- Sep 2021
www.ccthita.org www.ccthita.org
When it came up in the Senate, a two hour Jiscussion followed where it was violently opposed by Allen Shattuck. "Far from being brought closer together, which will result from this bill," he said, "the races should be kept further apart. Who are these people, barely out of savagery, who want to associate with us whites with 5,000 years of recorded civilization behind us?" Senator Frank Whaley, a bush pilot and gold mmer from Fairbanks, also opposed the bill. Declaring chat he had an amendment to propose to the measure, Whaley read a lengthy pre, pared address co the assembly. He labeled the mea, sure "a la\\'yer's dream and a natural in creating hard feelings between whites and natives." Whaley said he did not want to sic next to an Eskimo in a theater, they smelled. Declaring their opposition to the law, unless amended, Senators Tolber Scott and Grenold
The action of these members of the 1944 Alaskan legislature should be called out in any historical biographies or reference to emphasize their voting against the Alaskan Anti-Discrimination Bill. There's currently a Juneau based insurance company named Shattuck and Grummet, which I expect was founded by this man, http://w3.legis.state.ak.us/100years/bio.php?id=1438 This certainly makes me wonder if I want to support this business.
- Aug 2021
ua.pressbooks.pub ua.pressbooks.pub
How can you be surprised by your own writing, though? If you’re the author, how could you not know what you’re about to say?
Discuss: Have you experienced this type of surprise in your own writing? If so can you provide a specific example? Are you the type of writer that prefers to know where you'll end up in a piece of writing OR the type of writer who can be comfortable with uncertainty? Are you a different type of writer altogether?
- Mar 2021
docdrop.org docdrop.org
On the internet, the lines between the sender and receiver are increasingly blurred.
This is certainly a defining characteristic that differentiates the internet from previous mediums of mass communication. Consider the process by which a reader or viewer would share their opinion about a story or a show in the pre-internet era?
legacy media.
First time I've seen the term legacy applied to former media platforms.
“There is no editorial board, no fact checkers, no advisers, not filters—just a direct conduit to tens of millions of followers.”
Unfiltered access to the Oval Office!
We think of mobile phones as a transformational technology,
The transformative role of mobile phones is primarily in how they are enabling the other half of the global population to access the internet via mobile networks.
film sites on the web have become the minor leagues of the movie and television industry.
Or as we've seen during the COVID-19 pandemic, feature films are debuting on the internet rather than in theaters, so now the big leagues are on the web!
internet being used as the screening venue
Add this to a growing list I call "Internet as..."
Internet as human right Internet as film screening venue Internet as public square Internet as digital library Internet as tool/instrument for creative expression Internet as....
All of this allowed the person who shot the video to bypass official Iranian censorship efforts to block internet, cell phone, and text message traffic.*?
Livestreaming of in-progress, breaking news worthy events has become more common, with this content getting picked up by traditional news outlets.
A prominent example of the influence of bloggers came when Dan Rather, on the CBS news- | magazine 60 Minutes II, reported on a set of memos that seemed to show that President George | W. Bush’s superior officer had been critical of his service in the Air National Guard. The story ran a couple of months before the 2004 election, and it drew immediate criticism from the con- servative blogs Power Line and Little Green Footballs. The bloggers pointed out inconsistencies in the typefaces used in the memos, suggesting that they looked more like the product of a mod- ern word processor than that of a 1970s vintage typewriter. They also raised questions about the motives and honesty of the source of the documents. Criticisms coming from these and other blogs led to Rather stepping down as the anchor of the CBS Evening News.°©
Very high profile example of blog content being utilized in investigative journalism and impacting the career of long-established news reporter/anchor.
restrictions on free speech
Restrictions of free speech on the internet occur in the US and are not limited to the examples provided here. Have you encountered, experienced or read about restrictions on internet based speech lately? Examples
a simplified single addressing system
This simplified addressing system or the use of IP, URL and DNS is a necessary pre-requisite to understanding the Dark Web.
Who owns and controls it?
This is worth discussion. Specifically the ownership part and it may be surprising to uncover how little control there has been and how that is changing in 2021 as ISPs and hosting companies refuse or welcome radical platforms and groups, https://www.npr.org/2021/02/15/968116346/after-weeks-of-being-off-line-parler-finds-a-new-web-host
“The Internet is a diverse set of independent networks, interlinked to provide its users with the appearance ofa single, uniform network.”
I prefer this definition from former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, "The Internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesn't understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had" at Internet World Trade Show, New York, 18 November 1999
The most important part of the hashtag is that we get to decide to participate. We pick the pictures. We pick the caption. We can decide how the world sees us.”
In this context, hashtags represent a user generated method for indexing and organizing information, one that users can choose to participate in.
Consider the hashtag in the context of an information system, what is its function? What similes can you think of that might be more commonly used when describing the function in information systems?
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Take control of it for yourself.
quite in contrast to the 2021 Congressional Investigation into Online Misinformation and Disinformation which places the responsibility on major platforms (FB, Twitter, YouTube) to moderate and control content.
research by Pew shows that access to high-speed broadband connections go up as Hf: people’s education levels and income increase.
This is huge! The connection between connectivity and opportunity are where the intent of the UN Universal Human Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression through any media and regardless of frontiers comes into play.
distrusts central- ized bureaucratic authority.
aka platforms
his environment of uncontrolled information is not all bliss, however. Some critics point out that the same giant media companies that dominated the older forms of media produce much of the content available on the internet.
Tada! And major companies also own most of the infrastructure on which the internet runs.
Worldwide, approximately 46 percent of the population has internet access.'
Did this surprise you?
- Jan 2020
example.com example.com
pre-digital student marginalia
Could provide for an entry point to discuss students' experience with annotation, do they mark up their books, if yes, what sort of things do they write, if not, what sort of notes might you include? If not, what barriers have you face to annotating books (ie, unfamiliar with the practice, have been told not to write in books, books not owned/library books, etc)
- Aug 2019
- Jun 2019
mlpp.pressbooks.pub mlpp.pressbooks.pub
TYPO: they
jlamb.community.uaf.edu jlamb.community.uaf.edu
Faculty Learning Community on Open Pedagogy at the University of Alaska Southeast, Spring, 2019.
This FLC was cancelled. Will reboot for Fall 2019, email j.lamb_at_alaska_dot_edu if you'd like to be notified.
- Nov 2018
I respect the work that all of us do in the open — faculty, students, staff — and want to see that work plugged as deeply into the university as the textbook industry used to be.
while we like to scoff at all the mucky-muck bureaucracy around training, budgets, policy and messaging, it’s precisely that stuff that prevents your dream initiative of today morphing into rotting infrastructure of tomorrow. It’s all too easy in this business to end up the new interactive whiteboard — bought one year as the must-have accessory and abandoned the next.
Good reminder of how essential it is to take time from the evangelism of OER to write and enact some policy to ensure sustainability of our OER efforts.
- Oct 2018
www.commonsense.org www.commonsense.org
broadband access,
Here's a scenario. In Alaska we're trying to expand access to higher ed by enrolling more and more students from rural areas in e-learning programs. Yet, after all these years, bandwidth considerations are commonly overlooked in terms of instructional design and content selection in these courses.
invisible boundaries
I've heard this referred to as 'information privilege' which is a concept most students haven't given consideration.
unaware of the invisible walls erected that prevent her from accessing information that might allow her to do her I am work.
I'm probably jumping the gun on this but consider the way that even the unfiltered internet is essentially filtered by bias introduced by human influenced algorithms, commercialism/advertising, etc. Check out the incredible work of Sofia U Noble on the algorithms of oppresion if you're not familiar. https://safiyaunoble.com/
Or consider the bias of predictive search suggestions.