9 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. Later on, he engages with a girl, Marzia, himself butthroughout the novel she is more of a means to engage in talk about it with Oliver, distracthimself from him, and fantasize about him through her. To some degree, it is one of manyattempts to imitate the behavior of the older more confident graduate student. Only later doesOliver tell Elio that he is in fact not interested in Chiara. Elio is confused

      Elio with Marzia is just a mirror of Oliver with Chiara -- because he wants to be him when he says he would like to have him.

    2. As Elio cannotmake sense of this categorization of manhood, he turns towards a more traditional behavior ofmanhood to befriend Oliver and find common ground with him: the pursuit and discussion ofwomen.

      This makes sense. Literature and his environment shapes the way he can see manhood and therefore the way he positions himself. This leads to him adopting a friendship, a more traditional position with man to man.

    3. He also thinks rather poorly of himself and often contrastshis shortcomings with the ideal image he created of Oliver:

      This is one positioning idea that Elio has.

  2. Mar 2024
    1. Features

      We split them into : - offline features - censorship circumvention features

  3. Nov 2023
  4. Sep 2021
    1. the same time such closeness may create certain kinds of blindness in the researcher. One protection we developed against this was in the ongoing process of analysis in the research group. Our analytic discussions, of necessity,

      overcoming the blindness that sensitivity can bring about.

    2. he fact that we, the in- terviewers, were women who have been married, divorced, and had children (one of us had a baby after the study began) increased the validity of our data.

      positioning the researcher within the data and its interpretation - important to account for and explain similarities between researcher and interviewee - as it enhancing the interpretation of the data through sensitivity to phenomena.



  5. Jan 2021
  6. Nov 2020
    1. In order to maximize the effectiveness of your projections, figure out which things you want to be associated with in people’s heads and be excited about them. Nothing is more memorable than distinct excitement. Similarly, try to figure out the things that drive the whomever you’re talking to and incorporate them into your mental representation of that person.

      Determine what you want to be known for, present yourself as such, and be excited about those things.