- Jan 2020
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
is predicated on non-trivial coverage in reliable sources, and there is plenty of that here
Coverage Reliable sources
Wikipedia: Notability (person) Notable
Her notability doesn't hinge on whether she was the principal person behind the the images
This article is much better than many others about non-notable academics!
Non-notable academics
this is good indication that the Bouman article is notable
Prominent coverage is primarily due to a facebook photo that went viral.
per WP:1E
the press should not have covered her work is original research
Press Covered Original research
the subject meets criterion 7 under NACADEMIC due to the press coverage
Criterion (policy) Notable Press coverage
adjust her article to reflect the analysis—in reputable secondary sources—about how the media singled her out as the "hero".
Secondary sources Media
Her story *should* be on Wikipedia
Bouman has probably been covered in the news in every country in the world
Covered News
She is obviously notable enough to have a profile on here
And the Washington Post story shifts gears from her role in the black hole image to online trolling focused around her,
(Press) story Trolling
There's now tons of in-depth coverage specifically about her
Wikipedia: Notability Wikipedia: Notability (academics) Notable
There is no evidence that she is a "key component"
Easily notable
list of Academics and educators-related deletion discussions
Academics and educators-related deletion discussions
list of Women-related deletion discussions.
Women-related deletion discussions
list of Science-related deletion discussions.
Science-related deletion discussions
We cover what reliable sources cover.
Cover Reliable source
Something like that would almost be worth an article itself.
I don't see the policy basis for keeping this page
doesn't satisfy WP:NACADEMIC
Wikipedia: Notability (academics) Notable
Where do the sources say that she is tenured?
her tenured position at CalTech was announced before the media frenzy this week
I don't support deletion of the article, but the importance of the mediatic coverage and her implication in the M*87 black hole should be explicit as “member of a collaboration of 200 researchers”
Don't you think that this position is a consequence of this mediatic coverage?
She's been featured in almost all coverage
There were at least 200 people with comparable roles and dozens of people with much more notable roles in this event.
These are guidelines, not policy, and based on the amount of publicity she's receiving, I see no reason why Wikipedia shouldn't have a well-sourced article on her.
Policy Publicity Well-sourced article
she isn't actually credited with any notable accomplishments herself.
only in the context of WP:1E
there are many reliable sources providing significant coverage of her personally.
Reliable sources
Bouman's not right for Wikipedia because she "is certainly not notable as a scientist",
Any relevant material can be mentioned there
of WP:1E
Wikipedia: Notability (people). Notable
Someone who isn't even an assistant professor is certainly not notable as a scientist.
Notable as a scientist
Wikipedia:Notability is not inherited.
The Event Horizon Telescope project is notable in itself, and has its own article, but anyone who are in some way (remotely) associated with it are not inherently notable.
mutabit.com mutabit.comBliki1
Technosocial bootstrapping of solarpunk futures for/from the Global South Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
Entrada compartida en el Data Roda 38, sobre futuros solar punk.
- Dec 2019
docutopia.tupale.co docutopia.tupale.co
Ejemplo de comentario: hay que corregir la fecha
6.3alineshaktifranzke, Feminist Research Ethics(explicitly taking up feminist ethics and ethics of care)
Ética de investigación feminista y éticas del cuidado.
Internet Research: Ethical Guidelines 3.0Association of Internet Researchers
Guías éticas para la investigación en Internet
es.theanarchistlibrary.org es.theanarchistlibrary.org
a su producción descentralizada, horizontal, colaborativa y solidaria, máscerca estaremos como sociedad de saber gobernarnos de manera autónomasin la necesidad de relaciones de vigilancia y castigo o de un soberano quesepa cuáles son nuestras necesidades y nuestros beneficios.
Me gusta mucho esta frase de cierre.
muy frecuente en amplios sectores de la población en el sigloXXI)
Realmente no. Cerca de la mitad de la humanidad no tiene acceso a Internet.
Esta red no es, como muchos piensan, un ente extraño que estáen todos lados y en ninguno, oalgoquetienenen la costa oeste de EstadosUnidos, en Silicon Valley; sino una red construida por varias redes en todoel mundo organizada de manera horizontal, federada y descentralizada.
Esto podría ser discutible, pero se me hace que deberíamos verlo como un derecho que debe cuidarse, es decir: no está dado y es eterno per se, sino que debe tratar de mantenerse.
Anarquismo y edición como base deun proyecto político-culturalMauricio Gómez
Trabajo de maestría de Mauricio.
- Nov 2019
wiki2.nomono.co wiki2.nomono.co
Wikipedia neutralizes its content by distinguishing(p.152)two layers: a visible layer of consensus backed up by an invisible yet accessible layer of discussion and a heterogeneous interpretation on the History and edit pages
La forma de la neutralización de contenido en Wikipedia.
But how separate or “sovereign” is this space? Can a nonprofit enclave of neutrality exist when it is woven into the corporate fabric of connective media? And how does the ideology of neutrality and objectivity relate to the sharing logic and popularity rankings fostered by Facebook and Google? In short, how does Wikipedia hold up in a culture of connectivity where the default is on frictionless sharing and data mining?
Es sorprendente que esta plataforma no se base en el usufructo de la privacidad de sus usuarios, como sí lo hacen la gran mayoría de grandes compañías.
Arbitration Committee
Alguna vez leí algo sobre este comité en los artículos que Núria me pasó.
Sociologist Christian Pentzold (2011: 718) articulates this very precisely in his ethnographic study of Wikipedia users when he observes that contributors do “not only have to learn to use the software tools, but they also have to acquire the appropriate beliefs, values
Aprender las normas comunitarias más que las herramientas.
The NPoV rule is thus a guiding principle for building a functional apparatus, but that apparatus simultaneously shapes the meaning of neutrality as the “average opinion” or “shared interpretation.”
¿Qué significa neutralidad?
Third-party apps, like the WikiScanner, make it possible to geo-locate anonymous edits by looking up the IP addresses in an IP-to-Geo database, a listing of IP addresses and the companies and institutions they belong to, and track a potential interest
Pueden ubicarse las ediciones anónimas en Wikipedia.
Third, articles have to be written from a “Neutral Point of View” (NPoV);
Punto de vista neutral
A second related rule is called “No Original Research.” Wikipedia simply does not accept new or unpublished research or original thought
Sin investigaciones originales (al ser una fuente secundaria)
First, the rule of verifiability means that readers have to be able to retrace Wikipedia content to reliable sources
Contenido verificable
over 16 percent of all edits in Wikipedia were made by bots, a number that is still growing (Geiger and Ribes2010: 119).
En 2010 el 16% de las ediciones fueron hechas por bots. Sorprendente.
bots obtain their own user page
No sabía que los bosts tenían su propia página de usuario. Esto es bastante interesante porque la interacción no es sólo entre humanos, sino también humano máquina y tal vez máquina máquina.
we find bots, administrators, bureaucrats, and stewards; developers and system administrators take the highest positions
La jerarquía de Wikipedia
Did Wikipedia need specialists(p.136)to contribute entries on one specific area, or were generalists who could write about different areas more valuable to the site? As it turned out, researchers proved that the site needs both types of input. Whereas specialists boost the site’s quality level, generalists are crucial to the connective fabric of the encyclopedia, as they tend to make more linksbetweendomains (Halatchliyski et al.2010)
Se necesitan especialistas y generalistas en la enciclopedia.
Various researchers noted this dramatic shift in workload, but instead of endorsing the wisdom-of-crowds cliché, Kittur and colleagues (2007) researched “the rise of the bourgeoisie”: a marked growth in the population of low-edit users.
De la sabiduría de las masas al nacimiento de la burguesía
Until 2006, Wikipedia was largely written and maintained by a core of dedicated editors—2 percent doing 73 percent of all edits.
Un pequeño grupo base haciendo gran cantidad deel trabajo. Muy familiar en comunidades de práctica.
For instance, how does Wikipedia’s consensual apparatus relate to the ideology of sharing, as professed by Facebook and others? How does the platform’s ideology of neutrality compare to the logic of popularity ingrained in Google’s ranking(p.134)mechanisms? And how can Wikipedia hold up its nonprofit status in a network of media conglomerates that are overwhelmingly driven by the profit motive?
Algunas preguntas interesantes.
To many, Wikipedia is one of the few examples of what Yochai Benkler (2006: 5) has called “nonmarket peer-production” in an otherwise overwhelmingly corporate digital environment
Producción de pares de no-mercado, según Yoachi Benkler.
online knowledge construction
Knowledge construction is a key concept.
hierarchical content management system
Wikipedia tiene un sistema de gestión jerárquico de contenido.
Wikipedia and the Neutrality Principle
Capítulo de libro, por José van Dijck
glamlabs.pubpub.org glamlabs.pubpub.org
International GLAM Labs Community
Open GLAM Lab
wiki2.nomono.co wiki2.nomono.co
This suggests that conflictual games’moving-on does not rely on sustainedconversations (because participants disagree anyway) but relies on convincing the auth-ority.
One with power and others trying to convince him/her and that's it.
Because ofthis inability to change the rules, debates thus centre on two other areas: the interpretationof these rules and the discovery of evidence to satisfy (e.g., notability) criteria.
Lo que se juega en la discusión.
The consultation/enforcement mode suggests the pragmatic side of a game in which theactual manifestation as a site of independent yet transparent lobbying efforts, deviatesfrom its original setup as a site of discussion.
How consultation/enforcement works
Because closing admins are not bound to appeal to the majority, they havethe power to decide regardless of how many deleters or retainers incidentally
Como si fuera mucho poder en unas pocas manos.
In the discussion game, editors par-ticipate in AfD discussions in a way that is similar to other online asynchronous chats(although lonely“discussions”with only one comment are also common)
How discussion works
Thisalso shows a practical side to AfD discussions—the aim is not so much about convincingothers. It is about convincing the authority.
Una de mis hipótesis es que es la comunidad quien debate y el bibliotecario (administrador) quien ejecuta. Esto podría rebatir esa hipótesis.
A keydifference here with casual synchronous chats is that AfD is confrontational:
Like "one side against others"
The problem is that WP:AIRCRASH is an“advice on article content,”52not a guideline.
Claro, aquí lo dicen:This page is an essay on article content. It contains the advice and/or opinions of one or more WikiProjects on how the content policies may be interpreted within their area of interest.
This WikiProject advice page is not a formal Wikipedia policy or guideline, as it has not been thoroughly vetted by the community.
two language games—consultation/enforcement and discussion
Language games
Also, some“dis-cussions”are not interactive—in the case when participants are all talking to the closingadmin rather than to each other
Sounds like there are no discussion
frame discussions
What if the frame is more flexible? That can decide the future of the whole article.
cascading arguments,
Esto me parece muy fuerte.
But manyfirst movers are more aggressive
Aggresive == male?
Based mostly on signals, thisfirst move thus sounds personal rather than analytical.This is in line with Wikipedia’s spirit—consensus—but is also problematic on behalf ofCassidy03’s deletion cause.
"...sounds personal rather than analytical". That's very interesting because it's a subjective argument.
A deleter can start with a short comment
Short comment for a first move
inFigure 1.
En los validadores externos se puede ver lo que julio me sugirió: buscamos referentes en una sociedad que históricamente no ha documentado las obras y vidas de las mujeres, por lo tanto ¿cómo vamos a reflejarlo en la enciclopedia?
Here,“institutionalized rules”refers to the citation of Wikipedia rules to establish legiti-macy.
Explicación de cada uno de las 4 categorías.
Free style operationalization
Me gusta como presenta las premisas a analizar en el párrafo siguiente: 5a es una premisa, 5b es la siguiente y 5c la conclusión.
1a] PerWP:NEO; this
El enlace está roto, aquí el enlace correcto.
Thefirst phase revealed four broad categories of discursive resources that editors oftenuse: institutionalized rules (Wikipedia policies/guidelines), external validators, free styleoperationalization, and signals
Estos podrían ser los motivos a los que se refiere Núria.
Data from the AfD discussion pages was collected from June 1, 2013 to June 21, 2013 (thefirst phase)
Recolecta dicsuciones de artículos de borrado en 20 días.
My analysis will adopt part of this critical orientation by focusingon thepower relationsbetween editors in their choice of utterance during AfD discussions.
Analiza las relaciones de poder. Creo que pronto llegaré a Foucault.
My method of choice is discourse analysis
Methodology: discourse analysis.
For the purpose of differentiation, I shall call thepersons of the actdeletersandretainers
Definición de las corrientes de bibliotecarios en Wikipedia
Previousstudies of Wikipedia’s article deletion processes have shown that the lack of indicationof importance alone is the most important commonly used criterion for speedyCOMMUNICATION AND CRITICAL/CULTURAL STUDIES307
La falta de importancia es el criterio de borrado rápido por excelencia.
Finally, AfD discussions are conflictual.
Las discusiones de los artículos para borrado son conflictivos
Second,none of its participants can be certain as to what the rules of each languagegame are
Reglas del juego del lenguaje
First, thereisnoclearboundaryastowhoisaninsiderandwhoisanoutsiderand,ifthereisaboundary, there is high mobility between the inside and the outside (and vice versa)
Adentro y afuera de Wikipedia
I will conceptualize Wikipedia editors’online exchanges as amovein a“language game,”acentral concept of Wittgenstein’s view on language as social actions
Concepto: Editor (bibliotecario) de Wikipedia. Movimiento en el concepto de lenguaje como acción social de Wittgenstein.
As we shall see, much of the debate centres onthe interpretation of the“notability guideline”(WP:Notability),20which decideswhether topics should be included in this gigantic encyclopedia
Claro, la interpretación e lo que significa "notoriedad" puede ser muy subjetiva.
We have movedaway from mass reception to a supposed age of microinteractions and reinstitutionaliza-tion of civil space.
Microinteracciones y espacio civil.
Editors of newspapers and magazines constantly engage in the selection and silencing ofinformation in terms of choosing what to publish. This, in effect, sets a boundary betweenknowledge and“nonknowledge
Establecimiento de jerarquías.
Negotiating boundaries of knowledge: Discourseanalysis of Wikipedia's Articles for Deletion (AfD)discussion
Sobre la toma de decisiones de borrado en Wikipedia.
research.birmingham.ac.uk research.birmingham.ac.uk
The first two pairs (New Orleans and Dhaka, Metro Manila and Medellin) unpack the inequitable impacts of specific infrastructure and spatial planning interventions.
Medellín attack the problem using infrastructures and spacial planning intervention (top-down decisions).
two pairs (Santiago and Jakarta, Boston and Surat) highlight procedural equity implications of decision-making approaches that exclude the poor or rely on private sector action
This group attack the problem analyzing the decision making process (down-top, or at least giving more tools to under represented groups).
Future adaptation plans must critically considerthe distribution of adaptation benefits, costs, and responsibilities across society, address unsustainable and inequitable development patterns, and apply interventions that – at a minimum – treat groups equally regardless of socio-economic status or – better yet – actively prioritize beneficial outcomes for disadvantaged and vulnerable groups
I think there is a challenge here: how can the disadvantaged and vulnerable groups (under represented) have a sit in the table if those who choose the decision makers are not the under represented?
However, privatization of responsibilities is also incentivizingrent-seeking behavior over the city’s infrastructure and public services. Their experiences showthat institutionalization of adaptation through public-private partnerships or private networks can sometimes yield exclusionary behaviors
At the end: exclusionary behaviors
Participation and inclusion of the most marginalized remain peripheral to adaptation planning
At the end there is a lot to do with under-represented communities.
Equity Impacts of Urban Land Use Planning forClimate Adaptation
Lectura para el seminario, presentada por Kaitlin Strange.
biblioteca.uoc.edu biblioteca.uoc.edu
Units of analysis, then, are those things we examine in arder to create summary descriptions of ali such units and to explain differences among them
Definition of units of analysis
Units of Analysis
Definition of units of analysis
biblioteca.uoc.edu biblioteca.uoc.edu
A given variable can sornetimes be measured at different levels. When in doubt, researchers should use the highest leve! of rneasurement ap-propriate to that variable so they can capture the greatest amount of information.
The Importance of Variable Names
Conceptions, Concepts, and Reality
Defining concepts
www.scribbr.com www.scribbr.com
Checklist: Theoretical Framework
Use this checklist with your theoretical framework.
Concepts often have multiple definitions, so the theoretical framework involves clearly defining what you mean by each term
It's to know exactly what we mean using a specific concept.
In your thesis or dissertation, the theoretical framework is where you define, discuss and evaluate theories relevant to your research problem.
It's a place for definitions, right?
www.scribbr.com www.scribbr.com
Sample theoretical framework
Sample theoretical framework
www.uoc.edu www.uoc.edu
Normativa acadèmica dels estudis de doctorat de la UOC
Reglamento de la U
femrecerca.cat femrecerca.cat
Investigación educativa. Una competencia profesional para la intervención
El libro publicado por Julio.
www.tdx.cat www.tdx.cat
Internet, escola i comunitat en el trànsit cap a la societat xarxa. La incorporació d’internet al sistema educatiu de Catalunya per al desenvolupament comunitari Meneses Naranjo, Julio
La tesis de Julio
www.tdx.cat www.tdx.cat
Towards a personalised virtual library: Indications from navigational and personal information behaviour of e-learning students Ferran i Ferrer, Núria
La tesis de Núria. Su director es Mario Pérez-Montoro Gutiérrez.
matt.might.net matt.might.net
The illustrated guide to a Ph.D
Un regalo de Julio sobre lo que implica hacer un doctorado.
es.wikipedia.org es.wikipedia.org
Este usuario incluye los artículos de la Enciclopedia Encarta que se propone incluir en Wikipedia. En el listado de paso podría verse el balance de género que pueda tener la Encarta.
En este enlace de Google Scholar se puede ver quien cita el artículo y llegar a más fuentes.
Deletion discussions in Wikipedia: decision factors and outcomes
Artículo del 2012 sobre discusiones de borrado en Wikipedia. El PDF no puede ser comentadio con Hypothesis :-(
es.wikipedia.org es.wikipedia.org
Mercedes del Carmen Guillén Vicente
Este artículo se sometió dos veces a borrado. Al final quedó publicado.
Wikipedia:Consultas de borrado/Mercedes del Carmen Guillén Vicente
Ejemplo de una discusión sobre el borrado de un artículo de una mujer.
es.wikipedia.org es.wikipedia.org
Personas por sexo
Categoría que contiene las categorías de géneros en Wikipedia en castellano.
Mujeres (10 cat, 73348 págs.)
Aquí se pueden revisar cuántos artículos hay en la categoría de acuerdo al género.
es.wikipedia.org es.wikipedia.org
Este es argumento falaz denominado generalización apresurada. La relevancia enciclopédica de cada artículo debe discutirse per se, es decir, por sí mismo. Exceptuando analogías obvias cada hecho, objeto o personaje tiene su propia trascendencia y debe ser analizado por ella, no por la de otro o por la de la del género al que pertenece.
Sobre los argumentos de borrado y el género.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Category:Articles for deletion
Categoría de borrado en Wikipedia en inglés
es.wikipedia.org es.wikipedia.org
Historial de las consultas de borrado de Wikipedia en castellano.
es.wikipedia.org es.wikipedia.org
Categoría:Wikipedia:Consultas de borrado
Listado de las consultas de borrado de Wikipedia
- Oct 2019
biblioteca.uoc.edu biblioteca.uoc.edu
Conceptualization is the process of specifying observations and measurements that give concepts definite meaning for the purposes of a research study.
What is conceptualization? The way to give meaning to a concept for the ressearch.
Concepts are constructs; they represent the agreed-on meanings we assign to terms
Concepts represent agreements
Concepts are mental irnages we use as sumrnary devices for bringing together observations and experiences that seem to have something in corn-mon. We use terms or labels to reference these concepts
What is a concept? Mental images.
Conceptualization, Operationalization, and Measurement
Conceptualization, Operationalization, and Measurement: an essencial part of this process involves transforming the relatively vague terms of ordinary language into precise objects of study with wel-defined and measurable meanings
biblioteca.uoc.edu biblioteca.uoc.edu
Research Design
Research design
www.scribbr.com www.scribbr.com
The theoretical framework: what and how?
The theoetical framework
www.ala.org www.ala.org
Sobre derecho de autor en EEUU
ddhhlalegua.files.wordpress.com ddhhlalegua.files.wordpress.com
Cuando miremos la cara al soldado digámosle ¿usted no es igual que yo?,
Llamado a "desotrar" al otro.
El despertar no tiene que morir nunca más! hasta que volvamos a ser seres humanos
Es un llamado al humanismo.
“salgamos a las calles, hagamos líopor una sociedad justa, fraterna y compasiva”
El fin es la justicia, fraternidad y compasión.
Es el grito que recorre desde Yemen, el pueblo kurdo hasta la Araucanía, metiéndose hastalas entrañas amazónicasindígenas. Ellos que nos enseñan que todos somos responsables de la casa común, hijos de la tierra, del agua y del sol, que protegen su entorno y que se deben a su gracia. Danos la sabiduría de SalomónSeñor, para escuchar a los últimos de nuestra sociedad, a las víctimas de la sociedad de mercado, responsables también de la destrucción de la casa común.
Los que pagan el pato.
agarraría a todos los acordeonistas y guitarristas e invitaría a bailar a la gente,
El arte como forma de resistencia
de misas convencionales
Es entrar en piloto automático en la profesión: no responder a las necesidades de una comunidad, sino hacer "lo que se debe hacer" independientemente si sirve o no.
¿Qué les pasa a los pastores de Chile?
De hecho parece que en todas las profesiones hay un silencio generalizado. ¿Por qué?
hasta que no se convierta aJesucristo.
El escritor es católico.
los pacos
¿Los Pacos?
Me gusta esta palabra, es muy chilena. Es el nombre de un disco de Los Tres.
¡El despertar no tiene que morir nunca más!
Sobre la situación en Chile en Octubre de 2019
Do not use obviously feminine names, such as SuzyQ or Pam I Am. Do not use feminine titles like Miss, Ms, or Mrs. Do not incorporate hobbies, interests, family status, religious affiliation, etc. For example, Knit Nut, Fairly Feminist, and Lovemykids are not the best usernames if you want to avoid Wikipedia gender-based harassment.
Esto podría sugerir que hay que "camuflar" el género en Wikipedia para que sea más fácil ser aceptado en la comunidad y que las ediciones se mantengan. Si bien no es explícito, podría sugerir que la ambigüedad es un factor para no ser eliminado o que hay que aparentar no ser mujer.
wiki2.nomono.co wiki2.nomono.co
He dedicado esta ponencia a la memoria de Rossana Brinati, bibliotecaria que nos ha dejado recientemente y que, para orgullo de todos y todas nosotras ha organizado el centro de documentación del CEDLA, uno que no solo tenía bien organizado, catalogado, clasificado, indizado y digitalizado su fondo, sino también analizado.
Entiendo, claro, no se trata sólo de organizar una colección, sino de analizarla para saber cómo hacerla crecer y enriquecerla.
Porque como bien concluyen estos autores, “Si los profesionales en ciencias de la información estamos informados por el pensamiento crítico sobre la construcción de ciudadanía, no hay nada mejor que enseñar con el ejemplo”, o, en otras palabras, si creemos en el acceso a la información como parte del ejercicio de los derechos ciudadanos, enseñemos con el ejemplo.
No puedo creer que estas palabras estén resonando en este texto. Es un gran orgullo para mí esta referencia, muchas gracias Virginia.
Por eso de enseñar con el ejemplo surgen iniciativas como Bibliotecarios Al Senado.
los bibliotecarios David Ramirez y Virginia Simon(2018)
¡Virginia citó mi texto!
valorar las experiencias cartoneras,
He escuchado de esto en varios lugares, pero lo desconozco. Debería buscar de qué se trata.
Todo puede y debe ser reflexionado
Una vida no examinada no merece la pena ser vivida Sócrates
Pero queda de lado, además, el carácter de ciudadano de los bibliotecarios, profesionales o no, que no ejercensu derecho al pensamiento
Para mi mi misión como bibliotecario es fomentar la ciudadanía crítica. Aquí se cometería una doble falta bajo mi enfoque misional, porque no sólo no se permite a la comunidad su construcción de ciudadanía crítica sino que el mismo bibliotecario, además de cómplice, no ejerce su principal labor: el derecho a pensar.
Y es que el pecado de estas dos instituciones fue y es ponerse “del otro lado”, del lado de las bibliotecas no neutrales, del lado de las que ofrecen información especializada y analizada, de las que creen en el acceso libre a la información
Acceso puede implicar también análisis, que por supuesto es un acto político.
¿Qué significa esto?
Como bibliotecaria, es decir, como lectora
Este es el mismo planteamiento de Silvia Castrillón, que parece obvio, pero en muchos casos no se cumple: los bibliotecarios ~no leen~ no leemos y necesitamos hacer algo para evitar esto.
No es que la experiencia de Rumania o la de Chuquisaca no sean valiosas, pero destacadas de ese modo, le quitan a la actividad bibliotecaria su relación con lasociedad.
Nuestra profesión está desconectada de la realidad, como también siento que pasa con la educación y asimismo con la educación en ciencia de la información y bibliotecología.
frontera petrolera y energética, mediante la explotación de gas y petróleo no convencional, con la tan cuestionada metodología extractivista de la fractura hidráulica o fracking.
Grave. En Colombia también andamos promoviendo el fraking. Una lástima.
Es decir, ¿se trata de lograr la seguridad alimentaria y mejorar la nutrición a costa de los bosques?
...como si los recursos fueran infinitos.
Pero debido a que me han pedido esta ponencia en medio del fuego, el que incendia nuestra Chiquitanía, he detenido mi lectura en los ODS referidos al medio ambiente, esperando encontrar ejemplos de cómo relacionar el quehacer bibliotecario con la lucha por el medio ambiente.
Esta debería ser una pregunta recurrente: ¿cómo desde nuestra profesión solucionamos los problemas de nuestra sociedad?
Extractivismo e información: los límites del desarrollo
De Virginia Ayllón, presentado en el Congreso de Bolivia de 2019
wiki2.nomono.co wiki2.nomono.co
Estudio Crews en detalle
Libro de Ediciones 098
biblioteca.uoc.edu biblioteca.uoc.edu
It is generally agreed that literature surveys and descriptive compilations do not meet the contribution-to-knowledge re-quirement for the dissertation
What is not accepted.
Positivist versus postpositivist.
My research is postpositivist
Experimental versus descriptive.
My research is going to be descriptive.
Quantitative versus qualitative.
My research is qualitative.
NEW OR IMPROVED ANALYSIS Analysis may be based on existing evidence or include new data.
Maybe my research leads in this way, but I think is more the previous one.
The evidence may be collected by an experiment, simulation, observations, questionnaire, interviews, or measurements.
Maybe my research goes in this way: new or improved evidence.
The additive contribution of a dissertation may arise from 1. new or improved evidence; 2. new or improved methodology; 3. new or improved analysis; 4. new or improved concepts or theories.
Four kind of contributions
The dissertation should be based on a significant question, problem, or hypothesis.
The power of a good question. That's why we need to learn how and what to ask.
Different approaches to testing of important results. If a researcher has reported interesting results with one research technique and a given research population, a doctoral student may consider replicating the experiment, altering either the research technique or the research population.
Open science and reproductible science is key here.
Writers of disserta-tions commonly describe further research that needs to be done.
Work on the results of others.
If there is likely to be a continuing interest, either academically or otherwise on the topic, then a student can continué to maintin scholarly capability in the área and continué to be a significant authority on the subject.
This is like Bret Victor's Inventing on principle and the question is: what is your principle?
A research project will typicaliy have more than one potential outcome. For example, a research experiment may fail to dis-prove the nuil hypothesis, it may disprove it, or it may be incon-clusive.
A database of unsuccessful cases is a good thing to have too.
The exploratory investigation, definition of problem, and writing normally take about half of the total time.
I can use this to measure my time.
If no theory base can be identified, the topic should be rejected
Theory is mandatory
Observations lead to theory to classify, explain, and predict the observations.
Sounds like grounded theory, or at least the prediction is something very useful.
Research needed and interesting
Why my research is needed and interesting?
In reading dissertations, the student should begin to formúlate a general understanding of the structure and scope of a disserta-tion, and the meaning of contribution to knowledge as applied to doctoral dissertations.
Structure and scope.
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. To summarize: Your aim is to explain 1. what you are writing about —I am working on the topic of... 2. what you don't know about it—because / want tofind out... 3. why you want your reader to know and care about it—m order to help my reader understand better...
Short and sweet.
add a second indirect question that explains why you asked your first question.
Here is the so what? in the sentence you are building.
When you add that because I want tofind out how/why/whether clause, you state why you are pursuing your topic: to answer a question important to you.
Back to the beginning: a question important to you.
because I want to find out who/what/when/where/whether/ why/how .
This is the flavour: the indirect question.
start by naming your project:
Put a name to that baby.
Miles Davis was right.
If you are an experienced researcher, look for questions that other researchers ask but don't answer.
Remember: the idea is to make it interesting. It can lead you where nobody else knows.
How does your topic fit into the context of a larger structure or function as part of a larger system?
Structure and composition.
Ask about the History of Your Topic
History of the topic
So the best way to begin working on your focused topic is not to find all the information you can on it, but to formúlate questions that direct you to just that information you need to answer them
What is my question to find information?
If a writer asks no specific question worth asking, he can offer no specific answer worth supporting.
The power of the questions.
Caution: Don't narrow your topic so much that you can't find information on it
Where to stop while you are narrowing.
We narrowed those topics by adding words and phrases, but of a special kind: conflict, description, contribution, and developing. Those nouns are derived from verbs expressing actions or relation-ships: to conflict, to describe, to contribute, and to develop. Lacking such "action" words, your topic is a .static thing.
Be careful: you need words that describes actions.
A topic is probably too broad if you can state it in four or five words
How to narrow a topic.