quality was correlated to low total BMD and legs BMD in middle-aged women after adjusting for potential confounders. Furthermore, when we reran the regression models based on menopausal status in middle-aged women, significant associations between BMD and sleep quality were observed in premenopausal and early postmenopausal groups.
This is exactly what I expected to find. This is why I doubt that there is significant risk to high dose T3 taken in the morning. In fact, given that hypothyroidism is also associated with increased fracture, I'm inclined to think that thyroid hormones per se play no role whatsoever, but rather the downstream effects. That is to say, hyperthyroidism disturbs sleep, thus harming bones. I conclude, then, that so long as sleep quality is maintained, hyperthyroidism is plausibly safe for the bones.
- Mar 2019
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
SBP, DBP, RR, and weight did not change following T3 administration
Liothyronine does not raise blood pressure despite the rise in heart rate. The reason that respiratory rate (RR) was not changed may be because the increased cardiac output compensates for the increased oxygen demand.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The peak T3 concentration after LT3 administration during week 6 was 292.8 ± 152.3 ng/dL, rising from a baseline value of 96.1 ± 7.6 ng/dL
The T3 half-life, therefore, is only 14.25 hours (14 hours and 15 minutes). I calculated this based on taking the peak value and comparing it to the baseline value 22 hours later.
Since they've been on the same dose during this study period, the baseline value is what's left from yesterday's peak, and can be assumed to be tomorrows trough. Since the drug took 2 hours to peak, there are 22 hours remaining to reach trough/baseline values.
- Aug 2018
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
AbstractHigh dose thyroid hormone has been in use since the 1930s for the treatment of affective disorders. Despite numerous papers showing benefit, the lack of negative trials and its inclusion in multiple treatment guidelines, high dose thyroid has yet to find wide spread use. The major objection to the use of high dose thyroid is the myth that it causes osteoporosis. This paper reviews the literature surrounding the use of high dose thyroid, both in endocrinology and in psychiatry. High dose thyroid does not appear to be a significant risk factor for osteoporosis while other widely employed psychiatric medications do pose a risk. Psychiatrists are uniquely qualified to do the risk-benefit analyses of high dose thyroid for the treatment of the bipolar I, bipolar II and bipolar NOS. Other specialties do not have the requisite knowledge of the risks of alterative medications or of the mortality and morbidity of the bipolar disorders to do a full risk benefit analysis.
This is all very interesting. It is also true that, in the treatment of depression, there is a relatively low dropout rate due to side effects from treatment with T3 (liothyronine).
liothyronine (T3) augmentation in the treatment of depression
- Jun 2018
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Studies reported by Nicoloff and colleagues in 1972 calculated a half-life of T3 that varied with thyroid status (8). The mean half-life was 0.63 days in 7 hyperthyroid patients, 1.0 day in 8 euthyroid individuals, and 1.38 days in 9 hypothyroid patients.
- Apr 2018
www.wilsonssyndrome.com www.wilsonssyndrome.com
There was a boy who was born with congenital hypothyroidism and was raised on traditional T3 (Cytomel). He was never treated with a T4-containing medicine, and so essentially never had a molecule of T4 in his body. By age 26 he had developed normally with no problems.
This is precisely the type of information I was looking for. Wikipedia implied T4 should be taken with long-term T3, but the reasoning was poorly explained. However, I'd like a more official source for this case report.
This case would also express no rT3 (reverse-T3). Thus, it appears that neither T4 nor rT3 serve any vital functions.