7 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2022
    1. A seminal study conducted in 1979 by Gordon Bower, John Black and Terrence Turner showed that cognitive scripts prompt the recall and recognition of things we already know

      Scripts in memory for text https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0010028579900094 April 1979.

      Abstract mentions how our existing scripts help determine how we remember texts that describe common events. The order of narration, and filling in of details is influenced by our internal script upon recall. Vgl [[Luisteren gaat uit van wat je al weet 20030309070740]] the linguistic notion that listening starts from what you already know (here the cogscripts)

    2. they are commonly based on a sequence of events that we expect to occur in given situations

      cognitive scripts / habitual behaviour is often an entrained response to a common situation. Situations that are common for many people means there is commonality in their cognitive scripts too. 'Copying the neighbours' is a heuristic that informs the formation of such cognitive scripts in a situation, which is also one of the heuristics that contributes to emergence. Are shared cognitive scripts, through emergence, atomic particles of culture? (Vgl [[Culture is the Greatest Hits collection of social facts 20070828174701]] (Social facts are agreements in groups of people.) and [[The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker 20070828073721]] where he presents a culture as the sum of the individual psychologies of those in a culture.

    3. Cognitive scripts have been found to control our social behaviour to a certain extent. Learning by social observation and then storing cognitive scripts gives us an indication of what we can expect and what is expected of us in a certain situation. We build an internal catalogue of scripts so that we recognise how to behave in a diverse range of situations including at business meetings, when socialising, or even during a funeral.

      Link: https://sk.sagepub.com/reference/encyclopedia-of-media-violence/i1171.xml article that apparently looks at how "the model of cognitive scripts to explain how children learn aggression-related knowledge structures" which is a diff context than it is cited here. The claims in this paragraph do not stem from that link but are stated in the links abstract as pre-existing knowledge informing the article at the link. Cogscripts may script our social behaviour (it's how we learned it), but it doesn't follow the scripts control our behaviour, even if we can usually expect ourselves and others to stick to them. Control implies force/intent on the side of the script and lack of agency of the individual. Intuitively it's the other way around, it's a tool / aid / scaffold. This is the rules/structure as skeleton vs suit of armour discussion, sounds like.

    4. Roger Schank and Robert Abelson formulated the Cognitive Script Theory.

      1977 The link is to a review: https://www.jstor.org/stable/1421499 "Scripts Plans Goals and Understanding: An Inquiry Into Human Knowledge Structures" Nice referral to K structures. Book link https://www.routledge.com/Scripts-Plans-Goals-and-Understanding-An-Inquiry-Into-Human-Knowledge/Schank-Abelson/p/book/9780898591385

      Review mentions the book is situated interdisciplinary: cs, psych, ling, phil

      According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Script_theory Shanck and Abelson extended a pre-existing script theory as early AI work to represent procedural K This to me strengthens the link with emergence and culture. It also compares to [[Standard operating procedures met parameters 20200820202042]] : my behaviour with some input parameters is pretty predictable to myself (because of such entrained cogscripts) and thus also scriptable as personal software tools.

    5. can also negatively affect our decision-making and productivity.

      claim: cognitive scripts can become obsolete and hinder your personal decision making. The earlier connection to such scripts being formed in childhood: are we talking behavioural therapy here?

    6. cognitive scripts can save time and reduce the mental effort of deciding how to behave

      The purpose of cognitive scripts is efficiency of mental decision making.

    7. These cognitive scripts often develop in childhood and are personal to you

      only in childhood? source? personal? some yes, though examples given below are more generic within a culture (e.g. typical behaviour in restaurants.)