- May 2024
international.la-croix.com international.la-croix.com
This suggests that Africa has been dispensed from applying the DDF declaration, although the formal contours of this special dispensation remain very unclear.
No exception. They actually agree with what Fides supplicans declared.
- Dec 2022
english.elpais.com english.elpais.com
It seems that interfemoral intercourse – sex with the penis between the woman’s legs but without penetration – was very popular. That method, however, was frowned upon in homosexual male sex: in 1357, Nicletus Marmanga and Johannes Braganza were sentenced to death at the stake for engaging in the practice.
- Apr 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
By the early 1970s, Barthes’ long-standing use of index cards wasrevealed through reproduction of sample cards in Roland Barthes byRoland Barthes (see Barthes, 1977b: 75). These reproductions,Hollier (2005: 43) argues, have little to do with their content andare included primarily for reality-effect value, as evidence of anexpanding taste for historical documents
While the three index cards of Barthes that were reproduced in the 1977 edition of Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes may have been "primarily for reality-effect value as evidence of an expanding taste for historical documents" as argued by Hollier, it does indicate the value of the collection to Barthes himself as part of an autobiographical work.
I've noticed that one of the cards is very visibly about homosexuality in a time where public discussion of the term was still largely taboo. It would be interesting to have a full translation of the three cards to verify Hollier's claim, as at least this one does indicate the public consumption of the beginning of changing attitudes on previously taboo subject matter, even for a primarily English speaking audience which may not have been able to read or understand them, but would have at least been able to guess the topic.
At least some small subset of the general public might have grown up with an index-card-based note taking practice and guessed at what their value may have been though largely at that point index card note systems were generally on their way out.
- Sep 2020
www.pewresearch.org www.pewresearch.org
While I am not homosexual, I have always felt that discrimination against homosexuality is completely ludicrous because I think people should love who they love. This belief that I have has giving me an idea for my research topic for my bibliography project where I look over the state of homosexuality in 2020. I decided to annotate this article because it gave a lot of good information about the state of homosexuality in 2020 and it has some links to other articles about homosexuality.
- Jul 2018
archive.is archive.isTwitter1
A catastrophe happening with nobody on the Left daring to say a word.