5 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2025
  2. Jan 2025
    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20250131150340/https://thehackernews.com/2025/01/italy-bans-chinese-deepseek-ai-over.html

      Italian DPA bans DeepSeek after the Chinese company refused to provide GDPR related info. Pertaining to app, pd collection, contactpoint and transmission of data to outside the EU. In 2023 it did the same for a few weeks until OpenAI provided answers and point of contact. (And it fined OpenAI). Will other DPAs follow suit?

    1. Take aways: AI will become cheaper and more efficient. - closed source models can cache responses and save computations for repetitive queries - closed source also has possibility of iterative improvements using constant reinforcement learning. - Prioritizing capabilities and deliberate strategy in data selection, carefully designed training objectives.

    1. Chinese LLM spooking US based corps it seems. #openvraag why?