3 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2017
dl.dropboxusercontent.com dl.dropboxusercontent.com
After we were done, pictures were taken of the group and distributed online to groups in other cities performing similar activities, contributing to the spectacle of the day.
En los eventos locales se toman fotos durante el evento, al margen de los resultados. En el Data Week en cambio, las fotos con pocas en comparación (a veces nulas), particularmente en consideración a la privacidad. La lógica del espectáculo/impacto está más centrada en las visualizaciones mismas.
Duncombe was frustrated by the liberal left’s insistence on using dry logic to make political arguments. He looked to the political right and far left as groups that fostered affective fantasies. To him, an “ethical spectacle” is participatory fantasy that is open-ended, transparent, and performative (Duncombe, 2007, p. 17). Duncombe saw ethical spectacles as directly democratic, breaking down hierarchies, fostering communities, and encouraging diversity. He held a strong form of participation, as participants in a spectacle “must also contribute to its construction” (Duncombe, 2007, p. 127). The civic
imagination is activated and becomes visible through communication because it is intrinsically linked with spectacle, action, and performance
Acá quizás lo que mejor podría funcionar sería el caracter celebratorio del encuentro, particularmente en Latinoamérica. Habría que contrastar la lógica de los grandes espectáculos con la idea de la celebración a pequeña escala.
Simply diversifying participantion is no guarantee that outcomes benefit diverse communities, and declaring an event civically important does not make it so. After years of participating in and running civic hackathons I noticed a new turn. This new type of civic hackathon was intentionally run to foster performance, spectacle, and communicative activities around a loose shell of technology-oriented activities. Technology became more talked about than materially captured.