8 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2022
    1. Para paliar el aburrimiento hace falta dinero; mucho dinero, si se quiere alejar el fantasma del aburrimiento de una vez para siempre y alcanzar el «estado de felicidad». Desear es gratis; pero, para desear de forma realista y, de este modo, sentir el deseo como un estado placentero, hay que tener recursos. El seguro de salud no da remedios contra el aburrimiento. El dinero es el billete de ingreso para acceder a los lugares donde esos remedios se entregan (los grandes centros comerciales, parques de diversiones o gimnasios);

      Pareciera que el "soma" de hoy es el dinero. Su ausencia causa infelicidad. Es imposible no pensar en Huxley y "Un mundo feliz", ya que muchas de las situaciones distópicas allí planteadas se van convirtiendo en realidad, muy rápidamente. El dinero es la "puerta de entrada a la felicidad" en el actual mundo capitalista, y es a la vez quien te mantiene drogado a través del consumo de infinitas cosas que son innecesarias para el ser humano, pero de las que somos cada vez más dependientes.

  2. Nov 2018
    1. These days I tend to think of dystopias as being fashionable, perhaps lazy, maybe even complacent, because one pleasure of reading them is cozying into the feeling that however bad our present moment is, it’s nowhere near as bad as the ones these poor characters are suffering through. Vicarious thrill of comfort as we witness/imagine/experience the heroic struggles of our afflicted protagonists—rinse and repeat. Is this catharsis? Possibly more like indulgence, and creation of a sense of comparative safety. A kind of late-capitalist, advanced-nation schadenfreude about those unfortunate fictional citizens whose lives have been trashed by our own political inaction. If this is right, dystopia is part of our all-encompassing hopelessness. On the other hand, there is a real feeling being expressed in them, a real sense of fear. Some speak of a “crisis of representation” in the world today, having to do with governments—that no one anywhere feels properly represented by their government, no matter which style of government it is. Dystopia is surely one expression of that feeling of detachment and helplessness. Since nothing seems to work now, why not blow things up and start over? This would imply that dystopia is some kind of call for revolutionary change. There may be something to that. At the least dystopia is saying, even if repetitiously and unimaginatively, and perhaps salaciously, Something’s wrong. Things are bad.
  3. Oct 2017
    1. I can’t go on

      but I must go on!. Is this the future we are heading towards?

  4. Sep 2017
    1. EvgenyMorozov’sTheNetDelusion(2011),Turkle’sownAloneTogether(2011),orJamieBartlett’sTheDarkNet(2014)strikemuchmoresombre,ifnotworried,moods.WhileMorozovdrawsattentiontotheconsequencesofgivingupdatainreturnforso-calledfreeservices,Turkledrawsattentiontohowpeoplearegettinglostintheirdevices.BartlettdrawsattentiontowhatishappeningincertainareasoftheInternetwhenpushedunderground(removedfromaccessviasearchengines)andthusgivingrisetonewformsofvigilantismandextremism.PerhapsthespyingandsnoopingbycorporationsandstatesintowhatpeoplesayanddothroughtheInternethasbecomeawatershedevent.



    1. if stopped in their development and reified too early, are potential sources of hacks in the derogatory sense. The latter is, according to their stories, exactly what happened when, 40 years ago, the prototypes left the labs too soon, and entered the world of Apple, IBM, and Microsoft, producing the accumulation of bad decisions that led to a world where people stare at smartphones.

      So, how, this time, in reimagining the future 40 years ahead, the gap between that future and our current present will be not filled by current dystopia?

    2. That future is not given, but depends on the medium the group is imagining. It thus depends on the properties of the medium that the group is exploring, selecting, and practicing. On the one hand, technology enables a new medium, which is imagined as shaping the future, on the other hand the future is imagined as shaping the new medium, which then should drive technology.

      This relationship between imagined futures and how they mold the medium, leave out the bridged with the present. If history with Kay's group repeats, what fills the gap between the prototypes of the present and the imagined future, is a form of dystopia.

      Esta relación entre los futuros imaginados y cómo moldean el medio deja por fuera los puentes con el presente. Si la historia con el grupo de Kay se repite, lo que llena la brecha entre el presente de los prototipos y el futuro imaginado es una forma de distopia.

  5. Aug 2016
    1. película Metrópolis

      Esta película está enmarcada dentro del cine expresionista alemán, un movimiento artístico propio de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX que se caracterizaba por mostrar de un modo pesimista las consecuencias de cada época histórica. En este caso, Lang imaginó una ciudad futurista en la que la sociedad está marcada por una diferencia extrema de clases.

      Su ambientación recuerda a la arquitectura de rascacielos propia de las ciudades más modernas del momento, principalmente Chicago y Nueva York, si bien también juega con una arquitectura propia que va desde la imaginación hasta referencias bíblicas. La ciudad que se representa es industrializada, grande y compleja, y muestra un fuerte contraste entre la espectacularidad de la clase alta y el ambiente casi apocalíptico de la clase baja.

      Para saber más sobre el tema y la película, pincha aquí.

      Para ver la película completa, pincha aquí

  6. Aug 2015
    1. Google freely excludes sites from its index for reasons that it is under no obligation to disclose—the secrets of the Googlebot are Delphic mysteries known only to its inner circle of engineers.