393 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Eine Studie weist erstmals systematisch den Einfluss von Dürren und zunehmender Trockenheit auf die Binnenmigration in vielen verschiedenen Ländern nach. Es migrieren vor allem Mitglieder mittlerer Einkommensgruppen, die die dazu nötigen Ressourcen haben. Die klimabedingte Migration trägt deutlich zur Urbanisierung bei https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000240733/mehr-binnenmigration-durch-klimawandel

      Studie: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-024-02165-1.epdf?sharing_token=zQaNIIlE0D5VSVhiEeWSRdRgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0N5BsSsWDa3LuiqvifrZZqQ9PHrGw0G8JwyXN4l5XLwHLyMEPxhNDlwsm_I7HyLLBL-PIsL8iWYBirASOxKiB3OvY5CyEDs2OqdYzcj0HqqPZGigOJmwF7H97HsKHpUv2tEjBvnMf7i4DKmBH78sfFsx7iymr6A4PFpKfrKe6IDSxkyQgZFpa8kBrt8lM6HkbU%3D&tracking_referrer=www.derstandard.at

  2. Oct 2024
    1. administrations publiques les travaux statistiques portant sur les formes d’organisation du travail, habituellement réservés aux entreprises. L’analyse empirique en distingue cinq : l’autonomie du métier, l’autonomie évaluée, le contrôle direct, le lean management et le taylorisme flexible. Les professions organisées du public connaissent une érosion de leur autonomie collective sous l’effet de la diffusion des instruments d’évaluation formalisée tout en demeurant dans des organisations très qualifiantes.

      C´est un article sur une érosion de leur autonomie collective, qui demandent cinq: exemple´autonomie du métier, évaluée, le contrôle direct etc.

  3. Sep 2024
    1. ECG= measures the electrical measure of the heart blood work looks for certain proteins to detect a heart attack pain last over 20 mins is dangerous and non reverseable pain down the arms shortness of breath nausea = autonomic nervous system women experience nausea and dizziness more then men STEMI troponins?

    2. myocardial infarct = lack of 02 to heart muscle cardiomyocytes send pain signals to the brain pain can feel like indigestion brain gets confused heart starts to race cardiomyocytes break down and rupture without 02

    3. Blood in the veins does carries some oxygen, but much less than blood in the arteries. plaques build up in the artery which causes heart attacks (Atherosclerosis) Narrows blood vessel disrupts blood flow angina pectoris = chest pain symptom of heart disease Thromboses cardiac arrest is your heart stopping

    4. pulmonary trunk= next stop after it leaves the heart blood mixes with capillaries to get oxygen to go into the Left Atrium systemic circulation relies on left ventricle to pump

    5. blood comes arms and the head and put blood to the top of the heart blood comes from legs and goes to the bottom of the heart vein = toward Artery = away both start with letter A Tricuspid valve (three flaps) mitral valve- make sure there is foward flow between the ventricles

    6. waste = carbon dioxide heart is a pump so we have good blood flow systemic flow = the entire body, all of the cells pulmonary flow cornonary vessels serve the heart they need 02

    1. Both biosphere boundaries

      for - question - earth system boundaries - biodiversity - how do we reconcile these boundaries with climate departure?

      question - earth system boundaries - biodiversity - how do we reconcile these boundaries with climate departure? - Does the term "functional integrity" imply autonomy from climate feedbacks? Obviously, climate feedback plays a huge role in determining biodiversity health - In 2013, Mora et al. found that climate departure, the year in which a climate variable moves out of the historical bounds will occur everywhere on the planet, regardless of an aggressive RCP pathway being taken. In this study, climate departure was found to take place (relative to 2013) - 37.5 years in the future under RCP45, or - 22.5 years in the future under RCP85 - It would seem that the biodiversity boundaries should take into consideration climate departure as species extinction and ecological system disruption is projected to occur, regardless of whether RCP45 or RCP85 is adopted. - Currently, we are still on a Business-As-Usual trajectory, but since 2013, scientific research has moved the danger threshold even lower so climate departure dates are likely even sooner than those calculated in the 2013 Mora paper

      to - Mora, C., Frazier, A., Longman, R. et al. (2013). The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability. Nature 502, 183–187. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature12540 - https://hyp.is/3wZrokX9Ee-XrSvMGWEN2g/www.nature.com/articles/nature12540 - Researchgate copy - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.researchgate.net%2Fpublication%2F257598710_The_projected_timing_of_climate_departure_from_recent_variability&group=world

  4. Jul 2024
    1. Why would a historian move outside the boundaries of the discipline (refuse to be disciplined) and decide to enter the world of the theater— that is, to write plays? I can’t speak for others— the historian Martin Duberman is the only one who comes to mind, having written the documentary play In White America during the early years of the civil rights movement.Zinn, Howard. Three Plays : The Political Theater of Howard Zinn, Beacon Press, 2010. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/ucb/detail.action?docID=3118076.Created from ucb on 2024-07-24 01:55:35.
    2. Quota 1

  5. Jun 2024
    1. pen-source software (F

      "A natural initial question is what is open source software? Roughly, being open source requires that the source code, and not only the object code (the sequence of 1's and 0's that computers actually use), be made available to everyone, and that the modifications made by its users also be turned back to the community."(Lerner & Tirole, 2001).

      Lerner, J., & Tirole, J. (2001). The open source movement: Key research questions. European economic review, 45(4-6), 819-826.


  6. May 2024
  7. Apr 2024
    1. S. Corbe

      Stéphane Corbel

    2. P. Zarka

      Philippe Zarka

    3. J.-M. Malherbe

      Jean-Marie Malherbe

    4. C. Briand

      Carine Briand

    5. H. Rucker

      H. Rucker

    6. A. Konovalenko

      A. Konovalenko

    7. E. Echer

      E. Echer

    8. W. S. Kurth

      W. S. Kurth

    9. C. Higgins

      C. Higgins

    10. CNES (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales)


    11. LESIA laboratory.

      Observatoire de Paris-PSL, LESIA

    12. radio Observatory of Nançay

      Observatoire de Paris-PSL, ORN

    13. full collection of 35-mm films

      NDA 35-mm film collection

    1. he estimated human contribution to global warming of 0.23C for the past decade (2013 to 2022), as published in Earth System Science Data by Prof Piers Forster and colleagues, is based on a climate model emulator that is driven by an updated estimate of factors including the influence of greenhouse gases and aerosols on the Earth’s climate in recent years
  8. Mar 2024
    1. and his breath pretty well antidoted with store of the vine-tree-syrup.

      Vine-tree syrup in this line is used to describe the venom of his breathe being subdued.


    2. If you trust it, with neither hand nor foot do you come near to my opinion, which judgeth them to have been as little dreamed of by Homer,

      Homer who is the poet who wrote both the Odyssey and the Iliad which offer a world of Greek mythology insightfulness. What the speaker has alluded to Homer is that their viewpoints differ greatly. Similarly to that of a interpretation that is normal. Homer's writing may have failed to anticipate his viewpoint. The speaker believes so strongly and confidently in his viewpoint that compares the writing of Homer and he imagined emotion that would be illicted when reading his work. He goes on to show how truly different and unique his viewpoint is that it is so orginal to what Homer had thought.

    3. the monk

      the term "Monk" in the medieval times stemmed from the word Monachos, which means a solitary person. Monk's first "withdrew into the Egyptian desert, depriving themselves of food and water as part of their effort to withstand the devil’s temptations." Monks did many helpful things such as nurse the sick and help the poor.

    4. whilst he was setting forth the praises of his schoolmaster

      Socrates is one of, if not the most famous historians for his work and development on Greek philosophy. It is not hard to see and understand why he is given praise, as he planted the seed for the creation of western Philosophy. He is without a doubt Plato most famous student and is a legend in Greek Philosophy.

    5. As soon as he was born, he cried not as other babes use to do, Miez, miez, miez, miez, but with a high, sturdy, and big voice

      Showing the parallel between him and other babies of his age, he describes that he did not shout "Miez, Miez, Miez, Miez", which translates to "no, no, no, no" in old germanic dialects like the other children. But instead, in a polar opposite manor, yelled "high, sturdy and big voice" shouted drink, drink, drink. Showing from an early age leadership, confidence, and "greatness".

    6. But the mischief was this, that, for all men could do, there was no possibility to keep them long in that relish; for in a very short while they would have stunk, which had been an undecent thing.

      Going back to the previous sentence, we see that the word tripe means either part of the stomach of an animal (mainly sheep and oxen) one eats or "rubbish" as used in slang, foreword that the men the author is describing, consistently indulging in said tripes (as shown in "licked his fingers" and "mischief") the men would have stunk physically from organs and trash and metaphorically, due to overindulgence and indecency.

    1. Purity

      In many sources, Purity is said to be called Cleanness. Pearl, Patience and Purity differ from SGGK because the characters are "derived from a place of foolishness", along with the fact that the readers are supposed to understand past the main character's and "laugh" at their stupidity. Meaning that rather than the reader learn from it, they not replicate it.

    2. honor

      Honor is defined as "Great respect, esteem, or reverence received, gained, or enjoyed by a person or thing; glory, renown, fame; reputation, good name". Honor is one of the main themes within SGGK, from the way Sir Gawain protects King Author's honor by taking his place in the beheading game to keeping this promise to be back to the Green Knight in a year and a day.

    3. What makes Gawain so chivalrous

      Gawain is known as being chivalrous because he was the proper hero, who morals matched his fight. Sir Gawain’s shield represented "the five virtues of chivalry, which were friendship, generosity, chastity, courtesy, and piety. These where the virtues people strove to live by and those they demanded of kings and knights."

    4. Then the other answered again, “Sir Gawain, so may I thrive as I am fain to take this buffet at thine hand,” and he quoth further, “Sir Gawain, it liketh me well that I shall take at thy fist that which I have asked here, and thou hast readily and truly rehearsed all the covenant that I asked of the king, save that thou shalt swear me, by thy troth, to seek me thyself wherever thou hopest that I may be found, and win thee such reward as thou dealest me to-day, before this folk.”

      The Green Knight shows his excitement to take the hit from Sir Gawain's hand in response to his wanting to take on the challenge. This implies a feeling of loyalty and willingness to carry out their end of the bargain. But then the Green Knight secretly changes the terms of the first agreement struck with King Arthur by adding a new condition to their agreement. The Green Knight adds a sense of mystery as well as potential risk for Gawain when he asks him to vow on his honor to find him later and offer a prize equal to the one he received today.

    5. For I know well that ye are Sir Gawain, whom all the world worships, wheresoever ye may ride. Your honour and your courtesy are praised by lords and ladies, by all who live.

      This sentence represents a huge piece of what Gawain stands for throughout the text, peace and love. Gawain has shown numerous acts of how he is not there out of fury but comes with peace. The words " worship and praised" have supported his actions and motives in the text. Also, not only has his actions supported his beliefs but he often uses objects like " branches and token" to symbolize this.


    1. King Pelias

      king Pelias was a major character in the story Medea. Pelias was the adversary of Jason, and also was the king who had both of his daughters turned on him by Medea. This is not the only Greek mythological story king Pelias appears in, however. "Pelias was one of the mythical kings that appeared in the stories of Greek mythology; indeed, Pelias was a king who appeared in one of the most famous tales of Ancient Greece, the story of Jason and the Argonauts."

    2. Methinks ’tis a far foresight, this thine oath. Still, if thou so wilt have it, nothing loath Am I to serve thee. Mine own hand is so The stronger, if I have this plea to show Thy persecutors: and for thee withal

      In these lines, Aegeus appears to understand the importance of the oath Medea is asking for. He says he thinks it's a smart decision, suggesting he admires her ability to plan strategically. He's showing that he's prepared to support her when she needs it by offering to help. Aegeus also suggests a practical approach to the matter by hinting at the benefit this oath would bring him against his own enemies. His search for answers on who it is to swear by shows his awareness of the importance of oaths within their society. It's like he's confirming his dedication to the vow he's about to make by making sure the pledge he swears will be enforced and honored by the almighty.

  9. Feb 2024
    1. steadfastly bent

      According to Merriam-Webster, steadfastly, means in a resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering manner. Meaning in this case, steadfastly bent is strongly motivated towards a certain topic. A synonym may be "hell-bent" meaning determined to achieve something at all costs. And within the context of the text, the narrator is describing the determination from Krishna's point of view of the other characters and the bloodshed.

    2. typify moral quandaries we might encounter

      Bhagavad Gita contains a plot and story that seems so far removed from what re could encounter in our everyday life but the lesson or moral could actually reflect many situations we do experience.

      Krishna's role is also reflected in our lives as well. Of course none of us are gods disguised as mortals (that I know of) but he is fighting for a last attempt of piece and to avoid bloodshed within the conflict, which many of us do in our daily lives, normally and hopefully only within arguments.

    3. Such votaries, renouncing fruit of deeds, Gain endless peace: the unvowed, the passion-bound, Seeking a fruit from works, are fastened down.

      Votaries are people who have made vows of duty and dedication to a religious service, like nuns or monks. Krishna is saying that these people who renounce all of their hard work to Krishna gain peace because they do not become entangled in karma. Their work is done in the spirit of surrendering the fruits to Krishna, so they can achieve peace and restfulness.

    4. consider the role Krishna plays in this text

      In the text, Lord Krishna is a massive character in the text. In the epic, people respected Lord Krishna. People saw him as " People consider Krishna their leader, hero, protector, philosopher, teacher and friend all rolled into one." In the epic, Lord Krishna was the mentor of Arjuna and took him under his wing, helping him get through tough situations.

    1. Jason

      Jason is the so called "villain" in the Epic Medea. He leaves behind and abandons his wife Medea and kids to marry the kings daughter, Glauce. However, Jasons villain arc comes more from weakness then anger or hatred. And thats what these epics are more about, people that are weaker or have less power. In the epic Medea, it states. "Typically, these are the people that do not possess power or the ability to dictate their individual moments/decisions. " This can be said also about the main character, Medea.

  10. Jan 2024
    1. Seit 2000 sind mindestens 4 Millionen Menschen direkt an Folgen der globalen Erhitzung gestorben. Diese Minimalschätzung in einer neuen Studie begründet, die globale Erhitzung schon jetzt als Gesundheitsnotstand zu behandeln. https://www.repubblica.it/green-and-blue/2024/01/31/news/negli_ultimi_ventanni_la_crisi_del_clima_ha_causato_4_milioni_di_morti-422021774/

    1. Greek plays are not just about entertainment; they are invitations to the audience to discuss political events.

      Greek plays are either tragedies or comedies. There is a much deeper meaning to them than just entertaining the public. Keeping this in mind when reading the stories gives them a much deeper meaning.(https://www.worldhistory.org/Greek_Theatre/) To know the full extent of what they were really meant for is important to the readers. For this specific play, the meaning behind the story is that the men in charge are operating from an excessively limited perspective as they ignore their partners' informed advice. This is a huge political controversy to this day. Women are very overlooked in society especially considering how far back this is dated. Back when this play was written women were given tasks like cooking and cleaning and had little to no rights so this was a good political example of how they were treated and overlooked.

    1. what kind of character type might he fit?

      Krishna is the incarnation of Vishnu. He's supposed to be the embodiment of a godlike character and hold many powerful qualities. He has many different character types he portrays in this story and is extremely accomplished. He urges the reader in a way to think about reincarnation which is obviously a big part of his character. "The place of the infinite spirit" (line 851) Krishna fits a representation of love, duty, honor and self control. Learning what type of character type Krishna is this early on is important to keep in mind as the story is read. If the reader doesn't understand the true depth of his character the story may not be as powerful. He shows many attributes of a fully developed character that knows the true power of who they are. In HIndu culture, a character like Krishna is all powerful but also shows a variety of character traits that make him a very admirable character.

  11. Nov 2023
    1. Get it right and we will see a lot less of our precious minerals, metals and resources dumped into landfill

      This line specifically stood out to me in this article because it is hard to hear, but also very true to the world we live in. As a world, we toss things out the moment they are no longer viewed as valuable to us but we dont toss things when they are "precious". For example, we buy a new iphone and hold it to a high value but then a year later a new iphone comes out and the old one gets tossed away like it is invaluable. Instead of just tossing things like this we need to be more proactive in recycling valuable and difficult resources that one day we may not have.

    1. In contrast, media ecologists focus on understanding media as environments and how those environments affect society.

      The World Wide Web takes on an ecological identity in that it is defined by the ecology of relationships exercised within, determining the "environmental" aspects of the online world. What of media ecology and its impact on earth's ecology? There are climate change ramifications simply in the use of social media itself, yet alone the influences or behaviors associated with it: here is a carbon emissions calculator for seemingly "innocent" internet use:

    1. ჩემს მიერ შერჩეული ბლოგი დაწერილია ქართველი და შვეიცარიელი სტუდენტების მიერ(ლუკა კაპიტანიო,სიმონე გიორზი და ნათია კეკენაძე) რომლის განხილვის საგანია თემზე დაფუძნებული მთის მმართველობა საქართველოში,სადაც აღწერილია მაღალმთიანი დასახლებების რისკები და მათი გამომწვევი მიზეზები,ასევე განხულილულია მათი სოციალურ-ეკონომიკური მდგომარეობა და მაღალმთიანი რეგიონების მომავალი.საერთაშორისო ორგანიზაციების და საქართველოს მთავრობის მჭიდრო თანამშრომლობის შედეგად შექმნილია ადგილობრივი სამოქმედო ჯგუფები(LAG),რომელთა მიზანი კერძო,საჯარო და სამოქალაქო საზოგადოების ადგილობრივ დონეზე დაკავშირება და მთის განვითარების პრიორიტეტების/საჭიროებების განსაზღვრაა.2020 წლიდან LAG-ები აქტიურად მუშაობენ საქართველოს თითქმის ყველა მუნიციპალიტეტში.მაგალითად ხულოს LAG აქტიურად იყო ჩართული 73-მდე ადგილობრივი განვითარების ინიციატივის დაფინანსებაში.LAG-ის დახმარებით დაფინანსდა ორი სამკერვალო მაღაზია,სადაც 15-მდე ადგილობრივი ქალი დასაქმდა(EU4GEORGIA,2020). "შესაბამისად,უაღრესად მნიშვნელოვანია ისეთი ინსტიტუტების შექმნა,რომლებიც შესაძლებელს გახდის შესანიშნავი კომუნიკაციის საშუალებას ადგილობრივ მთის თემებსა და შესაბამის პოლოტიკურ ინსტიტუტებს შორის,რათა შესაძლებელი გახდეს საუკეთესო მმართველობა". გიორგი ჟამიერაშვილი

  12. Oct 2023
    1. La riqueza analítica de estas publicaciones es incuestionable. Nos proporcio - naron a quienes estudiamos la migración y la xenofobia una oportunidad gratuita de conocer las opiniones respecto a la inmigración en nuestro país. Sin embargo, estas encuestas, como otras que implementan universidades —sobre las que se detallará más adelante—, presentan una ceguera de género por la que no sólo exploran, sino que también reproducen una realidad migratoria androcéntrica y por tanto, equivo -cada

      Me parece interesante la transparencia con la que se maneja la información en el documento, ya que te mencionan de antemano que las encuestas reflejan ceguera de genero y una realidad migratoria androcéntrica.

  13. Sep 2023
  14. Aug 2023
    1. Einer neuen NASA-Studie zufolge wird die 2°-Schwelle bei den globalen Durchschnittstemperaturen in den 2040er Jahren überschritten werden – auch bei einem Sinken des Ausstoßes der Treibhausgase. Den Modellierungen zufolge werden im Mittelmeerraum und im Amazonasbecken die Niederschläge weiter abnehmen. In Nordamerika ist mit 27, in Ostafrika mit 32 und in der Sahelzone mit 44 zusätzlichen Hitzestress-Tagen (hohe Temperatur + hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit) zu rechnen. https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000183104/zwei-grad-schwelle-duerfte-frueher-erreicht-werden-als-angenommen

  15. Jun 2023
  16. learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com
    1. And that is part of the larger pattern of the appeal of a new online collectivismthat is nothing less than a resurgence of the idea that the collective is all-wis

      Lanier is saying that the intelligence from the collective is harmful but I feel like throughout my life I have been taught to use other people's knowledge to help me and that teamwork is very important. This made me think of the saying my elementary and middle school teachers have taught me all my life.

    2. he Wikipedia is just one experiment that stillhas room to change and grow.

      I feel like Wikipedia and AI is similar because they are both so controversial and are both growing in participants and users. I found an article on wikipedia about AI and it says that even Wikipedia uses AI

    3. The problem with that presumption is that people are alltoo willing to lower standards in order to make the purported newcomer appear smart. Justas people are willing to bend over backwards and make themselves stupid in order tomake an AI interface appear smart

      AI has recently become such a big thing in our lives today. For a while I was seeing chatgpt and snapchat AI all over the media. I feel like people ask these sites stupid questions that they already know the answer too because they don't want to take a few minutes to think about the answer. I found a website stating how many people use AI and not surprisingly, it shows that 27% of Americans say they use it several times a day. I can't imagine how many people use it per year.

    1. There’s no evidence ofdisputes requiring intervention by mediators or arbitrators, and reading all the edits gives a verygood idea of what all the rumpus over the years has been about.

      This quote and example enhanced my understanding and views of Wikipedia. I'm happy the article included Daniel Jonah Goldhagen's wikipedia page for reference because by telling me that it has been revised 607 times and there is no evidence of anything rude, or inaccurate makes me trust wikipedia and the volunteers a lot more. I attached the history list of Daniel Goldhagen. as further proof

    2. It certainly would have by now,were it not for the multitude of volunteer sheriffs of the information highway who ride aroundpatrolling the thing day and night.

      This piqued my interest because I wonder how there are so many volunteers on Wikipedia. It raises questions like, why are they willingly patrolling the site and making sure there is no vandalism or inaccurate information? What is in it for them? Since it says volunteers I assume there are so rewards for these people so is it just good morals or boredom? I attached a picture of a chart showing the increase in editors after COVID. I think during COVID many people were bored so they decided to take on volunteering on Wikipedia and afterwards maybe it became a hobby.

    3. so far as generalaccuracy of content is concerned, Wikipedia is comparable to conventionally compiledencyclopedias, including Britannica.

      This information definitely changed my opinions and views of Wikipedia. I feel like all throughout high school I was taught that Wikipedia was not a scholarly source so I always avoided looking on there because I didn't think it was accurate but reading the results of this study and the article attached about this study has changed my views of Wikipedia.

    1. The same day, Menashe licensed 56 pictures through iStockphoto– for about $1 each.

      This is interesting because I feel like the istockphoto company has gotten so many more contributors over the years that the rates have gone down drastically. I attached a website stating how much a person gets paid per photo on average which is a lot less than what the article is saying.

    2. For the last decade or so, companies have been looking overseas, to India orChina, for cheap labor. But now it doesn’t matter where the laborers are – they might be down the block,they might be in Indonesia – as long as they are connected to the network

      I didn't realize how hard it was to retain information in the earlier times before the internet became a thing. This made me appreciate how much easier our generation has to gather information. I attached a picture of how the stock photo industry is growing and people are no longer traveling all over trying to get in contact with people from different places for information. In 2020 the stock photography market value was at 3.3 billion dollars.

    3. There are now about 22,000 contributorsto the site, which charges between $1 and $5 per basic image

      This reminds me of the article "Wikipedia and the Death of an Expert" how there are also so many volunteers running the wikipedia page. I inserted an article that mentions how many active editors there are on wikipedia so we can really compare the similarities in contributors.

  17. May 2023
    1. Is there a faithful compliance with the objectives of the Charter if some countries continue to curtail human rights and freedoms instead of to promote the universal respect for an observance of human rights and freedoms for all as called for by the Charter?

      Roosevelt does not seem to have much faith in the words of the charter itself, but seems to call for example and action throughout her defense and explanation of the charter. She believed that only living the character would guide the actions and behavior of others. This hope that Roosevelt have would become real, as the U.N's declaration of human rights has become a point of behavioral guidance for humanity, as can be seen in the 50th anniversary of the U.N's declaration of human rights.

    2. The field of human rights is not one in which compromise on fundamental principles are possible.

      Roosevelt highlights this point which is very interesting, because the United Nations does not enforce the Declaration of human rights. Despite Roosevelt's assertive comments about human rights and the push for the U.N's declaration of human rights to be completed, the declaration of human rights has only served as moral guidance for the world.

    3. The development of the ideal of freedom and its translation into the everyday life of the people in great areas of the earth is the product of the efforts of many peoples. It is the fruit of a long tradition of vigorous thinking and courageous action.

      Roosevelt here appeals to pathos to encourage motivation about the attempt of creating effort toward freedom and individual rights for everyone, where everyone has individual freedom and rights that are not controlled but belong to the individual, and are respected. The U.N has accomplished Roosevelt's vision of what the U.N's declaration of human rights should be to people and the world as is seen in the below documentation of the U.N's declaration of human rights' 50th anniversary.

    4. In the United States we have a capitalistic economy. That is because public opinion favors that type of economy under the conditions in which we live. But we have imposed certain restraints; for instance, we have antitrust laws. These are the legal evidence of the determination of the American people to maintain an economy of free competition and not to allow monopolies to take away the people’s freedom.

      Eleanor agrees to the inclusion of economic rights at the request of Russia. Russia argued that a declaration of human rights should include social and economic rights, not just political rights. The U.N's declaration of human rights originally included political rights, but not economic or social rights. Despite this, Russia still did not assent to the U.N's declaration of human rights, Roosevelts move here was to appease the Russians to draw them towards assenting to the U.N's declaration of human rights through persuasion by being agreeable to Russia's appeal to logos. This however did not work.

    5. I have great sympathy with the Russian people. They love their country and have always defended it valiantly against invaders. They have been through a period of revolution, as a result of which they were for a time cut off from outside contact. They have not lost their resulting suspicion of other countries and the great difficulty is today that their government encourages this suspicion and seems to believe that force alone will bring them respect.

      Despite what Roosevelt states here, she did not have the same approach to Russia when drafting the United Nations Declaration of human rights. She was often frustrated with their push to redefine human rights, and their push to include economic and social rights into the declaration of human rights. Despite her including economic rights in the declaration of human rights. Russia still did not want to agree with the content in the declaration of human rights.

    6. I think the best example one can give of this basic difference of the use of terms is “the right to work.” The Soviet Union insists that this is a basic right which it alone can guarantee because it alone provides full employment by the government. But the right to work in the Soviet Union means the assignment of workers to do whatever task is given to them by the government without an opportunity for the people to participate in the decision that the government should do this. A society in which everyone works is not necessarily a free society and may indeed be a slave society; on the other hand, a society in which there is widespread economic insecurity can turn freedom into a barren and vapid right for millions of people.

      Roosevelt gives a specific example here in contrasting definitions of terms held by the soviet union and the United States. She proceeds to critique the Soviets understanding of the right to work, noting that it the soviet unions understanding of the right to work does not include individual freedom, because they understand the right to work as being given by the government. Roosevelt points out such control is not freedom, but is akin to a slave society. Interestingly she does not use assertive language when saying this, but only states that a totalitarian society with control of the right to work may be a slave society. It is however interesting that the U.N's declaration of human rights does not initially include social rights, as social rights are something that Roosevelt was very focused on in her career.

    7. The Declaration has come from the Human Rights Commission with unanimous acceptance except for four abstentions -- the U.S.S.R., Yugoslavia, Ukraine, and Byelorussia. The reason for this is a fundamental difference in the conception of human rights as they exist in these states and in certain other Member States in the United Nations. In the discussion before the Assembly, I think it should be made crystal clear what these differences are and tonight I want to spend a little time making them clear to you. It seems to me there is a valid reason for taking the time today to think carefully and clearly on the subject of human rights, because in the acceptance and observance of these rights lies the root, I believe, of our chance of peace in the future, and for the strengthening of the United Nations organization to the point where it can maintain peace in the future.

      The focal point of Roosevelt's essay is her frustration with communist countries. The attack on the U.N's declaration of human rights is primarily definitional in substance (though ideological in dispute). Although The U.N's declaration of human rights is presumptive about the terms democracy and human freedom, there is not universal agreement on what those terms mean.

    1. Is there a faithful compliance with the objectives of theCharter if some countries continue to curtail human rights and freedoms instead of to promotethe universal respect for an observance of human rights and freedoms for all as called for bythe Charter?

      Roosevelt does not seem to have much faith in the words of the charter itself, but seems to call for example and action throughout her defense and explanation of the charter. She believed that only living the character would guide the actions and behavior of others. This hope that Roosevelt have would become real, as the U.N's declaration of human rights has become a point of behavioral guidance for humanity, as can be seen in the 50th anniversary of the U.N's declaration of human rights.

    2. The development of the ideal of freedom and its translation into the everyday life of thepeople in great areas of the earth is the product of the efforts of many peoples. It is the fruitof a long tradition of vigorous thinking and courageous action.

      Roosevelt here appeals to pathos to encourage motivation about the attempt of creating effort toward freedom and individual rights for everyone, where everyone has individual freedom and rights that are not controlled but belong to the individual, and are respected. The U.N has accomplished Roosevelt's vision of what the U.N's declaration of human rights should be to people and the world as is seen in the below documentation of the U.N's declaration of human rights' 50th anniversary.

    3. I think the best example one can give of this basic difference of the use of terms is “the rightto work.” The Soviet Union insists that this is a basic right which it alone can guaranteebecause it alone provides full employment by the government. But the right to work in theSoviet Union means the assignment of workers to do whatever task is given to them by thegovernment without an opportunity for the people to participate in the decision that thegovernment should do this. A society in which everyone works is not necessarily a free societyand may indeed be a slave society; on the other hand, a society in which there is widespreadeconomic insecurity can turn freedom into a barren and vapid right for millions of people.

      Roosevelt gives a specific example here in contrasting definitions of terms held by the soviet union and the United States. She proceeds to critique the Soviets understanding of the right to work, noting that it the soviet unions understanding of the right to work does not include individual freedom, because they understand the right to work as being given by the government. Roosevelt points out such control is not freedom, but is akin to a slave society. Interestingly she does not use assertive language when saying this, but only states that a totalitarian society with control of the right to work may be a slave society. It is however interesting that the U.N's declaration of human rights does not initially include social rights, as social rights are something that Roosevelt was very focused on in her career.

    4. In the United States we have a capitalistic economy. That is because public opinion favors thattype of economy under the conditions in which we live. But we have imposed certainrestraints; for instance, we have antitrust laws. These are the legal evidence of thedetermination of the American people to maintain an economy of free competition and not toallow monopolies to take away the people’s freedom.

      Eleanor agrees to the inclusion of economic rights at the request of Russia. Russia argued that a declaration of human rights should include social and economic rights, not just political rights. The U.N's declaration of human rights originally included political rights, but not economic or social rights. Despite this, Russia still did not assent to the U.N's declaration of human rights, Roosevelts move here was to appease the Russians to draw them towards assenting to the U.N's declaration of human rights through persuasion by being agreeable to Russia's appeal to logos. This however did not work.

    5. The Declaration has come from the Human Rights Commission with unanimous acceptanceexcept for four abstentions -- the U.S.S.R., Yugoslavia, Ukraine, and Byelorussia. The reasonfor this is a fundamental difference in the conception of human rights as they exist in thesestates and in certain other Member States in the United Nations.In the discussion before the Assembly, I think it should be made crystal clear what thesedifferences are and tonight I want to spend a little time making them clear to you. It seems tome there is a valid reason for taking the time today to think carefully and clearly on thesubject of human rights, because in the acceptance and observance of these rights lies theroot, I believe, of our chance of peace in the future, and for the strengthening of the UnitedNations organization to the point where it can maintain peace in the future.

      The focal point of Roosevelt's essay is her frustration with communist countries. The attack on the U.N's declaration of human rights is primarily definitional in substance (though ideological in dispute). Although The U.N's declaration of human rights is presumptive about the terms democracy and human freedom, there is not universal agreement on what those terms mean.

    6. I have great sympathy with the Russian people. They love their country and have alwaysdefended it valiantly against invaders. They have been through a period of revolution, as aresult of which they were for a time cut off from outside contact.

      Despite what Roosevelt states here, she did not have the same approach to Russia when drafting the United Nations Declaration of human rights. She was often frustrated with their push to redefine human rights, and their push to include economic and social rights into the declaration of human rights. Despite her including economic rights in the declaration of human rights. Russia still did not want to agree with the content in the declaration of human rights.

    7. The field of human rights is not one in which compromise on fundamental principles arepossible.

      Roosevelt highlights this point which is very interesting, because the United Nations does not enforce the Declaration of human rights. Despite Roosevelt's assertive comments about human rights and the push for the U.N's declaration of human rights to be completed, the declaration of human rights has only served as moral guidance for the world.

  18. Apr 2023
    1. But COVID-19 remains a danger, even though the darker days of overwhelmed hospitals and overflowing morgues appear to be over.

      Covid is still a danger and still causes many economic and social problems but there are ways to help us learn to take care of ourselves and others from this as mentioned in the CDC website.

    2. COVID-19 has remained the leading infectious cause of death in L.A. County

      L.A county still being infected with lots of cases is crazy. There are still cases being made and it's still very dangerous especially with people who don't even have their vaccines or boosters. Its especially dangerous for older people.

    3. those who got the updated booster had one-tenth the risk of being hospitalized compared with those who are unvaccinated

      Basically 65-79 higher seniors are in high risk of being sent to the hospital rather than other people who aren't even vaccines The booster is much more stronger to seniors.

    1. They should promote recycling old electronics more as you don't see any commercials or adds for that so a lot of that stuff just gets tossed and sits in landfills.

    2. Extending the life of electronic products and re-using electrical components brings an even larger economic benefit, as working devices are certainly worth more than the materials they contain. A circular electronics system - one in which resources are not extracted, used and wasted, but re-used in countless ways - creates decent, sustainable jobs and retains more value in the industry.

      This paragraph caught my attention for several reasons. The first is that it was one of the first paragraphs that I actually understood what it was saying. Additionally, it made me feel like I could do something about it. When it said that reusing electrical components are better, it helped me see a clear way that I can direct effect this. Finally, I thought this paragraph was interesting because it talked about creating jobs. This is important to note because more and more people are going to school for something involving technology. This creates jobs for that specific group of people.

  19. Mar 2023
    1. Or, did you ever see a dog with a marrowbone in his mouth,—the beast of all other, says Plato, lib. 2, de Republica, the most philosophical? If you have seen him, you might have remarked with what devotion and circumspectness he wards and watcheth it: with what care he keeps it: how fervently he holds it: how prudently he gobbets it: with what affection he breaks it: and with what diligence he sucks it. To what end all this? What moveth him to take all these pains? What are the hopes of his labour? What doth he expect to reap thereby? Nothing but a little marrow

      The description of this scene is insinuating on the importance of the little things which I believe is what the author was trying to convey when asking such questions to seeing a dog with a bone. He even refers to Plato at one point who was known as a philosophical speaker who was wise in such ideas. "Plato says that true and reliable knowledge rests only with those who can comprehend the true reality behind the world of everyday experience." (Macintosh) Platos theory of forms suggested that there is a different reality to everything for each person. That would insinuate that for a dog, that bone is big thing worth his time, while as humans, we see the dog with his bone and think "why bother?".

    1. Yet not so much but that when into sight A lion came, I was disturbed with fear.

      Dante uses this phrase to describe his fear of the lion. The fact that the lion is "rabid with hunger" further demonstrates how violent it is. John Demaray states that "the growing awareness that the actions of Dante in the narrative are in part a figural re-enactment of Biblical events", these beasts were referenced from the bible and therefore characterizes different types of sin. The lion, she-wolf, and leopard represent barriers that keeps Dante from reaching "Saint Peter's Gate which is the way into heaven.

      Demaray, John G. “The Pilgrim Texts and Dante’s Three Beasts: Inferno, I.” Italica, vol. 46, no. 3, 1969, pp. 233–41. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/477804. Accessed 11 Mar. 2023.

  20. Feb 2023
    1. debían estarprotagonizados por extranjeros y tratar de cosas con las que no podía identificarme. Puesbien, la situación cambió cuando descubrí los libros africanos.No había muchos disponibles, y no eran tan fáciles de encontrar como los extranjeros.Pero gracias a escritores como Chinua Achebe y Camara Laye, mi percepción de laliteratura cambió. Comprendí que en la literatura también podía existir gente como yo,chicas con la piel de color chocolate cuyo pelo rizado no caía en colas de caballo.Empecé a escribir sobre asuntos que reconocía.5

      texto pdf

    1. Girdled now sit humbly at home, Munching beans, while you card wool and comb. For war from now on is the Women’s affair.

      At this time in the Greek world, women had little to no rights. Men controlled their lives and their only duties and value were to bear and raise children and maintain the household (Column). Here Lysistrata is passing her stereotypical womanly duties onto the Magistrate, declaring that war is the "women's affair" now.

  21. Jan 2023
  22. Dec 2022
  23. Nov 2022
  24. Oct 2022
  25. Sep 2022
    1. In the article, "The New Normative: Queer Politics in The Outs," author John Sherman, a freelance writer from Brooklyn, implores reader's to give credit to show's casually- revolutionary representation of queer characters. Sherman indicates to reader's that this is a rarely great representation for its time (2012) because it gives gay characters a non-stereotypical story line. It allows it's characters to be people who just happen to be gay. In just the pilot episode, it's not hard to see this truth. With the first four queer male characters being introduced, they all have different characteristics, priorities, and dynamics with eachother that don't center around their gayness. This gives a depth to the queer character being represented without relying on the fact that their gay to do so. I think that the positive reaction to this show bodes very well for the style of queer representation being presented and will hopefully inspire more writing and content making of this kind which non-chalently gives a voice gay to story lines in a relatable- human way instead of a stereotypical and tokenising way.

      I believe that Shitt's Creek also does this fairly well. Although I've only seen a couple episodes myself- I saw the character of David as a complete person and story line not defined by his gayness or partner choices although it is an obvious part of his identity.

    1. The song, known as the Black national anthem, was played more than 20 minutes before “The Star-Spangled Banner,” which was written by slaveholder Francis Scott Key and includes lyrics about the capture of escaped slaves who fought for the British during the War of 1812.

      Do you believe that we should countinue with the current national anthem "The Star-Spangled Banner" or should we change it to "Lift Every Voice" ? Is it wrong that we are singing a song written by a slaveholder towards our country ?

  26. Aug 2022
    1. 使用密码解密浏览器发来的握手消息,并验证HASH是否与浏览器发来的一致
    2. 网站地址,加密公钥,以及证书的颁发机构等信息


  27. Jul 2022
  28. Jun 2022
  29. May 2022
  30. Apr 2022
    1. This Playbuzz Privacy Policy (“Policy”) outlines what personal information is collected by Playbuzz Ltd. (“Playbuzz”, “we”, “us” or “our”), how we use such personal information, the choices you have with respect to such personal information, and other important information.

      We keep your personal information personal and private. We will not sell, rent, share, or otherwise disclose your personal information to anyone except as necessary to provide our services or as otherwise described in this Policy.

    1. Humankind’s insatiable demand for electronic devices is creating the world’s fastest-growing waste stream.

      This sentence caught my attention the most because not only was it the opening sentence, but it also outlined the problem that was discussed throughout the rest of the article. As society expands and grows upward electronically, there is more and more e-waste. Since this flow of e-waste is becoming so large, it is being labeled as the world's fastest-growing waste stream. This article then goes on to explain this phenomenon.

      The article I linked below goes over the toxicological implications of e-waste and I think it ties in well to the topics covered in this article. It shows how it can affect the health of humans and to which degree.

  31. Mar 2022
    1. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

      Egyesült Nemzetek Nevelésügyi, Tudományos és Kulturális Szervezete

    1. wathsapp

      En las instituciones educativas de los sectores más vulnerables donde la falta de acceso a las Tics fue la constante, redes sociales como el Whatsapp terminaron siendo el único medio que permitía un contacto esporádico y una educación remota, la privacidad y la cotidianidad de los docentes se vio alterada por la falta de un derecho a la desconexión, la labor docente se volvió una labor de tiempo completo donde la carencia de recursos primo y la creatividad de los docentes para realizar sus clases permitieron sacar procesos adelante.

    2. youtube

      YouTube constituyó una fuente de materiales audiovisuales que muchos maestros implementaron como recurso y forma de divulgación. Por otro lado, la plataforma TEAMS brindada por la SED permitió más opciones de trabajo desde sus funciones, sin embargo, es una plataforma muy pesada para cualquier dispositivo o computador y requiere de una banda ancha de internet lo que hizo fue dificultar el acceso pues meet, zoom ... son más sencillas, amables y menos pesadas. Se obligó a las instituciones a implementar Teams sin tener en cuenta las características y necesidades de la mayoría de los estudiantes de las instituciones públicas.

    3. https://www.javeriana.edu.co/pesquisa/educacion-virtual-realidad-o-ficcion-en-tiempos-de-pandemia/

      Es interesante como Leonor en su Wiki, juega con las imágenes que ilustran de lo que está hablando, recurre a enlaces de artículos relacionados y finaliza con una reflexión sobre la virtualidad y cómo esta aunque se impulsó con la pandemia no es pasajera, sino que al igual que en el caso personal de Leonor los aprendizajes construidos sobre TICS, serán saberes que estarán constantemente enriqueciendo la práctica pedagógica de los maestros. En cuanto a los usos de las Tics que se evidencian en la experiencia personal de Leonor se puede interpretar un uso básico de plataformas y redes sociales, pero al igual interés por explorar otras formas de uso y lo complejo que resultó para los docentes enfrentarnos al uso de las tecnologías sin lamentablemente, contar con una alfabetización apropiada a la altura de la demanda de las problemáticas educativas enfrentadas, lo que a su vez refleja la realidad de nuestro país y la poca alfabetización digital con la que contamos las personas en general y especialmente los maestros.

    4. Es interesante como Leonor en su Wiki, juega con las imágenes que ilustran de lo que está hablando, recurre a enlaces de artículos relacionados y finaliza con una reflexión sobre la virtualidad y cómo esta aunque se impulsó con la pandemia no es pasajera, sino que al Igual que en el caso personal de Leonor los aprendizajes construidos sobre TICS, serán saberes que estarán constantemente enriqueciendo la práctica pedagógica de los maestros. En cuanto a los usos de las Tics que se evidencian en la experiencia personal de Leonor se puede interpretar un uso básico de plataformas y redes sociales, pero al igual interesa por explorar otras formas de uso y lo complejo que resultó para los docentes enfrentarnos al uso de las tecnologías sin lamentablemente, tener la formación para hacerlo.

    1. En somme, les études sur la communication des élèves atteints d’autisme permettent de mettre en évidence l’importance d’un contexte riche en stimulations appropriées (sons et images), mais également une évidente « stabilité » de l’information à décoder, le suivi des émotions des personnages, le rôle de l’imitation dans les apprentissages. Ces résultats encouragent donc l’usage d’outils informatiques adéquats pour améliorer la communication sociale chez les enfants atteints d’autisme.

      L'association de deux sujets qui n'ont pas de corrélation vérifiéé, revient dans la conclusion en contradiction avec la conclusion de l'étude de Ramdoss, S et al.

    2. Nous allons montrer par une courte analyse de quelques études l’impact du travail éducatif informatisé dans l’apprentissage de la communication sociale chez des enfants atteints d’autisme.

      En contradiction avec l'hypothèse :

      Results suggest that CBI should not yet be considered a researched-based approach to teaching communication skills to individuals with ASD. However, CBI does seem a promising practice that warrants future research. Les résultats suggèrent que le CBI ne devrait pas encore être considéré comme un approche fondée sur la recherche pour enseigner les compétences en communication aux personnes ayant Troubles du Spectre Autistique. Cependant, le CBI semble être une pratique prometteuse qui justifie des recherches futures.

    3. Ce programme nommé « I can word it too », disponible en hébreu et arabe, a été spécialement créé pour cette étude. Il reproduit les activités quotidiennes (jouer à des jeux, prendre les repas, faire sa toilette…) et demande à l’enfant ce à quoi il veut jouer, en lui présentant un choix de jeux sur l’écran

      ==>il s’agirait d’une déclinaison sur écran des outils et méthodes de communication améliorée et alternative (CAA), comme le PECS ou le Makaton. déjà existants, IDEOPICTO ou le langage conceptuel SACCADE

    4. L’imitation et l’influence du jeu interactif sont bien mises en évidence dans une étude de Orit Hetzroni et Juman Tannous, de la Faculté des Sciences de l’éducation de l’Université de Haifa (Israël)

      ==>l’échantillon de l’étude est est extrêmement limité, l’étude n’est pas répliqué et elle ne permet pas de retirer de résultats concluants

  32. Feb 2022
    1. Now wave your flagNow wave your flag

      The repetition of these phrase shows how he will leave people passionate about something and encourage them to soar up high like a waving flag

    2. Give me freedom,Give me fire,Give me reason,Take me higher

      The speaker is directing the song towards the theme ‘freedom’ “give me freedom,fire,reason”these metaphors used by the writer is saying that these are what is needed to take things to a higher level as seen in the following phrase,”take me higher”Freedom represents the power of right to act or speak,which shows the intensity the writer wants to take things higher.The word fire also could represent inspiration,which also is a powerful thing to use to take things more bigger.

  33. Jan 2022
  34. Dec 2021
    1. Carthage has been under the spotlight of archae-ological studies for a long time

      I find it interesting that so much light was shed upon Carthage and how the society carried themselves. Wealth was starting to be concerning because Aristotle commented on Carthage: "that such a preoccupation with wealth would lead inevitably to a self-interested oligarchy dominating society."

    1. Note also that testators left cloth as bequests during the epidemic. Apparently they were not as concerned with clothes retaining miasma as were anti-plague ordinances of the government.

      I did not know what the word miasma meant, after searching it up I learned that it was a "highly unpleasant or unhealthy smell". I wanted to learn more about what personal hygiene was like and how it changed during the time of the plague. I learned that it was a very unsanitary time and this helped to spread the plague. The doctors were unsure where the plague could spread from some, the community continued on with their everyday routine in little sense of where the disease came from which made the plague spread more.

    1. violencia de género

      «Todo acto de violencia sexista que tiene como resultado posible o real un daño físico, sexual o psíquico, incluidas las amenazas, la coerción o la privación arbitraria de libertad, ya sea que ocurra en la vida pública o en la privada».

    2. de un impuesto que se retira de la posición femenina, cuyo ícono es el cuerpo de la mujer, bajo la forma del miedo femenino, de la obediencia femenina, del servicio femenino y de la seducción que el poder ejerce sobre la subjetividad femenina

      El ejercicio de la violencia de género podrá sustentarse en una esquematizacion regida y perversa de los roles de genero, culturalmente asimilados. Fuerza, poder y dominio aparecen como valores propios de la identidad masculina en nuestra cultura. Estos "valores" fundamentan estructuras de desigualdad, y un medio para alcanzarlos y defenderlos es la agresion. Como contrapartida, la identidad femenina ha sido elaborada con los atributos de debilidad, controlabilidad y necesidad de proteccion. Estos valores son transmitidos como pautas de comportamiento deseable y se insertan en los patrones de masculinidad y feminidad asociados al ciclo de la violencia. Pagina 4 y 5.

    3. paraestatal
      1. adj. Dicho de una institución, de un organismo o de un centro: Que, por delegación del Estado, coopera a los fines de este sin formar parte de la Administración pública.
    4. Esa “formación” del hombre, que lo conduce a una estructura de la personalidad de tipo psicopático

      No existe un perfil único de maltratador. Tampoco se trata de hombres agresivos ni de psicópatas. Nuestro estudio pone en cuestión los estereotipos relacionados hasta ahora con la conducta y los rasgos del maltratador, como puede ser el consumo de sustancias tóxicas y de alcohol, la vivencia de experiencias traumáticas en la edad infantil o los problemas psíquicos. En este último aspecto, los datos del patrón de personalidad de un grupo de maltratadores basados en el inventario clínico multiaxial Millon-II señalan a la compulsividad como rasgo más destacado de estas personas; no obstante, el percentil no supera el grado de normalidad, por lo que se descarta la posibilidad de una psicopatología.

  35. Nov 2021
  36. Oct 2021
    1. Let's Encrypt + Ghost

      Self-Hosting on DigitalOcean means setting up Let’s Encrypt to configure SSL.

      ghost setup ssl
  37. Sep 2021
    1. The point of DoH is to bypass any other DNS or censorship further down the line.If you want to use DoH AND your hosts file then you need to use DoH as your OS's DNS so it is after the hosts file.


    1. saxophone

      a metal musical instrument that you play by blowing into it and pressing keys to produce different notes

    2. dotted

      a small, round mark or spot:

    3. snapped

      If something long and thin snaps, it breaks making a short, loud sound, and if you snap it, you break it, making a short, loud sound:

    4. confidence

      a feeling of being certain of your ability to do things well:

    5. swirled

      to move around and around quickly, or to make something do this:

    1. polythetic definitions have the appeal of avoiding essentialism, Which is regarded by most scholars of religion as a pitfall and a danger

      I am confused on how it is regarded because wouldn't a word like religion be expected to have more than one definition since religion is not one thing to everyone. Even the basic definitions of religion are unique in their own ways.

    2. paradigmatic

      typical answer to something

    3. elucidatory

      give a clarifying expression

    4. Pragmatic

      to deal with something in a practical non-theoretical way.

    5. elucidation.

      another word for clarification

  38. Aug 2021

      The title of the article immediately made me think of the world we are living in now. For example it is becoming more and more evident that the country has mixed opinions on the vaccine. The government, state agencies and other public entities are requiring proof of a vaccine to even enter the premises. Some companies are offering incentives across the country to incentivize the vaccine by offering free products and discounts. To an extent from a medical perspective you want everyone as healthy as possible, but from a freedom perspective it is on the verge of violating an individual's freedom of choice through forced compliance.

  39. May 2021
    1. 3No one, when tempted, shouldsay, “I am being tempted by God”; for God cannot betempted by evil and he himself tempts noone. 14But one is tempted by one's own desire, beinglured and enticed by it; 15then, when thatdesire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and thatsin, when it is fully grown, gives birth todeath. 16Do not be deceived, my beloved.17Every generous act of giving, with every perfectgift, is from above, coming down from theFather of lights, with whom there is no variationor shadow due to change.18In fulfillment of hisown purpose he gave us birth by the word of truth,so that we would become a kind of first fruitsof his creatures.
      • James did not want anyone to think that God sends trials to break down or destroy our faith; therefore, he will come back to this point in James 1:13-18. -James knew that most people have an evil tendency to blame God when they find themselves in trials. Yet by His very nature, God is unable to either be tempted (in the sense we are tempted, as James will explain), nor does He Himself tempt anyone.
    1. Computing professionals are on the front lines of almost every aspect of the modern world. They’re involved in the response when hackers steal the personal information of hundreds of thousands of people from a large corporation. Their work can protect—or jeopardize—critical infrastructure like electrical grids and transportation lines. And the algorithms they write may determine who gets a job, who is approved for a bank loan or who gets released on bail.

      Up until this point, I have no idea that there is a code of ethics for computing professionals. I simply think that problems are presented and we try to solve it by creating algorithms. However, the thought of these algorithms being able to determine if a certain individual can get a job or approved for a bank loan have never crossed my mind. This new understanding will bring a new awareness to what kind of job I'm taking in the future and it will also help me determine what path I want to take in my career.

    1. The command nix-shell will build the dependencies of the specified derivation, but not the derivation itself. It will then start an interactive shell in which all environment variables defined by the derivation path have been set to their corresponding values, and the script $stdenv/setup has been sourced. This is useful for reproducing the environment of a derivation for development.

      QUESTION: What exactly does nix-shell execute from the Nix expression (i.e., shell.nix, default.nix, etc.)?

      ANSWER: Based on my current understanding, the answer is everything. It calls $stdenv/setup (see annotation below) to set up the most basic environment variables (TODO: expand on this), and "injects" the most common tools (e.g., gcc, sed) into it.

      It also defines the phases (TODO: verify this) and builder functions, such as genericBuilder. For example, the default builder is just two lines:

      source $stdenv/setup

      TODO: pkgs/stdenv/generic/builder.sh is a mystery though.

      QUESTION: Once dropping into nix-shell, how do I know what phases to execute by looking at a default.nix? (E.g., [..]freeswitch/default.nix)

      ANSWER: As far as I can tell, one can override the phases in their Nix build expression (to build the derivation, see at the bottom), but they won't get executed as only the $stdenv/setup (see above) will get sourced, and no builders are called that, in return, invoke the phases (again, see above).

      So if one is using nix-shell

      • to create/hack on a package, the person has to manually invoke the builder or phases (TODO: still fuzzy on this subject)

      • to set up an environment, then one doesn't even have to worry about builders/phases because we just use nix-shell to clear the environment and to inject tools that we need for a given task

      QUESTION: When dropping into nix-shell, is this Nix expression (i.e., freeswitch/default.nix) executed? Or just parts of it?

      ANSWER: As stated above, all of the input Nix expression is evaluated, but no builders and build phases are called; although, nothing prevents one to override the phases, in case they are creating/hacking on a package.


      The command nix-shell will build the dependencies of the specified derivation, but not the derivation itself.

      What is the "derivation" here exactly? I know that it is a build expression, but does that mean the default.nix (or other Nix expression) nix-shell is invoked with?

      <sup>This statement also seems like a contradiction with how `nix-shell` works (i.e., if one issues `nix-shell -p curl`, then `curl` will be available in that sub-shell), but `-p` acts like a shortcut to as if `curl` had been listed in `buildInputs` so this is not the case.</sup>

      ANSWER: I have the feeling my confusion comes from the fact that the term "derivation" is used ambiguously in the manuals, sometimes to mean multiple things (see list below).

      TODO: Substantiate this claim, and make sure that it not coming from my misunderstanding certain topics.

      • Nix build expression (such as default.nix) whose output is going to become the store derivation itself (see last item at the bottom about the Nix manual's glossary definition)

      • store derivation.

      Had multiple cracks at unambiguously define what a derivation is, and here's a list of these:

      QUESTION: What is the difference between nix-shell -p and nix-shell invoked with a Nix expression of mkShell (or other that achieves the similar effect)?

      QUESTION: nix-shell does not create a sub-shell, so what does it do? (clarification: so nix-shell indeed does it; I confused it with nix shell)

  40. Apr 2021
    1. a high level of motivation derived from thosearound them/other respected colleagues (FrancoSantos 2014 in Thomas2014)/ athletes

      fully agree with this statement as motivated people motivate others and allow for a great team working ethic with everyone pulling in the same direction

    1. En muchas de las ocasiones los seres humanos estamos sujetos a las actividades que otros hacen para guiarnos o quizá imitar comportamientos. Es por ello que existen una cantidad e prohibiciones de copiado para evitar la repetición de contenidos..

    1. La desinhibición a los actos violentos y su diafanada presencia a lo largo de la historia del ser humano, se han visto incitadas y provocadas durante nuestra época por el sistema social con el cual hemos sido instruidos. Cabe denotar que la autora hace énfasis en la violencia de género, parafraseando conceptualizaciones de la ideología feminista nos explica: la postura social de la masculinidad y la feminidad, sus interrelaciones afectadas por la corrosión del comportamiento sustentándolo con una explicación psicoanalítica y la afectación que las organizaciones y el ser humano efectúan sobre el ser humano.. Al final de texto Rita hace un comunicado dirigido a los hombres, induce la idea de ser participes en la solución del problema social puesto que no somos ajenos a él. De esta forma este texto es dirigido para toda persona que deseé informarse sobre uno de los problemas sociales más importantes de nuestra historia, pues Desde el 2009 las muertes violentas de mujeres —y de hombres— se dispararon de manera significativa; sólo en 2010 y 2011 los homicidios femeninos casi se duplicaron. Esta tendencia sólo se revirtió en 2014 y 2015, en el 2016 y hasta el momento la cifra continúa con alzas. Los registros también evidencian una creciente tendencia de las muertes violentas de mujeres. Aún con el confinamiento estricto que paralizó gran parte de las actividades y la movilidad el total de asesinatos de mujeres creció 0.6% en comparación con el mismo periodo del 2019. Como último quiero remarcar lo que dijo la autora "Los hombres deben entrar en las luchas contra el patriarcado, pero que no deben hacerlo por nosotras y para protegernos del sufrimiento que la violencia de género nos inflige, sino por ellos mismos, para liberarse del mandato de la masculinidad."

    1. Concrete Mixing Plant

      As a company, we are sensitive to using advanced building technologies effectively for all our building and construction projects. As a matter of fact, the most important factor underlying the quality and safety standards that our company has achieved in all its projects so far is that we use building technologies effectively. We always follow technological developments that will help us achieve much better standards in construction applications. For this, we use the most innovative concrete mixing plant technology to realize the concrete applications without exception at the highest quality. We have been working with Elkon for many years to meet this need that has arisen in line with the intensive work of our company. As well as the high-quality standards of the company's concrete mixing plant products, we can ensure a high compatibility in our work with service offerings focused on projects. For this reason, we are working with Elkon firm on the need for a concrete mixing plant for each project that our company will start to realize. In addition to volume capacity options, mixers have a very rich model variety by means of technical functions. In this way, we can supply concrete plants, which are suitable for our needs created by the concrete application capacity in our project, from the company. With its superior technology and high-quality durability, we do not encounter any problems in our applications on concrete, which is the most common thing we use in our project sites. The serious problems that technical problems may cause in terms of construction projects are at everyone's discretion. Our company will continue to work in harmony with the company for all construction and building projects in the future, as it has enabled us to encounter these problems today. We would like to thank them for their quality responses to our requests up to now.

    1. A circular electronics system - one in which resources are not extracted, used and wasted, but re-used in countless ways - creates decent, sustainable jobs and retains more value in the industry.

      This sentence caught my eye because it seems like an obvious solution to reduce the amount of e-waste and materials used to create new products. It is upsetting to see that many people resort to being wasteful and using up the world's resources at such a quick rate before thinking about reusing and remodeling what we have already created.

  41. Mar 2021
  42. Feb 2021
    1. A Nix expression describes everything that goes into a package build action (a “derivation”)

      Come up with an ultimate definition for what a "derivation" is.

      So round up all the places where it is mentioned across Nix* manuals, and check out these:

      From Nix Pills section 6.1. The derivation function (see annotation):

      A derivation from a Nix language view point is simply a set, with some attributes. Therefore you can pass the derivation around with variables like anything else.

      So there is clearly an ambiguity between what derivations are perceived to be and what is stated in the Eelco Dolstra's PhD thesis. Or maybe I'm having issues with reading comprehension again...

    2. For each output declared in outputs, the corresponding environment variable is set to point to the intended path in the Nix store for that output. Each output path is a concatenation of the cryptographic hash of all build inputs, the name attribute and the output name. (The output name is omitted if it’s out.)

      QUESTION: So when I see $out in a builder script, it refers to the default output path because the output attribute in the Nix expression has never been explicitly set, right?

    3. A derivation causes that derivation to be built prior to the present derivation; its default output path is put in the environment variable.

      That is, if an input attribute is a reference to a derivation in the Nix store, then

      1. that derivation is built first (after a binary substitute is not found, I presume), and
      2. the path to the built package (for a better word) is handed to the shell build script.
    4. derivationA description of a build action. The result of a derivation is a store object. Derivations are typically specified in Nix expressions using the derivation primitive. These are translated into low-level store derivations (implicitly by nix-env and nix-build, or explicitly by nix-instantiate).

      Organically related to the annotation regarding my nix-shell confusion.

      The dissection of this definition to show why I find it lacking:

      A description of a build action.

      The first (couple) time(s) I read the manuals, this description popped up in many places, and I identified it with Nix expression every time, thinking that a derivation is a synonym for Nix expression.

      Maybe it is, because it clearly tries to disambiguate between store derivations and derivation in the last sentence.

      The result of a derivation is a store object.

      Is this store object the same as a store derivation?

      Derivations are typically specified in Nix expressions using the `derivation primitive. These are translated into low-level store derivations (implicitly by nix-env and nix-build, or explicitly by nix-instantiate).

      QUESTION: So, the part of the Nix build expression (such as default.nix) where the derivation primitive is called (explicitly or implicitly, as in mkDerivation) is the derivation, that will be ultimately be translated into store derivations?

      ANSWER: Start at section 15.4 Derivation.

      QUESTION: Also, why is typically used here? Can one define derivations outside of Nix expressions?

      ANSWER(?): One could I guess, because store derivations are ATerms (see annotation at the top), and the Nix expression language is just a tool to translate parameterized build actions into concrete terms to build a software package. The store derivations could be achieved using different means; e.g., the way Guix uses Guile scheme to get the same result))

      I believe, that originally, derivation was simply a synonym to store derivation. Maybe it still is, and I'm just having difficulties with reading comprehension but I think the following would be less misleading (to me and apart from re-writing the very first sentence):

      Derivations are typically the result of Nix expressions calling the derivation primitive explicitly, or implicitly usingmkDerivation`. These are translated into low-level store derivations (implicitly by nix-env and nix-build, or explicitly by nix-instantiate).

    5. $stdenv/setup

      QUESTION: Does this refer to pkgs/stdenv/generic/setup.sh? According to 6.5 Phases in the Nixpkgs manual?

      ANSWER: I'm pretty sure it does. It sets up the environment (not sure how yet; I see the env vars, but not the basic commands - sed, awk, etc. - that are listed below) and defines a bunch of functions (such as genericBuilder) but it doesn't call these functions!

    6. The function mkDerivation in the Nixpkgs standard environment is a wrapper around derivation that adds a default value for system and always uses Bash as the builder, to which the supplied builder is passed as a command-line argument. See the Nixpkgs manual for details.

      "Documented" in the Nixpkgs manual under 6.1 Using stdenv.

      Used the double-quotes above because I don't consider it well documted. Will give it a try too; worst case scenario is that I'll fail as well.

    7. C.12. Release 1.6 (2013-09-10)In addition to the usual bug fixes, this release has several new features:The command nix-build --run-env has been renamed to nix-shell.
    1. A derivation from a Nix language view point is simply a set, with some attributes. Therefore you can pass the derivation around with variables like anything else.
    2. the single repository technique. The natural implementation in Nix is to create a top-level Nix expression, and one expression for each package. The top-level expression imports and combines all expressions in a giant attribute set with name -> package pairs. But isn't that heavy? It isn't, because Nix is a lazy language, it evaluates only what's needed! And that's why nixpkgs is able to maintain such a big software repository in a giant attribute set.

      This is the gist of how Nixpkgs works (and how it is organized).

    3. 17.3. Fixed point

      QUESTION: What is a fixed-point of a function?

      ANSWER: See this video) at least, and the Fixed-point (mathematics)) wikipedia article:

      In mathematics, a fixed point (sometimes shortened to fixpoint, also known as an invariant point) of a function is an element of the function's domain that is mapped to itself by the function. That is to say, c is a fixed point of the function f if f(c) = c. This means

      f(f(...f(c)...)) = f n(c) = c

      an important terminating consideration when recursively computing f. A set of fixed points is sometimes called a fixed set.

      For example, if f is defined on the real numbers by f(x)=x^{2}-3x+4,}, then 2 is a fixed point of f, because f(2) = 2.

      There is also the wiki article fixed-point combinator that actually plays a role here, but read through the articles in this order.

      Then dissect the Stackoverflow thread What is a Y combinator?, and pay attention to the comments! For example:

      According to Mike Vanier's description, your definition for Y is actually not a combinator because it's recursive. Under "Eliminating (most) explicit recursion (lazy version)" he has the lazy scheme equivalent of your C# code but explains in point 2: "It is not a combinator, because the Y in the body of the definition is a free variable which is only bound once the definition is complete..." I think the cool thing about Y-combinators is that they produce recursion by evaluating the fixed-point of a function. In this way, they don't need explicit recursion. – GrantJ Jul 18 '11 at 0:02


      Other resources in no particular order:

      QUESTION: How the hell did they come up with the idea of using this with Nix and package management? (..and who? I remember a video saved somewhere, but maybe that was about overlays)

      QUESTION: ... and how does it work in this context?

      ANSWER: Well, not an answer yet, but this may be something in the right direction:


    4. there's no ldconfig cache either. So where does bash find libc?

      QUESTION: What is ldconfig cache?

      QUESTION: What is libc and why does Bash need it?

    5. Derivations/packages are stored in the Nix store as follows: /nix/store/hash-name, where the hash uniquely identifies the derivation (this isn't quite true, it's a little more complex), and the name is the name of the derivation.

      QUESTION: So the Nix store houses derivations and not the built packages?

      QUESTION: Are the hashes in the Nix store not unique?

    6. In Nix there is the notion of a derivation rather than a package. The difference can be subtle at the beginning, so I will often use the words interchangeably.

      Doesn't really say anything but thought it important to highlight this first mention of derivations in the Nix Pills.

    7. From an administrator's point of view: you can use containers. The typical solution nowadays is to create a container per service, especially when different versions are needed. That somewhat solves the problem, but at a different level and with other drawbacks. For example, needing orchestration tools, setting up a shared cache of packages, and new machines to monitor rather than simple services.

      This is a very good pointer; I guess it refers to systemd services when it mentions "simple services".

    1. Specifying a name and a src is the absolute minimum Nix requires.

      Didn't they mean what mkDerivation requires?

      I have been jumping around in this manual, so not sure about what arguments does derivation require.

    2. For convenience, you can also use pname and version attributes and mkDerivation will automatically set name to "${pname}-${version}" by default.

      The error messages are not helpful when one messes up the input attribute set ofmkDerivation (i.e., either name, or pname and version attributes have to be present); see Nixpkgs issue #113520.

    3. 6.1. Using stdenv
    4. fetchpatch works very similarly to fetchurl with the same arguments expected. It expects patch files as a source and and performs normalization on them before computing the checksum. For example it will remove comments or other unstable parts that are sometimes added by version control systems and can change over time.
    5. 19.3. Submitting security fixes Security fixes are submitted in the same way as other changes and thus the same guidelines apply. If the security fix comes in the form of a patch and a CVE is available, then the name of the patch should be the CVE identifier, so e.g. CVE-2019-13636.patch in the case of a patch that is included in the Nixpkgs tree. If a patch is fetched the name needs to be set as well, e.g.: (fetchpatch { name = "CVE-2019-11068.patch"; url = "https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libxslt/commit/e03553605b45c88f0b4b2980adfbbb8f6fca2fd6.patch"; sha256 = "0pkpb4837km15zgg6h57bncp66d5lwrlvkr73h0lanywq7zrwhj8"; }) If a security fix applies to both master and a stable release then, similar to regular changes, they are preferably delivered via master first and cherry-picked to the release branch. Critical security fixes may by-pass the staging branches and be delivered directly to release branches such as master and release-*.
    6. 18.6. Patches Patches available online should be retrieved using fetchpatch. patches = [ (fetchpatch { name = "fix-check-for-using-shared-freetype-lib.patch"; url = "http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=ghostpdl.git;a=patch;h=8f5d285"; sha256 = "1f0k043rng7f0rfl9hhb89qzvvksqmkrikmm38p61yfx51l325xr"; }) ];

      ... and from Chapter 11:

      fetchpatch works very similarly to fetchurl with the same arguments expected. It expects patch files as a source and and performs normalization on them before computing the checksum. For example it will remove comments or other unstable parts that are sometimes added by version control systems and can change over time.

      ... and also adding highlight of 19.3. Submitting security fixes

      because these are the only places I've seen fetchpatch mentioned.

      From the wild in freeswitch/default.nix in Nixpkgs:

      stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
        pname = "freeswitch";
        version = "1.10.5";
        src = fetchFromGitHub {
          owner = "signalwire";
          repo = pname;
          rev = "v${version}";
          sha256 = "18dhyb19k28dcm1i8mhqvvgm2phsrmrwyjmfn79glk8pdlalvcha";
        patches = [
          # https://github.com/signalwire/freeswitch/pull/812 fix mod_spandsp, mod_gsmopen build, drop when updating from 1.10.5
          (fetchpatch {
            url = "https://github.com/signalwire/freeswitch/commit/51fba83ed3ed2d9753d8e6b13e13001aca50b493.patch";
            sha256 = "0h2bmifsyyasxjka3pczbmqym1chvz91fmb589njrdbwpkjyvqh3";
        postPatch = ''
          patchShebangs     libs/libvpx/build/make/rtcd.pl
          substituteInPlace libs/libvpx/build/make/configure.sh \
            --replace AS=\''${AS} AS=yasm
          # Disable advertisement banners
          for f in src/include/cc.h libs/esl/src/include/cc.h; do
              echo 'const char *cc = "";'
              echo 'const char *cc_s = "";'
            } > $f
    7. 6.5. Phases

      Not sure why this isn't called build phases... See also.

    1. https://desinformemonos.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/el-traspatio-4.jpg

      Entre 2008 y 2013, en el terreno llamado Arroyo El Navajo, ubicado a 94 kilómetros de la frontera con Estados Unidos, se encontraron los fragmentos de huesos de al menos 24 mujeres que fueron secuestradas en Ciudad Juárez durante el periodo en el que la zona estuvo militarizada por el despliegue de agentes federales y soldados, como parte del “Operativo Conjunto Chihuahua

    1. nix-channel --list #<output> nixpkgs https://nixos.org/channels/nixpkgs-unstable The command returns a name for each channel (e.g., nixpkgs) and an URL. Note When running nix-env with the parameter -A, one can select the channel to get the package from. Such a command looks like nix-env -iA channelname.packagename.

      Instead of #<output> it should have said channel-name instead at the top nix-channel example to keep it consistent.

    2. However, using channels is not fully reproducible, as a channel may evolve to incorporate updates.

      TODO: Find other sources about this topic. I remember this mentioned already (and it makes) sense, but need to learn more.

      TODO: What is a better alternative? An own repo? Flakes? Can cachix help?

      It says right below that pinning can help but keep looking.

      When package reproducibility become a major concern, as it is the case in this tutorial, it is preferable to refer to a pinned version of the nixpkgs repository instead — i.e, a specific commit of the repository or an immutable archived tarball. The ability to pin the version of nixpkgs is powerful, it will ensure that a package is always constructed from the same Nix source. As we go deeper in the tutorial we avoid using channels in favor of pinned environments.

    3. However, it makes the “Making the package available to the user” more complex. Nix heavily relies on environment variables to make this possible

      And symlinks

    1. example: get an environment which is used to build irssi (also see nix-shell) $ nix-build $NIXPKGS --run-env -A irssi example: get a persistent environment which is used to build irssi $ nix-build $NIXPKGS --run-env -A irssi --add-root

      nix-build <path> --run-env has been superseded by nix-shell. From Nix manual section C.12. Release 1.6 (2013-09-10):

      The command nix-build --run-env has been renamed to nix-shell.

    2. git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs

      i should remember this to only get last commit, which basically means to only care about the data, and discard commit history.