6 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. we have had a completely stable climate for more than 10 000 years in which to develop agriculture and probably 00:16:12 you can't develop agriculture if you're experiencing a great deal of climate fluctuation because your experiment will fail at some point due to frost or drought

      for - history - agriculture - Holocene required

      history - agriculture - Holocene required - Ronald Wright makes a good point, without a long stable climate period such as the Holocene, agricultural experimentation would not have succeeded

  2. Jul 2022
    1. So the first transition, they say, was about 10,500 years ago with the beginning of agriculture. Some have said farming was our biggest mistake: it supported more of us, but at the cost of more disease, poor nutrition, grinding labour, and hierarchical societies that turned into warring empires. But we gained more energy from domesticating animals, and more information by the invention of writing. “Serendipitously,” the authors write, “farming created environmental conditions across our home planet that were unusually stable. This gave time for large-scale civilizations to develop.” That is, humans launched global warming not in the 1800s but with the first agriculture. By burning off forests to make farmland, we began to pump carbon dioxide into the atmosphere — coincidentally, just as the earth was moving on schedule back into another glacial period. Over the next few thousand years farming spread across Asia, Africa, Europe, and much of the Americas, keeping the planet just a little too warm for a return of the glaciers.

      First transition The authors make an extraordinary claim that the Holocene not only coincided with the beginnings of agriculture, but that humans, in large scale burning of forests to create agricultural fields released sufficient quantities of CO2 emissions from the burning to prevent the coming of the next ice age!

      Do a literature review to see if there is evidence for such an extraordinary claim.

  3. Mar 2021
    1. Promoting the idea of a more inclusive calendar that marks the rise of humanity as the year zero, so that we have a better overall view of human progress.

      Uses the idea of HE (human era) instead of BCE, CE, etc.

  4. Jan 2021
  5. Sep 2020
  6. Aug 2020