7 Matching Annotations
- Feb 2018
Oregon is following in what is clearly a trend of state legislatures and executives acting to protect their citizens’ digital rights where the federal government has abdicated responsibility.
- Dec 2017
bryanalexander.org bryanalexander.org
Update: EDUCAUSE responds to the FCC’s new net neutrality policy move
- Nov 2017
www.engadget.com www.engadget.com
The FCC is peddling its net neutrality spin as facts
www.irrodl.org www.irrodl.org
Net Neutrality and its Implications to Online Learning
net neutrality regulations that are currently in effect in the United States.
www.bustle.com www.bustle.com
The FCC’s Net Neutrality Rules Are On The Chopping Block & It Could Wreck The Internet
- May 2014
stratechery.com stratechery.com
Usage-based pricing, where you pay for the capacity that you use, would properly incentivize ISPs to support net neutrality
YES!!! And if people want to oppose this on the basis that Internet access is an important element of basic literacy then we can invest it in like we once did with libraries and public educational institutions. Subsidize access to reference websites, etc. The libraries of the future could be free, but you must pay for frivolous cat videos. I'm all for this.