- Mar 2019
kathleenmcclaskey.com kathleenmcclaskey.com
stages of personalized learning: infographic This is here because it shows the progression of personalized learning from teacher centered to learner center to learner driven. It has other links to learn more about personalized learning. Usability for the article is adequate but less than ideal for the infographic (which nonetheless has useful information).
www.schrockguide.net www.schrockguide.net
This page is not necessarily attractive to look at but it is a thorough presentation of various features of infographics. Features are organized by topic and generally presented as a bulleted list. The focus of the page is how to use infographics for assessment; however, the page is useful to those who wish to learn how to create infographics and to identify the software tools that can be used to create them easily. Rating 4/5