4 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. These searing questions, which invaded me, which I could not help asking, do not undermine or disrespect the ceremony at the Centrale Markthal. They make the need to remember more relevant than ever, the certainty that never again should humanity witness terrible war crimes without demanding accountability, as the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in the Hague has done. More relevant, also, because those who acclaim Hamas — a murderous, theocratic, misogynistic, oppressive organization that also massacres children and holds innocent hostages — those who share its dreams of ridding the region of its Israeli enemies, would do well to attend memorials like the one I was at on May 4 in Amsterdam.
  2. Apr 2024
  3. Oct 2023
      • for: conflict resolution, peace in the middle east, Israel & Gaza

      • title: Israel & Gaza, a call to nuance

      • author: Jeremy Courtney
      • organization: https://www.humanite.org/
      • reference: https://peacemakers.beehiiv.com/p/israel-gaza
      • summary
      • A nice perspective piece that transcends the typical Israel vs Palestine dualism and looks deeper to see what it is that the majority of people want on BOTH sides.
        • It casts the true enemy not as Palestinian or Israeli, but as those on BOTH sides who are trapped in seeing violence as the only way out.
        • Unfortunately, those who currently dictate the narrative are those (usually male) figures who advocate for violent solutions. They are the minority who subdue the majority through aggression and military might. Somehow, we must find a way around this asymmetry.
        • It's not an exclusive OR condition, either Palestinians are the enemy or Israel is the enemy. It's an AND condition, and only applies to the warmongering subset of the population