11 Matching Annotations
- Dec 2019
- Oct 2019
cloud.google.com cloud.google.com
Cloud Endpoints handles both API keys and authentication schemes, such as Firebase or Auth0
- Sep 2019
cloud.google.com cloud.google.com
API keys are for projects, authentication is for users
cloud.google.com cloud.google.com
On the App Engine flexible environment, ESP is automatically deployed for you when you add a few lines to your app.yaml file. For more information, see Deploying your API and ESP. For the App Engine standard generation 1 environment, you must use Endpoints Frameworks. If you instead deploy the container to one of the compute options above, you can proxy to either generation of App Engine standard runtime.
cloud.google.com cloud.google.com
Endpoints is a distributed API management system. It provides an API console, hosting, logging, monitoring, and other features to help you create, share, maintain, and secure your APIs
cloud.google.com cloud.google.com
Use your favorite API framework and language, or choose our open source Cloud Endpoints Frameworks in Java or Python. Simply upload an OpenAPI specification and deploy our containerized proxy
oh so maybe endpoints framework is just their open source implementation that is limited to java 8 & python 2.7, otherwise endpoints is available to any stack?
cloud.google.com cloud.google.com
Endpoints Frameworks for Python is integrated with the App Engine standard Python 2.7 runtime environment. Endpoints Frameworks consists of tools, libraries, and capabilities that let you generate APIs and client libraries from an App Engine application
this doesn't seem to be about security per se
cloud.google.com cloud.google.com
Endpoints Frameworks is supported only on the App Engine standard Python 2.7 and Java 8 runtime environments
seems like endpoints frameworks is different from endpoints itself
- Mar 2017
github.com github.com
- Feb 2014
apievangelist.com apievangelist.com
API Services During my monitoring of the API space, I came across a new API monitoring service called AutoDevBot, which monitors all your API endpoints, and notifies you when something goes wrong. Pretty standard feature in a new wave of API integration tools and services I’m seeing emerge, but what is interesting is they use Github as a central place to store the settings for the API monitoring service. AutoDevBot has you clone their settings template, make changes you need to monitor your APIs, register and fire up AutoDevBot to monitor. Seems like a pretty simple way for API service providers to engage with API providers, allowing them to manage all the configuration for API services alongside their own internal API operations.