700 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2022
  2. Aug 2022
  3. Oct 2021
    1. Estamos tan acostumbrados a ver el mundo a través de nuestros magníficos ojos humanos que es difícil imaginar cómo sería el mundo a través de los ojos de cualquier otra especie.

      MiOpinion Siempre que se estudia la visión en Biología del color es indispensable considerar el de percepción del organismo estudiado, pues su visión NO es igual a la nuestra y esto generalmente puede ser un problema, porque genera una visión antropocéntrica e irreal del problema.

    1. Cada aspecto de la visión, desde las proteínas de opsina hasta los ojos y las formas en que sirven al comportamiento animal, es increíblemente diverso. Solo con una perspectiva evolutiva se puede comprender y apreciar plenamente esta diversidad. En esta revisión, describo y explico la diversidad en cada nivel y trato de transmitir una comprensión de cómo el origen de la primera ops en hace unos 800 millones de años pudo iniciar la avalancha que produjo la asombrosa diversidad de ojos y visiones que vemos hoy. A pesar de la diversidad, muchos tipos de fotorreceptores, ojos y roles visuales han evolucionado varias veces de forma independiente en diferentes animales, revelando un patrón de evolución ocular estrictamente guiado por limitaciones funcionales e impulsado por la evolución de comportamientos gradualmente más exigentes.
    1. Este documento es interesante Debo agregarlo a la bibliografía de visión del color Este es un volumen especial dedicado el tema

    1. Es una noticia interesante. No es necesario verificar esta noticia pues está publicada en una fuente de absoluta confianza, además contiene la cita a la fuente primaria.

  4. Aug 2021
  5. Jun 2021
    1. Birds and mammals have only one pigment cell type, the melanocyte, producing the pigment melanin (although in different shades) that is secreted into the skin or feathers and hairs.


    2. In contrast, basal vertebrates such as fish, amphibia and reptiles develop several chromatophore types producing different colours. In these animals, colour patterns arise as mosaics of chromatophores distributed in the hypodermis of the body, and the epidermis of scales and fins (Box 1).


    3. Although colour pattern formation has fascinated scientists since the beginning of modern biology [3], the field is still dominated by theories rather than detailed knowledge of the underlying molecular, cellular and developmental events.
    1. For example, many animals have dorsal coloration that reduces predation through crypsis or aposematism but ventral coloration that is used for short-range intraspecific signaling [e.g., (80)].


    2. Lastly, mammals, such as deer, are born with striped coats but take on uniform pelage as adults (71).


    3. The dyeing dart frog (Dendrobates tinctorius) is highly poisonous and conspicuous but also sexually dichromatic, indicating sexually selected coloration for mate choice.


    4. For example, great reed warblers (Acrocephalus arundinaceus), frequent hosts of the common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus), show context-dependent rejection of foreign eggs (47) (Fig. 3). Mimetic eggs are typically accepted by these hosts, but in the presence of a cuckoo near the nest, or after exposure to a nonmimetic cuckoo egg, these same eggs are often rejected. Understanding how the host cognitive system adjusts its recognition thresholds to accommodate increased risks of cuckoo parasitism needs attention (48, 49).


    5. vertebrates have different vision subsystems, each tuned to one specific task.


    6. birds see UV, and birds have more than three retinal cones types; some fish even change their color vision with diet (31) and use chlorophyll in far-red sensing (32).


    7. Genes underlying color variation offer insight into the predictability of evolution. Convergent phenotypes commonly arise in parallel; the accurate characterization of color phenotypes has revealed independent changes in similar genetic mechanisms, leading to phenotypic similarity between species (19). For example, changes in pigmentation from weakly to deeply melanic can be controlled by parallel genetic changes in highly divergent lineages, such as in the case of the Kit ligand in pigmentation of sticklebacks and human skin; Oca2 in pigmentation of snakes, cavefish, and humans; and MC1R in numerous birds and mammals (19)


    8. This will be a critical foundation for future understanding of ordered self-assembly in colored biological materials, from β-keratin in birds’ feathers (5)


    9. review how color is used for social signals between individual animals and how it affects interactions with parasites, predators, and the physical environment
    10. Animals live in a colorful world, but we rarely stop to think about how this color is produced and perceived, or how it evolved.

      Cómo se produce, se percibe y evoluciona!

  6. May 2021
  7. Apr 2021
  8. Mar 2021
    1. fluorescent components of the scorpions Centuroides vittatus and Pandinus imperator as beta-carboline

      Este pigmento ha sido registrado en Wikidata


      ¡Qué es esto? https://github.com/lmichan/biocolores

  9. Feb 2021
  10. Jan 2021
  11. Dec 2020