3 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2022
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
identity alone should neither uphold nor invalidate an idea
Except ideas have always been structured by identify. Perhaps universal ideas might be better seen as the identity politics of a privilege that doesn't appreciate being interrogated.
the universal principles of equality, dignity, and freedom
It's easy to reach for these "universal" principles, which have always been universal in theory only. It doesn't surprise me that folks heretofore excluded challenge universal principles that have not served their purposes.
- Dec 2018
en.wikisource.org en.wikisource.org
do you not further think that there is an idea of likeness in itself, and another idea of unlikeness, which is the opposite of likeness, and that in these two, you and I and all other things to which we apply the term many, participate--things which participate in likeness become in that degree and manner like; and so far as they participate in unlikeness become in that degree unlike, or both like and unlike in the degree in which they participate in both?
this is an early formulation of the problem of universals