2 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2023
uwprod.sharepoint.com uwprod.sharepoint.com
some research suggeststhat issues of inclusion and belonging can predominate to a point that“until members resolve where they stand in a particular social setting[emphasis added] they face difficulty in attending to the official tasksat hand”
- Jan 2023
quod.lib.umich.edu quod.lib.umich.edu
- wikipedia:en=Peer_Gynt_(Grieg)
- wikipedia:en=Swinging_Suites_by_Edward_E._and_Edward_G.
- musicbrainz:work=d5d9aa32-e0b0-33ac-aa1f-c4860ffb01bf
- duke ellington
- history
- jazz
- musicbrainz:recording=9c54c2de-6e9a-48fb-ab41-0a067d8d9ed6
- billy strayhorn
- music
quod.lib.umich.edu/m/mp/9460447.0005.205/--duke-ellington-billy-strayhorn-and-the-adventures-of-peer -