10 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. When a rotation amends the witnesses it includes the new tally, the setof pruned (removed) witnesses and the set of newly grafted (added) witnesses. This is shownbelow.
    1. Operations are easy to define, asthey just need to be commutative, so that the resulting state willbe the same in every replica regardless of the order in whichthey have received the operations

      And non-commutative ops can be supported by adding derived total order.

  2. Apr 2024
    1. The key idea is to store formatting spans alongside the plaintext character sequence,linked to a stable identifier for the first and last character of each span, and then to derive the final formattedtext from these spans in a deterministic way that ensures concurrent operations commute

      I.e., let's capture user's intent as ops, not their result.

  3. Mar 2024
    1. By insisting the issue with Uber was largely cultural, Swisher ends up affirming the myth that Uber was not only an inevitable but ultimately good innovation, a few bad apples notwithstanding.

      Perhaps without the toxic capitalism portion Uber may have been a great innovation? Maybe it would have been better as a co-op, community, or government supported organization which put the value into both drivers' and riders' pockets?

      Naturally the crazy hype which generated the VC money would have been needed to be replaced, so the question becomes: who would have funded the start up?

  4. Mar 2021
    1. A news co-op is a news organization owned by its readers, whose membership fees pay for open access journalism – no paywall – usually organized as nonprofits (an IRS rule-change lets for-profit newspaper convert to nonprofits).

      I'm sort of wishing that we could also have social media co-ops. I suspect that there are a few on Mastodon that operate like this, but it would be interesting to see some focused around in-person communities as well.

      Why couldn't my local library run a town/city-based social media co-op?

      For this matter, why couldn't my local news co-op also run it's own social media platform?

  5. May 2020
    1. AWS OpsWorks Stacks uses Chef cookbooks to handle tasks such as installing and configuring packages and deploying apps.
  6. Apr 2020
    1. Chef and Puppet Puppet is a powerful enterprise-grade configuration management tool. Both Chef and Puppet help development and operations teams manage applications and infrastructure. However they have important differences you should understand when evaluating which one is right for you.

      aws chef puppet




  7. Sep 2019
  8. Mar 2019
  9. Jan 2019