17 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2023
    1. Hypothesis makes it easy to annotate anything you find online.

      I agree.

  2. May 2020
  3. projects.invisionapp.com projects.invisionapp.com
    1. The fact that you can use single character keys without modifiers to invoke functions such as Comment Mode (C) is an example of a violation of a violation of the WCAG 2.1 Success Criterion, 2.1.4 Character Key Shortcuts.

  4. Jul 2018
  5. Feb 2018
    1. Name

      The use of "Name" here is confusing, since there is (or was) a "name" attribute, and that is not what is being referred to here.

    2. 4.5:1

      Should say 3:1 for large-scale text

    3. How to Test

      Nothing on alt text being too long or providing long descriptions.

    4. or through other visual (non-color) differentiation (shape, position, size)

      Using shape, position, and size still excludes those with visual disabilities

    5. directions provided with TITLE

      Should titles ever be used for directions? Don't they override (or are overridden) by labels in some assistive techgnologies?

  6. Dec 2017
    1. If the software is embedded in a Web page, set the browser zoom control to 200% of normal size. Refresh (F5).

      No explicit Zoom test for HTML.

    2. For example, if there are multiple "Submit" buttons on a screen, the Name for each must be unique

      This seems questionable. If there are "edit" buttons beside each element in a list of elements, must they all have different names, or can their function be inferred from context? I don't think WCAG requires this.

    3. Check each input form field for an ID and a corresponding LABEL or a descriptive TITLE. Fieldset and Legend may be used for grouping and associating two instructions to one input field.

      Does this mean wrapping an edit field with a label is not sufficient? Do such labels need a for attribute pointing to the id of the field?

    4. A web page that has multiple form controls (e.g. buttons) with the same visual label must include unique identifiers that describe their unique purpose.

      This seems questionable. If there are "Add" buttons beside each element in a list of elements, must they all have different names, or can their function be inferred from context? I don't think WCAG requires this.

    5. Tab to the skip function.

      Must it be the first thing on the page or can it come after the site banner?

    6. Data tables must be rendered with HTML tags.

      What about using ARIA for this?

    7. How to Test

      No test for whether things that aren't headings are erroneously marked up as headings.

  7. Oct 2017