8,270 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2020
    1. Authoritarians are rising in the modern day at alarming rates

      Good, clear messaging

  2. Nov 2020
    1. Which in turn has caused so much harm to nature, from species endangerment to extinction

      not a sentence

    2. More than one billion people lack access to clean water and 2.4 billion don’t have adequate sanitation, putting them at risk of contracting deadly diseases.

      I am concerned by the inconsistency when it comes to citing sources: remember that we cite sources whenever borrowing, whether quoting or paraphrasing, as you seem to be doing here.

    3. not only effects wildlife, but it also harms humans.

      I appreciate the effort at transition

    4. “As sea ice melts away, eight of the world’s 19 polar bear populations are declining. If current emissions trends continue, scientists predict that two-thirds of the world’s polar bear population will be lost by 2050, while the rest will near extinction by the end of the century due to the disappearance of sea ice.”— Shaye Wolf, lead author for A Center For Biological Diversity and Care for the Wild International Report.

      Thanks for citing--you need only name author's last name in text. Rest down below in your list of Works Cited

    5. . It is estimated that 14,000 to 35,000 species are at risk of becoming extinct.

      please cite souce

    6. Yet, we forget as we continue to expand our own species in this way we are causing harm onto other species in the animal kingdom.

      This paragraph has a nice clarity and sets things up well.

    7. What are the modern day factors that contribute to extinction? What can humans do to decelerate the process of extinction?

      good, clearly stated: your title or a brief paragraph? I'm okay with the latter, if you are

    8. Wolf, Shaye. Center for Biological Diversity Www.biologicaldiversity.org, 2010, p. 10, Extinction Its Not Just For Polar Bears. Datta, Sreela. “The Effects of Habitat Destruction of the Environment.” Sciencing, 2 Mar. 2019, sciencing.com/effects-habitat-destruction-environment-8403681.html. “Pollution.” WWF, World Wildlife Fund, www.worldwildlife.org/threats/pollution. RinkeshA “Causes, Effects and Solutions to Overhunting (Hunting of Species).” Conserve Energy Future, 2 Aug. 2020, www.conserve-energy-future.com/causes-effects-solutions-overhunting.php.

      Please alphabetize and use MLA format I don't see three peer reviewed articles from databases or an interview.

    9. for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. These are just a few of the organizations that are for conserving animals and their habitats, that need your support

      I see no postwrite.

    1. Specifically, a virtual reality game that is known as VIRTSIM. “The limitations of the game and the environment allow for the troops to train on responses to incoming fire or different kinds, they can’t jump for cover and they will never be as tired in the training simulator as they might be after days of dismounted patrols in the real world.”

      no source cited Okay--I will stop here. Please see me or Deb asap to discuss how to document sources when borrowing

    2. Another topic to cover in regards to the variety of uses for video games is its use by the military.

      start another paragraph?

    3. computer solitaire game FreeCell may be useful to monitor cognitive status in adults with mild cognitive impairment (8), while new augmented reality games such as Pokemon GO could be useful to promote physical activity among those who are normally reluctant to engage (7).”

      I see no source cited. I will give you the benefit of the doubt for now, since you've attempted to cite before this.

    4. be used therapeutically setting.


    5. can games be used therapeutically? And can they be used to train soldiers in the military? The answers to both of these question are yes.

      I appreciate the effort at transition

    6. Using a methodology similar to those employed in the action video game studies, Glass Maddox and Love (2013) showed that forty hours of training on an RTS game resulted in significant increases in cognitive flexibility (including task switching and working memory).”

      cite source by author?

    7. “Action video gaming training enhances several aspects of vision. One aspect involves contrast sensitivity, or the ability to detect small incremental changes in shades of gray. This ability is considered one of the primary building blocks of all vision.”(Eichenbaum, Bavelier , Green)

      good use of source: please try to introduce with signal phrase?

    8. That being video games can actually benefit the user in a multitude of different ways specifically action and RTS (real-time strategy) games.

      not a sentence

    9. This raises questions such as, are some adolescents predisposed to addiction more likely to develop this disorder, or is it the games addicting qualities that develop this disorder? What is known is that excessive playtime is a leading cause. “… Some people develop an internet gaming disorder (IGD) due to excessive and uncontrolled gaming behaviors.” This offers a possible solution to help avoid this disorder from developing. A solution being having an adult monitor and limit their child’s game time.

      put into another paragraph? Doesn't seem to belong here

    10. Psychiatry.org

      not MLA format

    11. Addiction Biology)


    12. One question to tackle is, are video games good for a developing brain?

      okay--I appreciate the topic sentence. Perhaps keep in wide open: what is the impact on the developing brain?

    13. day to day


    14. (Anderton)

      Thanks for the citation

    15. “Internet and computer gaming now rank among the most popular leisure activities and represent a large and growing segment of the of the entertainment industry. More than 1 billion people worldwide are thought to participate in Internet games,…”

      please cite source Do you really want to quote a source at the very start of your essay?

    16. Video games, one of this generations favorite pass times

      not a sentence

    17. pass times


    18. Carras, Michelle Colder, et al. “Commercial Video Games As Therapy: A New Research Agenda to Unlock the Potential of a Global Pastime.” Frontiers in Psychiatry, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 22 Jan. 2018, 8:30, pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29403398/.

      Label this list: Works Cited

      include an interview? Please alphabetize fully

    19. Edited by Ranna Parekh, Internet Gaming, June 2018, www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/internet-gaming.

      not in MLA format

    20. Han, Doug Hyun, et al. “Brain Connectivity and Psychiatric Commorbidity in Adolescent with Internet Gaming Disorder.” EBSCOhost, May 2017, web.a.ebscohost.com.ezproxybrcc.helmlib.org/ehost/detail/detail?vid=13&sid=89f1add1-44e0-4e84-ad8c-c300a8599502%40sdc-v-sessmgr03&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#AN=122404124&db=aph.

      I'm pleased to see that you've a database

    21. way to de-stress. In conclusion, video games have many positive and negative aspects and show no signs of going anywhere anytime soon.

      I see no post write.

    1. ” Among the 80% of participants who completed the trial, the average weight loss was 4 kg; 14 to 15% of the participants had a reduction of at least 10% of their initial body weight. Satiety, hunger, satisfaction with the diet, and attendance at group sessions were similar for all diets; attendance was strongly associated with weight loss (0.2 kg per session attended). The diets improved lipid-related risk factors and fasting insulin levels”

      source not cited. I am stopping here. I can no longer see where you are getting information. Please see me asap for how to make your borrowing more transparent.

    2. A study from the International Journal of Exercise Science (table 2) shows that a subject on a caloric surplus gained 3.2 kilograms in just nine days from a sixty percent caloric surplus, the same idea can be taken with a caloric deficit.

      I don't see a table and I don't see author cited

    3. efine dieting as simply creating a caloric deficit which will allow you to loss weight and a caloric surplus which will allow you to gain weight.

      cite authors please

    4. “CICO is an acronym for the idea that weight loss or gain is determined by a caloric deficit or surplus”

      use signal phrase and cite source please

    5. d Healthline’s stats

      I don't see this in your list of Works Cited: concerning

    6. Diet flexibility is an important factor when choosing what diet to follow especially if you have a busy lifestyle

      this seems like a workable topic sentence

    7. Intermittent fasting works by restricting the amount of hours in a day that you can eat which in most cases can cut your calorie intake by roughly 500-600 calories leading to weight loss, some common versions of this are only being allowed to eat from noon to 8pm or 2pm to 10p

      you do not cite a source here? For now I will assume that you had prior knowledge.

    8. Most of the time when you hear someone is starting a diet you probably assume t

      I sense the need for a topic sentence here to help focus your paragraph

    9. were they go

      in which the authors

    10. their trying

      they are

    11. for you.

      why the shift to "you"?

    12. So why are so many people still searching for this answer and having such a hard time doing it when its already been answered and proven to work for such a long time.

      punctuate as a question?

    13. g new, people

      edit for comma fault, here and elsewhere?

    14. Each month there are roughly eighty-eight billion google searches pertaining to weight loss

      interesting fact--but please cite source

    15. best diet

      capitalize for consistency?

    16. Work Citied

      a nice list missing an interview?

    17. Aragon, Alan A., et al. “International society of sports nutrition position stand: diets and body composition.” Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, vol. 14, no. 1, 2017. Gale OneFile: Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A511359706/PPSM?u=mlin_s_bristcc&sid=PPSM&xid=0727e282. Accessed 24 Oct. 2020.

      I'm pleased to see peer reviewed articles from databases

    18. cut out a paragraph that really had no value towards the goal of this paper.

      which one? pease explain

    19. e intended audience and genre I

      please explain who your audience is and what genre you are writing in

    1. The cuts were particularly stark after the 2008 recession, and they set off a cascading series of consequences, some of which were never intended.

      I see that this is a quote from a source. You neither cite the source or use quotation marks. This is evidence of plagiarism. I will stop reading here. See me and/or Deb E asap.

    2. College is expensive for many reasons, including a surge in demand, an increase in financial aid, a lack of state funding, a need for more faculty members and money to pay them, and ballooning student services.

      okay--good. So I assume you will discuss each of these? You might have ended the intro paragraph here, right?

      You should stay with this order but I see that you don't later on. Make thins predictable for your reader.

    3. Many state legislatures have been spending less and less per student on higher education for the past three decades.

      start paragraph here? and cite source

    4. he first source from The Atlantic: “Why is college in America expensive”.

      not a sentence I really think you should start with a topic sentence rather than reference a source or quote.

    5. I am interesting in researching about college and why it’s so important and how all community

      I wonder if you should start answering the question in this paragraph, which seems to slow you down?

    6. Why is college so expensive?

      a good and timely question

    7. to much

      I see you are confused as to which "too" to use

    8. FISA


    9. to go too

      to go to to

    10. https://www.cnn.com/2011/12/02/opinion/vedder-college-costs/index.html https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2018/09/why-is-college-so-expensive-in-america/569884/ https://www.usnews.com/education/best-colleges/paying-for-college/articles/2019-11-04/why-is-college-so-expensive https://www.forbes.com/sites/prestoncooper2/2020/08/31/a-new-study-investigates-why-college-tuition-is-so-expensive/#3054fc1f17a0

      not in MLA format And I suspect that you don't have three peer reviewed sources from databases here Nor do I see an interview

    11. I discarded information that wasn’t suited well for my topic and I was working on my transitioning sentences.

      In both cases can you you elaborate and provide examples?

    12. finicall


    13. I drew upon my audience

      please explain: who is your intended audience?

    14. we didn’t use MLA format

      APA perhaps?

    1. Limiting your use of social

      remember your purpose

    2. MCNJ

      do you have an author?

    3. , “It is probable, however, that the overall impact of SNS on self-esteem is much more complex. Constant self-evaluation on an everyday basis, competition and comparing one’s own achievements with those of other users, incorrectly perceiving physical/emotional/social characteristics of others, feeling of jealousy, and narcissistic behavior—these are all factors that may positively or negatively influence self-esteem.” It is important to think about how a negative comment or narcissistic post could affect someone else negatively.

      again, given the length of the quotation, please spend more time commenting and perhaps trimming the quotation?

    4. cause you

      why the shift to "you"? who is your audience?

    5. We need connections with other people that aren’t just through the phone.

      agreed but since you quote at length, can you comment further on the quotation's significance?

    6. helpguide)

      thanks for the citation--do you have an author?

    7. the Harm that the Social Media Networks

      edit for capitaization

    8. Ventola, C Lee. “Social Media and Health Care Professionals: Benefits, Risks, and Best Practices.” P & T : a Peer-Reviewed Journal for Formulary Management, MediMedia USA, Inc., July 2014, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4103576/. 

      this may count as one of your three peer reviewed articles although I hope you will use databases for the other two. Please alphabetize the list--no bullets, please

    9. In person interview. April Boulos. 30 October 2020.

      start with last name here

    10. I knew that my audience was going to be young adults so I tried to use stats about young adults

      good to know

    1. “Poverty is one of the largest contributors to human trafficking. It can drive people to become traffickers; it can drive parents to sell children or other family members into slavery. People in poverty are targeted by traffickers, who offer them a way to earn money when, in fact, they will actually earn nothing and be treated as a slave. Poverty also plays a large piece in many of the other root causes of trafficking, driving people to migrate, making education and legitimate work difficult to obtain, making recovery and safety from war and disaster impossible, and more.”

      As useful as this quotation is, you are letting this source dominate. It takes up the whole paragraph. Please offer your own commentary. Please trim the quotation--be more selective in what you quote--and integrate the material into your paragraph, okay? Importantly, I see no source cited. Because I can't tell which source you've drawn from I am going to stop reading here. I simply don't know where you got this information from.

    2. These factors are poverty, Lack of education, Demand for cheap labor/demand for sex, Lack of human rights for vulnerable groups, Lack of legitimate economic opportunities, Social factors and cultural practices, Conflict and natural disaster, Trafficking generates a large profit, Lack of safe migration options, and Traffickers themselves.

      Okay--a very useful list that will guide your draft. Please be consistent with mechanics (capitalization). Cite source?

    3. Main

      why cap?

    4. Lets dive


    5. Such as Human trafficking which is not talked about to the extent that it should.

      not a sentence

    6. Dating all the way back to 1990s.

      not a sentence

    7. men has

      have been

    8. is from www.dhs.gov and it says “Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Every year, millions of men, women, and children are trafficked worldwide – including right here in the United States.”

      useful but please name author when citing

    9. Works Cited http://faculty.webster.edu/woolflm/trafficking.html#:~:text=Early%20History%20of%20Sex%20Trafficking,White%20Slave%20Traffic%20was%20drafted. https://www.dhs.gov/blue-campaign/what-human-trafficking#:~:text=Human%20trafficking%20involves%20the%20use,here%20in%20the%20United%20States. https://www.humanrightscareers.com/issues/10-causes-of-human-trafficking/

      incomplete and not in MLA format Please provide three peer reviewed articles from databases and an interview

    10. was cutting out and keeping what was and wasn’t beneficial to my research pape


    11. understanding of audience and awareness

      who is your audience?

    1. Tim Cook believes that the future is in AR. While he believes that VR could be cool for education and gaming, he believes that AR is more practical by allowing the user to interact with it alongside others.

      of course you will need to do your own interview, right?

    2. While finding research for my question, I tried finding someone that I could interview for the subject.

      I suggest a real topic sentence here

    3. which is why it’s not that popular.

      already said?

    4. Fortnite,

      use quotation marks or italics for titles

    5. (VR) with the physical world. A recent application, offered by Schell Games, uses technology from Disney and Lenovo to bring Darth Vader into your living room—your actual living room. In the game Jedi Challenges, users with a smartphone-enabled headset, a lightsaber controller, and a tracking beacon can engage the life-sized movie villain in a lightsaber battle


    6. This is shown in the text, which states, “In many Lowe’s stores there is a virtual kitchen display, which is actually a blank corner with only some basic wooden fixtures. But once the customer puts on the VR glasses, they can mix-and-match the countertops, cabinets and appliances in virtual reality by using their fingers to choose from a menu of options. In addition to Lowe’s, IKEA has also developed a Virtual Home Experience, which is a VR station, in many of its stores”…”Within the virtual store the user can access several product categories including electronics and women’s apparel. Users select a category and the experience is built around it.”

      useful and interesting but I see a tendency to quote too much at length or to string together quotations without much commentary from you And please cite source

    7. These are perfect examples of how businesses could use AR and VR in the future.

      well--one profession, at least. You have more, I assume

    8. ate with headquarterswithout taking their hands, or eyes, off the job in front of them.”

      cite source

    9. nt”…”The

      no need to open and close quota6ione if you are using elipses. But be careful about stringing together quotations.

    10. I wondered, How much will virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) be implemented in the future?

      good questions: I might put them in a more prominent place. They get buried in this paragraph.

    11. makes you

      why the shift to "you"?

    12. Anthes, Gary. “Augmented Reality Gets Real.” Communications of the ACM, vol. 62, no. 9, 2019, pp. 16–18. Crossref, doi:10.1145/3344293. Kugler, Logan. “Why Virtual Reality Will Transform a Workplace near You.” Communications of the ACM, vol. 60, no. 8, 2017, pp. 15–17. Crossref, doi:10.1145/3105444.

      are these peer reviewed? How do you know? I don't see the names of databases? You will need three peer reviewed articles from databases and an interview Please alphabetize this list.

    13. I also had to write a lot going from draft #1 to draft #2.

      please elaborate on the changes between drafts

    14. also knew the audience I was writing

      Can you elaborate?

    1. n 2020 alone over 1,000,000 people have been diagnosed with cancer in the United States, and over 600,000 of those people will not live long enough to see the year 2025. If that number isn’t t

      I see no source cited. I am stopping to read here. I cannot tell what is yours and what is borrowed. We will need to talk asap. Deb E is also available to help.

    2. If you take a look at people who take diet and exercise very seriously those are some of the healthiest people in the world. They have diseases and such past down through generations but they are able to postpone and/or reverse those issues through diet and exercise. Which I find so amazing because you truly get out what you put in to your body and how you treat yourself.

      no Works Cited? This is very concerning.

    3. Although we created a question to answer I still feel like theres so many answers and too much to write about and making it precise is difficult for me

      what choices did you make between drafts?

    4. rabid holes

      rabbit holes Yes--limits can be more reassuring

    5. It is nice to have the freedom to write about stuff you are interested in

      glad to hear it

    1. Benefits Your Brain” explains this phenomenon really well. Collins explains, “But when scientists turned from observing the brains of music listeners to those of musicians, the little backyard fireworks became a jubilee. It turns out that while listening to music engages the brain in some pretty interesting activities, playing music is the brain’s equivalent of a full-body workout…

      I'd like to learn more about this

    2. you’re

      why the shfit to "you're"?

    3. it is easy to understand that someone who doesn’t like certain music, or music in it’s entirety, has reduced neurological responses to the musical genre, or music as a whole.

      please elaborate

    4. it’s safe to say that this interview study added up when compared to the John Hopkins Medicine statement.

      I"m not sure how the interview really confirms the Hopkins statement, to be honest

    5. I immediately asked him if he enjoyed the song, and he responded with a pretty unsure “not really.” I asked him what he did not like about the song, and he stated, “Because it’s the same song as every other country artist that’s being put out today.

      cite your father as a source

    6. my dads disliking.


    7. “When It Rains, It Pours” released in 2017 by Luke Combs

      you probably should list these artists and songs in your Works Cited at the end--and perhaps you can link to the songs themselves, pending copyright approval

    8. same test, however

      edit for comma fault

    9. This then got me thinking,

      Before moving on, can you say more about music's effect on the brain? I think you move over that subject much too quickly, no?

    10. “‘Music is structural, mathematical and architectural. It’s based on relationships between one note and the next. You may not be aware of it, but your brain has to do a lot of computing to make sense of it,’ notes one otolaryngologist.”

      cite source

    11. A very interesting article from John Hopkins Medicine referred to music as a “gym for your brain.”

      Interesting but I wonder if you might start your paragraph with your own topic sentence rather than quote from the source.

    12. how does music affect us? More specifically, how does music affect the brain?

      good, clear and interesting set of questions

    13. Works Cited

      Please alphabtize Please include three peer reviewed articles from data base and an interview

    14. “Keep Your Brain Young with Music.”


    15. Collins, Anita. “Transcript of ‘How Playing an Instrument Benefits Your Brain.’” TED, www.ted.com/talks/anita_collins_how_playing_an_instrument_benefits_your_brain/transcript?language=en.

      date of publication

    16. my audience was a very wide variety of readers

      any way to define the audience a bit more?

    17. with a question as the thesis, it was much easier to find sources.

      interesting: why?

    1. have better health outcomes,

      again, I would highlight this kind of information--but note how it gets buried in this paragraph. Focus

    2. “Is Social Media Bad for You?” also stated, “Social media addiction is a mental health problem that may require professional treatment”.

      cite author's name

    3. In the article “Is Social Media Bad for You?”, it states “In a survey of 1800 people, women reported being more stressed than men”. If we think about it girls post more pictures of themselves compared to men and girls talk about what other girls post. It’s almost like a competition.

      you seem to have lost your focus and thread

    4. if you

      why shift to "you"?

    5. Three billion people, around 40% of the world’s population, use online social media

      Please cite source

    6. social media with several psychiatric disorders.

      I wonder if you need to start with this finding

    7. “In  a 2015 study, participants checked their phones an average of 85 times each day and spent 5.05 hours per day using their smart phone”, “Success”

      please cite author's last name

    8. Now social media does have its pros and cons.

      I hope that you will get to your original question: How does tech change us? Remember that this is not an argumentative paper but rather one driven by a question

    9. Is it good to have social media or is it a good thing not to?

      This is a different question from the one you asked at the start (which is more interesting, in my view): how is tech changing us?

    10. you look

      why the shift to "you"?

    11. In particular social media

      not a sentence

    12. Sources: Brown, Jessica. “Is Social Media Bad for You? The Evidence and the Unknowns.” BBC Future, BBC, 4 Jan. 2018, www.bbc.com/future/article/20180104-is-social-media-bad-for-you-the-evidence-and-the-unknowns.  Allen, Summer. “Social Media’s Growing Impact on Our Lives.” American Psychological Association, American Psychological Association, 20 Sept. 2019, www.apa.org/members/content/social-media-research.  Hatcher, Jon Patrick. “20 Pros and Cons of Social Media Use.” SUCCESS, 17 Dec. 2019, www.success.com/20-pros-and-cons-of-social-media-use/. 

      Works Cited Please include three peer reviewed articles from data bases and an interview Please alphabetize sources

    13. Didi you ever lose interest?” and “Did you gain anything from my work after reading it?”.

      I don't see a postwrite.

    1. My last source

      See comment above

    2. you can help them

      who is your audience?

    3. swatting is when someone makes a prank call

      well--this is a step in the right direction--defining your terms for your less than knowledgeable reader (me)

    4. witch streamer

      explain? I see a problem of audience here: who is your intended audeicne?

    5. My fourth source

      see above

    6. Video game companies have no real reason to have good representation for people of color, women, and the LGBT community because most gamers are white straight males however that is changing more and more minorities are joining The gaming community and soon video game companies will have to face this problem.

      this seems an alttogether different thread

    7. just for fun, not for survival. So why do people grief? Well, there are two different types of griefers. The first type is the ones who attack you for no reason and will attack their teammates for no reason, they do this for fun, they get pleasure from the suffering of other gamers. The second kind of griefers are those who attack specifically people who are minorities, they’re usually normal

      break up paragraph!

    8. ludic gain and often at the expense of their own in-game characters. Griefing can manifest as hate speech, team-killing, virtual rape, unprovoked violence, or theft of virtual currency or items. Griefers are often powerful players, trolls

      please break this down and explain I'm sensing a pattern of quoting at length with little commentary on your part. These quotations are taking over your draft.

    9. My third source is

      see above

    10. deindividuation effect

      what does this mean?

    11. “homohysteria”, i.e. the fear of being homosexualized” (Desirée Elveljung, 2020) ot

      will you be showing examples or evidence of this?

    12. Desirée Elveljung, 2020

      More APA than MLA form (just need author's last name and no date)

    13. My second source is

      see my earlier comment about not organizing your draft around source but rather organize your draft around ideas, supported by sources. See the difference?

    14. Geek masculinity is aligned with geeky or nerdy interests like comic books and video games while also being entrenched in heteronormative and patriarchal ideas of gender and sexuality, and is threatened by the presence of those deemed to be “others” the gamergate supporters felt women and minorities were taking over their space and their identities as gamers so they resorted to what they knew best which was to trash talk and “troll” them. The gamergate supporters were mostly white men they did not have anything to fight for except for video games, minorities have to fight for racial equality, gender equality, and sexual equality, the white men didn’t need to fight for equality so they latched onto video games and defended it with all their might, they felt as if minorities were taking away the one thing they had as an identity. This led to us-versus-them mentality “Opinions expressed by GamerGate supporters, as shown in previous literature, often mirror those of right-wing extremists; namely, the “us versus them” mentality of feeling disenfranchised, as well as the opinion that their community largely made up of white men had been “invaded” by women and people of colour” (Ashley Peckford, 2020)

      Is this all one long quotation? Hard to tell. If it is, please be more selective and integrate source material into your own writing?

    15. The gamers who participated in gamergate with congregate and many different websites three of the most popular websites they would use are 4chan, 8chan, and Reddit they would also use Twitter but mostly to attack minority gamers and journalists. T

      Please break up this long paragraph for your reader's sake

    16. he stereotypical group of gamers

      have you defined these?

    17. since games


    18. Gamergate is an important yet shameful period for The gaming community

      I'm having trouble getting what this scandal is about: are you assuming that your reader knows? I sense the need for some context here: slow things down, okay? Who is your intended reader?

    19. My first source for this research paper

      I recommend starting with a true topic sentence--the big idea of the paragraph--rather than let the source dominate your draft's structure. Know the difference?

    20. But most women do not play games online and even less of them play with a mic on and when they do play with mic on the male gamers feel as if they’re taking over the space.

      will you be focusing on sexism among gamers? I want you to be clear from the start as to what your focus will be

    21. play video games, however that

      edit for punctuation: comma faults, here and elsewhere

    22. Call of duty lobby

      Call of Duty

    23. So then why hasn’t this problem been fixed yet,

      please be mindful of your purpose?

    24. is “why

      is, "Why is the gaming . . . .?

    25. Bibliography

      Works Cited

      A list of Works Cited is different from a bibliography--do you see why?

      Please alphabetize list

    26. Peckford, Ashley. “Right Wing Extremism in a Video Game Community? A Qualitative Content Analysis Exploring the Discourse of the Reddit GamerGate Community r/KotakuInAction.” A Closer Look in Unusual Times: Criminological Perspectives from Crim 862, Crim 862, 2020, p. 180. Google Scholar, https://www.sfu.ca/~palys/ACloserLookInUnusualTimes-2020-HR.pdf#page=71.

      Is this source peer reviewed? how do you know? Please use databases to make sure you have peer reviewed sources (three). Interview?

    27. and my introduction paragraph


    28. Yes it did it reminded me of short assignment four, five and six

      anything before this class?

    1. Given the logic of the previous statement, that being “menial/unimportant work is most often postponed”, any student should begin to dismantle the pile immediately.

      please cite source

    2. Why do we, and especially students, procrastinate?

      first time I've seen this question

    3. Breig, Zachary and Gibson, Matthew and Shrader, Jeffrey, Why Do We Procrastinate? Present Bias and Optimism (August 27, 2020). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3445511 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3445511

      Works Cited

      One source only? This is concerning. You will need three peer reviewed sources from databases and an interview not to mention two additional popular web sources

    4. I’ve done properly cited research documents before, but not for English classes, and not on this particular subject. When writing this, I’ve built it mostly upon first and second hand knowledge. What I’ve described so far, I’ve deduced from what I myself have experienced, and what my classmates and friends have told me about their school life. I did this to make a more solid introduction before diving into the research. So far, I am focusing on building upon my essay rather than revising it

      Please follow the postwrite template

    1. Believe in yourself, you’re stronger than you think. 

      who is your intended audience in this essay?

    2.  Reaching out to your primary doctor or a mental health professional is critical to getting the help needed. 

      remember your purpose

    3. to your

      why the shift to "your"?

    4. Gale Ebook

      I believe you may be relying on this one source too much

    5. Depression is an umbrella for a few different categories. Major depressive disorder is “defined by the American Psychiatric Association as characterized by dysphoric mood and/or loss of interest or pleasure in all or nearly all activities, plus at least four other symptoms (i.e., sleep problems, appetite disturbance, fatigue, psychomotor agitation or retardation, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, difficulty concentrating or making decisions, recurrent thoughts of death or suicide), that occur during most of the day, nearly every day, for at least two weeks and with significant impairment in social or occupational functioning”

      as useful as this quotation is, I'd recommend avoid quoting at length like this but instead be more selective and offer your thoughtful commentaruy

    6. Menopause, pregnancy, postpartum are all linked to depression but alone do not cause the disorder. According to the Mayo Clinic, this can include eating disorders, anxiety, and drug or alcohol abuse. Men often turn to drugs or alcohol to try to forget or deal with their conditions. A major difference between the two genders experiencing depression is that for men the emotions that are felt often include rage, anger, irritation, aggressiveness. For women, it is more common for them to experience those feelings of intense sadness. For men, the symptoms they feel are more physical as opposed to emotional. These physical symptoms can include tightness of chest, headaches, rapid heart rate.

      interesting but please cite source in sentence in which borrowing occurs

    7. Men and women experience each aspect of depression distinctively.

      good clear topic sentence

    8.  “Interpersonal vulnerability to depression is characterized by impaired social skills, interpersonal dependency, and social inhibition” (Gale Ebooks).

      please use signal phrase and cite author's last name

    9. When analyzing depression, it is believed that “individuals who have negative beliefs about themselves, the world, and their future, and who have a tendency to make global, stable, and internal attributions for negative events, are more likely to become depressed when confronted with stressors than are individuals without such negative beliefs”

      you use this quotation well but I might suggest supplying your own topic sentence as your first sentence in the paragraph

    10. t is a condition that we still have much more to learn about.  

      indeed--good point

    11. Globally, over 264 million people suffer from depression.

      cite source

    12. Gale Ebooks

      cite author's last name only?

    13. disappear right after, these

      edit for comma fault (using comma like period), here and elsewhere

    14. Works Cited 


    15. Hidaka, Brandon H. “Depression as a Disease of Modernity: Explanations for Increasing Prevalence.” Journal of Affective Disorders, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Nov. 2012, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3330161/. 

      this may count as one of your three peer reviewed articles but I urge you to use databases to make sure.

    16. constructing my writing to deliver logic, emotion, credibility, and authority. That being logos, pathos, and ethos. 

      please elaborate on how you've done this

    17. apture the reader’s

      who was your intended audience?

    1. t action games improved more than puzzle games.

      what improved?

    2. In ScienceDaily’s Article, they tested specificully action games instead of puzzles.

      since this is an outline rather than an essay transitions are of course missing

    3. The only issue with this is that There aren’t a whole lot of sources saying thi

      why include this if sources aren't sufficient or credible?

    4. If puzzle games make the brain less cognitive could make logical sense.

      not a sentence

    5. As show in the PsychCentral article

      As shown. . . Please say more

    6. Sources:

      Works Cited Pretty good MLA form But needs three peer reviewed sources from articles and an interview. Please alphabetize.

    7. Postwrite: I got rid of the outline because I stopped using it but I kept the Roman numerals to keep it organized. In the postwrite about the previous draft I added a sentence about physical testing and applied some transitions.

      Incomplete. Please follow the postwrite template.

    1. for setting fires that followed him into early adulthood. 

      with what consequences?

    2. Johnny McFloppycakes

      include in Works Cited

    3. tating, “…western entertainment media provide a distorted portrait of the properties of fire…” and that the flawed representation of fire in the media, coupled with the stunted ability to master fire, is what causes obsession with fire in adult and late adolescent years. 

      interesting: can you elaborate on the cultural aspects?

    4. “A Burning Desire: Steps Toward an Evolutionary Psychology of Fire Learning,

      I didn't mention this earlier but you might leave the titles for your Works Cited list and use merely the authors' name here in text.

    5. participants who scored higher in prosocial behaviors like empathy and altruism.” This means that people who are more socially connected may be more affected by fire, and therefore more attracted to it.  The article also suggests that we developed an affinity for sitting by fires because it is where our ancestors were able to socialize because they felt safe there.

      This seems to be taking us into a different direction. Does it belong in this paragraph? Does it confuse cause with effect?

    6. Lynn finds that “…hearth and campfires induce relaxation…” in those who both see and hear a crackling fire.

      good use of source and nicely embedded in your sentence

    7. there is also a physical reason we are attracted to them


    8. Perhaps it is cultural – many shows and movies glorify fire and its properties. Most likely, though, there are many reasons why humans have an innate fascination with fire.

      all interesting possibilities

    9. Works Cited

      no interview? one more peer reviewed article?

    10. Lynn, Christopher D. “Hearth and Campfire Influences on Arterial Blood Pressure: Defraying the Costs of the Social Brain through Fireside Relaxation.” PubMed, 11 Nov. 2014, doi:25387270.

      good to see this peer reviewed source from database and good MLA form