3 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. AI hype in material science. Google shows an allergy to being pointed to fundamental issues. Another example of pointing out obvious mistakes or issues is not only not welcomed but actively ignored (vgl examples of AI as search engine, where pointing out the first three of the top ten results were wrong resulted in being shouted at, or the blogpost writing video in which presented 'facts' were 1 wikipedia click away from being shown made-up. False citations etc.) It's not bad per se that AI can be wrong, no tool is infallible, but the problem is n:: the extreme asymmetry between the machine effort needed to make stuff up in heaps, and the human effort needed to wade through all the crap and point that out. Vgl [[Spammy handelings assymmetrie 20201220072726]] [[It is easier to F things up than fix things 20180610073041]] Creating entropy is way easier than reducing it, always. We don't need our tools to create ever more entropy on purpose, if only we can reduce it again. Our tools need to help decrease entropy. Decreasing entropy is the definition of life, increasing it should be anathema. Esp if it is unclear where a tool is increasing entropy.

  2. May 2023
    1. Dave Pollard writes about types of silence and its cultural role in different situations. Prompted by a K-cafe by David Gurteen. Great to see such old network connections still going strong.

      Book mentioned [[The Great Unheard at Work by Mark Cole and John Higgins]] something for the antilib re power assymmetries?

  3. Nov 2022
    1. federated mastodon is neat. that “ericajoy”can exist on any server is going to be a problem, especially around impersonation. a third party “verification” player will be necessary if mastodon gains broad traction.

      Poster implies that a benefit of globally centralised structures like Twitter, FB and LinkedIn is verification. I think impersonation is rife there, and will be less on Mastodon. Apart from basic measures (rel-me verification against your website, use your own domain for an instance), there are similar to T/FB/LinkedIn ways to verify someone outside the platform itself, where people check it's you through a channel they already know it's you. Above all the potential benefit of impersonation does not exist on M: no immediate global audience, no amplification of messages through self-feeding loops of engagement. Your reach is limited to your own follow(er)s mostly, and they won't fall for an impersonation, as you're already there among them. The power assymmetry inherent in T/FB's algo's doesn't exist on M. So impersonating would cost the impersonator way more, and become unsustainable to them.