- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
don't do this experiment philosophically do it experientially it's like undressing at night we take off everything that can be taken off
for BEing journey - self knowledge exercise - removing everything from our experience that is not essential Rupert Spira
BEing journey - self knowledge exercise - removing everything from our experience that is not essential Rupert Spira - metaphor - Like taking all our clothes off when we are preparing for bedtime
comment - self knowledge exercise - Rupert Spira - This exercise makes me think of my own thoughts around discovering or rather, rediscovering one's true nature - If we are to discuss the "greater self" from whence we came, then it's tantamount to discovering - the nature nature within - human nature - So anything that is recognized as human nature, cannot be the ground state - The ground state must go beyond anything that depends on the human body - Thoughts and perceptions are mediated by brains and sense organs, both depend on the human body and so - are dependent on human nature - Self knowledge is unmediated and directly experienced - It has the quality of the ground state within us, the nature part of our human nature
- Feb 2022
www.bloomberg.com www.bloomberg.com
This would appear to be a case of the emperor has no clothes, but in reality it's a useless, and overly expensive hat—one which she's sold to herself.
- Nov 2021
eu.velasca.com eu.velasca.com
- Mar 2020
twinlifehavingitall.blogspot.com twinlifehavingitall.blogspot.com
there is no sound pedagogy in moving courses online quickly.
This is quite a trope.
- Jan 2020
www.seattletimes.com www.seattletimes.com
- fashion
- facial recognition
- privacy
- surveillance capitalism
- face paint
- license plates
- sunglasses
- security
- juggalo
- clothes
- Sep 2013
caseyboyle.net caseyboyle.netGorgias1
judged have their clothes on
The relationship between appearance and deceit