10 Matching Annotations
- May 2024
- Sep 2022
github.com github.com
However, unevaluatedProperties has dynamic behavior, meaning that the set of properties to which it applies cannot be determined from static analysis of the schema (either the immediate schema object or any subschemas of that object).
annotation meta: may need new tag:
dynamic behavior vs. static analysis [not quite parallel]
or can we reuse something else like?: lexical semantics vs. run-time semantics
- Aug 2022
Summarization of Methods for Smart Contract Vulnerabilities Detection
great reference table for SC vulenrabilities detection
- Jan 2021
blog.logrocket.com blog.logrocket.com
github.com github.com
- Dec 2020
github.com github.com
Huh, to be honest, I'd expect assigning multiple elements to the same slot to fail at compile time unless the multiples were inside mutually exclusive conditionals. If the multiples were outside statically resolvable mutually exclusive conditionals I'd expect to see a runtime error.
- Oct 2020
justintimecoder.com justintimecoder.com
Tree-shaking is the process of analyzing the code files that are required to run your application and then including only code that is actually used by your application.
- Sep 2020
medium.com medium.com
Because ESM is syntax, it’s very easy to statically analyze.
github.com github.com
Svelte started with no decoupling anywhere, with everything available at compile-time. Then <:Component> introduced separation at the component level -- but they're still coupled at properties. The spread feature would fill that gap. I see it as an intentional separation as opposed to an accidental shot at static analysis.
github.com github.com
The static analysis considerations make things like hero.enemies.map(...) a non-starter — the reason Svelte is able to beat most frameworks in benchmarks is that the compiler has a deep understanding of a component's structure, which becomes impossible when you allow constructs like that.