6 Matching Annotations
- Oct 2015
quod.lib.umich.edu quod.lib.umich.edu
laws of hospitality
I'd be interested in thinking through (and perhaps doing a closer read) on how "laws" and "ethics" are becoming intertwined throughout this book (and perhaps in general).
Hospitality is the defining ethical predicament of networked life, as it describes the difficulties surrounding “what it is that turns up, what comes our way by e-mail or the Internet.”[15] Life in a networked society means that terms such as place, home, host, and guest are thrown into question.
And with it, issues of what counts as private and public.
Arriving in the Domodedovo Airport or Red Square or other public spaces, the suicide bomber takes advantage of the hospitable infrastructures of networked life. But this “black widow” perished due to this same structure of hospitality. This bombing is particularly instructive given this book’s discussion of hospitality and software. The bomber’s payload was detonated by a spam message from a cell phone provider. That text message, arriving on her phone through a hospitable network, arrived because she had connected herself to that network and, therefore, had welcomed the message.
What a perfect example. The dynamics of networked relation entail a mutual exposure.
Ethical programs are enacted constantly, by both humans and computational machines, and software studies presents a set of terms and concepts for making sense of those programs.
I'll be interested in tracking how this ongoing-ness of constantly enacted ethical programs figure into "decisions.'
they are not always the result of deliberation
Hmm.....this will be for me a very important touchpoint. How ethics might not always be the result of deliberative action is something that pushes against most understandings of ethics.
This predicament, which is entirely unavoidable, refigures ethics as something beyond individual choice. Yes, I make decisions about who or what might enter my home, who or what has access to my Twitter feed, but this only happens in the face of an ever-present exposedness to others. Prior to the large-scale availability of networked computational devices, Levinas described the relation that defines networked life. Levinas likens this predicament to that of the hostage, and he suggests that if “we” as humans share anything at all, it is this experience of being held hostage by another that resists representation, that arrives over and beyond our attempts to make sense of that other.
The basis for a networked ethics...the fact that we are all always and already connected to others.