4 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
  2. Oct 2023
    1. The herbivore-daisy relationship is an example of a predator-prey relationship, and these relationships are known to oscillate in population quite a bit
      • for: predator / prey oscillation

      • paraphrase

        • As the predator eat a lot of the prey,
          • they increase in number while
          • the prey numbers go down.
        • Then when there are not enough prey to feed all the predators,
          • the predator number goes down too.
        • With less predators
          • the prey numbers go up.
        • As prey numbers goes up,
          • predator numbers can go up again.
      • These population dynamics are expressed in the Lotka-Volterra equations
        • What is curious here is that the oscillation in population doesn’t translate into more oscillation of the climate,
        • instead it can translate into more stability of the climate
  3. Jan 2022
    1. Oscillation is a way of engaging two oppositional factors without them cancelling each other out, nor landing in the average zone between them. Overall, metamodernism can be understood to revive the positivistic aspects of modernism while retaining postmodernism’s awareness of context and irony, via oscillation.

      3. Oscillation | நிலையலைவு

  4. Jan 2017
    1. Rhetoric is the home of uncertainty and doubt that we go to in order to find harmony and sustenance in things that do.

      This sentence captures the oscillation that Lanham describes.

      (And do make sure that your microresponses do engage the readings, your own annotations and the annotations of others.)