6 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2023
    1. This idealized vision would go on to rebrand economics asa form of information studies, eventually garnering Hayek a Nobel Prizein Economics in 1974.

      Note that Hayek writes this in 1945, 11 years before Shannon would write "The Bandwagon" (IEEE, 1956).

      It's also written at a time when economics as a field was still trying to legitimize itself, along with other humanities, as a "scientific" field.




  2. Aug 2023
    1. In general the professors of the humanities and the socialsciences and history, fascinated by the marvels of experi-mental natural science, were overpowered by the idea thatsimilar marvels could be produced in their own fields by theuse of the same methods. They also seemed convinced thatany results obtained in these fields by any other methods werenot worth achieving. This automatically ruled out writerspreviously thought great who had had the misfortune to livebefore the method of empirical natural science had reachedits present predominance and who had never thought ofapplying it to problems and subject matters outside the rangeof empirical natural science.

      Hutchins indicates that part of the fall of the humanities was the result of the rise of the scientific method and experimental science. In wanting fields from the humanities—like social sciences and history—to be a part of this new scientific paradigm, professors completely reframed their paradigms in a more scientific mode and thereby erased the progenitors and ideas in these fields for newer material which replaced the old which was now viewed as "less than" in the new paradigms. This same sort of erasure of Indigenous knowledges was also similarly effected as they were also seen as "less than" from the perspective of the new scientific regime.

      One might also suggest that some of it was the result of the acceleration of life brought on by the invention of writing, literacy, and the spread of the printing press making for larger swaths of knowledge to be more immediately available.

  3. May 2021
    1. but that we’re looking to science for answers that ultimately require human moral intervention

      science can provide the tools, but not the motivations to actual do something. For that we need philosophy, morals and ethics. Hume's Guillotine somewhat formalizes this distinction.

  4. Apr 2017
    1. Investing in and encouraging research and development in the public sector, and incentivizing investment in research and development in the private sector

      It's a march to give more money to scientists.

    2. Using the best-available science to make policy and regulatory decisions

      It's a march to give more power to scientists.

  5. Nov 2016
    1. Personally, I see no reason to accept Godel's intuition on this subject over the consensus ofmodern biology!

      Of course, the consensus of modern biology is worth more than a mathematical proof, it even deserves a !.