- Feb 2024
subethaedit.net subethaedit.net
Similar to hackmd and etherpad... perhaps related to them genealogically?
- Dec 2023
etherpad.org etherpad.orgEtherpad1
Etherpad is a highly customizable open source online editor providing collaborative editing in really real-time.
온라인 문서 편집 오픈소스
- Nov 2023
etherpad.org etherpad.orgEtherpad1
A collaborative online editor
- Jan 2023
Local file Local file
It is not a bad plan for two or more students to meet at stated intervals and compare their notes . The lecture can be discussed so that thepoints omitted or not fully understood can be placed correctly in the notebook against the final test . The chance for error is greatly decreased inthis way and, besides , the discussion greatly aids the memory so that thework of studying from the notes is lessened . In at least one instance wherethe speaker delivered his lecture very rapidly several students arrangedto take his points in relays ; that is, since there was scarcely time for oneman to get all, one man could take the first point, another the second, andso on. These men occupied seats close together so that an exchange ofsignals was possible. Afterwards they discussed each lecture and puttheir notes together.
Apparently sharing/comparing notes was reasonable advice in 1910 including the idea of in-class signals for splitting up note taking amongst multiple people.
Compare this to shared notes (Google Docs, Etherpad, etc.) in modern context with multiple people doing simultaneous notes.
- May 2020
While tree-space has an abundance of context, leaf-space has an abundance of salience.
I've contemplated before how to keep the wiki-like edit history of a live simultaneous multi-chat in a client like etherpad. Each speaker has a different color and can type at the same time, but how could one archive the date/timestamps along with the original as well as who each speaker was?