- Sep 2024
raconteurpress.substack.com raconteurpress.substack.com
Typewriters? In 2024? Are You Nuts? by Jesse M. Slater for [[Raconteur Press]]
A short, but relatively solid typewriter 101 story for someone looking for a distraction-free writing machine. Certainly not completist, but enough to get your toes wet.
Slater uses his typewriter for a first draft, then edits the second draft as he re-types it into his computer to have a digital copy for further editing and distribution.
- Sep 2020
docs.google.com docs.google.com
repetition of yes all leads up to the final yes to marriage. the lack of punctuation also makes the whole thing read as if it's being said very quickly, as if a lot of thoughts are happening all at once.
www.poetryfoundation.org www.poetryfoundation.org
the repetition of the many forms of the verb "to lose" highlights the theme of loss throughout the poem without the poet having to explicitly tell the reader what it is about
- Jun 2018
forboredom.com forboredom.com
nothingness haunts the text
In Re-writing Freud by Simon Morris, words are randomly selected from Interpretation of Dreams, although "flashes of meaning persist, haunting the text."