1,095 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2022
    1. It commeth nowe so to passe that by the greate endevo' of the increase of the trade of wolles in Spaine and in the west Indies nowe daily more and more multiplienge, That the wolles of England and the clothe made of the same, will become base,

      Competition w/ Spain who have better new world wools

    2. yeldeth and may be made to yelde all the severall com-modities of Europ

      Agriculture, implies empty lands

    3. rom Florida to the Circle articke, is more lawfull and righte then the Spaniardes or any other Christian Princes

      Because of John cabot?

    4. . That the Spaniardes have executed most outragious and more then Turkishe8 cruelties in all the west Indies,

      We're traders not conquerers (unlike Spain)

    5. nothinge so large as ys generally ymagined and surmised, neither those partes which he holdeth be of any such forces as ys falsly geven oute by the popishe6

      Reference to illegitimacy of papal bull (Pope didn't have right, also not just right of discovery, needed right of dominion/agriculture)

    6. Silver that the Spanish brought back from their explorations. English promoters often noted that the Spanish had profited handsomely from their overseas ventures, and they argued that these profits strengthened the forces of the Catholic Church.

      Catholicism as enemy

    7. wantes of all our decayed trades.

      Economic motive: get resources

    8. amongest whome her macie2 ys principall

      Primacy of English queen/king?

    1. love constitutional institutions and believe that any reasonable individual would too. But can they be introduced indiscriminately to all peoples? They are, after all, surely not all equally ready to adopt them.

      Referring to nobility here or people?

    2. ot yet devised any practical way of reducing the nobility’s powers over their ‘actual slaves, the enserfed peasantry,

      Also critical of uneducated nobility (and unpatriotic around Russian spirit) and inability of reform to get rid of serfdom

    3. Arakcheev, for example, is far more of a despot than Alexander.

      Widespread dislike of Arakcheev among nobility

    4. England’s long and tortuous path towards the same goal,

      Overall: Nobility looking to western exmples to justify or go againat reform (France and revolution, long English process

    5. by bringing Alexander popularity unmatched either before or after it, the victory of 1812 provided the Russian ruling elite with just the impetus required to set Russia on a new course.



    1. allowing landowners to demand that the government purchase serfs and land atprices specified for each province, through the issuing of assignats or bonds

      Arakcheev and buy outs

    2. like Storch, Mordvinov believed that serfdom was inefficient,costly, and destructive of Russian prosperity. In his scheme for self-redemption Mordvinovtried to link emancipation, which he considered natural and inevitable, to capital formation,which he believed was essential. Since serfdom was economically undesirable forlandowners, selling freedom to peasants industrious enough to amass a steep redemptionprice (and thus, presumably, to support themselves in freedom) was an elegant solutionthat would put capital in landowners’ hands and require them to continue “supporting”the weaker, naturally dependent, serfs. By these means, “the number of free people inRussia would gradually increase.”5

      Mental gymnastics to why extortionate self redemption was good, actually. Industrious peasants were hard workers and would be able to buy themselves out and then support themselves upon freedom (removing dependence), they would also generate capital for the landowners buy buying themselves. Weaker peasants would remain dependent on landowners, enshrining their right to support from the land. -> overall more free people in Russia

    3. Even liberal Russians wereaffected by their country’s hard-won victory over the regime that Revolution had spawned.To man Nature had granted freedom of action, mind, and will, but people who had livedfor ages without civil liberties were not likely to employ them usefully without educationin citizenship. Such people might safely pass from dependence to independence only iftheir emancipation were gradually established by law.

      Why they didn't want sudden reforms (fear of revolution/people not using freedom wisely)

    4. because masters oftenhad to make up work for their excess slaves; because slaves retained in agriculture werenot available for industry or other productive labor; because slaves required greatersurveillance than free workers, rendering their upkeep more expensive; and because slavesconsumed more than free workers, not for pleasure, but through theft, waste, andcarelessness.43 The great sin of slavery was, therefore, that it undermined the productionof wealth—that personal wealth that was the essence of national wealth.

      ECONOMIC arguments against slavery/serfdom appear (political economy)

      Builds off of wealth of nations assertions that goal of national ecoomy is to generate maximum wealth. -> slavery undermines personal wealth, key ingredient for national wealth/development

    5. An emancipatedserf would not be sovereign, or free, if he had lost all right to use his hereditary land andwas compelled to enter into contracts with his former master from such a weak position.

      More on property and peasant emancipation

    6. Noble landowners had the right to state and press their views directly to thesovereign, whereas peasant communities did not.

      All a matter of recognizing rights really

    7. Estland

      Description of how Estland peasant communities were run

    8. their liberationfrom the great inconvenience of “dependency” was emphasized, whereas the earlier Livlandscheme had overlooked that disadvantage while emphasizing hereditary use rights

      Evidenced by the LANGUAGE of the decrees -> both employ enlightenment terms of dependency, just the focus on who's dependency / rights are being centered shifts. Mutual recognition of property and such rights for both nobles and peasants

    9. respected and acknowledged noble privileges, certainly no less than peasants’ hereditaryrights. If the emperor appeared inconsistent in embracing different, and even contradictory,principles of emancipation, it is because he accepted the increasingly irreconcilable “rights”of both groups.

      Why Alex embraced seemingly contradictory / opposite approaches to Peasant emancipation in the provinces

    10. Any steps they took must bedesigned to avoid both the reaction that had undone Joseph II’s legislation and theunthinkable fate of the French Bourbons

      Balance between backlash from conservatives and terror from revolutionaries

    1. qu

      Good summary of self actualizing revolutionaries and motives


  2. Dec 2021
    1. rather than religion?

      Still wanted to Christianize the slaves/Africans -> mission to do so and save their souls. Paternalistic view.

      Already also tapped into longstanding transatlantic slave trade between Iberian powers - and later English ad French and Duch- who themselves tapped int oAfrican trade. So already precedent that they just had to justify based on something

    2. Ex

      LEC notes and 13

    3. P

      Kansas Nebraska

    4. Explain

      sectional crisis and Ohio Black Laws of 1803

    1. rks C

      Conc: ceremony necessary to confirm continued line of kingdom and family / fertility of both

      Demands same price from daughters (everything, match his obsession)

      Creates structural circle in which marriage bonds are disrupted and handover incomplete/kingdom handover corrupted along way

      Chaos ensues

      Cordelia returns literally just to complete circle, Lear refuses to budge and they die.

      Dead father with three dead daughters at end

      Only Albany (widower) and Edgar (unmarried son) both NON-Traditional / useless figures in tehse family structures are left alive in scene

    2. rewrote the source play Leir to make Cordelia re- main in England alone (rather than with France at her side) to fight, lose, and die with her father, a revision that vividly illustrates the tragic failure of the family unit to divide, recombine


    3. aracterizes her life with France as having been one of constant mourning for the father to whom she is still bound.

      Implies cannot love husband because of this

    4. eturning to Lear to ask his blessing: “look upon me, sir,


    5. ardelia-tike-Rosalind- aust therefore return to be reincorporated with her father before she can undergo the ritual severance that will enable her to progress.

      Circular structure: needs to RETURN to ceremony/father in order to acquire blessing before moving on with life

    6. ial of the father's blessing renders the separation incomplete and the daughter’s future blight

      DAUGHTER's FUTURE is ruined/threatened because Lear won't give blessing explicitly by not completeing ritual. Puts her at jeapordy

    7. precludes the possibility of transformation, for the father devours the flesh he begets. Here, generation becomes pri- marily an autogamous act, a retenti

      INTERUPTS GENERATIONAL TRANSITIONS. Role as father thrarted AND king because ascension of kingdom to new generatoion also tampered with

    8. visual and verbal t

      Tie this into how drama uses visual cues/tools in addition to textual ones for our understanding. Can probably say that implied cues are fair game for analysis (especially since Boose points it out)

    9. France himself then endows Lear's “dow’rless daughter” with all his worldly goods by making her “queen of us, of ours, and our fair France”

      France following his role obediantly

    10. ing the mime priest

      Lear also assumes priestly transition role -> talk about how this all MIRRORS marriage ceremony

    11. circularity of Lear's proposition frus- trates the ritual phase of separation

      LEARS PLAN IS DOOMED FROM START -> designed to trap Cordelia.

      Can't marry (as Cordelia points out) if she loves him all, but will relinquish her dowry (kingdom -> public and private here too) if refusing this, thereby also rendering the functional aspect of marriage worthless.

      Ties Public and private lives together here -> Kingdom as dowry and is being reckless with handing it out

    12. than expels from it the daughter he says is “adopted to our hate” (203), another verbal us- age that betrays his retentive motivés~

      ALL ABOUT RETENTION WHEN Looking at Lear's choice of DICTION (adopted to our hate, etc)

    13. substituting his public paternity for hts private one, the inherently indivisible entity for the one that biologically must divide and recombine, Lear violates both his kingly role in the hierarchical universe and his domestic one in the family.


    14. in our court

      Diction/etc example of proving how long this has gone on

    15. Within the father-daughter plays,

      Backs this up by cross examining Shakespeare's works as the "father daughter plays" : evidence that this all continued across his catelogue and drew on archetypes (psych/internal?) -> clear authorial intent


    1. We share the hope, expressed by many on all sides, that policing in Northern Ireland can be normalised as soon as the security situation permits.

      Policing to repubs as decomm is to loyalists -> shows collusion thoughts?

    2. verification

      verification key issue

    3. hould also have the option of destroying their weapons themselves

      I believe what the IRA wanted

    4. Th

      HOW did the IRA want to decommission in response to this?

    5. he decommissioning process should suggest neither victory nor defeat.

      also what IRA feared

    6. parties should consider an approach under which some decommissioning would take place during the process of all-party negotiations, rather than before or after as the parties now urge


    7. One side has insisted that some decommissioning of arms must take place before all-party negotiations can begin. The other side has insisted that no decommissioning can take place until the end of the process, after an agreed settlement has been reached. This has resulted in the current impasse.


    8. each side of this argument

      Key: dig into who's arguing here

    9. arms,

      Contextualize WHERE groups got their arms from - why it was such an issue

    10. e paramilitary organisations will not decommission any arms prior to all-party negotiations. T

      "The" -> just IRA?

    11. Communique

      Contextualize that communique was sent out to issue this when describing what this was

    12. the history of Northern Ireland, this is not an unreasonable concern.

      Contextualize this?

    13. Those who demand decommissioning prior to all-party negotiations do so out of concern that the paramilitaries will use force, threaten to use force, to influence the negotiations, or to change any aspect of the outcome of negotiations with which they disagree.

      Unionist fears

    14. To urge that 'punishment' killings and beatings stop and to take effective steps to prevent such actions.

      Mentions this several times - evidence that while ceasefires were in effect, violence was still high in some areas internally? (UDA?)

    15. o agree that such disarmament must be verifiable to the satisfaction of an independent commission;

      For this one, show contentions over who and how IRA should decom.

    16. there must be commitment and adherence to fundamental principles of democracy and non-violence. P


    17. Everyone with whom we spoke agrees in principle with the need to decommission. There are differences on the timing and context -

      Cite who wants Decom here and different contexts. GOOD OPENER? Adams and such as decom later, Unionists pre condition

    18. symptom of a larger problem: the absence of trust. Common to many of our meetings were arguments, steeped in history, as to why the other side cannot be trusted

      Claim mistrust the key blockade here - who's mistrusting who?

    19. minant theme expressed in the many letters and calls we received from those in the North and South, Unionist and Nationalist, Catholic and Protestant, Loyalist and Republican.


    20. For nearly a year and a half the guns have been silent in Northern Ireland.

      Contextualize this- just IRA? Also say this is all AFTER UVF/UDA ceasefire - evidence that yes, people DID want peace (Spence apologizing)

    21. he tireless and courageous efforts of Prime Minister John Major and Taoiseach John Bruton (and before him Albert Reynolds) have been essential to the peace process.

      Contextualize what they're talking about here - what measures?

    22. Contributions from those who suffered losses

      Input from VICTIMS of conflict -> who are victims? Identify Unionist vs Cath perspectives? Why they each wanted/didn't want Decom?

    23. that the vast majority of the people of both traditions want to turn away from the bitter pas

      is this true?

    24. we stood in Belfast and looked at a thirty foot high wall and at barriers topped with iron and barbed wire.

      peace walls

    25. political leaders, church officials and representatives of other organisations and institutions.

      role of church

    26. tue of the welcome decisions taken last summer and autumn by those organisations that previously supported the use of arms for political purposes.


    1. Originally a Bobby Sands memorial, the monument now includes the names of those other IRA Volunteers from the Twinbrook and Poleglass areas who died in the struggle. It was re-dedicated and unveiled by Sinn F�in president Gerry Adams.

      REPUB hodge podge of causes

    2. rmed Republican salute; image of an Easter lily

      Very republican goals here

    3. 981"

      Also explicit republican imagery

    4. On the evening of July 9th 1972 British marksmen mounted an unprovoked and sustained attack on this community among the snipers victims lay 5 dead gunned down during efforts to bring aid and succour to the wounded Still yet waiting for justice to their memory and for freedom of the truth

      Mentions truth - seeking truth commission?

      Civ centered but singles out British army. In this case might be valid idk.

      Adams blessing

      Personal quotes and such

    5. Mosaic reading "We remember their selfless courage Life spills on warm summer streets Our taken treasure innocence Our children neighbours priest Their selfless courage we remember".

      Courage? Are they not civs?

    6. morial stone. From top to bottom - Julie's photograph. Name "Julie Livingstone" accompanied by a small brass image of a doll; plaque reading: "In loving memory of Julie Livingstone Killed by a plastic bullet 13th May 1981 aged 14 years R.I.P. This stone was erected by young people of Leicester, England

      "Killed by a plastic bullet" doesn't say by who though. Who tf are the young people of Leicester?

    7. d red iron phoe

      Again, repub imagery OVER cath means more sectarian generally

    8. s at the

      same stuff, loyalist murder gangs, etc

    9. ro British agents murdered 5 unarmed civilians and injured over 63 peo

      COLLUSION -> draw direct link between Loyal and Security forces. Evidences Hume's assertions that it was a one-way street, and that collusion was a big issue at time

    10. allymu

      Yo this ones even more extreme -> "pro unionist death squads"

    11. ) Also in memory of the civilians who died at the hands of the British Army R.U.C. U.D.R. and Loyalist extremists". On the left from the entrance - white stone plaq

      repub mural name drops Loyalism and security forces

    12. This memorial was unveiled by Gerry Adams and blessed by Fr. Des Wilso


    1. From 1908, they served as the headquarters of South Belfast UVF. The stones of the crest above the front entrance were retained when the Brewery was demolished and incorporated in the entrance to the local Community Centre as a memorial to the Volunteers who lost their lives in the Great War. They are thought to be the last surviving artifacts from the UVF's initial mobilisation in Belfast in 1912.

      HEFTY links to old UVF damn

    2. Sean Graham Bookmaker's Shooting

      Whoops: Slightly less sectarian, liek Mcgurk's in that doesn't point fingers, but also says murdered for faith. Give background on attack maybe and show it was? Also doesn't mention Cath, might be general call to end sectarian violence - does mention "the community" more broadly tho, so could be talking about internalized segregation or whatever

      Lack of republican lilies/flowers in garden

    1. ot to know you son after the years we've been apart Now there's a hole that can't be mended And it is deep within my heart Sadly missed by your loving father Ronnie

      Inclusion of personal testimonies to appeal to pathos?

    2. 'Murdered by cowards' "

      Post GFA - again, rhetoric shift?

    3. Funded entirely by donations from the local community

      Interesting - perhaps core repub area/support?

    4. morial s

      About community links as opposed to militarism? Shows they wanted public support? "community members"

    5. daughter of James Connolly.

      VERY republican

    6. pla

      Significant Phoenix imagery mixed w/ catholicism -> could be used as evidence that IRA mems usually contained ADIITIONAL imagery to just Cath crosses and such

    7. It is not those who can inflict the most but those who can endure the most shall win"


    8. c

      This one is vague -> just "an atrocity" but doesn't label it loyalist or anything (guessing that's what this was) Catholicism here too, but more neutral maybe?

    9. This plaque is dedicated to the memory of all those from Ligoniel who lost their lives as a result of the conflict in our country

      again pretty neutral wording here, but loved Ireland quote implies sacrifice for nation?

      posters of Bobby Sands -> why link HS's to here?

    1. faithful replica of a brass plaque which was unveiled in the Unionist Club in 1921

      furthers associations. OVERALL -> very entrenched Unionist area. Shows increased/continued sectarianism (place geographically?)

    2. who lost their lives in 1914-18 and those members of East Belfast UVF who died during the more recent conflict.


    3. UVF,

      This one says specifically AGAINST republicanism (defines as militant) so tehrefore more military role. Architecturally similar to that one that says "murdered/killed" but message different - timing contextualizes this? This one is before GFA -> maybe pivoted to Decommissioning after?

    4. "East Belfast Brigade Roll of Honour (list stating name and date of death f

      Shows military nature again. gates common feature for all of these - reason?

    5. DA,

      Military imagery for legitimacy, British flag

      Murdered and killed -> suggests defensive role? contradicttion? Maybe tie into IRA Decommissioning as main threat as opposed to "defending" from south?

    6. St. Matthew's Chapel

      Mural text overall is very non-specific "this conflict" "all victims" etc. NOT a republican mural, could be church attempt at memorializing community but focusing on victims of violence instead of perpetrators. Curiously, Repub symbols tho. What gives?

    7. memory of all the deceased members from St. Matthew's Parish

      Shows involvement of Catholic Church in Repub tradition/memorialization

    1. Protestants in 2004—5 have described unforgettably the emotional intensity of storytelling, in this case concerning harrowing experiences of IRA attacks. Listening to the story of one man, shot seven times with an Armalite automatic rifle in his home, and now partially paralyzed, they were confronted by two local women who asked, “Are you going to tell the truth? Do you know that this is a story of innocent victims murdered by butchers?”®

      Barbed Port example 2?

    2. most compelling argument in favor of a truth recovery process is the palpable need of the bereaved to find out what happened to their relatives.

      Truth process WOULD help relatives heal despite misgivings and political angles

    3. marked-up copy of Lost Lines taspray every day for the victims of the Troubles

      Section on spiritual / religious role more for BOTH types of Churches

    4. rmy memorials are sited within barra

      state force memorials PRIVATE

    5. n the absence of state-driven projects, the memorialization of the dead has proceeded in the partisan and piecemeal manner described ear- lier.


    6. Northern Ireland Memorial Building

      Wants this kind of memorial - kinda like Kollwitz statue in Berlin for all "20th century" victims - who would it include?

    7. he political context for the report was the anger caused by the phased release of para- military prisoners envisaged in the Good Friday Agreement, hence per- haps Bloomfield’s conclusion that “victims must, at barest minimum, be as well served as former prisoners in terms of their rehabilitation, future employment, etc,”

      Bloomfield report provoked by release of political prisoners.

    8. Instead, Protestant alienation was overwhelm- ingly focused on the early release of paramilitary prisoners, the reform of the RUC, and the refusal of the IRA to decommission its weapons.

      Just as IRA justified violence increasingly less based on political goals because of unrealism, Unionism arguments shift to decommissioning instead of threats of Irish invasion

    9. In 1998, for the first time, the vast majority of Irish people, North and South, effectively recognized the partition of Ireland, albeit in a new, pluralist form.

      GFA basically sees all parties recognize the partition finally

    10. devolved structures created in 1998 constitute a repudiation of the simple majority-rule model of government which had been discred- ited under the old Stormont regime. By institutionalizing cross-commu- nity consensus as the basis of decision making, however, the agreement also inadvertently institutionalized the communal division deplored by so many of the individuals and groups who actively tried to make North- ern Ireland a more equal, tolerant, and peaceful society.4

      So GFA actually leads to entrenched sectarianism because of cross-community consent being required. Sides dig in

    11. 3.4

      Dude this is a gold mine of info for Barbed

    12. 978


    13. There was some ill feeling too about punishment shoor- ings and beatings inflicted on residents.


    14. etween these poles, the majority of residents tilted backward and forward,


    15. local priests leading the critique of militant Republicanism.

      Conflicting role of Church -> memorials but also critique of violence?

    16. ne-third and two-fifths of nationalists. Al

      summary of states

    17. ohn Hume's principled denunciations of violence were consistent and in the circumstances courageous."


    18. creas- ingly, therefore, mainstream republicans justify their long war by refer- ence to the brutality of the British Army and the complicity of British intelligence agencies in loyalist assassinations,

      Hopeless IRA political goals - began to justify conflict BECAUSE OF BRUTALITY AND COLLUSION

      Pay attention to LANGUAGE of murals here

    19. The British State forces acted with impunity. 2. There was collusion between the British State agencies and Unionist paramilitaries. This was structured and institutional, 3. The British Government was an armed, ans active participant in the conflict.

      Regional view that Brits were bad -> backed up by stats? Nope!

      North Belfast

    20. ollusion

      Bring up collusion for Loyalist paras

    21. the working-class nationalist areas of West and North Belfas

      W/N Belfast areas

    22. tholic minority (roughly one-third of the population in 1969, ris- » ing.to roughly two-fifths by 1998) accounted fora majority of all those * civilians killed. (

      Terrorist image despite this stat

    23. South African experience where instead of a majority being denied their rights and democratic expression by a minority we saw the opposite.

      Prots saying like SA but where majority terrorized

    24. defend

      Narrow in on IRA defender image -> associate w/ military terms ?

    25. discomfits both unionists and republicans. Most notably, the examination of those killed reveals that republican paramilitaries have been responsible for more Catholic deaths than the British Army and the local security forces combined

      yikes. How do repubs present cath civ deaths? Any "internal" memorials?

    26. the IRA should have been resurrected in the streets running between thé Shankill and the Falls Road should not surprise

      IRA present in Shankhill and Falls no surprise because of strong segregated repub tradition (think about LOCATION of memorials)

    27. r “burn

      Of course, also sectrian violence dating back a while

    28. the military terminology employed by republicans—of volunteers,

      Use military lingo - present in memorials? (OC, divisions, etc)

    29. anticolonial struggle, a continuation of the IRA campaign of 1919-21. This i

      How provos portray state violence

    30. ombination of voter polarization and the relative stability of power-sharing has created a situation where cul- tural validation—and perhaps even the past itself—becomes a resource to be sliced up and allocated like social services, schools, broadcasting funds, or housing.


      • Cultural validation as political resource like education that needs to be carved up . Voter polarization/stability of power sharing
    31. flags, murals, and painted curbstones, memorials to the vic- tims of the Northern Ireland conflict have become boundary markers in a society where communal segregation has increased rather than di- minished since the ceasefires. T

      Segregation has INCRESED since ceasefire -> memorials as sectarian boundaries like murals

    32. he memori- alization of the Troubles dead began soon after the first IRA ceasefire.”

      Immediate context of most memorials

    33. Troubles

      Troubles now being fought symbolically

    34. moderates within the nationalist bloc; but the offense caused to union- ists is always much deeper, and ultimately the inevitable unionist reac- tion will reproduce the basic communal fault line which sustains the Sinn Féin voté:l

      EVEN MORE KEY REASON: Whil commemorating para violence does disuade moderates from cause, it PROVOKES UNIONISTS into reacting against repubs/caths, thereby sustaining loyal base and SF vote

    35. inn Féin has compromised its founding principles for electoral gain, maintaining the illusion of ideological fundamentalism through the energy it devotes to memorialization, thus safeguarding its core constituency from more ‘vadieal alternatives.


    36. monopoly over the memory of republican armed struggle.

      SF hold monopoly over commemoration for repubs

    37. embers killed on Gibraltar in 1988."' This closer identification with physical-force resistance to British rule takes us a long way from the famous image of Fr. Edward Daly waving his white handkerchiefas he helped move the dying Jackie Dudd

      KEY: Repubs co opt victim hood and actions against state. Memorialize both Gibralter/aggressive actions AND peaceful actors like here -> both of which are portrayed as state violence?

    38. uccessfully internationalizin

      Bloody Sunday campain was internationalized by IRA -> SA, etc. Showed ability to be fluid and take on many identieied / masks with commemoration for republicans

    39. The republican movement is by far the most dynamic'mani : of collective memory on the island of Ireland

      Thesis: repubs worst at this

    40. ast majority of these are sponsored by the Orange Order,

      most parades by oo -> also memorials?

  3. Nov 2021
    1. What was happening in American society that caused people to interpret the Declaration in original ways?


    2. ., the history of protest movements),

      Was understood as a document justifying this particular revolution. -> widely seen as pivitol doc -> more historic context for enduring slavery and patriarchal laws. -> movements emerged here (don't go overboard) -> thesis

    3. itten

      Also specify what you mean by "declaration of independence" -> Dunlap? Written doc?

      ...we can see that despite this attempt to privatize it, meaning grew to evolve into a more public appreciation. Specifically, became legal document for women's and anti-slavery movements as these movements evvolved throughout the mid 19th century.

    4. Third


      • Close read texts and employ English strategy balanced w/ citations from secondary and such

      • PROOVE argument from primary sources - back up and explain with secondary. This is a close reading assignment

      • Make sure to provide more than one piece of evidence per point if you can - pads out word count (which we can cut down on later) and doesn't leave you scrambling to assemble some kind of last argument

      • Throughout, emphasize stakes. (Why Dec is revered today -> shows continued meaning? Shows EVOLVING meaning -> that it's a LIVING document like __ asserts? (but in more ways than one?)

      • FOLLOW INTRO EXAMPLE we've been using so far. But also maybe save this idk. Just don't struggle over that part more than necessary

    1. But I


      • like olive branch / prudence - time for action
    2. the severest language I can command


    3. we turn to the declarations of the past, or to the professions of the present, the conduct of the nation seems equally hideous and revolting.

      EVID: REV / TYR

    4. you, has brought stripes


    5. Declaratio

      EVID: DEC ->


    6. What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? Ar


    7. Of this fundamental work, this day is the anniversary. Our eyes are met with demonstrations of joyous enthusiasm. Banners and pennants wave exultingly on the breeze.

      EVID DEC

      • Draws out connections between dec and ind
    8. lay deep the corner-stone of the national superstructure, which has risen and still rises in grandeur around you

      mention of dec?

    9. Their solid manhood stands out the more as we contrast it with these degenerate times.


    10. esolved, That these united colonies are, and of right, ought to be free and Independent States; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown; and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, dissolved

      EVID BRIT:


    11. separation of the colonies from the crown was born! It


      • directly understands that cause was initially political
    12. ince Pharaoh and his hosts were drowned in the Red Sea,7 the British Government persisted in the exactions complained o


      • more emancipation
    13. as it breasted the chilling blasts of kingly displeasure.


    14. As th


      • generally sees FF struggle as heroic, justified against tyranny
    15. he tyranny of England


    16. r

      EVID: orientation

      You (in both) separates author's cause from initial cause (that of American people more broadly breaking away from UK)

    17. emancipated

      EVID -> Brit tyranny

      AHA -> emancipation as new declaration -> says it was emancipation from UK> ?

    18. am to deliver a 4th [of] July oration

      evid structure

    19. hich requires much previous thought and study for its proper performance

      EVID: structure

      Compel me to list reasons?

    20. the crowned he


    21. e babe in her

      Generally more echoes of STRUTCURE / grievences

    22. t has been denounced with burning words, from the high places of the nation, as an execrable traffic. To arrest it, to put an end to it, this nation keeps a squadron, at immense cost, on the coast of Africa. Everywhere, i

      International slavery already denounced. is there an equivalent to Britain here? Like unfair treatment of UK peeps to American ones and taxation or something?

    23. peculiarities of American institutions.


    24. tyrants,

      TYRANNY -> denounciations of tyrants empty

      (tyrants could be own point)

    25. ypocrisy of the nation must be exposed; and its crimes against God and man must be proclaimed and denounced.

      TYRANNY -> hypocrisy of nation

    26. es in the State of Virginia,

      TYRANNY -> identifies state as culprit

    27. They may also rise in wrath and fury, and bear away, on their angry waves, the accumulated wealth of years of toil and hardship. They, however, gradually flow back to the same old channel, and flow on as serenely as ever. But, while the river may not be turned aside, it may dry up, and leave nothing behind but the withered branch, and the unsightly rock, to howl in the abyss-sweeping wind, the sad tale of departed glory. As with rivers so with nations

      Implies here the stakes of American tyranny? Shows that INITIAL dec was good tool to denounce tyranny

    28. Mr. President

      Significance of context: speech delivered in front of American president (why was he at a women's abolitionist campaign? YAWP?) -> shows "sentiments of the times" ?

    1. itical band


    2. He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us

      Reason for voiding his power.

      Violence against people cancels out legitimacy of rule

    3. by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders whic

      Might be a direct sentiment relation here in regards to protecting abusers/not allowing divorces from such

    4. Trade

      Economic restrictions of B/W?


      Interesting how those courses (GER, FR, MED, etc) all have a taste or feeling to them. These were generated by the tembre of the prof's voice - gentle Hogg talking about atrocities and not emphasizing the pornography of violence. Changing alongside the visceral descriptions of the eras we studied 9 rainy, moody, cloudy Weimar, dark and forested ww2, the ugly tasting red rise of fascism, and the cold concrete smoke in the air of post war Germanies.

    2. “The Mark onthe Wall” is a response to the need to search for astyle and a typology: Woolf’s formalist aestheticsowes much to Fry’s, and Bell’s, philosophy of art,in which, as professor Banfield suggests “thevisual meets the invisible and abstract


    3. The proper stuff of fiction’ does not exist;everything is the proper stuff of fiction, everyfeeling, every thought; very quality of brain andspirit is drawn upon; no perception comesamiss

      Will have to see how to tie MF into this essay directly (if at all)

    4. some powerful and unscrupuloustyrant” who had him in thrall, “to provide plot,to provide a comedy, tragedy, love interest”66

      Wait this is genuis evidence -> links materialism to tyranny this is in the essay nvm

    5. “more or lessclumsily toward reality, the artist is seen goingagainst it. He is brazenly set on deforming reality,shattering its human aspect, dehumanizing it”6

      hmm...so descriptions not even the mission -> accuracy through play and deformation of reality

    6. Fry in hisessay on Post-Impressionism (1911) encouragesthe artists to misrepresent and distort “thesensibilia”: “the

      links to p-i

    7. art to recover the sensation of lifeas art exists to make one feel things, “to makethe stone stony”,


    8. arrative of “The Mark on the Wall”,therefore, engages in the post-impressionistpursuit for disinterestedness, and forces thereader into detached and impassioned contem-plation in the course of which random reveries“which are normally dormant”55 begin tocrystallize into one harmonic whole

      sub thesis about form?

    9. tounite the visible to the eyeless.

      bridge between external and internal

    10. , as the elementof “setting”


    11. mark onthe wall – the controlling motiff of the story –remains the axis of the story, the physicallbackground against which the story is projected.It helps to arouse and sustain our thoughts andfeelings, and calls into play our visual ima-gination: “I looked up through the smoke of mycigarette and my eye lodged for a moment uponthe burning coals, and that old fancy of thecrimson flag flapping from the castle tower cameinto my mind, and I thought of the cavalcade ofred knights riding up the side of the black

      Mark as ringbolt of NARRATIVE STRUCTURE

    12. th], [f], [h], [p], [t]


    13. eds t

      cool point on structure

    14. o manouvre the narrativevehicle of the story, Woolf also uses the

      punctuation in narration directly influences story

    15. oolf’s method

      Lots of good "narrator led" examples here. tie these to TYPE of narration?

      Third person...limited? Introspective?

    16. interruption manifests averbal lack of symmetry

      Why interruptions are important to understanding structure...

    17. I don’t knowwhat”37. Ano

      CONCRETE guns here

    18. vised method of interruptions36 intendedto disrupt the conscious thought construct ofher narrator, and, at the same time, to slow downor speed up the plot and enhance the narrative

      THIS IS AN INTENTIONAL STRUCTURE OF NARRATIVE (alternative to trad one) employed by Woolf

    19. stream-of-consciousness

      Could call this SoC

    20. The narrator catches thefirst idea that passes34,

      Plot is just narrator catching ideas that pass by -> shakespeare, etc. returns to start with internal knowledge/INSGHT but no external knowledge gained (last part my own insight)

    21. rder of fiction restingboth on the progression from cause to effect,and on the two organically inseparable corre-latives - plot and character.

      Specifics: abandons plot and character of materialist traditions

      non linear plot -> instead circular (he argues)
