94 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. Learning: A Never-ending Process

      Continuous learning is essential for personal growth, problem-solving, increasing confidence, and securing the future in a competitive and dynamic world.

    2. Learning: A Never-ending Process
      • Who: The author's friend, who is a principal of a school, and the author (Samminator).
      • What: Discussing the importance of continuous learning for personal growth, problem-solving, confidence, fulfillment, and securing the future.
      • Why: To emphasize the significance of continuous learning in a world that is constantly changing and competitive.
      • When: The post does not specify a particular time frame. But discusses learning as a continuous process.
      • How: By highlighting the benefits of continuous learning. Such as personal growth, problem-solving skills, increased confidence, fulfillment, and future security.
    3. Learning: A Never-ending Process

      Learning is a Never-Ending Process: Related Pages

      • Learning is a Never Ending Process - <q>Learning is a Never Ending Process !!! … "You never lose. Either you win, or you learn." Our life is hard, it has ups and downs, but the one thing is constant, …</q>
      • Learning is a never ending process to me - <q>Education is believed by most people to be the most important way to learn in life as it tend to encompass a lot of processes about life. I myself has learned a lot …</q>
      • My hive Journey Story - <q>… learn things, and we did share them to other things, is how things work. Learning is a never-ending process, I did learn new things from here.</q>
      • Have you faced Tutorial Hell? - <q>… never stopping process. I think this is happening for each of us … learning anything. The problem with this approach is that we never actually …</q>
      • Practice makes perfect and learning never stops - <q>… process at some point, but no, I saw it … Like I said, learning never stops, I went … process, Still, making corset dresses is still not a …</q>
      • On My Way Towards Being A Proficient Trumpeter - <q>I believe learning is a process. And sometimes it takes longer time than we expect the process to be but all the challenges never matters at the end as long as …</q>
  2. Apr 2024
    1. Verbal Reasoning Exercise for pupils

      EVEGRACE presents a verbal reasoning exercise for pupils aged 6-7. Focusing on adding two letters to create new words.

    2. Verbal Reasoning Exercise for pupils
      • Who: Pupils
      • What: Verbal Reasoning Exercise
      • Why: To help pupils learn new words and improve their vocabulary
      • How: By adding two letters to a given word to create a new word and solving the examples and exercise provided
    1. Celebrating HL 5k Members

      5k Members Celebration Related Pages

      • Celebrating 5K Subscribers Milestone - <q>… Here at the Hive Learners Community, we are still in the spirit of celebration of our 5000 member milestone. It has indeed been wonderful …</q>
      • Dolphin Sized Celebration with 5k SHADE - <q>… It's Time For A Dolphin Sized Celebration with 5k SHADE … The 5k SHADE Challenge. For … You got some love from a member of @thealliance family …</q>
      • 5K Members Contest Winners Announcement - <q>As you all know, to mark the celebration of gaining over 5000 members, a contest … celebrating the 5K members in the best way. I'm happy to participate in …</q>
    1. Learn More, Earn More

      Learn More, Earn More Related Pages

      • Learn More, Make More, Earn More - <q>… learn more, make more and earn more from artworks until 2020 when I needed to take a break due to some ethic and time taken courses I …</q>
      • Learn More, Earn More, Invest More - <q>… We will find it difficult to earn more if we do not learn more and invest more. As a food blogger, I also invest more in various tableware …</q>
      • Hive Crypto Opportunities & Lessons - <q>With crypto, it's mostly "You win some, you lose some" but with Hive, I'd say "You win much, you learn more". … earn more or make more investments, Hive teaches …</q>
      • Life of a Farmer - <q>… I have been having my days get busier as each sunrise and sunsets. Trying to learn more and earn more. But there will always be times when …</q>
      • Splinterlands Gold League - <q>… earn more rewards. Let's see what I have earned in … Not one day did I earn more than $1. This is … Join the discord to learn more. Good luck!</q>
      • Learn Splinterlands, Earn from Splinterlands - <q>… Join the discord to learn more. Good luck!THANKS … earn more. This is because I myself started … Join the discord to learn more. Good luck …</q>
      • Learn More Glint, Earn More Glint - <q>Now it's changing, whereas players who play more would earn more Glint. That … Join the discord to learn more. Good luck! THANKS FOR READING! CONTINUE TO …</q>
  3. Mar 2024
    1. Learn More Earn More

      Learn More, Earn More Related Pages

      • Learn More, Earn More: Learn more, earn more lists goals and strategies to guide your learning. Plus 5 benefits that go beyond earning money. Read how to learn more, then earn more.
    1. learn more earn more

      Learn More, Earn More Related Pages

      • Learn More, Earn More: Learn more, earn more lists goals and strategies to guide your learning. Plus 5 benefits that go beyond earning money. Read how to learn more, then earn more.
    1. Learn more Earn more

      Learn More, Earn More Related Pages

      • Learn More, Earn More: Learn more, earn more lists goals and strategies to guide your learning. Plus 5 benefits that go beyond earning money. Read how to learn more, then earn more.
  4. shrewdies.com shrewdies.com
    1. Skill

      Skill Related Pages

      • Learn More, Earn More: Learn more, earn more lists goals and strategies to guide your learning. Plus 5 benefits that go beyond earning money. Read how to learn more, then earn more.
    1. What is real Success?

      Success Related Pages

      • Learn More, Earn More: Learn more, earn more lists goals and strategies to guide your learning. Plus 5 benefits that go beyond earning money. Read how to learn more, then earn more.
    1. Learn More, Earn More

      Continuous learning is key to success in any profession, leading to increased skills, adaptability, career growth, entrepreneurial achievement, and personal development, ultimately resulting in higher earning potential and long-term benefits like job security and wealth accumulation.

    2. Learn More, Earn More
      • Who: @mgibson discusses the importance of continuous learning for financial success and career growth.
      • What: Emphasizes the relationship between learning and earning, and provides tips on how to implement continuous learning in daily life.
      • Why: Continuous learning is important to:
        • increase skills,
        • adapt to market changes,
        • achieve career growth,
        • enhance personal development.
      • When: The benefits of continuous learning are seen in the long term. With increased earning capacity, job security, career satisfaction, wealth accumulation, and legacy building.
      • How: By investing in education, reading regularly, leveraging online resources, networking, skill development, mentorship, setting goals, and gaining financial literacy, individuals can implement the "Learn More, Earn More" principle in their lives.
  5. Feb 2024
    1. Curiosity As A Fuel For Learning And Innovation

      The post explores the role of curiosity in learning and innovation. Highlighting how curiosity can drive exploration, learning. And ultimately lead to innovation in various fields.

    2. Curiosity As A Fuel For Learning And Innovation
      • Who: The author, Takhar, who has a natural disposition for curiosity. And a tendency to take apart devices to study their components.
      • What: The author shares personal experiences of taking apart devices and trying to modify software, highlighting the importance of curiosity in learning and innovation.
      • Where: The experiences mentioned in the post take place in various locations where the author had access to devices to study and modify.
      • Why: The author discusses the nature of curiosity, how it evolves from childhood to adulthood, and its importance in individual growth and evolution, as well as in the processes of learning and innovation.
      • When: The post does not specify specific timeframes for the experiences mentioned, but it discusses the evolution of curiosity from childhood to adulthood.
      • How: The author explores the concept of curiosity. Including its role in learning and innovation. And shares personal anecdotes. To illustrate the impact of curiosity on exploring the unknown and acquiring knowledge.
    1. English Education

      The post discusses the major problems with English education in Turkish society. Focusing on the reliance on grammar-based teaching, lack of exposure to the language, and the need for teachers to motivate students.

    2. English Education
      • Who: The author, TeachBlogger, a citizen of Turkey working as an English teacher in Izmir, Turkey.
      • What: Discussing the major problems in English education in Turkish society.
      • Where: Turkey, specifically Izmir.
      • Why: To address the difficulties faced by Turkish people in globalizing and expressing themselves in English.
      • How: The author discusses the problems with grammar-based teaching, lack of exposure to the language, unawareness of opportunities, and the importance of motivation in teaching English. They also mention their own teaching methods and experiences to motivate students.
    1. innovative and Creative teacher

      This post discusses the importance of teachers being innovative and creative. In order to engage students and promote effective learning in the classroom. It provides tips and strategies for teachers to implement new teaching methods and materials.

    2. innovative and Creative teacher
      • Who: Teachers or educators.
      • What: Encouraging teachers to be innovative and creative in their teaching methods.
      • Where: In the classroom.
      • Why: To motivate and engage students and achieve good learning outcomes.
      • When: Ongoing in today's education system.
      • How: By seeking new strategies, tools, and materials, implementing changes, being positive and open to new ideas, collaborating with colleagues, and creating dynamic and interactive classroom environments.
    1. Illuminating Young Minds

      The post is about the author's experience as a tutor during the summer. Highlighting their interactions with young students and the transformative power of education.

    2. Illuminating Young Minds

      Who: The author (Jufel), who is a tutor, and young students. - What: The author's experience as a tutor during the summer, guiding and nurturing young minds through learning. - Where: Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu, which is 3 hours away from the author's hometown. - Why: The author embarked on this tutoring adventure to fulfill their role as a tutor and make a positive impact on the young students' lives. - When: The tutoring experience took place during the summer. - How: The author created a stimulating learning environment, tailored their teaching methods to each student's needs, and used visual aids to facilitate effective studying. They also showed patience, celebrated mistakes as learning opportunities, and fostered a passion for learning. The author's teaching methods resulted in the transformation of the students' reading and writing skills, as well as their confidence and eagerness to learn.

    1. best Hive Learning Community

      Who: Zulay Pulido (AKA Libre Pensadora), The Terminal community, @xcountytravelers, @brittandjosie, @justclickindiva, @thekittygirl, @drakernoise, @derekrichardson, @wesphilbin, @jamerussell, @theterminal. - What: Zulay Pulido's participation in the Pimp Your Community (PYC) Contest, promoting The Terminal community on Hive. - Why: To promote and highlight the benefits and activities of The Terminal community on Hive. - When: Friday, May 29, 2020. - How: Zulay Pulido writes an article describing the activities and benefits of The Terminal community. Including: - their support for newcomers, - monthly contests, - efficient healing work, - creation of innovative activities and well-rewarded contests, - information about Hive and Discord, - inclusive and patient support for all members.

      She invites interested individuals to join The Terminal on Hive.

    2. best Hive Learning Community

      This post is a recommendation and overview of the Hive community called "The Terminal". Highlighting its support and teaching services for newcomers to the blockchain.

  6. Jan 2024
    1. Knowledge of Hive Blockchain

      The post discusses the importance of gaining a sound knowledge of the Hive blockchain. In order to keep up with the direction of finance and currency in the world. Also, outlines the author's goals for learning and exploring various aspects of the blockchain.

    2. Knowledge of Hive Blockchain
      • Who: The author of the post, Monica-ene.
      • What: Seeking a sound knowledge of the Hive blockchain for their goals in the year 2024.
      • Why: To keep up with the direction of finance and currency of the world, and to navigate the Hive blockchain effectively.
      • When: The year 2024.
      • How: By seeking a quality guide, participating in the #hivelearners community, and actively engaging in crypto spaces.
    1. Interact, Learn and Grow

      The post is about the author's design for a banner celebrating the Hive Learner community reaching 5,000 members, expressing their gratitude for the positive impact the community has had on their growth and learning on the Hive blockchain.

    2. HL Banner Design

      Interact, Learn, and Grow

      • Who: The author, George Dee.
      • What: Designing a banner to celebrate Hive Learner reaching 5k members.
      • Why: The author wanted to create a design that represents the Hive Learners community and its impact on its members.
      • When: The design was created after the community reached 5k members.
      • How: The author used Canva App to design the banner and incorporated the HL logo, academic cap and scroll, and graphical representation of the words "Interact, Learn, and Grow".
    1. Learning from the learning place

      This post discusses the value of both independent learning and learning under guided tutelage, emphasizing the importance of a balanced approach. It also encourages individuals not to compare their progress to others and to trust in God's timing for their own journey.

    2. Learning from the learning place
      • Who: The author of the post (@themesiah).
      • What: Discussing the importance of both independent learning and learning in a supervised environment for entrepreneurs.
      • Why: To emphasize the benefits of a combination of independent learning and mentorship for entrepreneurs.
      • How: The author explains the advantages of both independent learning and mentorship, and encourages readers to find a balance between the two.
    1. Making Learning Fun

      This post discusses a teacher's use of improvisation and hands-on activities to make learning fun for students, specifically through a science activity where students create a model of the lungs using plastic bottles and balloons.

    2. Making Learning Fun
      • Who: The author (@pinkchic), who is a teacher, and the students.
      • What: Making learning fun through improvisation and conducting a science activity.
      • Where: In a public school classroom.
      • Why: To improve the students' academic performance and help them understand concepts.
      • When: The author conducted the activity during the first period of the school day.
      • How: The author used improvised materials to create a model representing the respiratory system, and the students worked in groups to complete the task. The author also emphasized the importance of recording observations and answering guide questions.
    1. English Unit Learning Worksheets

      This blog post discusses the author's experience teaching her young son English through various learning activities and worksheets focused on the autumn season.

    2. English Unit Learning Worksheets
      • Who: The author, MissDeli, and her son Caleb.
      • What: Learning activities and worksheets for English language learning.
      • Where: Romania.
      • Why: To improve Caleb's English language skills.
      • When: The author has been working with Caleb since he was very young and continues to do so.
      • How: By using resources such as cartoons, books, and worksheets, and by paying attention to Caleb's learning capacity and interests.
    1. My Introductory Post To The Hive Learner Community

      In this post, the author introduces themselves to the Hive Learner community, sharing information about their education, skills, hobbies, and their attraction to the Hive blockchain. They also express their commitment to supporting and contributing to the growth of the community.

    2. My Introductory Post To The Hive Learner Community
      • Who: The author, ogungbuyi kayode, also known as @heskay.
      • What: The author's introductory post to the Hive Learner Community on Shrewdies.com.
      • Where: The author is from Ekiti state, Ikole town, Nigeria.
      • Why: The author joined the community to participate in community activities and help it grow. They were attracted to the Hive blockchain after receiving their first payout and wanted to make new friends and learn from different people.
      • How: The author introduced themselves, shared their education and skills (student of animal science, learning about cryptocurrency), hobbies and work (football, video games, research, cryptocurrency business), what attracted them to Hive (earning a payout, making new friends, learning), and their contributions to the Hive blockchain (supporting the community). They also mentioned how they learned about Hive through friends and mentioned specific users who helped them.

      This post discusses the importance of unity, love, respect, and preparation, using ants as a role model, in order to achieve success in life.

      • Who: The author (West Africa Curation), @oxygen02 (illustration), and the Ants.
      • What: Learning from the Ants' love, unity, respect, and preparation.
      • Where: Africa.
      • Why: To achieve greater things in life
      • How: By observing and emulating the Ants' behavior and characteristics.
    1. lifelong learner

      The post is about a person named Walid who is new to the platform and wants to learn about cryptocurrency and improve himself through learning and taking risks.

    2. lifelong learner
      • Who: Walid from Algeria
      • What: Introducing himself and sharing his goal to learn about cryptocurrency and improve his English.
      • Why: To share his life and knowledge with others and to learn from them.
      • When: Currently, as he is new to the platform
      • How: By actively seeking opportunities for improvement, taking risks, and reading self-help books.
    1. Learn How to Trade

      This Shrewdies.com post is the final entry in a series about the author's journey to learn how to trade. It provides a summary of their trading progress in June 2023, discusses lessons learned, and shares some trading strategies and insights. The author concludes that trading is still a hobby for them.

    2. Learn How to Trade
      • Who: The author of the post (@adamada)
      • What: The author's final entry in their trading journal, summarizing their progress and lessons learned from trading
      • Why: The author wants to track their progress in trading and see if they can become proficient at it.
      • When: June 2023
      • How: The author shares their trading statistics, insights, and lessons learned from their trading experience.
    1. Learning and Language

      The core theme of this Shrewdies.com post is the importance of language in the learning process, particularly in the context of Nigeria where multiple languages are spoken. The post emphasizes that teachers must understand and utilize the language that learners are familiar with in order to facilitate effective learning.

    2. Learning and Language
      • Who: The author (@estherekanem), teachers, learners
      • What: Learning and language, barriers to learning, the nature of languages
      • Where: Nigeria
      • Why: To discuss the importance of language in learning and the national policy on education in Nigeria
      • How: By emphasizing the inseparable relationship between learning and language, discussing the different languages spoken in Nigeria, explaining the nature of languages, and highlighting the need for teachers to understand and use the language that learners are familiar with.
    1. Learning Methods

      Razan Salah discusses the concept of learning methods and explores different types of learning methods such as discovery learning, collaborative learning, and self-learning.

    2. Learning Methods

      Who: Razan Salah - What: This post discusses the concept of learning methods and the different types of learning methods. - Where: The post can be found on Shrewdies.com. - Why: The post aims to provide information about learning methods and their importance in the process of acquiring knowledge and skills. - How: The post explains that learning methods are personal educational methods used by individuals to acquire information, skills, and knowledge. It discusses three types of learning methods: learning about discovery, collaborative learning, and self-learning. It provides descriptions and examples of each type of learning method.

    1. Nothing Is Permanent

      This post discusses the importance of adapting to the temporary nature of things in order to find happiness and emotional stability in life.

    2. Nothing Is Permanent
      • Who: The author (@zous) and readers of the post.
      • What: Learning how to adapt to the temporary nature of things in life.
      • Why: To emphasize the importance of adapting to impermanence in order to find happiness and maintain emotional well-being.
      • How: By accepting and adapting to the temporary nature of relationships, objects, and circumstances, and by becoming stronger and learning to deal with life's problems.
    1. adapt your teaching methods

      This post discusses strategies for adapting teaching methods to meet the unique needs of learners with disabilities, including understanding individual needs, using a variety of teaching methods, incorporating technology, creating an inclusive environment, implementing positive behavior support, and being flexible.

    2. adapt your teaching methods
      • Who: Teachers, learners with disabilities
      • What: Adapting teaching methods for learners with disabilities
      • Where: Classroom
      • Why: To meet the unique needs of learners with disabilities and create an inclusive and accessible learning environment
      • When: Ongoing
      • How:
        • Understand the specific needs of each individual learner with a disability
        • Use a variety of teaching methods to accommodate different learning styles
        • Use technology to support learning
        • Make adjustments to the physical environment of the classroom
        • Provide accommodations and modifications to the curriculum
        • Create an inclusive classroom
        • Incorporate positive behavior support
        • Be flexible and open to change
    1. Blog: A Learner's Guide

      This post is a learner's guide to blogging, explaining what a blog is, its advantages such as running campaigns, making money, and socializing, and how it can help improve one's expertise and skills. It also includes a mention of another blog post about the challenges of blogging in a difficult environment.

    2. Blog: A Learner's Guide
      • Who: The author of the post, @mrenglish
      • What: The post is a guide for beginners on blogging and discusses the definition and advantages of blogs.
      • Why: The post is submitted to @clixmoney's weekly DCC tag contest focused on blogs and blogging.
      • When: The post was published recently, as it mentions the current political transition in Nigeria.
      • How: The author explains what a blog is, the difference between a blog and a website, the advantages of having a blog (such as running campaigns, making money, running a business, and socializing), and how blogging can help improve one's expertise. The author also promotes another user's blog post and includes an excerpt from it.
    1. Learning How To Make Arrabiata

      Discusses Chan-Sakada Om's day without their mom and sister, their new resizable ring, and their experience learning to make the dish Arrabiata.

    2. Learning How To Make Arrabiata
      • Who: The author (Chan-Sakada Om), her mom, her sister, and her dad.
      • What: The author is sharing about her day without her mom and sister, learning to make a dish called Arrabiata, and buying a resizable ring for their mom.
      • Where: The author's home and Phnom Penh
      • Why: The mom went to Phnom Penh to get her teeth fixed, the sister got vaccinated, and the author wanted to share their experiences and thoughts
      • When: The mom will be returning home tomorrow, and the author mentions the water festival happening tomorrow
      • How: The author learned to make Arrabiata with their dad's help and made mistakes but was saved by their dad. They also bought a resizable ring for their mom.
    1. Group Investigation

      ALFYD (@affiedalfayed) discusses the learning strategy called "Group Investigation" and how it can be applied in the classroom to encourage collaborative and independent learning among students. The post outlines the steps involved in implementing this strategy.

    2. Group Investigation

      Who: The post is written by ALFYD (@affiedalfayed), who is a teacher and writer.

      What: The post discusses a learning strategy called "Group Investigation" and provides tips for teachers on how to implement it in the classroom.

      Why: The purpose of the post is to provide educators with information and guidance on how to use the Group Investigation learning strategy to promote collaborative and independent learning among students.

      How: The post explains the steps involved in implementing the Group Investigation learning strategy in the classroom, including selecting sub-topics, forming groups, planning, conducting investigations, evaluating information, and presenting results. The post also highlights the role of the teacher as a facilitator in the learning process.

    1. Teaching and Establishing Boundaries

      @pinkchic discusses her experience as a teacher and the importance of establishing boundaries in the classroom to create a positive and effective learning environment.

    2. Teaching and Establishing Boundaries

      Who: The author @pinkchic, who is a teacher.

      What: Reflecting on their experiences in teaching and establishing boundaries.

      Where: In a classroom and in their own personal experiences.

      Why: To share personal experiences and insights about teaching and establishing boundaries.

      When: During the author's teaching career, including their experiences in a private school and a government institution.

      How: The author discusses their experiences, including setting restrictions and rules, creating a well-equipped instructional environment, allowing students to choose their own rules, and using strategies like assigning tasks or creating a reading corner for discipline. They also mention the "Bulls Attitude Corner" as a reflection of their teaching approach.

    1. learn to work with others

      What: A comment on Learning To Work With Others. Agreeing with the importance of learning to work with others and the consequences of not doing so.

      Why: To highlight the significance of collaborating with others and the negative outcomes of failing to do so.

      How: The comment explains that by not learning to work with others, people can upset others and frustrate themselves, emphasizing the importance of this lesson in life.

    1. Life lessons

      happycrazycon discusses the importance of learning to work with others and acknowledges that life lessons cannot be avoided.

    2. learn this

      Who: The author of the post (happycrazycon) and the person they are replying to (Jadeline)

      What: The author acknowledging the need to learn how to work with others and commenting on the inevitability of life lessons.

      Why: To share a personal experience or opinion on the topic of learning to work with others.

      How: The author expresses agreement with the idea that everyone needs to learn how to work with others, and adds a lighthearted comment about life lessons. They also thank Jadeline for their constructive comment.

    1. Learning to Work With Others

      @happycrazycon tells the story of a student named Leo who is frustrated with his group member, Dean, for not cooperating on a school project, and the author offers advice on how to handle the situation and focus on personal growth.

    2. Learning to Work With Others

      Who: The author, Leo (the student), Dean, and June (other group members).

      What: Leo's frustration with Dean's lack of cooperation and teamwork on a school project.

      Where: Malaysia, at a Milk Tea Chain called Tealive.

      Why: Leo is upset because Dean is not helping with the project and Leo feels like he is doing all the work.

      When: The incident happened two days ago (28th Feb 2018).

      How: Leo tries to communicate with Dean, but Dean ignores his messages and calls, leading to Leo's frustration and anger. The author advises Leo to focus on controlling his own actions and to communicate with Dean in a respectful manner.

    1. child that can't learn fast

      Adaeze discusses the challenges faced by a mother with a child who learns at a slower pace compared to other children, and how the mother's patience, positive reinforcement, and prayers helped the child improve academically.

    2. child that can't learn fast

      Who: Adaeze, a mother.

      What: Adaeze's struggle with her child's slow learning.

      Why: The author wants her child to learn fast like other children.

      When: The struggle began when the child was young and continued into their schooling years.

      How: The author changed their approach by encouraging and praying for the child, which resulted in improvement in their academic performance.

    1. How to learn while sleeping

      Zeeshanalishaikh discusses the possibility of learning while sleeping and provides a video explanation on how to do it.

    2. How to learn while sleeping

      Who: The video discusses how anyone can learn while sleeping.

      What: The video explains the concept of learning while sleeping and suggests trying it out.

      Why: The purpose of the video is to explore the possibility of learning while sleeping.

      How: The video provides an explanation of how one can learn while sleeping, although the specific details are not provided in the given information.


      Jesusboy discusses techniques for helping children learn more effectively, including understanding attention spans, helping them take charge of their learning goals, and using objects to teach.


      Who: Jesusboy.

      What: The post discusses techniques for children to learn fast, including understanding attention span and task limits, helping children take charge of their learning goals, and making use of objects during teaching.

      Why: The post aims to provide strategies and tips for teachers and parents to help children learn more effectively.

      How: The post suggests various techniques such as understanding attention span, encouraging children to take charge of their learning goals, and using objects during teaching to enhance learning.


      @vickoly discusses their experience with an elderly person, specifically their mother's older sister, and the valuable lessons they learned from her, including the importance of trust and confirmation.


      Who: The author's grandmother and Madam Jacob Felicia (the author's mother's older sister)

      What: Sharing lessons learned from elderly people

      Where: The author's grandmother's residence and Madam Jacob Felicia's residence

      Why: To appreciate the care, tenderness, advice, and vast experience of elderly people and to share the lessons learned from them

      When: The author's childhood and after the passing of the grandmother

      How: By spending time with elderly people, learning from their experiences, and being corrected and guided by them


      Valentine George discusses eleven powerful lessons that can be learned from observing a mother hen, including good planning, discipline, sacrifice, generosity, faith, hope, wisdom, protection, unity, mentorship, and staying focused. The post encourages readers to apply these lessons to their own lives and goals in 2018.


      Who: Mother hen.

      What: Lessons to learn from the hen.

      Why: To improve ourselves and impact life in our everyday activities.

      How: By observing the behaviors and characteristics of the hen.


      Sharkeisha Jenkins discusses the best way to learn a foreign language, which is through immersion, and recommends using media in that language, such as podcasts and YouTube videos, to engage with the language daily.


      Who: Sharkeisha Jenkins.

      What: Learning a foreign language through immersion

      Where: 3 different countries, YouTube, blackgirlslearnlanguages.co, Google Translate.

      Why: Immersion is the best way to learn a language quickly.

      How: By visiting different countries, studying, only speaking the language, engaging with language through media, listening with the intent to learn.


      MoOsTaFa discusses the two modes of thinking, focused thinking and diffuse thinking, and how alternating between these modes can enhance learning and problem-solving.


      Who: MoOsTaFa and researchers in the field.

      What: The different modes of thinking (focused and diffuse) and their impact on learning.

      Why: To explain the optimal modes of thinking for optimal learning.

      How: By providing information and examples of how focused and diffuse thinking can be used in the learning process.

    1. https://steemit.com/science/@mostafa1/optimal-modes-of-thinking-for-optimal-learning-whatever-you-re-learnng-learn-more-effectively
    2. Introduction To Memory

      Who: MoOsTaFa

      What: An introduction to memory and tips on becoming a better learner

      Why: To provide information and tips on improving memory and learning abilities

      How: The post explains the different modes of thinking, the two major memory systems (working memory and long term memory), and the importance of practice and repetition in improving memory and learning.

    3. Introduction To Memory

      MoOsTaFa provides an introduction to memory and offers tips on how to become a better learner by understanding the two major memory systems: long term memory and working memory.

  7. Dec 2023
  8. Nov 2023
    1. The purpose of Shrewdies.com is to explain Shrewd Learning Services and to evolve new Shrewd Learning Subjects

      In the Web3 version, only the first purpose applies to me. Because an inherent feature of Shrewdies3 is to enable anyone to create their own Web3 site. Therefore, evolving new subject sites is done by the community. Though I have yet to encourage such a community to form, But that will be an intrinsic part of the documentation for Shrewd Learning.

      Currently in development, I will replace this site with the alpha testing site as soon as it correctly presents content to visitors and search engines.

  9. Nov 2022
    1. Excel Spreadsheet Permissions on Android

      I've been notified of a problem for some Microsoft Excel users on Android. Which affects access to spreadsheets for Shrewd Learning followers, subscribers, and members. So I'm preparing documentation for this.

      Shrewd Learning Subscribers can access my progress notes.

  10. Sep 2022
    1. Hypothes.is & 📒ShrewdNotes Web Page Annotation

      I'm blogging about how I'm using Hypothes.is as a starting point for documentation about 📒ShrewdNotes Web Page Annotation. Because I'm learning how to organize efficient workflows with 📒ShrewdNotes. Then I can be certain that my documentation is accurate for when I get more people involved.

      So these are practical notes that guide me. In order to become reference material for anonymous learners, followers, subscribers, and members. Also, these notes can become a framework for Hypothes.is-style 📒ShrewdNotes that I can adapt for Sciwheel and other annotation services.

      Hypothes.is Groups and Tags

      I use Hypothes.is Groups as follows: * Public Group for Anonymous Learners. * 🗃ShrewdSubjects Groups. * My Private Group.

      Public Group for Anonymous Learners

      I make most of my Hypothes.is 📒ShrewdNotes in public. Mainly on my own websites. But increasingly whenever I find anything useful or interesting. Especially where I find good content relating to one of my 🗃ShrewdSubjects. So anyone can follow my Public 📒ShrewdNotes.

      To recognize 🗃ShrewdSubjects, I use Hypothes.is Tags. Currently, these are Food, Gout, and Learning. Where Learning includes any topic not covered by the other subjects. In this way, as I recognize new subjects, I will separate them from Shrewd Learning.

      Note that Public annotations for my subject tags include notes from all Hypothes.is users. So, tags are a great way to collect notes by everyone who is interested in a topic. Also, you can mix and match User, Group, and Tag searches. As well as using free-format search.

      Additionally, I've started using Hypothes.is Tags to help me organize my workflows. Currently, I use 4, but I may extend this as I incorporate annotation into my daily life. My current 4 tags are: * New - denotes new content that I'm preparing. * Change - denotes changes I plan to make. * editing - means that I've saved the note that I'm currently working on. Or that I've forgotten to delete my editing tag! I use this to avoid losing text as I'm writing it, as Hypothes.is does not have autosave. Though there are ways round that. * BuildInPublic - read more at #BuildInPublic.

      🗃ShrewdSubjects Groups

      Though I like to BuildInPublic, I also like to collaborate. Now, collaboration is possible using public annotation. But I'm trying to create services built around teams. So I've created private groups for each 🗃ShrewdSubject.

      Currently, joining these private Hypothes.is groups starts by subscribing to one or more newsletters: * Foodary Nexus Newsletter * GoutPal Links Newsletter * Shrewd Learning Newsletter

      My Private Web Annotation Group

      I try to do most of my content creation in public. Or in teams. So I only currently have one group for private notes. But Hypothes.is allows you to create as many private groups as you need. Which is useful where you want to keep notes separate. However, I recommend using tags unless you are sure you want separate groups of notes.

    1. Related Topics

      Historically, the related topics section of each GoutPal page identified relationships using the WordPress Tag feature. However, after I invented WordPress Transmigration, I need a better approach.

      So I must replace this with a navigation map. And create new workflows that enable me to update these maps efficiently.


  11. Aug 2022
    1. ☊☋ Shrewd Maps

      Now 🗺ShrewdMaps

      #BuildInPublic: Please let me know what you think about gout topic maps by replying below…

      Please reply

    2. 📒 Shrewd Notes

      Remove space to ShrewdNotes

      New 4 part blog series... - Introducing 📒ShrewdNotes. Members Notes in Progress. - How Keith Uses 📒ShrewdNotes - How You Can Use 📒ShrewdNotes - Why We Might Share 📒ShrewdNotes

    1. Are you a Keith Taylor Follower?

      Congratulations on becoming an Anonymous Learner!<br /> You have learned where to find Keith's free online learning resources. So please click the image to learn your next tier… Are you a Keith Taylor Follower?

      Please let me know what you think about my website marketing list by replying below…

      Please reply

    1. About Shrewdies.com

      Shrewd Learning helps you learn online. With a range of tools to support better knowledge. Read all about Shrewdies.com.

      This page contains 📒ShrewdNotes for the page: About Shrewdies.com. I am preparing documentation for 📒ShrewdNotes. So once I publish that documentation, I will replace this with a link.

      In fact, that explains one of the key purposes of 📒ShrewdNotes. Because they allow me to tell you of planned changes to my articles and new content in progress.

      About Shrewdies.com Audience

      I wrote About Shrewdies.com for people who want to learn:

      • How and why Shrewdies.com exists.
      • Facts about Keith Taylor's Shrewdies brand.
      • Examples of website admin pages.

      So I hope this gives you the facts that you want. Or resolves any concerns that you have. If not, I provide several ways you can find additional information. Including leaving comments. Which is usually the last item on most of my pages.

      Please see all links for extra information and support below...

      Extra Information for About Shrewdies.com

      Extra information about my articles includes some or all of:

      • 🆘 ShrewdOnlineSupport services links
      • 📒ShrewdNotes links
      • 🗺ShrewdMap links

      🆘 ShrewdOnlineSupport Services

      • Public Support: Discussion
      • Issues: none
      • Group Support: As described in 🆘 ShrewdOnlineSupport services.
      • Private Support: Audio or Video calls as described in 🆘 ShrewdOnlineSupport services.


      • Progress notes: none
      • Learning notes: none

      Please see all my Public 📒ShrewdNotes for extra information about many web pages.



      Please let me know what you think about Shrewdies.com by replying below…

      Please reply

    1. Keith's Learners Resources Feedback

      Maybe this needs a clarification comment??

      I refer to all my readers collectively as Keith's Learners. But the majority are occasional, anonymous visitors. So for people who want to become more involved, I've developed 3 learning subjects: - GoutPal Links for gout sufferers. Which is my current top priority project. - Foodary Nexus for foodies. Which is the working title for my next project. - Shrewd Learning for informal online learners. Which I am currently documenting as a template, as applied to GoutPal Links. Though in the future, it will also serve to evolve new learning subjects.


    2. ShrewdConcerns is a public place

      Furthermore, I'm adopting a #BuildInPublic approach to all my websites. Because I want to create informal online learning environments that encourage learners to become coaches/mentors. Obviously, that will take time to onboard people and qualify objectives. But I have to start somewhere. And #BuildInPublic seems to me to be my best chance of finding like-minded collaborators.

    3. 📒 ShrewdNotes Web Page Annotation

      I often rush into assessing new applications. Because I learn quicker by applying compared to reading. But one downside is that I frequently miss key features.

      That's only a major drawback if I abandon the application where I can't see how it fits my project. And today I avoided that with serendipity. Because… 1. My application was a Chrome Extension 1. I wanted to test to see if was active and change webpage content accordingly 1. I found I could run the app without an extension - as fully described in the documentation that I skipped reading!

      All of which is an idea for my next blog post. But the real point is I have established a process for starting ad-hoc Shrewd Learning projects "in the wild". Because normally, I start making notes somewhere. Then forgetting where I put them.

      I think we all do that when we spot something interesting that might warrant future research. Now for my established subject areas, I always start annotating new topics within that subject area. So, I can prioritize it in my usual processes.

      Today, I've extended this by tagging public notes with Shrewd Learning. So when I look at the Shrewd Learning Tag, I see all notes that present potential new learning topics. Which opens a great way to collaborate loosely with other people if I can establish some traction with Shrewd Learning.

      For now, this is my reminder to do a personal blog entry based on this. More importantly, I should update this blog entry to reflect recent advances in Shrewd Learning and my other 2 online learning projects.

    1. You can activate Hypothesis by

      Embedding Hypothesis in Websites and Platforms

      Embedding Hypothesis To add Hypothesis to your website or platform, simply add the following line to the HTML source of your page:

      <script src="https://hypothes.is/embed.js" async></script>

      From https://web.hypothes.is/help/embedding-hypothesis-in-websites-and-platforms/

      Which continues with an example of Hypothes.is client configuration.

    1. Your guidelines for private and public gout discussions are here on my contact page.

      Is it the best to put private vs public in the Contact Page? Or should it be separate?

      I think it is best to include it in the Contact Page. Because my perception is that it's all about contacting me. But I should do a poll on this.

      Also, this isn't just a Gout issue, so it needs to be addressed in other subject sites. And as it is a fundamental part of successful collaboration, I will repeat it in Food and Learning.